Research Outputs (2016 - 2017)

Chapter in an edited book (author)
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
1 |
"Hydrogen Economy". In Antonio Scipioni , Alessandro Manzardo, Jingzheng Ren, Ed.,Comparison of Different Multicriteria Decision-Making Methodologies for Sustainability Decision Making, Elsevier, United Kingdom, pp.189-224 (May 2017) ISBN 9780128111321 (print), 9780128111338 (electronic) |
LIANG, Hanwei, REN, Jingzheng, GAO, Suzhao, DONG, Liang and GAO, Zhiqiu |
2 |
"Hydrogen Economy". In Antonio Scipioni , Alessandro Manzardo, Jingzheng Ren, Ed., Introduction of Hydrogen Routines, Elsevier, United Kingdom, pp.35-54 (May 2017) ISBN 9780128111321 (print), 9780128111338 (electronic) |
XU, Di, DONG, Lichun and REN, Jingzheng |
3 |
"Hydrogen Economy". In Antonio Scipioni, Alessandro Manzardo, Jingzheng Ren, Ed., Opportunities and Future Challenges in Hydrogen Economy for Sustainable Development, Elsevier, United Kingdom, pp.277-305 (May 2017) ISBN 9780128111321 (print), 9780128111338 (electronic) |
DOU, Yi, SUN, Lu,REN, Jingzheng and DONG, Liang |
4 |
"Hydrogen Economy". In Antonio Scipioni, Alessandro Manzardo, Jingzheng Ren, Ed., Sustainability Decision Support Framework for the Prioritization of Hydrogen Energy Systems, Elsevier, United Kingdom, pp.225-276 (May 2017) ISBN 9780128111321 (print), 9780128111338 (electronic) |
REN, Jingzheng, XU, Di, CAO, Huan, WEI, Shun’an, DONG, Lichun and GOODSITE, Michael E. |
5 |
"Hydrogen Economy". In Antonio Scipioni, Alessandro Manzardo, Jingzheng Ren, Ed., The Role of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier, United Kingdom, pp.1-33 (May 2017) ISBN 9780128111321 (print), 9780128111338 (electronic) |
REN, Jingzheng, GAO, Suzhao, LIANG, Hanwei, TAN, Shiyu and DONG, Lichun |
6 |
"Managerial Strategies and Solutions for Business Success in Asia". In Patricia, Ordóñez de Pablos, Ed., A Process-Oriented Warehouse Postponement Strategy for E-Commerce Order Fulfillment in Warehouses and Distribution Centers in Asia, IGI Global, USA, pp.21-34 (2017) ISBN 9781522518860 (print), 9781522519607 (electronic) |
LEUNG, Ka Ho#, CHENG, Wui Yau Stephen#, CHOY, K.L., WONG, David W. C., LAM, Hoi Yan, HUI, Yan Yan#, TSANG, Yung Po# and TANG, Valerie# |
Edited book (editor)
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
7 |
Hydrogen Economy. Elsevier, United Kingdom, 328pp (2017) ISBN 9780128111321 (print), 9780128111338 (electronic) (see the links of this book:link) |
SCIPIONI, Antonio, MANZARDO, Alessandro and REN, Jingzheng |
Publication in refereed journal
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
8 |
"3D-printed millifluidic chip for synthesising plasmonic semiconductor nanocrystals as sensors substrate". HKIE Transactions, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.174-178 (Oct 2016) ISSN 1023-697X (print), 2326-3733 (electronic) (link) |
LAW, Wing Cheung, CHEUNG, Tai Lok# and RAO, Nanxi |
9 |
"A Social Media Mining and Analysis Approach for Supporting Cyber Youth Work". International journal of knowledge and systems science, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp.1-16 (Apr 2017) ISSN 1947-8208 (print) |
10 |
"A Cloud-based Location Assignment System for Packaged Food Allocation in E-Fulfilment Warehouse.". International journal of engineering business management, Vol. 8, pp.1-15 (Dec 2016) ISSN 1847-9790 (print) |
HUI, Yan Yan#, CHOY, K.L., HO, G.T.S., LEUNG, KH and LAM, Hoi Yan |
11 |
"A Gaussian Process Data Modelling and Maximum Likelihood Data Fusion Method for Multi-Sensor CMM Measurement of Freeform Surfaces". Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 12, pp.409 (Dec 2016) ISSN 2076-3417 (electronic) (link) |
