The concept of World Oceans Day was originally proposed in 1992 and was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2008. Across the globe, the day is celebrated in a variety of ways, including publicity events, new campaigns, conservation action programs, and educational activities at aquariums, outdoor explorations, and beach cleanups.
Why is it so important?
We are all intimately connected with the oceans whether we live near a coast or not. Oceans cover over 70% of Earth’s surface and provide most of the oxygen that we breathe. Oceans also play a key role in regulating the weather and climate. A variety of species live in oceans. What’s more, oceans help feed us and offer us abundant opportunities for recreation and relaxation. It’s sad to see the oceans are haunted by many threats such as pollution, overfishing, rising ocean acidity, and plastic waste pollution – and most of these problems are associated with human activities. World Oceans Day invites us to rethink our connection with oceans and take precise steps to protect ocean health.
What should we do?
In addition to celebrating the role of the oceans in our everyday life, we should act for ocean conservation, and bring about responsible and inspiring action to protect the ocean and sustainably use marine resources. For example, we can take practical steps to help reduce plastic pollution and make our oceans clean and free from other waste. We can make sustainable seafood choices to help protect marine life.