Research Outputs (2014 - 2015)

Research book or monograph (author)
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
1 |
RFID/IoT Application and Case Study in a Smart City. 1st Ed, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 61pp (2014) ISBN 978-962-367-784-4 (print) |
IP, W.H. |
2 |
Application Guideline for Embedded GHG Emissions Database and G-BOM Analyzer. 1st Ed, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 103pp (2015) ISBN 978-988-18959-8-1 (print) |
YUNG, K.C., CHAN, Cheuk Yi and ZHANG, Yiying |
Research book or monograph (author)
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
3 |
Design, Machining and Measurement Technologies for Ultra-precision Freeform Optics.In Lee, W.B., To, S. and Cheung C.F., Eds., 1st Ed, China Machine Press, China, 265pp (2015) ISBN 978-7-111-46063-3 (print) |
LEE, W.B., TO, S. and CHEUNG, C.F. |
Research book or monograph (author)
Contract Research
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
4 |
An SME Advisory Kit for ISO/TS 14067-Greenhouse Gases - Carbon Footprint of Products: Requirements and Guidelines for Quantification and Communication. 1st Ed, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 68pp (2015) ISBN 978-988-18959-9-8 (print) |
YUNG, K.C., ZHANG, Yiying and CHAN, Yiying |
5 |
Carbon Footprint Analysis of Inductor Cooker—Brand: Sunpentown, Model: EH2000T. 1st Ed, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 46pp (2014) ISBN 978-988-18959-4-3 (print) |
YUNG, K.C., ZHANG, Yiying and CHAN, Cheuk Yi |
6 |
Carbon Footprint Analysis of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)—Brand: Clover, Model: C51486A. 1st Ed, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 51pp (2014) ISBN 978-988-18959-5-0 (print) |
YUNG, K.C., WU, Lai Lin, ZHANG, Yiying and CHAN, Cheuk yi |
7 |
Carbon Footprint Analysis of Printed Circuit Board (PCB)—Brand: Sunshine, Model: P2CB21457. 1st Ed, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 58pp (2014) ISBN 978-988-18959-6-7 (print) |
YUNG, K.C., CHAN, cheuk yi and ZHANG, Yiying |
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
8 |
"A fabric resource management system (FRMS) for fashion product development". In Mehdi, Khosrow-Pour, Ed., Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, IGI Global, USA, pp.710-720 (Jan 2015) ISBN 9781466658882(print), 9781466658899 (electronic) |
CHOY, K.L., TO, K.M., NING, Andrew#, LEE, Kar Hang Carmen# and LEUNG , W.K. |
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
9 |
"Implementation of PAL in a Learning Organization". In Kris M Y Law, Kong Bieng Chuah, Ed., PAL Driven Organizational Learning: Theory and Practices, Springer, UK, pp.51-92 (2015) ISBN 9783319180137(print), 9783319180144 (electronic) |
CHEUNG, Benny Chi-Fai |
10 |
"Deformation Simulation of Micro-defects inside a Metallic Alloy". InMaosenCao, Ed., Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference (MME2015), Chengdu, China, 25-27 Dec 2015, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., pp.747-751 (Dec 2015) ISBN 978-981-3145-59-7 (print) |
CHAU, Y C, KWONG, K F, CAO, Chris R, CHUAH, Kong Bieng and LAW, KRIS M Y |
11 |
"Organizational Learning as a Continuous Process, DELO". In Kris M Y Law, Kong Bieng Chuah, Ed., PAL Driven Organizational Learning: Theory and Practices, Springer SBM, UK, pp.7-32 (2015) ISBN 9783319180137(print), 9783319180144 (electronic) |
LAW, KRIS M Y and CHUAH, Kong Bieng |
12 |
"PAL as the OL Approach, not a Myth". In Kris M Y Law, Kong Bieng Chuah, Ed., PAL Driven Organizational Learning: Theory and Practices, Springer, UK, pp.93-98 (2015) ISBN 9783319180137 (print), 9783319180144(electronic) |
LAW, KRIS M Y and CHUAH, Kong Bieng |
13 |
"The Four Pillars". In Kris M Y Law, Kong Bieng Chuah, Ed., PAL DrivenOrganizational Learning: Theory and Practices, Springer, UK, pp.43-50 (2015) ISBN 9783319180137(print), 9783319180144 (electronic) |
LAW, KRIS M Y and CHUAH, Kong Bieng |
14 |
"The PAL Framework". In Kris M Y Law, Kong Bieng Chuah, Ed., PAL Driven Organizational Learning: Theory and Practices, Springer, UK, pp.33-42 (2015) ISBN 9783319180137(print), 9783319180144 (electronic) |
LAW, KRIS M Y and CHUAH, Kong Bieng |
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
15 |
PAL Driven Organizational Learning - Theory and Practices. Springer SBM, UK, 112pp (2015) ISBN 978-3-319-18013-7(print), 978-3-319-18014-4 (electronic) |
LAW, KRIS M Y and CHUAH, Kong Bieng |
Edited book (editor)
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
16 |
高價值商品物流High Value Product Logistics. 香港理工大學工業及系統工程學系 及 香港物流協會, Hong Kong, 128pp (2014) ISBN 978-988-13327-2-1(print), 978-988-13327-2-1 (electronic) |
蔡, 經倫, 鄭, 會友,黃, 樂恆 and 林, 秋儀 |
17 |
高價值商品物流High Value Product Logistics—美酒與信譽品牌時尚商品篇. 香港理工大學工業及系統工程學系 及 香港物流協會, Hong Kong, 74pp (2014) ISBN 978-988-13327-1-4(print), 978-988-13327-1-4 (electronic) |
蔡, 經倫, 鄭, 會友,黃, 樂恆 and 林, 秋儀 |
Publication in refereed journal
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
18 |
"A decision support method for internal truck employment". Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 114, No. 9, pp.1378-1395 (Sep 2014) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) |
WANG, Zhengxu#, CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH and NIU, B |
19 |
"An integrated closed-loop supply chain model with location allocation problem and product recycling decisions". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53, No. 10, pp.3120-3140 (May 2015) ISSN 0020-7543(print), 1366-588X (electronic) |
CHEN, Yongtong#, CHAN, FTS and CHUNG, SH |
20 |
"A Banzhaf Function for a Fuzzy Game". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp.1489-1502 (Dec 2014) ISSN 1063-6706(print), 1941-0034 (electronic) (link) |
TAN, Chunqiao, JIANG, Zhong-Zhong, CHEN, Xiaohong and IP, W.H. |
21 |
"A Knowledge Extraction and Representation System for Narrative Analysis in the Construction Industry". Expert systems with applications, Vol. 41, No. 13, pp.5710-5722 (Oct 2014) ISSN 0957-4174(print) |
YEUNG, Chui Ling#, CHEUNG, C.F., WANG, W.M. and TSUI, ERIC |
22 |
"A RFID-based recursive process mining system for quality assurance in the garment industry". International Journal of Production Research,Vol. 52, No. 14, pp.4216-4238 (Jul 2014) ISSN 0020-7543(print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
LEE, C.K.H.#, HO, G.T.S., CHOY, K.L. and PANG, G.K.H. |
23 |
"A Study of Workplace Context and Its Relationship with Team Competences". International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, Vol. 33, pp.6-21 (Jan 2015) ISSN 2304-0777 (print) |
CHEUNG, Chi-Fai, ROZHKOV, Mikhail#, WANG, Yuchen, CHENG, Mei-Na# and TSUI, ERIC |
24 |
"A biased random key genetic algorithm approach for inventory-based multi-item lot-sizing problem". Proceedings of The IMechE Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 229, No. 1, pp.157-171 (Jan 2015) ISSN 09544054 (print) |
25 |
"A biologically inspired optimization algorithm for solving fuzzy shortest path problems with mixed fuzzy arc lengths". Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 163, No. 3, pp.1049-1056 (Dec 2014) ISSN 0022-3239(print), 1573-2878 (electronic) |
26 |
"A crowdsourcing development approach based on a neuro-fuzzy network for creating innovative product concepts". Neurocomputing, Vol. 142, pp.60-72 (Oct 2014) ISSN 09252312 (print) (link) |
CHANG, Danni, CHEN, Chun-Hsien and LEE, CKM |
27 |
"A decision support system for optimizing dynamic courier routing operations". Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 41, No. 15, pp.6917-6933 (Nov 2014) ISSN 09574174 (print) (link) |
LIN, Canhong#, CHOY,, K.L., HO, G.T.S., LAM, H.Y.#, PANG, Grantham K.H. and CHIN, K.S. |
28 |
"A food monitoring system for preventing product deterioration". International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.54 (Nov 2014) ISSN 1479-3911(print), 1479-392X (electronic) (link) |
CHOY, K.L., LAM, Hoi Yan#, LEE, CKM, CHIN, K.S., IP, W.H. and POON, T.C. |
29 |