12 |
"A New SiC Trench MOSFET Structure With Protruded p-Base for Low Oxide Field and Enhanced Switching Performance". IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.432-437 (Jun 2017) ISSN 1530-4388 (print), 1558-2574 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Meng#, WEI, Jin, JIANG, Huaping, CHEN, Kevin J. and CHENG, CHING-HSIANG |
13 |
"A Novel Multi-jet Polishing Process and Tool for High Efficiency Polishing". International journal of machine tools & manufacture, Vol. 60–73, No. April, pp.60-73 (Apr 2017) ISSN 0890-6955 (print) |
WANG, Chunjin, CHEUNG, C.F.,HO, Lai Ting and LEE, W.B. |
14 |
"A RFID-based storage assignment system for enhancing the efficiency of order picking". Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.111-129 (Jan 2017) ISSN 0956-5515 (print), 1572-8145 (electronic) (link) |
CHOY, K.L., HO, G.T.S. and LEE, Kar Hang Carmen |
15 |
"A Reconstruction–Registration Integrated Data Fusion Method for Measurement of Multiscaled Complex Surfaces". IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, Vol. 66, No. 3, pp.414-423 (Mar 2017) ISSN 0018-9456 (print) |
MING JUN, Ren, LI JIAN , Sun, LIU, Mingyu#, CHEUNG, C.F. and YUE HONG , Yin |
16 |
"A Review of Life Cycle Assessment in Green Supply Chain Management". The international journal of business & management, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp.22-41 (Feb 2017) ISSN 23218916 (print) (link) |
17 |
"A Single-Port Robotic Platform for Laparoscopic Surgery with a Large Central Channel for Additional Instrument". Annals of Biomedical Engineering, pp.1-11 (Jun 2017) ISSN 0090-6964 (print), 1573-9686 (electronic) (link) (On-line) |
YUNG, K.L., CHEUNG, J. L. K., CHUNG, Sheung Wai, SINGH, S. and YEUNG, C. K. |
18 |
"A Stochastic Production-Inventory Model in a Two-State Production System With Inventory Deterioration, Rework Process, and Backordering". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp.916-926 (Jun 2017) ISSN 2168-2216 (print), 2168-2232 (electronic) (link) |
LI, Nan, CHAN, Felix TS, CHUNG, SH and TAI, Allen H. |
19 |
"A Systematic Approach to Identify the Critical Factors of Taiwan International Logistics: a Grey Relational Approach.". International Journal of Innovation and Learning(2017) ISSN 1471-8197 (print) (Online version) |
20 |
"A Visualization Review of Cloud Computing Algorithms in the Last Decade". Sustainability, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp.1008 (Oct 2016) ISSN 2071-1050 (electronic) (link) |
RUAN, Junhu, CHAN, Felix TS, ZHU, Fangwei, WANG, Xuping and YANG, Jing |
21 |
"A cooperative negotiation embedded NSGA-II for solving an integrated product family and supply chain design problem with remanufacturing consideration". Applied Soft Computing, pp.19-34 (2017) ISSN 1568-4946 (print) |
WU, Z., KWONG, C.K., AYDIN, Ridvan# and TANG, J. |
22 |
"A fuzzy AHP and fuzzy multi-objective linear programming model for order allocation in a sustainable supply chain: A case study". International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp.535-551 (Jun 2017) ISSN 0951-192X (print), 1362-3052 (electronic) (link) |
KUMAR, Divesh, RAHMAN, Zillur and CHAN, Felix TS |
23 |
"A mathematical model for municipal solid waste management – A case study in Hong Kong". Waste Management, Vol. 58, pp.430-441 (Dec 2016) ISSN 0956053X (print) (link) |
LEE, CKM, YEUNG, Chui Ling, XIONG, Z.R. and CHUNG, SH |
24 |
"A new laser joining technology for direct-bonding of metals and plastics". Materials & Design, Vol. 110, pp.775-781 (Nov 2016) ISSN 02641275 (print) (link) |
CHEN, Y.J.#, YUE, T.M. and GUO, Z.N. |
25 |
