RISE Youth Leadership Programme
RISE (Responsibility, Impact towards others, Serving heart, Empowerment) is now a one-semester three-credit leadership training offered to UGC-funded undergraduate local students in PolyU. It pilots a leadership education structure that embraces peer-learning through team building orientation and camp, classroom learning and experiential workshops on social issues, service leadership, liberal studies, and cultural competence; it concludes with a 2-week international study cum service trip which embodies the aspirations of global visions and serving hearts.
Programme Objectives
To nurture students’ abilities in the following areas.
R | esponsibility |
I | mpacts towards people around them |
S | erving Heart |
E | mpowerment on self and others in global context |
Programme Structure
Item | Description |
RISE Camp | Team-building camp for students of various backgrounds that establishes expectations for the RISE journey of learning and helps students to identify their own leadership abilities, strengths, weaknesses, etc. |
RISE Workshops | Lectures on Service Leadership and local workshops that prepare students for cross-border service-learning and provision during the two-week international trip |
RISE Serve | Group discussion of and preparation for designing a service project; needs assessment |
RISE Quest | International study and service-learning trip |