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Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 21 July 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office   Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines 1. Government to maintain most of the social distancing measures The Government maintains most of the social distancing measures currently in place, and introduce a new type of scheduled premises, namely "event premises", with a view to specifying restrictions and requirements applicable to certain events with greater clarity so that social and economic activities can be resumed gradually in a controlled manner. If the vaccination rate in Hong Kong can be raised sooner to achieve herd immunity, the social distancing measures can be further relaxed to allow Hong Kong to return to normality as soon as possible. For details, refer to: 2. Advisory Panel on COVID-19 Vaccines convenes meeting to conduct continuous benefit-risk analysis of authorised COVID-19 vaccines The Advisory Panel still considered that the benefits of the two vaccines outweighed the risks, and that there was no need to recommend changes regarding the use of the two vaccines.  The Government will continue to ensure that the authorised vaccines satisfy the criteria of safety, efficacy and quality, and continue to disseminate to the public and relevant stakeholders the latest safety and scientific information on the relevant vaccines in a timely manner. For details, refer to: 3.Joint efforts with local ethnic minorities to promote vaccination Around 20 local ethnic minorities (EM) leaders and representatives, non-governmental organisations serving the EM community and healthcare professionals attended a Round Table Discussion chaired by the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, to exchange views and plan forward on promoting COVID-19 vaccination among the EM community in Hong Kong. For details, refer to: The Department of Health accords great importance to the dissemination of important information to the EM community. Health education materials are continuously translated into nine EM languages (Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog, Nepali, Urdu, Thai, Bengali, Sinhala and Vietnamese) and made available online. Selected materials are also being translated into French, Spanish, Punjabi and Tamil. Some videos are also available for download directly. Please refer to the attachment. More information on COVID-19 vaccines: Webinar - An Overview on COVID-19 Vaccination: Webinar – Vaccination for children and adolescents: We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府維持大部分社交距離措施 政府維持大部分現行的社交距離措施,並引入「活動場所」作為新一類表列處所,更清晰地列明適用於個別活動的限制及規定,讓社交及經濟活動繼續在可控的情況下有序地恢復。 如香港能盡快提高疫苗接種率,以達致羣體免疫所需水平,將有望進一步放寬社交距離措施,讓香港早日回復常態。 詳情可參閱: 2.顧問專家委員會就認可新冠疫苗的持續效益及風險評估舉行會議 顧問專家委員會仍然認為兩款疫苗的效益均大於風險,並沒有需要建議更改該兩款疫苗的使用。政府會繼續確保認可疫苗符合安全、效能及質素要求,並繼續適時向公眾及相關持份者公布有關疫苗的最新安全性及科學信息。 詳情可參閱: 3.與本地少數族裔攜手推動疫苗接種 約二十個本地少數族裔領袖及代表、服務少數族裔的非政府組織以及醫學界代表,早前參與由食物及衞生局局長陳肇始教授主持的圓桌研討會,就向香港少數族裔社群宣傳接種新冠疫苗交流意見及商討推動計劃。 詳情可參閱: 衞生署十分重視向少數族裔社群傳遞重要訊息,亦一直着力把健康教育資料翻譯成九種少數族裔語言,包括印度文、印尼文、菲律賓文、尼泊爾文、巴基斯坦文、泰文、孟加拉文、僧加羅文及越南文,並於網上發放。部分資料亦已翻譯成法語、西班牙語、旁遮普語及泰米爾語。部份影片可供直接下載。請參閱附件。 更多新冠疫苗資訊 網上講座 — 新冠疫苗接種概況: 網上講座 — 兒童及青少年接種新冠疫苗: 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