"A new strategy for designing high-performance sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) polymer electrolyte membranes using inorganic proton conductor-functionalized carbon nanotubes". Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 325, pp.453-464 (Sep 2016) ISSN 03787753 (print) (link) |
GONG, Chunli, ZHENG, Xuan, LIU, Hai, WANG, Guangjin, CHENG, Fan, ZHENG, Genwen, WEN, Sheng, LAW, Wing Cheung, TSUI, C.P. and TANG, C.Y. |
26 |
"A note on resource allocation scheduling with group technology and learning effects on a single machine". Engineering Optimization, Vol. 49, No. 9, pp.1621-1632 (2017) ISSN 0305-215X (print), 1029-0273 (electronic) (link) |
LU, Yuan-Yuan, WANG, Jibo, JI, Ping and HE, Hongyu |
27 |
"A recursive operations strategy model for managing sustainable chemical product development and production". International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 181, pp.262-272 (Nov 2016) ISSN 09255273 (print) (link) |
CHOY, K.L., HO, G.T.S., LEE, C.K.H., LAM, Hoi Yan, CHENG, Wui Yau Stephen#, SIU, Kai Yuet Paul Atlas#, PANG, G.K.H., TANG, Valerie#, LEE, Jason Chun-ho# and TSANG, Yung Po# |
28 |
"A robust inventory routing policy under inventory inaccuracy and replenishment lead-time". Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 91, pp.290-305 (Jul 2016) ISSN 13665545 (print) (link) |
LI, Ming, WANG, Zheng and CHAN, Felix TS |
29 |
"A scenario-based roadmapping method for strategic planning and forecasting: A case study in a testing, inspection and certification company". Technological forecasting and social change, Vol. 111, No. Oct, pp.44-62 (Oct 2016) ISSN 0040-1625 (print) |
CHENG, Mei Na#, WONG, Wai Kiu#, CHEUNG, C.F. and LEUNG, Ka Hei# |
30 |
"A splicing-driven memetic algorithm for reconstructing cross-cut shredded text documents". Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 45, pp.163-172 (Aug 2016) ISSN 15684946 (print) (link) |
GONG, Yue-Jiao, GE, Yong-Feng, LI, Jing-Jing, ZHANG, Jun and IP, W.H. |
31 |
"A theoretical and experimental investigation of material removal characteristics and surface generation in bonnet polishing". Wear, Vol. 360, pp.137-146 (Aug 2016) ISSN 00431648 (print) (link) |
CAO, Zhongchen#, CHEUNG, C.F. and ZHAO, Xing |
32 |
"A weighted least square based data fusion method for precision measurement of freeform surfaces". Precision Engineering, Vol. 48, pp.144-151 (Apr 2017) ISSN 01416359 (print) (link) |
REN, M.J., SUN, L.J., LIU, Mingyu#, CHEUNG, C.F., YIN, Y.H. and CAO, Y.L. |
33 |
"AHP-Driven Knowledge Leakage Risk Assessment Model: A Construct-Apply-Control Cycle Approach". International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp.1-18 (2016) ISSN 19478208 (print) |
TSANG, Wing Chi#, LEE, W.B. and TSUI, ERIC |
34 |
"AI-based methodology of integrating affective design, engineering, and marketing for defining design specifications of new products". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp.49-60 (2016) ISSN 0952-1976 (print) |
KWONG, C.K., JIANG, Huimin and LUO, X.G. |
35 |
"Active stiffening of F-actin network dominated by structural transition of actin filaments into bundles". Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 116, pp.377-381 (May 2017) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
LIN, Shengmao, HAN, Xinwei, TSUI, C.P., HUI, David and GU, Linxia |
36 |
"Additive Manufacturing of Cobalt-Based Organic Ferromagnetic Materials". IEEE Magnetics Letters, Vol. 8, pp.1-5 (Jan 2017) ISSN 1949-307X (print), 1949-3088 (electronic) (link) (article no. 2104405) |
HUANG, Junfeng#, YUNG, K.C., MENG, Zhengong, ANG, Desmond T. C. and LI, Guijun |
37 |
