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Sustainability-related Policies and Guidelines | Campus Carbon Neutrality
Following are sustainability-related policies and guidelines adopted by the University: Campus Sustainability Policies.
University Sustainability Governance
Effective sustainability and environmental strategies and policies are enabling PolyU to move towards environmental excellence and a fully sustainable campus.
University Sustainability Governance
Effective sustainability and environmental strategies and policies are enabling PolyU to move towards environmental excellence and a fully sustainable campus.
Following the principles outlined in our Campus Sustainability Policies and the key objectives stipulated in our Strategic Plan 2012/13 – 2017/18, during ...
Sustainability Report 2014/15 - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Sustainability Strategy and Policies. PolyU's Campus Sustainability and Environmental strategies and policies prioritize the University's resource allocation ...
About the Programme | Campus Carbon Neutrality
Policies and Guidelines. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is fully committed to sustainable development and environmental protection.
Sustainability Report 2014/15 - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
PolyU's Campus Sustainability and Environmental strategies and policies prioritize the University's resource allocation and helps with decision-making in ...
Sustainability Report 2019/20 - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
To this end, objectives and targets are devised in adherence to the University's Campus Sustainability Policies to align with its strategic planning.
Sustainability Report 2019/20 - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Policies or functional areas related to academic governance are monitored by Faculties or School Boards and standing committees. The Internal Audit Unit ...
University Sustainability Governance
Sustainability Strategy and Policies. In pursuit of environmental excellence, PolyU strives to integrate sustainability concepts in operations and use resources ...