Inbound Trainees


IAESTE China Hong Kong will apply for Training Visa for all incoming trainees. The application usually takes 6-8 weeks to process. To avoid any delay, please submit the followings together with your IAESTE application package.

  • Form ID992A
  • 2 Passport Photos
  • Future Plan (for final year students only)

Your training visa is a MULTI-ENTRY VISA within the grant period that is approved based on the duration of your training. The exact valid date will be counted from the date you enter Hong Kong.

If you wish to stay in Hong Kong after the internship, please refer to the details on the Hong Kong Immigration Department website for travel visa requirement.


All trainees will reside in shared bedrooms at PolyU Halls of Residence in Hung Hom or Homantin, depending on the availability. Both Halls of Residence are within walking distance from PolyU campus with comprehensive facilities.


It is mandatory for all trainees to purchase travel insurance for the internship. Receipt and Terms and Conditions should be forwarded to IAESTE China Hong Kong before your arrival.

Reception Team

Our Reception Team will contact you 1-2 weeks before your internship. We will arrange pickup for all trainees at the closest bus stop from the dormitory. If your training is starting in a week but you still have not heard from our Reception Team, please contact us at immediately.

Travel to Chinese Mainland

For students who wish to travel to the Chinese Mainland, a different visa will be required,
please click here for more information.

Documents for Download