"Additive and Photochemical Manufacturing of Copper". Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.39584 (Dec 2016) ISSN 2045-2322 (electronic) (link) |
YUNG, K.C., SUN, Bo, MENG, Zhengong, HUANG, Junfeng#, JIN, Yingdi, CHOY, HS, CAI, ZX,LI, Guijun, HO, Cheuk Lam, YANG, Jinlong and WONG, Wai Yeung |
38 |
"Air cargo revenue management under buy-back policy". Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 61, pp.53-63 (Jun 2017) ISSN 09696997 (print) (link) |
LIN, Danping, LEE, CKM and YANG, Jilin# |
39 |
"An EGaIn-based flexible piezoresistive shear and normal force sensor with hysteresis analysis in normal force direction". Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp.105020 (Sep 2016) ISSN 0960-1317 (print), 1361-6439 (electronic) (link) |
40 |
"An autonomous multisensor in situ metrology system for enabling high dynamic range measurement of 3D surfaces on precision machine tools". Measurement science and technology, Vol. 27, No. 11, pp.1-8 (Oct 2016) ISSN 0957-0233 (print) |
LIU, Mingyu#, CHEUNG, C.F., DAVID, Whitehouse and CHENG, CHING-HSIANG |
41 |
"An intelligent physarum solver for supply chain network design under profit maximization and oligopolistic competition". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp.244-263 (Jan 2017) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Xiaoge, CHAN, Felix TS, ADAMATZKY, Andrew, MAHADEVAN, Sankaran, YANG, Hai, ZHANG, Zili and DENG, Yong |
42 |
"Analytical solution of a hyperbolic partial differential equation and its application". International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp.183-199 (Jun 2017) ISSN 1756-378X (print) (link) |
HE, Ping and LI, Yangmin |
43 |
"Application of X- ray diffraction to study the grinding induced surface damage mechanism of WC/Co". International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 64, pp.205-209 (Apr 2017) ISSN 02634368 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Quanli#, ZHAO, Qingliang, TO, S. and GUO, Bing |
44 |
"Compliance Analysis of A Horizontal Arrangement Parallel Mechanism Considering Gravitational Effect". International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.255-259 (Oct 2016) ISSN 2278-0149 (print) |
XU, Peng#, CHEUNG, C.F. and BING, Li |
45 |
"Comprehensive Pareto Efficiency in robust counterpart optimization". Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol. 94, pp.75-91 (Nov 2016) ISSN 00981354 (print) (link) |
SHANG, Ke, FENG, Zuren, KE, Liangjun and CHAN, Felix TS |
46 |
"Continuous injection direct rolling for optical elements with microstructures". The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 85, No. 9-12, pp.2247-2255 (Aug 2016) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Haixiong, LV, Yonghu, LOU, Yan, LI, Jibin and CHEUNG, C.F. |
47 |
"Coordination of closed-loop supply chain for product line design with consideration of remanufactured products". Journal of Cleaner Production, pp.286-293 (2016) ISSN 0959-6526 (print) |
AYDIN, Ridvan#, KWONG, C.K. and JI, P. |
48 |
"Crush response of CFRP square tube filled with aluminum honeycomb". Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 98, pp.406-414 (Aug 2016) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
LIU, Qiang, MO, Zhengwei, WU, Yinghan, MA, Jingbo, TSUI, C.P. and HUI, David |
49 |
"Decision making for the selection of cloud vendor: An improved approach under group decision-making with integrated weights and objective/subjective attributes". Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 55, pp.37-47 (Aug 2016) ISSN 09574174 (print) (link) |
LIU, Sen, CHAN, FTS and RAN, Wenxue |
50 |