"A fuzzy ordinary regression method for modeling customer preference in tea maker design". Neurocomputing, pp.147-154 (2014) ISSN 0925-2312(print) |
CHAN, K.Y., KWONG, C.K. and LAW, M.C. |
30 |
"A hierarchical model for eco-design of consumer electronic products". Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp.48-64 (Jan 2015) ISSN 2029-4913(print), 2029-4921 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Xiaojun, CHAN, Hing Kai, LEE, CKM and LI, Dong |
31 |
"A methodology of integrating affective design with defining engineering specifications for product design". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp.2472-2488 (Apr 2015) ISSN 0020-7543(print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
JIANG, Huimin, KWONG, C.K., LIU, Y. and IP, W.H. |
32 |
"A multiobjective optimization-based neural network model for short-term replenishment forecasting in fashion industry". Neurocomputing, pp.342-353 (2015) ISSN 0925-2312 (print) |
DU, Wei, LEUNG, S.Y.S. and KWONG, C.K. |
33 |
"A new computational intelligence approach in formulation of functional relationship of open porosity of the additive manufacturing process". The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, No. 1-4, pp.1433-3015 (Mar 2015) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015(electronic) (link) |
GARG, A., LAM, Jasmine Siu Lee and SAVALANI, MM |
34 |
"A new method to determine basic probability assignment using core samples". Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 69, pp.140-149 (Oct 2014) ISSN 0950-7051 (print) |
ZHANG, C. , HU, Y., CHAN, FTS, SADIQ, R. and DENG, Y. |
35 |
"A novel evolutionary approach in modeling wear depth of laser engineering titanium coatings". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, pp.2041-2975 (Feb 2015) ISSN 0954-4054(print), 2041-2975 (electronic) (link, pp.2041-2975) |
36 |
"A novel surface quality evaluation method in ultra-precision raster milling using cutting chips". Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 219, pp.328-338 (May 2015) ISSN 0924-0136 (print) |
ZHANG, Guoqing# and TO, S. |
37 |
"A numerical model and computer simulation for machining particle reinforced metal matrix composites in electric discharge machining". MATERIALS RESEARCH INNOVATIONS,Vol. 19, No. S1, pp.392-396 (Apr 2015) ISSN 1432-8917 (print) |
CHEN, R., GUO, Z.N., LIU, J.W., YUE, T.M. and CHEN, S.W. |
38 |
"A return on investment analysis of applying health monitoring to LED lighting systems". Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 55, No. 3-4, pp.527-537 (Mar 2015) ISSN 0026-2714 (print) |
CHANG, Moon Hwan, SANDBORN, Peter, PECHT, Michael, YUNG, K.C. and WANG, Wenbin |
39 |
"A review of machine-tool vibration and its influence upon surface generation in ultra-precision machining". International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 91, pp.34-42 (Apr 2015) ISSN 0890-6955 (print) |
ZHANG, Shaojian, TO, S., ZHANG, Guoqing and ZHU, Zhiwei# |
40 |
"A review of surface roughness generation in ultra-precision machining". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 91, pp.76-95 (Apr 2015) ISSN 0890-6955 (print) |
ZHANG, Shaojian, TO, S., WANG, S.J. and ZHU, Zhiwei# |
41 |
"A robust replenishment and production control policy for a single-stage production/inventory system with inventory inaccuracy". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A-Systems, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp.326-337 (Feb 2015) ISSN 2168-2216 (print) |
WANG, Z. and CHAN, FTS |
42 |
"Achieving a large adiabatic temperature rise of Gd55Co25Al20 bulk metallic glass by minor Zn addition". Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp.1333-1337 (Feb 2015) ISSN 0022-2461(print), 1573-4803 (electronic) (link) |
XIA, L., CHAN, KC, TANG, M. B. and DONG, Y. D. |
43 |
"Achieving high energy absorption capacity in cellular bulk metallic glasses". Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, pp.10302 (May 2015) ISSN 2045-2322 (print) (link) |
CHEN, Shunhua#, CHAN, KC, WU, F.F. and XIA, L |
44 |
"Aggregation-induced emission (AIE) dye loaded polymer nanoparticles for gene silencing in pancreatic cancer and their in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility evaluation". Nano Research, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp.1563-1576 (May 2015) ISSN 1998-0124(print), 1998-0000 (electronic) (link) |
HU, Rui, YANG, Chengbin, WANG, Yucheng, LIN, Guimiao, QIN, Wei, OUYAN, Qingling, LAW, Wing-Cheung, NGUYEN, Quoc Toan, YOON, Ho Sup, WANG, Xiaomei, YONG, Ken-Tye and TANG, Ben Zhong |
45 |
"Amorphization and C Segregation Based Surface Generation of Reaction-Bonded SiC/Si Composites under Micro-grinding". International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 95, pp.78-81 (2015) ISSN 0890-6955 (print) (Available online 3 June 2015) |
ZHANG, Quanli# and TO, S. |
46 |
"An Exploration of the Triplet Periodicity in Nucleotide Sequences with a Mature Self-Adaptive Spectral Rotation Approach". Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2014, pp.1-9 (Aug 2014) ISSN 1110-757X (print), 1687-0042(electronic) (link) |
CHEN, Bo and JI, P. |
47 |
"An improved operator of combination with adapted conflict". Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 223, No. 1, pp.451-459 (Dec 2014) ISSN 0254-5330 (print), 1572-9338 (electronic) |
DENG, X., DENG, Y. and CHAN, FTS |
48 |
"An integrated optimization of cutting parameters and tool path generation in ultraprecision raster milling". The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 75, No. 9-12, pp.1711-1721 (Dec 2014) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) |
WANG, S.J., TO, S., CHEN, X., CHEN, X.D. and OUYANG, X.B. |
49 |
"An intelligent battery information management system to support information sharing and vehicle routing planning for battery distribution in Hong Kong". International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.1 (Jan 2015) ISSN 1740-8822 (print), 1740-8830 (electronic) (link) |
WONG, David W.C., CHOY, K.L., LIN, Canhong#, LAM, H.Y.#, LEE, C.K.H.#, CHOW, Harry K.H. and PANG, Grantham K.H. |
50 |
"Application Prospects and Microstructural Features in Laser-Induced Rapidly Solidified High-Entropy Alloys". JOM, Vol. 66, No. 10, pp.2057-2066 (Oct 2014) ISSN 1047-4838 (print) |
51 |
"Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy Quasi-Choquet geometric operators and their applications to multicriteria decision making". Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.139-172 (2015) ISSN 1568-4539 (print), 1573-2908 (electronic) (link) |
TAN, Chunqiao, JIANG, Zhong-Zhong, CHEN, Xiaohong and IP, W.H. |
52 |
"Autostereoscopy-based Three-dimensional On-machine Measuring System for Micro-structured Surfaces". Optics express, Vol. 22, No. 21, pp.25635-2565 (Oct 2014) ISSN 1094-4087 (print) |
LI, Da#, CHEUNG, Chi Fai, REN, Mingjun, ZHOU, Liqiu and ZHAO, Xing |
53 |
"Bioactive hydroxyapatite/graphene composite coating and its corrosion stability in simulated body fluid". Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 624, pp.148-157 (Mar 2015) ISSN 09258388 (print) (link) |
JANKOVIĆ, Ana, ERAKOVIĆ, Sanja, MITRIĆ, Miodrag, MATIĆ, Ivana Z., JURANIĆ, Zorica D., TSUI, C.P., TANG, C.Y., MIŠKOVIĆ-STANKOVIĆ, Vesna, RHEE, Kyong Yop and PARK, Soo Jin |
54 |
"Biodegradable nanoparticle-mediated K-ras down regulation for pancreatic cancer gene therapy". J. Mater. Chem. B, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp.2163-2172 (Mar 2015) ISSN 2050-750X (print), 2050-7518 (electronic) (link) |
YANG, Chengbin, HU, Rui, ANDERSON, Tommy, WANG, Yucheng, LIN, Guimiao, LAW, Wing-Cheung, LIN, Wei-Jen, NGUYEN, Quoc Toan, TOH, Hui Ting, YOON, Ho Sup, CHEN, Chih-Kuang and YONG, Ken-Tye |
55 |
"Bulk-Forming Simulation of Bimetallic Watchcase Components". JOM, Vol. 66, pp.2145-2155 (Sep 2014) ISSN 1047-4838 (print) |
56 |
"Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) array with single-layer graphene membrane". Micro & Nano Letters, Vol. 9, No. 12, pp.884-886 (Dec 2014) ISSN 1750-0443 (print), 1750-0443 (electronic) (link) |