21 Jul, 2021



Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 8 July 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office   Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines 1. Government to maintain most of the social distancing measures Having observed the implementation of the second-phase measures under the 'vaccine bubble' , the Government maintains most of the social distancing measures currently in place while refining the measures applicable to places of amusement, places of public entertainment, sports premises and swimming pools. For details, please refer to: 2. Expert Committee on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunisation assesses serious adverse events relating to COVID-19 vaccination According to the World Health Organization, an Adverse Event Following Immunisation (AEFI) is any medical occurrence that follows immunisation and that does not necessarily have a causal relationship with the usage of the vaccine. The DH has put in place a pharmacovigilance system for COVID-19 immunisation, and is partnering with the University of Hong Kong to conduct an active surveillance programme for Adverse Events of Special Interest under the COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events Response and Evaluation Programme. The main purpose of the pharmacovigilance system is to detect potential signals of possible side effects of the vaccines. As of June 30, a total of 11,928 persons had been infected with COVID-19 in Hong Kong, of which 211 had died of the disease. Separately, about 3.729 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered for members of the public in Hong Kong. Around 2.249 million people had received at least one vaccine dose. In the same period, the DH received about 4,010 reports of adverse events (0.11 per cent of total vaccine doses administered), including 23 death cases (Note) with vaccination within 14 days before they passed away (0.0006 per cent of total vaccine doses administered). As at July 5, the Expert Committee had assessed the 23 death cases and concluded that 13 death cases had no causal relationship with vaccination, and preliminarily considered that 10 cases were not associated with vaccination. The Expert Committee considered there is no unusual pattern identified so far, and it will continue to closely monitor the situation and collect data for assessment. For details, please refer to: More information on COVID-19: We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府維持大部分社交距離措施 經觀察『疫苗氣泡』第二階段措施的實施情況後,政府大致維持現行社交距離措施,並稍為調整適用於遊樂場所、公眾娛樂場所、體育處所及泳池的措施。 詳情可參閱: 2. 新冠疫苗臨床事件評估專家委員會評估有關接種新冠疫苗的嚴重異常事件 根據世界衞生組織,疫苗接種異常事件是指免疫接種後發生的任何醫療事件,不一定與疫苗使用有因果關係。衞生署建立了新冠疫苗藥物安全監測系統,亦與香港大學合作透過「2019冠狀病毒病疫苗安全監測計劃」主動監測新冠疫苗接種關注事件。藥物安全監測系統的主要目的是識別疫苗可能產生的副作用的潛在信號。 截至六月三十日,本港有11,928人感染2019冠狀病毒病,其中211人因感染該病而離世。另外,本港市民合共接種了約372.9萬劑新冠疫苗,已接種最少一劑疫苗的巿民約224.9萬名。同期,衞生署共接獲約4,010宗異常事件報告(佔疫苗接種總劑量的0.11%),當中包括23宗(註)涉及曾經於離世前14日內接種疫苗人士的死亡個案(佔疫苗接種總劑量的0.0006%)。 截至七月五日,專家委員會已評估該23宗死亡個案並總結13宗死亡個案與疫苗接種沒有因果關係,初步認為10宗個案與疫苗接種沒有關聯。專家委員會認為至今並未發現有不尋常的現象,會繼續密切監察有關情況並收集數據以作評估。 詳情可參閱: 更多2019冠狀病毒病資訊: 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

8 Jul, 2021


Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 6 July 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office   Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines 1. COVID-19 Vaccination Programme further extends to cover all eligible visitors At present, there are over 2 000 other visitors who are holding valid travel documents and have to continue to stay in Hong Kong owing to the COVID-19 epidemic. On public health considerations, providing vaccination for these other visitors will help prevent the spread of the virus in the community and thus enhance Hong Kong's overall anti-epidemic capability. From July 6, they can bring their travel documents and the landing slips or extension of stay labels (applicable to other visitors with extension of stay) issued by the Immigration Department to any post office (except mobile post offices) during office hours and the staff will assist them in making appointments for completing two doses of vaccination in the Community Vaccination Centres within their limit of stay. For details, please refer to: 2. Update on monitoring vaccination As at June 27, the Expert Committee on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunisation had concluded that six death cases had no causal relationship with vaccination, and preliminarily considered that 15 cases were not associated with vaccination. One case was pending assessment. The Expert Committee considered that there is no unusual pattern identified so far, and will continue to closely monitor the relevant situation and collect data for assessment. Based on statistical analysis, there is no evidence that vaccination increases the risk of death or miscarriage for recipients. The majority of non-death cases of adverse events received so far are relatively minor cases. For details, please refer to: More information on COVID-19 vaccines We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 新冠疫苗接種計劃進一步擴展至所有合資格訪客 現時約有二千多名持有有效旅遊證件,因2019冠狀病毒病疫情而需要繼續在香港逗留的其他訪客。基於公共衞生考慮,為這些其他訪客提供疫苗接種服務,有助防止病毒在社區傳播和提升香港的整體抗疫能力。 由七月六日開始,他們可以在辦公時間內帶同旅遊證件,以及由入境事務處簽發的入境標籤或延期逗留標籤(適用於已獲延期逗留的其他訪客),前往任何一間郵政局(流動郵政局除外)並由職員協助預約,以期在逗留期限內於社區疫苗接種中心完成接種兩劑疫苗。 詳情可參閱: 2. 疫苗接種監測更新 截至六月二十七日,新冠疫苗臨床事件評估專家委員會(專家委員會)已總結六宗死亡個案與疫苗接種沒有因果關係,初步認為15宗個案與疫苗接種沒有關聯,一宗尚待處理。專家委員會認為至今並未發現有不尋常的現象,會繼續密切監察有關情況並收集數據以作評估。 根據統計分析,未有證據顯示接種疫苗增加接種者的死亡或流產風險。 至今接獲的非死亡異常事件個案大部分為較輕微的個案。 詳情可參閱: 更多新冠疫苗資訊: 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