"Design and Analysis of a New High Precision Decoupled XY Compact Parallel Micromanipulator". Micromachines, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp.82 (Mar 2017) ISSN 2072-666X (electronic) (link) |
CHEN, Xigang and LI, Yangmin |
51 |
"Design and analysis of a 3-DOF planar micromanipulation stage with large rotational displacement for micromanipulation system". Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.117-126 (May 2017) ISSN 2191-916X (electronic) (link) |
DING, Bingxiao, LI, Yangmin, XIAO, Xiao, TANG, Yirui and LI, Bin |
52 |
"Design and development of a unified framework towards swarm intelligence". Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp.253-277 (2017) ISSN 0269-2821 (print), 1573-7462 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Shuzhu#, LEE, CKM, YU, K.M. and LAU, H. C. W. |
53 |
"Design and development of inventory knowledge discovery system". Enterprise Information Systems, pp.1-21 (Sep 2016) ISSN 1751-7575 (print), 1751-7583 (electronic) (link) |
LEE, CKM, MITREA, Catalin, IP, W.H., CHOY, K.L. and HO, G.T.S. |
54 |
"Design, Analysis, and Realization of a Novel Piezoelectrically Actuated Rotary Spatial Vibration System for Micro-/Nanomachining". IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp.1227-1237 (Jun 2017) ISSN 1083-4435 (print), 1941-014X (electronic) (link) |
ZHU, Zhiwei, TO, S., EHMANN, Kornel F. and ZHOU, Xiaoqin |
55 |
"Developing a comprehensive brand evaluation system with the support of TRIZ to formulate brand strategies". International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp.38 (Jan 2017) ISSN 1756-0047 (print), 1756-0055 (electronic) (link) |
LEE, Tzong Ru, CHOY, K.L., HSU, Min Chih and CASSIA, Fabio |
56 |
"Development of a multi-band photoacoustic tomography imaging system based on a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer array". Applied Optics, Vol. 56, No. 14, pp.4012-4018 (May 2017) ISSN 0003-6935 (print), 1539-4522 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Jian, PUN, Sio Hang, YU, Yuanyu, GAO, Duyang, WANG, Jiujiang, MAK, Peng Un, LEI, Kin Fong, CHENG, CHING-HSIANG and YUAN, Zhen |
57 |
"Diamond wheel wear mechanism and its impact on the surface generation in parallel diamond grinding of RB-SiC/Si". Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 74, pp.16-23 (Apr 2017) ISSN 09259635 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Quanli#, ZHAO, Qingliang, TO, S., GUO, Bing and ZHAI, Wenjie |
58 |
"Effect of external disturbances on the strain-rate dependent plastic deformation behavior of a bulk metallic glass". Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 669, pp.103-109 (Jul 2016) ISSN 09215093 (print) (link) |
CHEN, Shunhua, YUE, T.M.,TSUI, C.P. and CHAN, K.C. |
59 |
"Effects of cutting speed on phase changes in ultra-precision raster milling of Zn-Al alloy". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science(Nov 2016) ISSN 0954-4062 (print), 2041-2983 (electronic) (link) (11 pages Online version) |
ZHANG, Shaojian, TO, S. and RAO, X. |
60 |
"Electrical Discharge Machining of Metal Matrix Composites with a High Speed Non-Round Electrode". Advanced Composites Letters, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp.137-142 (Nov 2016) ISSN 0963-6935 (print) |
LIU, J.W., XIAO, Y.J., GUO, Z.N., WANG, S.J., YUE, T.M. and TANG, Z.W. |
61 |
"Electrochemically reduced graphene oxides/nanostructured iron oxides as binder-free electrodes for supercapacitors". Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 231, pp.125-134 (Mar 2017) ISSN 00134686 (print) (link) |
YANG, Qin#, BI, Ran#, YUNG, K.C. and PECHT, Michael |
62 |