CHONG, Po Fat#, SZE, Siu Mui Sissi and CHENG, CHING-HSIANG |
57 |
"Characterization of spatial parasitic motions of compliant mechanisms induced by manufacturing errors". Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics(May 2015) ISSN 1942-4302 (print) (Online publication) |
ZHU, Zhiwei#, TO, S., ZHOU, Xiaoqin, WANG, Rongqi and ZHANG, Xu |
58 |
"Competition Between Manufacturer's Online Customization Channel and Conventional Retailer". IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp.150-157 (May 2015) ISSN 0018-9391 (print), 1558-0040 (electronic) (link) |
LI, Gang, HUANG, Feng Feng, CHENG, T.C.E. and JI, P. |
59 |
"Continuous-Time Markov Chain–Based Flux Analysis in Metabolism". Journal of Computational Biology, Vol. 21, No. 9, pp.691-698 (Sep 2014) ISSN 1066-5277 (print), 1557-8666 (electronic) (link) |
HUO, Yunzhang and JI, P. |
60 |
"Customer relationship mining system for effective strategies formulation". Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 114, No. 5, pp.711-733 (2014) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
LAM, H.Y.#, HO, G.T.S., WU, C.H. and CHOY, K.L. |
61 |
"Cutting Characteristics of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass". Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp.153-158 (Feb 2015) ISSN 10050302 (print) (link) |
HAN, D.X., WANG, G., LI, J., CHAN, KC, TO, S., WU, F.F., GAO, Y.L. and ZHAI, Q.J. |
62 |
"Design and development of a hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for the environmental vehicle routing problem". Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 31, pp.85-99 (Aug 2014) ISSN 13619209 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Shuzhu#, LEE, CKM, CHOY, K.L., HO, William and IP, W.H. |
63 |
"Dynamic scheduling of oil tankers with splitting of cargo at pickup and delivery locations: A multi-objective ant colony-based approach". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, No. 24, pp.7436-7453 (Dec 2014) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) |
64 |
"Effect of Post-Weld Heat-Treatment on the Stress-Corrosion Cracking Behaviour of Laser-Welded Shape Memory NiTi Wires in Hanks' Solution". Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp.276-280 (Mar 2015) ISSN 19414900 (print), 19414919 (electronic) (link) (Special Issue) |
CHAN, Chi-Wai and MAN, Hau Chung |
65 |
"Effect of assembling errors on the diffraction efficiency for multilayer diffractive optical elements". Applied optics, Vol. 53, No. 31, pp.7341-7347 (Nov 2014) ISSN 1559-128X (print), 2155-3165 (electronic) |
GAO, L, TO, S., NIE, X., LIU, T.C. and XUE, C.X. |
66 |
"Effect of cutting parameters on heat generation in ultra-precision milling of aluminum alloy 6061". International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(Apr 2015) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (Online publication) |
WANG, S.J., CHEN, X,TO, S., OUYANG, X.B., LIU, Q, LIU, J.W. and LEE, W.B. |
67 |
"Effect of laser treatment on the attachment and viability of mesenchymal stem cell responses on shape memory NiTi alloy". Materials Science and Engineering: C,Vol. 42, pp.254-263 (Sep 2014) ISSN 09284931 (print) (link) |
CHAN, C.W., HUSSAIN, I., WAUGH, D.G., LAWRENCE, J. and MAN, Hau Chung |
68 |
"Electroactive shape memory polymer based on optimized multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polyvinyl alcohol nanocomposites". Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 68, pp.170-175 (Jan 2015) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
DU, Fei-Peng, YE, En-Zhou, YANG, Wen, SHEN, Tian-Han, TANG, C.Y., XIE, Xiao-Lin, ZHOU, Xing-Ping and LAW, Wing-Cheung |
69 |
"Estimating biological elementary flux modes that decompose a flux distribution by the minimal branching property". Bioinformatics, Vol. 30, No. 22, pp.3232-3239 (Nov 2014) ISSN 1367-4803 (print), 1460-2059 (electronic) (link) |
CHAN, S. H. J., SOLEM, C., JENSEN, P. R. and JI, P. |
70 |
"Evaluation of user satisfaction using evidential reasoning-based methodology". Neurocomputing, pp.86-94 (2014) ISSN 0925-2312 (print) |
TANG, D., WONG, T.C., CHIN, K.S. and KWONG, C.K. |
71 |
"Evolutionary diamond turning of optics for error correction covering a wide spatial spectrum". Optical Engineering, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp.1-7 (Jan 2015) ISSN 0091-3286 (print) (paper no. 015103) |
TO, S., ZHU, Zhiwei# and WANG, P |
72 |
"Examing knowledge audit for syeuctured and unstructured business processes: a comparitive study in two Hong Kong companies". Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 19, pp.514-529 (2015) ISSN 1367-3270 (electronic) |
YIP, Yuen Tung#, LEE, W.B. and TSUI, ERIC |
73 |
"Exploratory Network Analysis of Learning Motivation Factors in e-Learning Facilitated Computer Programming Courses". The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher(Jun 2015) ISSN 0119-5646 (print), 2243-7908 (electronic) (link) (on-line publication) |
74 |
"Explore the feasibility of adopting crowdsourcing for innovative problem solving". Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 115, No. 5, pp.803-832 (Jun 2015) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
LEE, CKM, CHAN, CY, HO, Sophie, CHOY, K.L. and IP, W.H. |
75 |
"Fracture Morphologies of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses Under Different Stress States". Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.366-373 (Mar 2015) ISSN 14381656 (print) (link) |
CHEN, Shunhua#, CHAN, KC and XIA, L. |
76 |
"Franchising decision support system for formulating a center positioning strategy". Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 115, No. 5, pp.853-882 (2014) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
WU, C.H., HO, G.T.S., LAM, C.H.Y. and IP, W.H. |
77 |
"Fuzzy association rule mining for fashion product development". Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 115, No. 2, pp.383-399 (Mar 2015) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
LEE, Carmen Kar Hang #, TSE, Y.K., HO, G.T.S. and CHOY, K.L. |
78 |
"Fuzzy time series forecasting for supply chain disruptions". Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp.419-435 (Mar 2015) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) |
79 |
"Graphene/acid assisted facile synthesis of structure-tuned FE3O4 and graphene composites as anode materials for lithium ion batteries". Carbon, Vol. 86, pp.310-317 (May 2015) ISSN 0008-6223 (print) |
YUCHENG, Dong, YUNG, K.C., MA, Ruguang, YANG, Xia, CHUI, Ying San, LEE, Jong Min and ZAPIEN, Juna Antonio |
80 |
"Heuristics for integrated job assignment and scheduling in the multi-plant remanufacturing system". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp.2674-2689 (May 2015) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
LIN, Danping, TEO, Chee Chong and LEE, CKM |
81 |
"High speed abrasive electrical discharge machining of particulate reinforced metal matrix composites". International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp.1399-1404 (Jun 2015) ISSN 2234-7593 (print) |
LIU, Jiang-Wen, WU, Yong-Zhong and YUE, Tai-Man |
82 |
"Impact of material microstructure and diamond grit wear on surface finish in micro-grinding of RB-SiC/Si and WC/Co carbides". International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 51, pp.258-263 (2015) ISSN 0263-4368 (print) (Available online 29 April 2015) |
ZHANG, Quanli#, TO, S., ZHAO, Qingliang , GUO, Bing and ZHANG, Guoqing# |
83 |
"Impacts of Informal Networks on Innovation Performance: Evidence in Shanghai". Chinese Management Studies., Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.56-72 (2015) ISSN 1750-614X (print), 1750-614X (electronic) |
LAW, KRIS M Y and NG, C W |
84 |
"Improvement of the diamond turned surface texture by bonnet polishing process 金刚石车削表面微纳织构的气囊抛光改进". ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp.1-7 (Mar 2015) ISSN 0253-2239 (print) (paper no. 0322001) |
WANG, P., TO, S. and HUI, C.S. |
85 |
"In Vitro and In Vivo Degradation Evaluation of Mg-Based Alloys for Biomedical Applications". Journal of Material Science and Technology Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.7-16 (Feb 2015) ISSN 2410-4701 (electronic) |
86 |
"In vitro and in vivo performance of bioactive Ti6Al4V/TiC/HA implants fabricated by a rapid microwave sintering technique". Materials Science and Engineering: C, Vol. 42, pp.746-756 (Sep 2014) ISSN 09284931 (print) (link) |
CHOY, Man Tik Dickson#, TANG, C.Y., CHEN, LING, WONG, C.T. and TSUI, C.P. |
87 |
"Investigation of the effects of spindle unbalance induced error motion on machining accuracy in ultra-precision diamond turning". International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 94, pp.48-56 (2015) ISSN 0890-6955 (electronic) |
HUANG, Peng#, LEE, W.B. and CHAN, C.Y. |
88 |
"Judicious selection of bifunctional molecules to chemically modify graphene for improving nanomechanical and thermal properties of polymer composites". J. Mater. Chem. A, Vol. 2, No. 47, pp.20038-20047 (Oct 2014) ISSN 2050-7488 (print), 2050-7496 (electronic) (link) |
YANG, Yingkui, HE, Cheng-En, TANG, Wei, TSUI, C.P., SHI, Dean, SUN, Zhengguang, JIANG, Tao and XIE, Xiaolin |
89 |
"Lean principles and simulation optimization for emergency department layout design". Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 115, No. 4, pp.678-699 (Apr 2015) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) |
WANG, t.k., YANG, t., YANG, c.y. and CHAN, FTS |
90 |
"Linear programming embedded genetic algorithm for product family design optimization with maximizing imprecise part-worth utility function". Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, pp.309-319 (2014) ISSN 1063-293x (print) |
LUO, X.G., YANG, Wei, KWONG, C.K. and TANG, Jianguo |
91 |
"Make-or-buy service capacity decision in a supply chain providing after-sales service". European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 239, No. 2, pp.377-388 (Dec 2014) ISSN 03772217 (print) (link) |
LI, Gang, HUANG, Feng Feng, CHENG, T.C.E., ZHENG, Quan and JI, P. |
92 |
"Managing supply chain knowledge-based linkages for improving operational performance". Knowledge Management Research & Practice, pp.1-14 (Aug 2014) ISSN 1477-8238 (print), 1477-8246 (electronic) (link) |
MARRA, Marianna, HO, William and LEE, CKM |
93 |
"Market demand estimation for new product development by using fuzzy modeling and discrete choice analysis,". Neurocomputing, pp.136-146 (2014) ISSN 0925-2312 (print) |
AYDIN, Ridvan#, KWONG, C.K., JI, P. and LAW, M.C. |
94 |
"Mechanical Properties and Morphology of Poly(l-Lactic acid)/Nano-CaCO3 Composites". Journal of Polymers and the Environment, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.21-29 (Mar 2015) ISSN 1566-2543 (print), 1572-8900 (electronic) (link) |
LIANG, J. Z., DUAN, D. R., TANG, C.Y., TSUI, C.P., CHEN, D. Z. and ZHANG, S. D. |
95 |
"Mechanical properties and flame-retardant of PP/MRP/Mg(OH)2/Al(OH)3 composites". Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 71, pp.74-81 (Mar 2015) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
LIANG, J.Z., FENG, J.Q., TSUI, C.P., TANG, C.Y., LIU, D.F., ZHANG, S.D. and HUANG, Wenfei# |
96 |
"Melt flow properties and morphology of polypropylene composites filled with microencapsulated red phosphorus". Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol. 28, pp.275-286 (Mar 2015) ISSN 0892-7057(print), 1530-7980 (electronic) |
LIANG, J.Z., FENG, JQ, TSUI, C.P. and TANG, C.Y. |
97 |
"Modeling and Analysis of Uncertainty in the Form Characterization of Ultra-precision Freeform Surfaces on Coordinate Measuring Machines". CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp.481-484 (Aug 2014) ISSN 0007-8506 (print) |
CHEUNG, ChiFai, REN, Mingjun, KONG, Lingbao and WHITEHOUSE, David |
98 |
"Molecular dynamics modelling of brittle–ductile cutting mode transition: Case study on silicon carbide". International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 88, pp.214-222 (Jan 2015) ISSN 0890-6955 (print) |
XIAO, Gaobo#, TO, S. and ZHANG, G.Q |
99 |
"Multiscale approach with RSM for stress–strain behaviour prediction of micro-void-considered metal alloy". Materials & Design, Vol. 83, pp.129-137 (Jun 2015) ISSN 0264-1275 (print) |
CHAN, LC, LU, Xianzheng# and YU, K.M. |
100 |
"Novel Bioactive Antimicrobial Lignin Containing Coatings on Titanium Obtained by Electrophoretic Deposition". International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp.12294-12322 (Jul 2014) ISSN 1422-0067 (electronic) (link) |
101 |
"Novel end-fly-cutting-servo system for deterministic generation of hierarchical micro–nanostructures". CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp.133-136 (2015) ISSN 0007-8506 (print) (Available online 23 May 2015) |
TO, S., ZHU, Zhiwei# and ZENG, W.H. |
102 |
"Novel sulfonated polysulfone ion exchange membranes for ionic polymer–metal composite actuators". Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 202, pp.1164-1174 (Oct 2014) ISSN 09254005 (print) (link) |
TANG, Yongjun, XUE, Zhigang, ZHOU, Xingping, XIE, Xiaolin and TANG, C.Y. |
103 |
"On a Unified Definition of the Service System: What is its Identity?". IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp.821-826 (Sep 2014) ISSN 1932-8184 (print), 1937-9234 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, J. W., WANG, H. F., ZHANG, W. J., IP, W.H. and FURUTA, K. |
104 |
"Optimal acquisition policy in remanufacturing under general core quality distributions". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp.1425-1438 (Mar 2015) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
YANG, Cheng-Hu, WANG, Jian and JI, P. |
105 |
"Optimal decisions for the loss-averse newsvendor problem under CVaR". International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 164, pp.146-159 (Jun 2015) ISSN 09255273 (print) (link) |
XU, Xinsheng, ZHIQING, Meng, RUI, Shen, MIN, Jiang and JI, P. |
106 |
"PANI–PEG copolymer modified LiFePO 4 as a cathode material for high-performance lithium ion batteries". J. Mater. Chem. A, Vol. 2, No. 45, pp.19315-19323 (Sep 2014) ISSN 2050-7488 (print), 2050-7496 (electronic) (link) |
GONG, Chunli, DENG, Fangli, TSUI, C.P., XUE, Zhigang, YE, Yun Sheng, TANG, C.Y., ZHOU, Xingping and XIE, Xiaolin |
107 |
"Parallel machines scheduling with simple linear job deterioration and non-simultaneous machine available times". Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 74, pp.88-91 (Aug 2014) ISSN 03608352 (print) (link) |
WANG, Xiao-Yuan, ZHOU, Zhili, JI, P. and WANG, Ji-bo |
108 |
"Parameter Optimization for Laser Welding of NiTi Wires by the Taguchi Method". LASERS IN ENGINEERING, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, pp.247-265 (Feb 2015) ISSN 0898-1507 (print) |
CHAN, C.W., MAN, H.C. and YUE, T.M. |
109 |
"Parameter estimation based on interval-valued belief structures". European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 241, No. 2, pp.579-582 (Mar 2015) ISSN 0377-2217 (print) |
DENG, x., HU, y., CHAN, FTS, MAHADEVAN, s. and DENG, y. |
110 |
"Performance measures and metrics in outsourcing decisions: A review for research and applications". International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 161, pp.153-166 (Mar 2015) ISSN 09255273 (print) (link) |
GUNASEKARAN, Angappa, IRANI, Zahir, CHOY, King-Lun, FILIPPI, Lionel and PAPADOPOULOS, Thanos |
111 |
"Plasmonic Semiconductor Nanocrystals as Chemical Sensors: Pb2+ Quantitation via Aggregation-Induced Plasmon Resonance Shift". Plasmonics, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.893-898 (Aug 2014) ISSN 1557-1955 (print), 1557-1963 (electronic) (link) |
GUO, Moran, LAW, Wing-Cheung, LIU, Xin, CAI, Hongxin, LIU, Liwei, SWIHART, Mark T., ZHANG, Xihe and PRASAD, Paras N. |
112 |
"Predicting long-term Lumen Maintenance life of LED light sources using a particle filter-based prognostic Approach". Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp.2411-2420 (Apr 2015) ISSN 0957-4174 (print) |
FAN, Jiajie#, YUNG, K.C. and PECHT, Michael |
113 |
"Prediction of Multipreform Shapes in Warm Forming with Experimental Verification". JOM, Vol. 67, pp.436-449 (Jan 2015) ISSN 1047-4838(print) |
114 |
"Preparation of Size Tunable, Glutathione-Responsive Hyaluronic Acid-Quantum Dot Nanohybrids Using Microemulsion Method". Science of Advanced Materials, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.364-370 (Feb 2015) ISSN 19472935 (print), 19472943 (electronic) (link) |
GUO, Moran, LAW, Wing-Cheung, NG, Chi Ho, CAI, Hongxin, LIU, Liwei, ZHAO, Lihui and ZHANG, Xihe |
115 |
"Preparation, optical and thermal properties of CdSe–ZnS/poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanocomposites". Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 66, pp.494-499 (Nov 2014) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
GONG, Xinghou, PAN, Ling, TANG, C.Y., CHEN, Ling, HAO, Zhonghua, LAW, Wing-Cheung, WANG, Xiaotao, TSUI, C.P. and WU, Chonggang |
116 |
"Prioritising engineering characteristics based on customer online reviews for quality function deployment". Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 25, No. 7-9, pp.303-324 (Sep 2014) ISSN 0954-4828 (print), 1466-1837 (electronic) (link) |
JIN, Jian#, JI, P. and LIU, Ying |
117 |
"Providing decision support for replenishment operations using a genetic algorithms based fuzzy system". Expert Systems, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp.23-38 (Feb 2015) ISSN 02664720 (print) (link) |
HO, G.T.S., LAU, H. C. W., CHOY, K.L., LEE, CKM and LAM, Hoi Yan# |
118 |
"QFD-Based Product Planning With Consumer Choice Analysis". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, pp.454-461 (2015) ISSN 2168-2216 (print) |
LUO, X.G., KWONG, C.K., TANG, J.F. and SUN, F.Q. |
119 |
"Quantification and integration of Kano’s model into QFD for optimising product design". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, No. 21, pp.6335-6348 (Nov 2014) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
JI, P., JIN, Jian#, WANG, Ting# and CHEN, Yizeng |
120 |
"Quantitative Analysis of the Measurement Uncertainty in Form Characterization of Freeform Surfaces based on Monte Carlo Simulation". Procedia CIRP, Vol. 27, pp.276-280 (May 2015) ISSN 2212-8271 (print) |
REN, Mingjun, CHEUNG, ChiFai, KONG, Lingbao and WANG, Sujuan |
121 |
"Research on scheduling problems with general effects of deterioration and learning". Information Sciences,Vol. 307, pp.89-94 (Jun 2015) ISSN 00200255 (print) (link) |
WANG, Limin, JIN, Jian, WANG, Ji-Bo and JI, P. |
122 |
"Review of life cycle assessment towards sustainable product development". Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 83, pp.48-60 (Nov 2014) ISSN 09596526 (print) (link) |
CHANG, Danni, LEE, CKM and CHEN, Chun-Hsien |
123 |
"Robust production control policy for a multiple machines and multiple product-types manufacturing system with inventory inaccuracy". International journal of production research, Vol. 52, No. 16, pp.4803-4819 (Aug 2014) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) |
CHAN, FTS and WANG, Zheng |
124 |
"Serrated chip formation and their adiabatic analysis by using the constitutive model of titanium alloy in high speed cutting". Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 629, pp.368-373 (Apr 2015) ISSN 0925-8388 (print) |
WU, H.B. and TO, S. |
125 |
"Share-of-Surplus Product Line Optimisation with Price Levels". Mathematical Problems in Engineering, pp.1-7 (Jul 2014) ISSN 1563-5147 (electronic) |
LUO, X.G., ZICHEN, Zhang, KWONG, C.K. and TANG, Jiafu |
126 |
"Single machine scheduling with sum-of-logarithm-processing-times based deterioration". Information Sciences, Vol. 274, pp.303-309 (Aug 2014) ISSN 00200255 (print) (link) |
YIN, Na, KANG, Liying, JI, P. and WANG, Ji-Bo |
127 |
"Single pulse studies of the electrical discharge machining of metal matrix composite materials". MATERIALS RESEARCH INNOVATIONS, Vol. 19, No. S5, pp.137-141 (May 2015) ISSN 1432-8917 (print) |
LIU, J.W., YUE, T.M., GUO, Z.N. and ZHANG, Y.J. |
128 |
"Spiral and conformal cooling in plastic injection molding". Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 63, pp.1-11 (2015) ISSN 0010-4485 (print) |
WANG, yu, YU, K.M. and WANG, charlie c l |
129 |
"Stochastic multiple criteria decision making with aspiration level based on prospect stochastic dominance". Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 70, pp.231-241 (Nov 2014) ISSN 09507051 (print) (link) |
TAN, Chunqiao, IP, W.H. and CHEN, Xiaohong |
130 |
"Study of PEDOT-PSS in carbon nanotube/conducting polymer composites as supercapacitor electrodes in aqueous solution". Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, Vol. 728, pp.140-147 (Aug 2014) ISSN 1572-6657 (print) |
YANG, Qin#, PANG, SK and YUNG, K.C. |
131 |
"Study of cutting force in ultra-precision raster milling of V-groove". The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 75, No. 5-8, pp.967-978 (Nov 2014) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) |
TO, S. and ZHANG, Guoqing# |
132 |
"Supply chain coordination with dual procurement sources via real-option contract". Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 80, pp.274-283 (Feb 2015) ISSN 03608352 (print) (link) |
LUO, Meiling, LI, Gang, WAN, JOHNNY, QU, Rong and JI, P. |
133 |
"Swarm intelligence applied in green logistics: A literature review". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 37, pp.154-169 (Jan 2015) ISSN 09521976 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Shuzhu#, LEE, CKM, CHAN, H.K., CHOY, K.L. and WU, Zhang |
134 |
"The integration of group technology and simulation optimization to solve the flow shop with highly variable cycle time process: A surgery scheduling case study". Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2014, pp.1-11 (Dec 2014) ISSN 1563-5147 (electronic) |
WANG, T.K., CHAN, FTS and YANG, T. |
135 |
"The mechanism of ductile deformation in ductile regime machining of 6H SiC". Computational Materials Science, Vol. 98, pp.178-188 (Feb 2015) ISSN 0927-0256 (print) |
XIAO, Gaobo#, TO, S. and ZHANG, G.Q. |
136 |
"Theoretical Modelling and Analysis of the Material Removal Characteristics in Fluid Jet Polish". International journal of mechanical sciences, Vol. 89, pp.158-166 (Dec 2014) ISSN 0020-7403 (print) |
CAO, Zhong Chen# and CHEUNG, Chi Fai |
137 |
"Theoretical and experimental investigation on the novel end-fly-cut- ting-servo diamond machining of hierarchical micro-nanostructures". International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 94, pp.15-25 (2015) ISSN 0890-6955 (print) (Available online 8 April 2015) |
ZHU, Zhiwei#, TO, S. and ZHANG, Shaojian |
138 |
"Time Series Forecasting by Neural Networks: A Knee Point-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Approach". Expert Systems with Applications, pp.8049-8061 (2014) ISSN 0925-2312 (print) |
DU, Wei, LEUNG, S.Y.S. and KWONG, C.K. |
139 |
"Translating online customer opinions into engineering characteristics in QFD: A probabilistic language analysis approach". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 41, pp.115-127 (May 2015) ISSN 09521976 (print) (link) |
JIN, Jian, JI, P., LIU, Ying and JOHNSON LIM, S.C. |
140 |
"Virtual test-driving: The impact of simulated products on purchase intention". Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp.877-887 (Sep 2014) ISSN 09696989 (print) |
141 |
"ZrCu-based bulk metallic glass composites with large strain-hardening capability". Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 636, pp.502-506 (Jun 2015) ISSN 09215093 (print) (link) |
WU, F.F., CHAN, KC, CHEN, Shunhua#, JIANG, S.S. and WANG, G. |
Publication in policy or professional journal
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
142 |
"A Review on Production Technology of Metal Matrix Composite Foams". Annual Journal of Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong), 2013-2014, Vol. 34, pp.19-31 (Sep 2014) ISSN 1609-3208 (print) |
CHEN, L., CHOY, Man Tik Dickson#, TANG, X.L. and TANG, C.Y. |
143 |
"Double Emulsion Technique for Fabrication of Biodegradable Polymer Based Micro-/Nano-particles for drug delivery". Annual Journal of Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong) 2013-2014, Vol. 34, pp.11-18 (Sep 2014) ISSN 1609-3208 (print) |
HUANG, Wenfei#, TSUI, Gary C.P. and TANG, C.Y. |
144 |
"Methods for Preparation of Superhydrophobic Surfaces and Polymer-based Superhydrophobic Coatings". Annual Journal of Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong), 2013-2014, Vol. 34, pp.32-40 (Sep 2014) ISSN 1609-3208 (print) |
WANG, G.C., TSUI, Gary C.P., HUANG, Wenfei# and TO, S. |
Publication in policy or professional journal
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
145 |
"Study of MWCNTS/PEDOT-PSS composites and MWCNTs/PTFE composite as electrodes for supercapacitors in aqueous solution". ECS Transactions of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp.9-15 (Sep 2014) ISSN 1938-6737 (print) |
YANG, Qin#, PANG, SK and YUNG, K.C. |
Invited conference paper
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
146 |
"Enable Green Design with TRIZ". IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Singapore, 23-25 Sep 2014, pp.508-513 (Sep 2014) |
LEE, CKM and TAI, M. E. J. |
Invited conference paper
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
147 |
"Net shape forming technology studies: gear profile rolling and high-strength tube-hydroforming". Proceeding of BIT's 4thAnnual World Congress of Advanced Materials-2015 (WCAM-2015), Chongqing, China, 27-29 May 2015, BIT Congress Inc, Chongqing, China, pp.301 (May 2015) |
Refereed conference paper
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
148 |
"Estimation of Clavicle Plate Bending Angles before Surgery". Proceedings of CAD'15, London, 22-25 June, pp.167-172 (May 2015) |
TANG, YM and CHEUNG, Tai Lok# |
149 |
"A Framework of a Continuous Injection Direct Rolling Process for Precision Manufacturing Plastic Plates with Patterned Microstructures". The 5th International Conference on Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, 12-15 November, 2013, Trans Tech Publications (Aug 2014) ISBN 978-3-03835-211-2(print) (Published in Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 625, p.485-489 (2015)) |
KONG, Lingbao, LI, Jibin, CHEUNG, ChiFai, LOU, Yan, WANG, ChangSheng, PENG, HuaiWei, MAK, Chung Hong# and LI, Da# |
150 |
"A Hybrid Roadmapping Method for Technology Forecasting and Assessment: A Case Study in an Information and Communication Technology Company". PICMET '14 Conference, Kanazawa, Japan, 27-31 July, pp.2882-2890 (Jul 2014) |
CHENG, Mei Na#, CHEUNG, Chi Fai, FUNG, Sui Hei and TSANG, Kong King |
151 |
"A Micro-electro-mechanical Switch for Power Applications". Proceedings of the 19thAnnual Conference of Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanic (HKSTAM) 2015, Hong Kong, 28 March 2015, Hong Kong, pp.56 (Mar 2015) |
152 |
"A Sequential Order Picking and Loading System for Outbound Logistics Operations". Proceedings of PICMET '14: Infrastructure and Service Integration, Kanazawa, Japan, July 27-31, 2014, pp.507-513 (Jul 2014) |
CHOY, K.L., HO, G.T.S., LAM, Hoi Yan, LIN, Canhong# and NG, T.W. |
153 |
"A Study of Computer Controlled Ultra-Precision Polishing of Silicon Carbide Reflecting Lenses for Enhancing Surface Roughness". The 5th International Conference on Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, 12-15 November, 2013, Trans Tech Publications (Aug 2014) ISBN 978-3-03835-211-2(print) (Published in Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 625, p.437-445) |
LI, Z.L., LEE, W.B., CHEUNG, C.F., HO, L.T. and FU, Y.G. |
154 |
"A Study of Cutting Strategy in Single-Point Diamond Turning of Micro V-groove patterns on Precision Roller Drums". The 5th International Conference on Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, 12-15 November, 2013, Trans Tech Publications (Aug 2014) ISBN 978-3-03835-211-2(print) (Published in Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 625, p.742-747 (2015).) |
MAK, C.H., CHEUNG, C.F., REN, M.J., KONG, L.B. and TO, S. |
155 |
"A Study of Fiducial Aided Calibration and Positioning for Precision Manufacture of Freeform Surfaces". The 15th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Leuven, Belgium, 1-5 June 2015, pp.127-128 (Jun 2015) |
CHEUNG, C.F., REN, M.J. and KONG, L.B. |
156 |
"A Study of Materials Removal Mechanisms for Fluid Jet Polishing Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling". American Society for Precision Engineering’s 29th Annual Meeting (ASPE2014), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 9-14 November 2014, pp.496-501 (Nov 2014) |
CAO, Z.C.# and CHEUNG, C.F. |
157 |
"A Study of Surface Generation in Ultra-precision Machining of Precision Rollers with Patterned Microstructures". The 38th MATADOR Conference, Huwei, Yulin, Taiwan, 28-30 March 2015, pp.257-261 (Mar 2015) |
CHEUNG, C.F., KONG, L.B., MAK, C.H.#, REN, M.J.# and WANG, S.J. |
158 |
"A critical review of the factors for assessing Service Innovation success in services organisations". the 9thAnnual London Business Research Conference, London, 4-5th August 2014 (Aug 2014) (On-line pulication) |
KHAN, Muhammad Aamir#, TSUI, ERIC and LEE, W.B. |
159 |
"A novel tool wear measurement method in ultra-precision raster milling". Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2014 (APCOM 2014), Guangzhou, 9-11 Nov 2014, pp.156-161 (Nov 2014) |
ZHANG, Guoqing# and TO, S. |
160 |
"A robust (r, Q) policy for a simple VMI system with inventory inaccuracy and time-delay". The 10thIEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2014), Taipei, Taiwan, August 18-22, 2014 (Aug 2014) (CD ROM version) |
LI, m., CHAN, FTS and WANG, z. |
161 |
"A self-configurable cloud-based system to support personal active learning". 11thInternational Conference on Technology Education, in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong, 3-5th January 2015, pp.87-89 (Jan 2015) |
TSUI, ERIC, YU, wang, LEE, W.B. and SABETZADEH, farzad |
162 |
"Adaptive diamond turning for micro-structured surfaces". Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2014 (APCOM 2014), Guangzhou, 9-11 Nov 2014, pp.185-189 (Nov 2014) |
ZHU, Zhiwei# and TO, S. |
163 |
"An Integrated Learning and Sharing Platform for Adoption of Active Learning". The 11th International Conference on Technology Education in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong, 3-5 Jan 2015, pp.135-137 (Jan 2015) |
LEE, CKM and YEUNG, Charlie |
164 |
"An advanced distribution scheduling guided by fuzzy AHP multi-criteria decision-making system in a maritime transport network". The 25th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM),The 25th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM), June 23 - 26, 2015, pp.304-311 (Jun 2015) |
SUN, Xuting#, CHUNG, SH and CHAN, FTS |
165 |
"Balance between Online Self-learning and Face-to-face Guidance in the Flip Teaching Environment". The 11th International Conference on Technology Education in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong, 3-5 Jan 2015, pp.99-100 (Jan 2015) |
LIN, Danping and LEE, CKM |
166 |
"Cloud Computing and MOOCs for supporting knowledge work, innovation and learning". IET Symoposium on Sustainability Management Towards Excellence in Knowledge Management, Hong Kong, 22nd May 2015, pp.26-34 (May 2015) |
167 |
"Construction of Representative Volume Element for FE Simulation of Bulk Deformation of Stainless Steel Using X-Ray Computed Tomography Approach". TMS2015 Supplemental Proceedings, Orlando, US, 15-19 Mar 2015, pp.485-490 (Mar 2015) ISBN 978-1-119-08241-5(print) |
LU, Xianzheng# and CHAN, LC |
168 |
"Creativity, Education, Economy and Neuroscience". Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Technology Education (ICTE) in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong, 3-5 January 2015, Hong Kong, pp.117-118 (Jan 2015) ISBN 978-962-367-775-2(print) |
169 |
"Cutting Characteristics of Zirconium Based Bulk Metallic Glasses in Ultra-precision Diamond Turning". Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing, Bremen, Germany, 8-10 Jul 2014 (Jul 2014) (USB version) |
CHAU, Sau Yee#, TO, S., CHAN, KC and CHEUNG, C.F. |
170 |
Design an M-learning Platform for Engineering Mathematics". Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Technology Education (ICTE) in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong, 3-5 January, 2015, pp.141-144 (Jan 2015) |
171 |
"Design and Development Waste Management System in Hong Kong". 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Malaysia, 9-12 Dec 2014, pp.798-802 (Dec 2014) |
LEE, CKM and WU, Trevor |
172 |
"Design of Micromachined Condenser Microphones with Concave Backplates". Proceedings of the 19thAnnual Conference of Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanic (HKSTAM) 2015, Hong Kong, 28 March 2015, pp.54 (Mar 2015) |
173 |
"Design of a EHS Module for an Intelligent Automobile Parking Platform". 2014 Enterprise Systems Conference, Shangai, China, August 02, 2014-August 03, 2014, IEEE, pp.184-189 (Aug 2014) ISBN 978-1-4799-5553-4 (print), 978-1-4799-5554-1 (electronic) (link) |
WU, C.H., NG, Chun Kit#, LEUNG, Po Ling#, LAU, W.Y., HO, G.T.S. and IP, W.H. |
174 |
"Development of failure-prone manufacturing system control policy with inventory inaccuracy and stochastic demand". The 18thInternational Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary, 18-22 August 2014. (Aug 2014) (CD ROM version) |
LI, Nan#, CHAN, FTS and CHUNG, SH |
175 |
"Economic Production Quantity Problem in a Deteriorating Manufacturing System with Perishable Product". The 3rd Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology (ACEAIT), Osaka, Japan, March 22-24, 2015 (Mar 2015) (CD ROM version) |
LI, Nan#, CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH and TAI, a.h. |
176 |
"Effect of porosity on compressive yield strength of microwave sintered titanium components". 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering Plasticity and Its Application, Taiwan, 1-5 September 2014 (2015) (Key Engineering Materials, Volume 626, 2015, Pages 97-102.) |
TANG, C.Y. and CHOY, Man Tik Dickson# |
177 |
"Effects of axial spindle vibration on surface generation in ultra-precision diamond turning". Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2014 (APCOM 2014), Guangzhou, 9-11 Nov 2014, pp.179-184 (Nov 2014) |
ZHANG, Shaojian and TO, S. |
178 |
"Enacting Personal Knowledge Management and Learning with Web Services Interoperability Tools". IEEE Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems, Shenzhen & Hong Kong, 27-29th Nov 2014, pp.491-494 (Nov 2014) |
SABETZADEH, Farzad, YU, Wang and TSUI, ERIC |
179 |
"Fabrication of Poly(L-Lactide) Nanoparticles with Double Emulsion and Ultrasonic Atomization Based Spray Drying". Proceedings of Twenty-second Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Saint Julian’s, Malta, 13-19 July 2014, pp.373-374 (Jul 2014) |
HUANG, Wenfei#, TSUI, C.P., TANG, C.Y., LAW, W.C. and YANG, MO |
180 |
"Hot embossing of microstructured pattern on PMMA substrate". Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing, Bremen, Germany, 8-10 Jul 2014 (Jul 2014) (USB version) |
LUI, Sing Yuen#, TO, S. and CHEUNG, C.F. |
181 |
"Inter-disciplinary service learning - Housing for the Community". The 1st International Conference on Service-Learning, Hong Kong, 20-21 Nov 2014, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, pp.74-83 (Nov 2014) |
LEUNG, B.Y.P., CHAN, Ada PL and LUK, S.F. |
182 |
"Investigation of Factors Affecting and Optimizing Material Removal Rate in Computer Controlled Ultra-precision Polishing". The 5th International Conference on Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, 12-15 November, 2013, Trans Tech Publications (Aug 2014) ISBN 978-3-03835-211-2(print) (Published in Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 625, p.446-452 (2015).) |
HO, L.T.#, CHEUNG, C.F., BLUNT, L. and ZHENG, S.Y. |
183 |
"LASER Light Scribe and Microwave Annealing Reduction of Graphene Oxide for Supercapacitor Applications". Proceedings of 2015 10th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS), Xi'an, China, 7-11 April, 2015, pp.380-383 (Apr 2015) |
184 |
"Lessons learnt from and sustainbility of deploying a Personal Learning Environment and Network (PLE&N)". International Conference on Educational Technologies, Tapiei, Taiwan, 10-12th December 2014, pp.51-59 (Dec 2014) |
185 |
"Molecular dynamics simulation of plastic deformation of diamond at an elevated temperature". 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering Plasticity and Its Application, Taiwan, 1-5 September 2014, Trans Tech Publications (2014) (Key Engineering Materials, Volume 626, 2015, Pages 329-333) |
FUNG, Kai Yin#, TANG, C.Y. and CHEUNG, C.F. |
186 |
"Nonlinear vibrations of a typical fast tool servo induced by the contacts between the piezo-actuator and the flexure mechanism". Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing, Bremen, Germany, 8-10 Jul 2014 (Jul 2014) (USB version) |
ZHU, Zhiwei# and TO, S. |
187 |
"Novel sensing Technique based on copper chalcogenides Nanocrystals". The 8th International Conference on Nanophotonics,Changchun, China, 25 - 28 May 2015 (May 2015) (CD ROM version) |
RAO, Nanxi, CHEUNG, Tai Lok# and LAW, Wing-Cheung |
188 |
"Optimal multi-degree cyclic scheduling of reentrant electroplating lines including multiple hoists without overlapping". International Conference on Innovation and Management, Singapore, February 3-6, 2015 (Feb 2015) (CD ROM version) |
LI, x., CHAN, FTS and NIU, B |
189 |
"Optimization of product refurbishment in closed-loop supply chain using multi-objective model integrated with fuzzy controller under uncertainties". The 25th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM), Wolverhampton, West Midlands, United Kingdom, June 23 - 26, 2015 (Jun 2015) (CD ROM version) |
CHEN, Yongtong#, CHAN, FTS and CHUNG, SH |
190 |
"Optimization with fuzzy controller in closed-loop supply chain considering uncertainties". The International Conference on Engineering and Technology (IRCET 2015), Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29, June 2015 (Jun 2015) (CD ROM version) |
CHEN, Yongtong#, CHAN, FTS and CHUNG, SH |
191 |
"Optimizing configuration of supply chain with survival assessment model". The 2015 International Conference on Management Engineering and Computer Application (MECA2015), Phuket, Thailand, January 16-17, 2015 (Jan 2015) (CD ROM version) |
CHAN, FTS, NIU, B, NAYAK, a., RAJ, r. and TIWARI, m.k. |
192 |
"PREPARATION OF CANCER CELLS TARGETED HYALURONIC ACID-QUANTUM DOT NANOHYBRIDS BASED ON MICROEMULSION". Proceedings of Twenty-second Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Saint Julian’s, Malta, 13-19 July 2014, pp.527-528 (Jul 2014) |
LAW, W.C., NG, C.H., TANG, C.Y. and TSUI, C.P. |
193 |
"Problem Based Learning of Systems Engineering Using Additive Manufacturing Process". Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Technology Education (ICTE) in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong, 3-5 January, 2015, pp.107-109 (Jan 2015) |
TANG, YM and MO, John P.T. |
194 |
"Project-based Service Learning by Use of Interdisciplinary Field Education". The 15th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Warsaw, 17-20 Jun 2015, European Academy of Management, Poland (Jun 2015) (Ref. no. D 301 (link)) |
LEUNG, B.Y.P. and LUK, S.F. |
195 |
"Robust Production Capacity Planning of a Wafer Fabrication System with Uncertain Wafer Lots Transfer Probabilities". The 15thIFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015), Ottawa, Canada, 11-13 May 2015 (May 2015) (CD ROM version) |
CHEN, w., WANG, z. and CHAN, FTS |
196 |
"Scheduling of multi-die operations with multiple maintenance tasks". The Fifth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2015),Dubai, 3-5 March 2015 (Mar 2015) (CD ROM version) |
CHAN, FTS, WONG, Chun Sing# and CHUNG, SH |
197 |
"Study on the Innovativeness among Engineering and Non-Engineering Students". Proceedings of Management, Learning and Knowledge, Technology, Innovation and Industrial Management, Joint International Conference, Bari, Italy, 27-29 May, 2015 (2015) (on-line version) |
LAW, KRIS M Y, BREZNIK, Kristijan and NGAN, S C |
198 |
"Supercapacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (SCMUTS) Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide". The 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2015), Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A., 21-25 June 2015 (Jun 2015) (late-news open poster version) |
199 |
"The design of LED fiber automotive headlamp". Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2014 (APCOM 2014), Guangzhou, China, 9-11 Nov 2014, pp.31 (Nov 2014) |
WANG, B., TO, S., 王, 文奎 and CHEUNG, K.C. |
200 |
"The impact of non-stationary demand and forecasting on a failure-prone manufacturing system". The Fifth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2015), Dubai, 3-5 March 2015 (Mar 2015) (CD ROM version) |
LI, Nan#, CHAN, FTS and CHUNG, SH |
201 |
"Wetting transition of ultra-precision machined hydrophobic surfaces". Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2014 (APCOM 2014), Guangzhou, China, 9-11 Nov 2014, pp.28 (Nov 2014) |
CHENG, Cheung Tong# and TO, S. |
Other conference paper
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
202 |
"A novel format of depth map image". Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture, Guangzhou, China, 09-11 November (Nov 2014) (page no. 0010) |
CHAN, C.Y., LI, L.H., LEE, W.B. and LIU, Y.H. |
203 |
"Design and fabrication of elliptic micro-lens array with grating for laser safety". Proceedings of Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC2015), Beijing, China, 05-07 May (May 2015) (page no. AOPC23-033) |
LI, L.H., WU, B.Q., CHAN, C.Y., LEE, W.B. and DONG, L.H. |
204 |
"Novel selection system of ultra-precision machining tool for optical lens". Proceedings of the 15th Euspen International Conference & Exhibition (EUSPEN2015), Leuven, Belgium, 01-05 June (Jun 2015) (page no. P5.07) |
CHAN, C.Y., LI, L.H. and LEE, W.B. |
205 |
"Research on reflective micro-structures for laser protection". Proceedings of the 15th Euspen International Conference & Exhibition (EUSPEN2015), Leuven, Belgium, 01-05 June (Jun 2015) (page no. P6.06) |
LI, L.H., WU, B.Q., CHAN, C.Y. and LEE, W.B. |
Consulting or contract research report
Contract Research
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
206 |
"Consultancy Study on the Operations and Management of Spare Parts Store". 57pp (Jun 2015) (Airport Authority Hong Kong, PTec No – P14-0388, report submitted on 30 June 2015) |
TSANG, Hing Choi |
207 |
"Design and Manufacturing of Optical Diffractive Lenses +3/plano lens (n=30)". 5pp (Mar 2015) (Design report for University of Houston, Ptec ref. no. P14-0460) |
TO, S. and 王, 文奎 |
208 |
"Design and development of a precision mould for injection moulding of a 4-unit optical aspheric lens". 4pp (Aug 2014) (Design report for ASM Technology Singapore PTE Ltd., Ptec ref. no. P14-0137) |
TO, S. and 王, 文奎 |
210 |
"Design and development of optical lenses for direct-light backlighting module used in LCDs". 1pp (Aug 2014) (Design report for Lighting Optoelectronic Technology (SZ) Co., Ltd., Ptec ref. no.P14-0135) |
TO, S. and WANG, B. |
211 |
"Enhancing Operational Efficiency Using Streamlining and Lean Principles". (Jul 2014) |
212 |
"Optical design for a diffractive magnifying lens". 1pp (Jun 2015) (Design for Dongguan SinCoat Technologies Co., Ltd, Ptec ref. no. P14-0368) |
TO, S. and WANG, B. |
213 |
"Optical design for the reflector using LED XP - G2 Model no.: 460 reflector". 4pp (Dec 2014) (Design report for SmartLite Manufacturing Ltd., Ptec ref. no. P14-0375) |
TO, S. and 王, 文奎 |
214 |
"用於牙科照明燈的透鏡開發光學設計調整及注塑樣板透鏡". 1pp (May 2015) (Design report for 佛山市邦寧電子科技有限公司, Ptec ref. no. P14-0201) |
TO, S. and 王, 文奎 |
Patents granted
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
215 |
"Vertical Microinjection Machine". European EP2261001B1 (Jul 2014) |
YUNG, Kai Leung |
216 |
"一種利用拋光生成結構型表面的方法". PRC ZL201010560985.5 (Oct 2014) |
CHEUNG, Chi Fai, KONG, Lingbao, HO, Lai Ting, TO, Suet and LEE, Wing Bun |
217 |
"兼容 BD 和 CBHD 讀寫的物鏡、光學頭以及光盤讀寫裝置". PRC ZL201110064373.1 (Dec 2014) |
LEE, Wing Bun, TO, Suet, LI, Lihua and WANG, Wenkui |
Journal editor
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
218 |
Associate Editor.International Journal of Engineering Business Management(Jul 2014) |
219 |
Editor.Guest Editor of a Special Issue entitled 'High Entropy Alloy Coatings' for the journal 'COATINGS', MDPI AG (Nov 2014) |
YUE, T.M. |
Journal editor
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
220 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management(Jul 2014) |
221 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Network and Mobile Technologies(Jul 2014) |
222 |
Associate Editor. The Open Economics and Management Journal(Jul 2014) |
223 |
Associate Editor. Interantional Journal of Manufacturing Technology & Management, Inder Science Publishers(Jul 2014) (link) |
YUNG, K.C. |
224 |
Associate Editor. Annual Journal of Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong), 2013-2014, Vol. 34, Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong), (Sep 2014) (ISSN: 1609-3208) |
TSUI, C.P. |
225 |
Associate Editor. Austin Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Austin Publishing Group (Feb 2015) |
LAW, Wing Cheung |
226 |
Associate Editor. Electronic Commerce Research, Springer SBM (Nov 2014) |
227 |
Editor. Annual Journal of Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong), 2013-2014, Vol. 34, Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong) (Sep 2014) (ISSN: 1609-3208) |
TANG, C.Y. |
228 |
Editor. Editor-in-Chief, HKIE Transactions(2014) |
CHAN, Kang Cheung |
229 |
Editor. Enterprise Information Systems, Taylor & Francis Group (Journals) (2014) (link) |
IP, W.H. |
230 |
Editor. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, InTech (2014) (link) |
IP, W.H. |
231 |
Editor. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science(Jul 2014) |
LEE, Wing Bun |
232 |
Editor. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering(Jul 2014) |
TSANG, Hing Choi |
233 |
Editor. Lead Guest Editor of Journal of Nanomaterials Special Issue: Nanostructured Materials for the Deliveries of Imaging Probes and Therapeutics, Hindawi Publishing Corporation (Jun 2015) |
LAW, Wing Cheung |
234 |
Editor. Proceedings of The 11 International Conference on Technology Education in the Asia Pacific Region, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (Jan 2015) |
LAW, Wing Cheung |
235 |
Editor. Surface and Coatings Technology(2015) (2015 to 2018) |
MAN, Hau Chung |
236 |
Editor. VINE, The Information and Knowledge Management Systems(Jul 2014) |
LEE, Wing Bun |
Postgraduate research theses
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
237 |
"Deformation Behaviour of Bulk Metallic Glasses under Complex Stress States". (Mar 2015) |
CHEN, Shunhua# |
238 |
"Intelligent Production Scheduling for Mould Making". (Nov 2014) |
TANG, Lap Ying# |
239 |
"Modeling of 3D Human Cartoon and Caricature Characters". (Sep 2014) |
CHAU, Chiu On# |
240 |
"Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Tool Wear in Ultra-precision Raster Milling". (Sep 2014) |
ZHANG, Guoqing# |
241 |
"Scheduling of Production and Maintenance Operations with Mold Maintenance Consideration". (Mar 2015) |
WONG, Chun Sing# |
242 |
"Synergistic Enhancement of Strength and Wear Resistance of Titanium Alloys by TiN Surface Network Reinforcement". (May 2015) |
CHAN, On Ki# |
243 |
"Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of 3D-Structured Surface Generation by Computer Controlled Ultra-Precision Polishing". (Mar 2015) |
HO, Lai Ting# |