This is an annual event that highlights the importance of freshwater, and advocates for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. World Water Day focuses on topics relevant to clean water, such as sanitation, hygiene, food security, water and jobs, water and energy, etc. UN-Water is the convener for World Water Day and selects the theme for each year.
Why is it so important?
Water is essential to all forms of life on Earth and is one of our most precious resources on the planet. We may take it for granted to enjoy having water with us running from the tap, but the truth is there are many people in the world who live without access to safe drinking water. Some people face a water and sanitation crisis and are more exposed to threats of diseases like pneumonia and diarrhea. World Water Day reminds us the need to safeguard freshwater sources.
What should we do?
Everyone has a role to play. We can take small actions to help and use water more efficiently. Remember that water is scarce, and we should keep the water-saving tip at the top of mind. We should join hands and work together towards a greater goal: cleaner, safer and more accessible water for all.