"Eliciting and mapping tacit knowledge on teamwork success of Six Sigma teams". Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.246-255 (Aug 2016) ISSN 1477-8238 (print), 1477-8246 (electronic) (link) |
ZOU, Tracy X P and LEE, W.B. |
63 |
"Enhancing the cell proliferation performance of NiTi substrate by laser diffusion nitriding". Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 309, pp.59-66 (2017) ISSN 02578972 (print) (link) |
NG, Chi Ho, RAO, Nanxi, LAW, Wing Cheung, XU, Gaixia, CHEUNG, Tai Lok#, CHENG, FT, WANG, Xiaomei and MAN, H.C. |
64 |
"Evaluation for tool flank wear and its influences on surface roughness in ultra-precision raster fly cutting". International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 118, pp.125-134 (Nov 2016) ISSN 00207403 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Guoqing,TO, S. and ZHANG, Shaojian |
65 |
"Fe-based metallic glass catalyst with nanoporous surface for azo dye degradation". Chemosphere, Vol. 174, pp.76-81 (May 2017) ISSN 00456535 (print) (link) |
DENG, Zhen, ZHANG, Xuhai, CHAN, KC, LIU, L. and LI, T. |
66 |
"Flaw-induced plastic-flow dynamics in bulk metallic glasses under tension". Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, No. 36130, pp.1-9 (Oct 2016) ISSN 2045-2322 (electronic) (link) |
CHEN, S.H., YUE, T.M., TSUI, C.P. and CHAN, K.C. |
67 |
"Guided chemotaxis-based bacterial colony algorithm for three-echelon supply chain optimisation". International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 30, No. 2-3, pp.305-319 (Mar 2017) ISSN 0951-192X (print), 1362-3052 (electronic) (link) |
NIU, Ben, CHAN, Felix TS, XIE, Ting and LIU, Yanmin |
68 |
"High-temperature oxidation behavior of laser-aided additively manufactured NiCrAlY coating". Corrosion Science, Vol. 118, pp.168-177 (Apr 2017) ISSN 0010938X (print) (link) |
69 |
"How Schedule issues affect Drug Logistics Operations? An Empirical Study in Hospitals in China.". Industrial Management & Data Systems, pp.369-387 (2016) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) |
70 |
"Impacts of Innovativeness and Attitude on Entrepreneurial Intention among Engineering and non-Engineering Students". International Journal of Technology and Design Education., pp.1-18 (2016) ISSN 0957-7572 (print) |
LAW, KRIS M Y and BREZNIK, Kristijan |
71 |
"Improved Analytical Modeling of Membrane Large Deflection With Lateral Force for the Underwater CMUT Based on Von Kármán Equations". IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 16, No. 17, pp.6633-6640 (Sep 2016) ISSN 1530-437X (print), 2379-9153 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Jiujiang, PUN, Sio Hang, MAK, Peng Un, CHENG, CHING-HSIANG, YU, Yuanyu, MAK, Pui-In and VAI, Mang I |
72 |
"Interrelationship of Big Data and Knowledge Management: An Exploratory study in Oil and Gas sector". Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp.180-196 (Mar 2017) ISSN 1367-3270 (print) |
SUMBAL, Muhammad Saleem Ullah Khan#, TSUI, ERIC and SEE-TO, ERIC W.K. |
73 |
"Intra-Day Trading System Design Based on the Integrated Model of Wavelet De-Noise and Genetic Programming". Entropy, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp.435 (Dec 2016) ISSN 1099-4300 (electronic) (link) |
LIU, Hongguang#, JI, P. and JIN, Jian |
74 |
"Investigation of the surface profile along the cutting trajectory and its correlation with cutting forces in single point diamond turning". The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 89, No. 5-8, pp.1327-1338 (Mar 2017) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
YUAN, Wei#, CHAN, C.Y., LI, L.H. and LEE, W.B. |
75 |
