Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines - 7 May 2021
Dear Staff and Students,
We would like to share the following message from Department of Health about Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and vaccines.
Health, Safety and Environment Office
Dear Sir/Madam,
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)and vaccines
1. Government further adjusts boarding and quarantine arrangements for persons arriving at Hong Kong
To implement the more targeted risk-based approach on boarding, quarantine, and testing arrangements for persons arriving at Hong Kong under the new direction in fighting the pandemic, the Government announced on April 14 the adjusted grouping of boarding and compulsory quarantine arrangements: places outside China will be categorised under Cap. 599H into the extremely high-risk Group A1 specified places (equivalent to the existing Group A specified places), the newly added very high-risk Group A2 specified places, as well as the existing high-risk Group B specified places, the medium-risk Group C specified places, and the low-risk Group D specified places.
Considering that the epidemic situation is still unstable in the existing extremely high-risk places, i.e. India, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Brazil, and South Africa, the existing restrictions under Cap. 599H will continue.
On the other hand, having considered the stabilising local epidemic situation and the relatively satisfactory vaccination rate in Ireland and the UK, the Government has lifted the ban for persons who have stayed in Ireland and the United Kingdom (UK) on boarding for Hong Kong on May 7, to allow flights to resume from those places and for Hong Kong residents there to board for flights for Hong Kong, while these relevant persons would subject to the most stringent compulsory quarantine and testing arrangements upon arrival at Hong Kong.
Based on the "vaccine bubble" concept, the Government is planning to suitably shorten the compulsory quarantine period, based on risk levels, for persons arriving at Hong Kong who have not stayed in extremely high-risk and very high-risk places, and who have been fully vaccinated. The implementation date and details of the relevant measures will be announced separately.
For details, please refer to:
2. Over 1 million people receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccine
The Government announced that the number of people who have received their first vaccine dose under the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme has exceeded 1 million. The figure accounts for around 15 per cent of the population aged 16 or above and eligible to get vaccinated through the Vaccination Programme, which has been running since February 26.
The Department of Health (DH) has put in place a pharmacovigilance system for COVID-19 immunisations, including receiving reports of Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFIs) related to the COVID-19 vaccines used in Hong Kong from healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical industries, and setting up the Expert Committee on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunisation (Expert Committee) to provide independent assessments on the potential causal link between AEFIs and COVID-19 vaccinations.
As of May 2, 2021, a total of 11,785 persons were infected with COVID-19, and 210 died of the disease in Hong Kong. Separately, there were about 1,491,900 doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered and a total of 2,402 AEFI reports (0.16 per cent of all doses administered) were reported. A total of 16 death reports (0.001 per cent of all doses administered) with a vaccination history within 14 days were received in the same period. The Expert Committee already concluded that four cases had no causal relationship with COVID-19 vaccinations, and the rest were preliminarily considered not associated with COVID-19 vaccinations.
The Government called on those who have not yet been vaccinated to do so as early as possible. A high vaccination rate can lead Hong Kong to resume economic and livelihood activities as soon as possible. In view of the threat posed by mutant strains, it is imperative for us to get vaccinated to protect ourselves and others.
For details, please refer to:
More information on COVID-19 vaccines
We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support.
Department of Health
截至二○二一年五月二日,本港有11 785人感染2019冠狀病毒病,其中210人因感染該病而離世。另外,本港共接種了約1 491 900劑新冠疫苗及接獲2 402宗異常事件報告(佔疫苗接種總劑量的0.16%)。衞生署同期共收到16宗(佔疫苗接種總劑量的0.001%)曾經於去世前14日內接種新冠疫苗的死亡報告,專家委員會已總結四宗個案與新冠疫苗接種沒有因果關係,而其他個案初步認為與新冠疫苗接種沒有關係。