6 Jul, 2021


Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 22 June 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office   Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines 1. Government to further relax social distancing measures under "vaccine bubble" The Government introduces the second-phase measures under the ‘vaccine bubble’, with a view to responding to the aspirations of various trades and the public to resume normal daily lives as soon as possible. For details, please refer to: Arrangements for Cap. 599F Premises under the “Vaccine Bubble”: 2. Government plans to adjust quarantine requirements for vaccinated persons arriving at Hong Kong The Government announced that the quarantine requirements for persons arriving at Hong Kong who have received COVID-19 vaccination will be adjusted in phases. Before the serology antibody testing service is available at the airport, travellers can receive the designated serology antibody test at one of the recognised local medical laboratories at their own cost before departure. The positive result proof is valid for three months. Starting from June 30, persons arriving at Hong Kong who have only stayed in Group B specified places, Group C specified places or Taiwan on the day of arrival or the 14 days before that day will be subject to a shortened compulsory quarantine period. Depending on the implementation progress of the relevant facilities, the Government will implement the second-phase arrangements within July to provide self-paid serology antibody testing service for inbound travellers at the airport. According to the arrangements, the compulsory quarantine period for those with a serology antibody positive result will be shortened to seven days, and the entry to Hong Kong by relevant non-Hong Kong residents will be relaxed. The operational details of the measures concerned will be announced in due course. The purpose of checking antibodies is to show evidence of response to vaccination. A negative result or low antibody level may not correlate with lack of protection. For details, please refer to: More information on COVID-19: We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府以「疫苗氣泡」為基礎進一步放寬社交距離措施 政府推出『疫苗氣泡』第二階段措施,回應各行各業和市民希望盡快恢復正常生活的訴求。 詳情可參閱: 第 599F 章處所在「疫苗氣泡」下的安排: 2. 政府計劃調整已接種疫苗人士的抵港檢疫要求 政府宣布分階段調整已接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗人士的抵港檢疫要求。 在機場設有為抵港人士提供相關血清抗體測試的服務前,有關人士可於離港前到獲認可的本地醫務化驗機構自費進行指定的血清抗體測試,測試的陽性結果證明三個月內有效。由六月三十日起,在抵港當天或之前14天只曾逗留B組指明地區、C組指明地區或台灣,並符合條件的抵港人士,其強制檢疫期可獲縮短。 政府會視乎相關配套安排落實進度,在七月內實施第二階段安排,在機場為抵港人士提供自費血清抗體測試服務,按安排縮短持血清抗體測試陽性結果人士的強制檢疫期至七天,並放寬相關非香港居民來港。有關措施的具體實施細節將於稍後公布。 檢測抗體的目的是顯示對疫苗接種反應的證據,但抗體水平呈陰性或數值偏低,並不代表缺乏疫苗保障。 詳情可參閱: 更多疫情資訊: 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