"Investigation on the maximum strain rate sensitivity (m) superplastic deformation of Mg-Li based alloy". Materials & Design, Vol. 112, pp.151-159 (Dec 2016) ISSN 02641275 (print) (link) |
YANG, Haopeng, FU, M.W., TO, S. and WANG, G.C. |
76 |
"Joint decision of product configuration and remanufacturing for product family design". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 54, No. 15, pp.4689-4702 (Aug 2016) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
WU, Zhiqiao, KWONG, C.K., LEE, CKM and TANG, Jiafu |
77 |
"Kinematics analysis of a hybrid manipulator for computer controlled ultra-precision freeform polishing". Robotics and computer integrated manufacturing, Vol. 44, No. April, pp.44-56 (Apr 2017) ISSN 0736-5845 (print) |
XU, Peng#, CHEUNG, C.F., BING, Li, HO, Lai Ting and J.F., Zhang |
78 |
"Large adiabatic temperature rise above the water ice point of a minor Fe substituted Gd 50 Co 50 amorphous alloy". Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 464, pp.30-33 (May 2017) ISSN 00223093 (print) (link) |
TANG, Benzhen, GUO, Daoqin, DING, Ding, XIA, L. and CHAN, KC |
79 |
"Laser fabrication of Ag-HA nanocomposites on Ti6Al4V implant for enhancing bioactivity and antibacterial capability". Materials Science and Engineering: C, Vol. 70, pp.1-8 (Jan 2017) ISSN 09284931 (print) (link) |
LIU, XM and MAN, H.C. |
80 |
"Laser fabrication of W-reinforced Cu layers: I. Corrosion behavior in 3.5% NaCl solution and synthetic acid rain". Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 181, pp.397-408 (Sep 2016) ISSN 02540584 (print) (link) |
WONG, P.K., KWOK, C.T.,MAN, H.C. and GUO, D. |
81 |
"Laser fabrication of W-reinforced Cu layers: II. Electrical wear behavior in air and synthetic acid rain". Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 177, pp.118-130 (Jul 2016) ISSN 02540584 (print) (link) |
WONG, P.K., KWOK, C.T., MAN, H.C. and GUO, D. |
82 |
"Laser surface alloying of copper with titanium: Part I. Electrical wear resistance in dry condition. Part II. Electrical wear resistance in wet and corrosive condition". Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 297, pp.58-73 (Jul 2016) ISSN 02578972 (print) (link) |
KWOK, C.T., WONG, P.K. and MAN, H.C. |
83 |
"Low ON-Resistance SiC Trench/Planar MOSFET With Reduced OFF-State Oxide Field and Low Gate Charges". IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 37, No. 11, pp.1458-1461 (Nov 2016) ISSN 0741-3106 (print), 1558-0563 (electronic) (link) |
WEI, Jin, ZHANG, Meng#, JIANG, Huaping, CHENG, CHING-HSIANG and CHEN, Kevin J. |
84 |
"Management of sustainable manufacturing systems-a review on mathematical problems". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp.1210-1225 (Feb 2017) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
CHAN, Felix TS, LI, Nan#, CHUNG, SH and SAADAT, Mozafar |
85 |
"Manganese-doped near-infrared emitting nanocrystals for in vivo biomedical imaging". Optics Express, Vol. 24, No. 16, pp.17553 (Aug 2016) ISSN 1094-4087 (electronic) (link) |
LAW, Wing Cheung, XU, Zhourui#, YONG, Ken-Tye, LIU, Xin, SWIHART, Mark T., SESHADRI, Mukund and PRASAD, Paras N. |
86 |
"Measuring energy security performance within China: Toward an inter-provincial prospective". Energy, Vol. 125, pp.825-836 (Apr 2017) ISSN 03605442 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Long, YU, Jing, SOVACOOL, Benjamin K. and REN, Jingzheng |
87 |
"Micro-cutting of silicon implanted with hydrogen and post-implantation thermal treatment". Applied Physics A, Vol. 122, No. 7, pp.7081-7088 (Jul 2016) ISSN 0947-8396 (print), 1432-0630 (electronic) (link) (Article no. 708 (p.1 - 8) Online version) |
88 |
"Micromechanics-based damage model for failure prediction in cold forming". