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Call for Nomination - Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award for ISE 2024

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Call for Nomination - Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award for ISE 2024


The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering is now calling for nomination for the Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU ISE 2024

The Award aims to give public recognition to outstanding ISE graduates for their achievement and significant contribution to their alma mater.

To recognize both senior and younger groups of ISE alumni, there will be two streams of awards, namely the Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU ISE and the Outstanding Young Alumni Award of PolyU ISE (awardees aged under 40). Selection will be made to recognise alumni’s accomplishments on the following four award categories:

  • Professional Achievement
  • Entrepreneurial Achievement
  • Scholarly Achievement
  • Community Service Achievement


For more details, please visit the webpage dedicated to the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award for ISE 2024. The nomination form and supporting materials shall be submitted to or by 30 April 2024.






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