22 Jun, 2021


Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 9 June 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office   Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines 1. Government extends social distancing measures under Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance A number of local cases with the N501Y mutant strain have been recorded in Hong Kong recently, and the source of infection has yet to be identified. To guard against a rebound of the epidemic situation, it is not appropriate to relax social distancing measures at the moment. The Government will maintain the social distancing measures currently in place from June 10 for a period of 14 days till June 23. Facing the challenges posed by mutant strains, there is pressing need for receiving vaccination. The Government will continue to adjust the social distancing measures based on the principle of 'vaccine bubble' taking into account the epidemic development. In addition to the protection received, people who have completed their vaccination course would also continue to be subject to more lenient requirement under the various social distancing measures. For details, please refer to: 2. Return2hk Scheme - matters relating to list of temporarily inapplicable at-risk places in Mainland In accordance with the requirements under the Return2hk Scheme, Hong Kong residents who have stayed in any area in the Mainland that is included on the list of at-risk areas on the day of arrival at Hong Kong or during the 14 days before that day will not be exempted from compulsory quarantine under the Return2hk Scheme upon their entry into Hong Kong, and will have to undergo a 14-day compulsory quarantine at home. For details, please refer to: More information on COVID-19: We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府延續《預防及控制疾病條例》下的社交距離措施 本港最近錄得數宗涉及N501Y變異病毒株的本地確診個案,感染源頭未明。為嚴防疫情反彈,目前並不適合放寬社交距離措施。政府會於6月10日至6月23日期間維持現行的社交距離措施,為期14天。 面對變異病毒株的威脅,接種疫苗刻不容緩。政府會視乎疫情的發展,繼續按『疫苗氣泡』的原則調整社交距離措施。已完成接種疫苗的市民,除了能夠得到保障外,亦會繼續於各項社交距離措施下得到較寬鬆的待遇。 詳情可參閱: 2. 政府將進一步調整回港易計劃下的暫不適用風險地區名單 按回港易計劃的要求,在抵港當天或之前14天曾逗留風險地區名單上所列地區的香港居民,將不可按回港易計劃獲豁免接受強制檢疫入境香港,而須接受14天家居檢疫。 特區政府會繼續與內地及澳門當局就三地疫情防控措施保持緊密溝通和聯繫,並適時按本地和內地疫情發展及風險評估調整計劃暫不適用的風險地區名單。 詳情可參閱: 更多疫情資訊: 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

9 Jun, 2021

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Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 27 May 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office   Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines 1. Government extends social distancing measures under Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance While the recent number of confirmed cases has been maintained at a low level, past experiences tell us that any relaxation of social distancing measures may lead to a rebound in the epidemic situation. The current vaccine take-up rate in Hong Kong is still far below the level that can achieve herd immunity. If, unfortunately, a new wave of the epidemic arrives, we will not be able to build a herd immunity barrier for protection. To guard against a rebound of the epidemic situation, the Government will continue to maintain the social distancing measures currently in place. For details, please refer to: 2. Vaccination Programme to cover eligible non-Hong Kong residents in phases Given public health considerations, the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme will cover Mainland residents who are holders of the Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao (EEP) and will stay in Hong Kong for a period of time. In addition, the Government is preparing for vaccination of non-refoulement claimants and refugees recognised by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Hong Kong. As for other travellers who continue to stay in Hong Kong owing to the pandemic, the Government will also announce the vaccination arrangement at a suitable juncture. For details, please refer to: 3. Update on monitoring COVID-19 vaccination As at 8pm on May 23, around 1.25 million people had received at least one dose of vaccine. The majority of non-death cases of adverse events received so far are relatively minor cases. The Expert Committee on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunisation had concluded that eight death cases had no causal relationship with vaccination, and preliminarily considered that 24 cases were not associated with vaccination. Two cases were pending assessment. The Expert Committee considered that there is no unusual pattern identified so far, and will continue to closely monitor the relevant situation and collect data for assessment. Vaccination is not only the most effective and thorough measure for preventing and controlling COVID-19 but also the key to overcoming the epidemic, resuming normal ways of life and early resumption of cross-boundary travel as early as possible. The Government calls on members of the public not to delay and get vaccinated as soon as possible while current stock lasts and the service capacity is still sufficient at the Community Vaccination Centres (CVCs). For details, please refer to: More information on COVID-19 vaccines: We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府延續《預防及控制疾病條例》下的社交距離措施 雖然近日確診個案數目維持於低水平,但根據過往經驗,放寬社交距離措施有機會導致疫情反彈。香港目前的疫苗接種率仍遠低於可達致羣體免疫的水平,如新一波疫情不幸來臨,並不足以築起羣體免疫屏障作保護。為嚴防疫情反彈,政府會繼續維持現行的社交距離措施。 詳情可參閱: 2. 疫苗接種計劃將分階段覆蓋合資格的非香港居民 基於公共衞生考慮,2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃將覆蓋持「雙程證」並將會在香港逗留一段時間的內地居民。此外,政府亦準備為在香港的免遣返聲請人及獲聯合國難民事務高級專員署(聯合國難民署)確認為難民的人接種疫苗。至於因疫情而繼續在港逗留的其他訪客,政府亦會適時公布接種安排。 詳情可參閱: 3. 疫苗接種監測更新 截至五月二十三日晚上八時,已接種最少一劑疫苗的巿民約125萬名。至今接獲的非死亡異常事件個案大部分為較輕微的個案。 新冠疫苗臨床事件評估專家委員會已總結八宗死亡個案與疫苗接種沒有因果關係,初步認為24宗個案與疫苗接種沒有關聯,兩宗個案尚待評估。專家委員會認為至今並未發現有不尋常的現象,會繼續密切監察有關情況並收集數據以作評估。 接種疫苗是防控疫情最有效和最徹底的措施,亦是克服疫情、恢復正常生活、盡早與各地通關的關鍵。政府呼籲市民不要再持觀望態度,趁疫苗充足及疫苗接種中心有足夠容量時盡早接種疫苗。 詳情可參閱: 更多新冠疫苗資訊: 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

27 May, 2021

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Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 18 May 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office   Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines 1. Government tightens boarding and quarantine requirements for persons arriving at Hong Kong The Government continues to closely monitor the epidemic situation of various places, the prevalence of new virus variants, vaccination progress, and changes in the volume of cross-boundary passenger traffic, and adjusts the boarding and compulsory quarantine requirements for persons arriving at Hong Kong from relevant places as the situation warrants. The Government will specify Argentina, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Singapore as high-risk Group B specified places with effect from May 21. To guard against the importation of COVID-19 cases into Hong Kong, persons arriving at Hong Kong from overseas are subject to testing and compulsory quarantine requirements under a set of stringent inbound prevention and control measures. Depending on the risk levels of places where the persons arriving at Hong Kong depart from and the applicable compulsory quarantine periods, the number of tests these persons subject to during compulsory quarantine will also be increased to two (for 7-day compulsory quarantine period) to four times (for 21-day compulsory quarantine period). Furthermore, persons arriving at Hong Kong from extremely high-risk or very high-risk specified places, or fully vaccinated persons with shortened quarantine periods, will also be required to undergo additional compulsory tests upon the completion of compulsory quarantine. Moreover, all persons who have stayed in Taiwan on the day of boarding or during the 14 days before that day, will have to present at boarding a negative result proof of a nucleic acid test for COVID-19 conducted within 72 hours before the scheduled time of departure of the aircraft, as well as the confirmation of a room reservation in a designated quarantine hotel in Hong Kong.  On arrival at Hong Kong, they will be subject to the "test-and-hold" arrangement at the airport.  Under the relevant requirements, non-Hong Kong residents will be denied entry. Persons who are not fully vaccinated will be subject to a 21-day compulsory quarantine at designated quarantine hotels, with 4 tests to be conducted during the period.  Fully vaccinated persons will be subject to a 14-day compulsory quarantine at designated quarantine hotels, with 3 tests to be conducted during the period, followed by a seven-day self-monitoring period as well as compulsory testing on the 16th and 19th day of arrival at Hong Kong. For details, please refer to: The Government has categorised the relevant specified places into different groups according to the relevant risk-based boarding and compulsory quarantine requirements: 2. Foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) to undergo second round of compulsory testing The Government thanked the 340 000 FDHs who contributed to the anti-epidemic efforts by complying with the compulsory testing requirement early this month, under which three confirmed cases involving the N501Y mutant strain were detected in a timely manner to cut the latent transmission chain in the community. All FDHs working in Hong Kong to undergo a COVID-19 nucleic acid test for the second time during the period from May 15 to May 30. FDHs who have received the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination on May 16 or before could be exempted from testing. The Government reminded exempted FDHs to download their electronic vaccination records or save the printouts of their vaccination records to their mobile phones, or bring along the printouts or copies of their vaccination records, so as to prove eligibility for exemption. For details, please refer to: More information on COVID-19 vaccines We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府收緊到港人士的登機及檢疫要求 政府繼續密切監察不同地區的疫情、新變種病毒的流行程度、接種疫苗的進度及出入境人數的變化,並視乎情況需要調整相關地區到港人士的登機及強制檢疫要求。 政府將指明阿根廷、意大利、日本、肯尼亞、馬來西亞、荷蘭及新加坡為高風險的B組指明地區,五月二十一日起開始生效。 為了嚴防2019冠狀病毒病輸入香港,從海外抵港的人士需要按照嚴謹的入境防控措施接受檢測及強制檢疫。視乎抵港人士來源地區風險分組及適用的強制檢疫期,抵港人士除了現時在登機前及/或到埗時的檢測外,在強制檢疫期間須接受檢測的次數,視乎檢疫期會增至兩次(七天檢疫期)至四次(二十一天檢疫期)不等。此外,從極高或甚高風險地區抵港的人士,或已接種疫苗並獲縮減檢疫期的人士,亦須在完成檢疫後額外接受強制檢測。 另外,所有在登機當天或之前14天曾逗留台灣的人士,須於登機時出示預定起飛時間前72小時內進行的2019冠狀病毒病核酸檢測陰性結果證明,以及其在香港指定檢疫酒店預訂房間的確認書。抵港後,他們須於機場接受「檢測待行」安排。在相關要求下,非香港居民將不會獲准入境。未完成接種疫苗的人士須於指定檢疫酒店強制檢疫21天,期間接受四次檢測。已完成接種疫苗的人士則須於指定檢疫酒店強制檢疫14天,期間接受三次檢測,其後七天自行監察,及於抵港第16天和第19天接受強制檢測。 詳情可參閱: 政府已把相關指明地區按風險所實施的登機及強制檢疫要求整理為不同組別: 2. 外籍家庭傭工須接受第二次強制檢測 政府感謝逾34萬名外籍家庭傭工(外傭)為防疫抗疫作出貢獻,於本月初配合強制檢測安排,讓當局能及時偵測出三宗涉及N501Y變種病毒株的確診個案,從而堵截社區隱性傳播鏈。 所有在港工作的外傭須於五月十五日至五月三十日期間接受第二次2019冠狀病毒病核酸檢測。在五月十六日或之前已經在本港接種了第二劑新冠疫苗的外傭,可獲豁免接受檢測。獲得豁免的外傭,可下載電子疫苗紀錄或將疫苗紀錄的列印文本存在手提電話中,又或攜帶疫苗紀錄的列印文本或副本,以便證明豁免資格。 詳情可參閱: 更多新冠疫苗資訊: 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

