

IAESTE is a non-profit international organization that provides overseas internship opportunities to students with technical degrees. PolyU as a Hong Kong member of IAESTE has been actively involved in creating internship opportunities for foreign students and in sending our PolyU students to work internationally on a reciprocal basis.

Why partner with IAESTE China Hong Kong?

Support young talents' cross-cultural and professional training and development

  • Enhance your global reputation
  • Bring in new perspectives on organizational issues on an international aspect
  • Support research projects
  • All incoming international students speak English fluently

What is it for you?

If you take one international student, PolyU can send one student on exchange to overseas for internship as well. You can leverage the skills of international students both on practical internship or research projects.

How does it work?

If you have internship opportunities that aim to leverage the talent pool of international students, please submit the Online Form. Upon receipt, we will contact you for further details.

Preferred Disciplines

  • Aviation Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Technology
  • Applied Physics
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computing
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Industrial and System Engineering
  • Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
  • Mechanical Engineering etc.

Employers' Responsibilities

  • Internship duration – normally 6-8 weeks from June to August
  • Basic salary
  • Outline of the internship responsibilities / Training Program
  • Contact for interview either through Skype or telephone

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's Responsibilities

  • Assist in matching based on skills required by employers
  • Visa application, accommodation

Students' Responsibilities

  • Responsible for their return tickets
  • Travel Insurance
  • Contribute to the success of the employers
  • Perform roles as required