18 May, 2021

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Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 13 May 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office   Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines 1. Government extends social distancing measures under Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance The implementation of the first phase of measures under the 'vaccine bubble' is generally in order. To allow the relevant operators of premises and the general public to get used to the relevant measures, the Government will continue to maintain the existing requirements and restrictions applicable to catering business premises and scheduled premises, as well as the requirements for group gatherings and mask wearing for 14 days until May 26. At the same time, the Government has also made slight adjustments to the requirements to fit anti-epidemic needs. For details, please refer to: Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) thematic webpage 2. Update on monitoring COVID-19 vaccinations As at 8pm on May 9, about 1.74 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered for members of the public. The Expert Committee on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunisation perform continuous monitoring of the possible adverse events following administration of COVID-19 vaccines, and provide professional views and suggestions on safety monitoring of the authorised COVID-19 vaccines. The Expert Committee considered that there is no unusual pattern identified so far, and will continue to closely monitor the relevant situation and collect data for assessment. The majority of non-death cases of adverse events received so far are relatively minor cases. Moreover, based on statistical analysis, there is no evidence that vaccination increases the risk of death for recipients. For details, please refer to: "Report on the Safety Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccines in Hong Kong" More information on COVID-19 vaccines We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1. 政府延續《預防及控制疾病條例》下的社交距離措施 「疫苗氣泡」第一階段措施的落實情況大致穩定有序。為了讓相關處所負責人及市民適應相關措施,政府會繼續維持現行適用於餐飲業務處所及表列處所的規定及限制,以及有關羣組聚集及佩戴口罩的要求,為期14天至五月二十六日。同時,政府亦調整部分規定,以切合防疫需要。 詳情可參閱: 食環署主題專頁: 2. 2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種監測更新 截至五月九日晚上八時,本港市民合共接種了約174萬劑新冠疫苗。新冠疫苗臨床事件評估專家委員會就接種新冠疫苗可能出現的異常事件進行持續監察,並在認可新冠疫苗的安全監察提供專業意見和建議。專家委員會認為至今並未發現有不尋常的現象,會繼續密切監察有關情況並收集數據以作評估。至今接獲的非死亡異常事件個案大部分為較輕微的個案。 另外,根據統計分析,未有證據顯示接種疫苗增加接種者的死亡風險。 詳情可參閱: 《香港新冠疫苗的安全監察報告》 更多新冠疫苗資訊: 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

13 May, 2021

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Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 11 May 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines 1. The latest boarding and quarantine arrangements for persons arriving at Hong Kong under "vaccine bubble" concept The Government will adjust the boarding, quarantine and testing arrangements for persons arriving at Hong Kong (including Hong Kong residents returning to Hong Kong) who have completed their COVID-19 vaccination course under the "vaccine bubble" concept. Subject to no significant change to the epidemic situation locally and in relevant overseas places, the relevant measures will be implemented on May 12 at 0.00am. Concise guide to the arrangements Points to note regarding self-monitoring period for inbound travellers For details, please refer to: 2. Quarantine requirements for close contacts of locally acquired COVID-19 cases Taking into account the consensus interim recommendation by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases and the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases (collectively the JSC) under the CHP, joined by the Chief Executive's expert advisory panel (EAP), as well as the latest local situations of the epidemic, the Government decided to adopt a progressive manner to adjust the relevant quarantine requirements for close contacts. Concise guide to the arrangements Points to note regarding self-monitoring period for close contacts after mandatory quarantine at quarantine centre For details, please refer to: 3. Quarantine arrangements of local COVID-19 cases with mutant strain The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) is reviewing the infection control measures of confirmed cases involving mutant strain.  In view of the epidemiological evidence from contact tracing for N501Y cases, the CHP considers that residents who reside in the same building as confirmed N501Y cases, other than those who reside in the same unit, would not be classified as close contacts and placed under quarantine. Instead, they would be required to have more frequent testing due to the higher transmissibility of N501Y cases and hence an increased chance of transmission by sharing common facilities in the same building. Concise guide to the arrangements For details, please refer to: More information on COVID-19 vaccines We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1.「疫苗氣泡」下來港人士最新登機及檢疫安排 政府將按照「疫苗氣泡」概念,調整已完成接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗的來港人士(包括回港的香港居民)的登機、檢疫及檢測安排。如果本地及相關外地地區疫情未有重大轉變,相關措施將於五月十二日凌晨零時實施。 一圖看清安排 入境旅客自我監察期間注意事項 詳情可參閱: 2.本地感染確診個案密切接觸者的檢疫期要求 政府參考衞生署衞生防護中心中心轄下的新發現及動物傳染病科學委員會和疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會(聯合科學委員會)聯同行政長官專家顧問團(專家顧問團)作出的暫擬共識建議,並考慮本港疫情的最新情況,決定採取循序漸進安排,調整相關密切接觸者的檢疫期要求。 一圖看清安排 密切接觸者自我監察期間注意事項 詳情可參閱: 3.涉及變異病毒株的確診本地個案檢疫安排 衞生防護中心一直檢討涉及變異病毒株確診個案的相關感染防控措施。因應對N501Y變異病毒株個案進行密切接觸者追蹤所得的最新流行病學證據,中心認為除了與N501Y變異病毒株確診個案居於同一單位的人士外,其餘居於同一大廈的人士不會列作密切接觸者及無須接受檢疫。然而,由於N501Y個案具較高傳染性並從而增加在同一大廈共用公用設施造成傳播的機會,大廈居民須接受更頻密的檢測。 一圖看清安排 詳情可參閱: 更多新冠疫苗資訊: 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

11 May, 2021

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Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 7 May 2021

Dear Staff and Students, We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines. Health, Safety and Environment Office Dear Sir/Madam, Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines 1. Government further adjusts boarding and quarantine arrangements for persons arriving at Hong Kong To implement the more targeted risk-based approach on boarding, quarantine, and testing arrangements for persons arriving at Hong Kong under the new direction in fighting the pandemic, the Government announced on April 14 the adjusted grouping of boarding and compulsory quarantine arrangements: places outside China will be categorised under Cap. 599H into the extremely high-risk Group A1 specified places (equivalent to the existing Group A specified places), the newly added very high-risk Group A2 specified places, as well as the existing high-risk Group B specified places, the medium-risk Group C specified places, and the low-risk Group D specified places. Considering that the epidemic situation is still unstable in the existing extremely high-risk places, i.e. India, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Brazil, and South Africa, the existing restrictions under Cap. 599H will continue. On the other hand, having considered the stabilising local epidemic situation and the relatively satisfactory vaccination rate in Ireland and the UK, the Government  has lifted the ban for persons who have stayed in Ireland and the United Kingdom (UK) on boarding for Hong Kong on May 7, to allow flights to resume from those places and for Hong Kong residents there to board for flights for Hong Kong, while these relevant persons would subject to the most stringent compulsory quarantine and testing arrangements upon arrival at Hong Kong. Based on the "vaccine bubble" concept, the Government is planning to suitably shorten the compulsory quarantine period, based on risk levels, for persons arriving at Hong Kong who have not stayed in extremely high-risk and very high-risk places, and who have been fully vaccinated.  The implementation date and details of the relevant measures will be announced separately. For details, please refer to: 2. Over 1 million people receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccine The Government announced that the number of people who have received their first vaccine dose under the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme has exceeded 1 million. The figure accounts for around 15 per cent of the population aged 16 or above and eligible to get vaccinated through the Vaccination Programme, which has been running since February 26. The Department of Health (DH) has put in place a pharmacovigilance system for COVID-19 immunisations, including receiving reports of Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFIs) related to the COVID-19 vaccines used in Hong Kong from healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical industries, and setting up the Expert Committee on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunisation (Expert Committee) to provide independent assessments on the potential causal link between AEFIs and COVID-19 vaccinations. As of May 2, 2021, a total of 11,785 persons were infected with COVID-19, and 210 died of the disease in Hong Kong. Separately, there were about 1,491,900 doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered and a total of 2,402 AEFI reports (0.16 per cent of all doses administered) were reported. A total of 16 death reports (0.001 per cent of all doses administered) with a vaccination history within 14 days were received in the same period. The Expert Committee already concluded that four cases had no causal relationship with COVID-19 vaccinations, and the rest were preliminarily considered not associated with COVID-19 vaccinations. The Government called on those who have not yet been vaccinated to do so as early as possible. A high vaccination rate can lead Hong Kong to resume economic and livelihood activities as soon as possible. In view of the threat posed by mutant strains, it is imperative for us to get vaccinated to protect ourselves and others. For details, please refer to: More information on COVID-19 vaccines We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support. Department of Health ****************************************** 敬啟者: 2019冠狀病毒病及疫苗的最新資訊 1.政府進一步調整到港人士的登機及檢疫安排 為實施「抗疫新路向」下更精準以風險為本的到港人士登機、檢疫及檢測安排,政府調整登機及強制檢疫安排分組:中國以外地區將分為第599H章下極高風險A1組指明地區(等同現行A組指明地區);新增的甚高風險A2組指明地區;以及原有的高風險B組指明地區、中風險C組指明地區和低風險D組指明地區。 考慮到現時極高風險地區,即印度、尼泊爾、巴基斯坦、菲律賓、巴西及南非的疫情仍然不穩,現行第599H章下的禁令將會繼續維持。 另一方面,考慮到愛爾蘭及英國的疫情已趨平穩及疫苗接種率比較理想,政府於五月七日起撤銷曾逗留愛爾蘭及英國的人士登機來港的禁令,讓當地來港航班可以恢復,並容許當地香港居民登機回港,而有關人士抵港後必須遵守最嚴格的強制檢疫及檢測安排。 按照「疫苗氣泡」概念,政府正計劃根據風險水平適度縮減並未逗留極高或甚高風險地區,並已完成接種疫苗的來港人士的強制檢疫期。相關措施的實施日期及細節將另行公布。 詳情可參閱: 2.逾一百萬人已接種第一針新冠疫苗 政府公布,自2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃於二月二十六日正式展開,累計已接種第一針新冠疫苗的人口已超過一百萬人,約佔本港16歲或以上合資格接種人口百分之十五。 衞生署建立了新冠疫苗藥物安全監測系統,包括收集醫護人員及藥劑業界在香港使用的新冠疫苗接種異常事件報告,以及成立了新冠疫苗臨床事件評估專家委員會(專家委員會),對香港使用的新冠疫苗與疫苗接種異常事件的潛在關聯進行獨立評估。 截至二○二一年五月二日,本港有11 785人感染2019冠狀病毒病,其中210人因感染該病而離世。另外,本港共接種了約1 491 900劑新冠疫苗及接獲2 402宗異常事件報告(佔疫苗接種總劑量的0.16%)。衞生署同期共收到16宗(佔疫苗接種總劑量的0.001%)曾經於去世前14日內接種新冠疫苗的死亡報告,專家委員會已總結四宗個案與新冠疫苗接種沒有因果關係,而其他個案初步認為與新冠疫苗接種沒有關係。 政府呼籲尚未接種疫苗人士盡早接種疫苗。高疫苗接種率才可以令香港盡快恢復經濟和民生活動。同時,面對變種病毒株的威脅,為了保護自己和身邊的人,接種疫苗實刻不容緩。 詳情可參閱: 更多新冠疫苗資訊 希望你可以將有關資訊與你的同事、合作者及/或業務伙伴分享,讓他們都能採取合適的預防措施。非常感謝你的支持。 衞生署

7 May, 2021

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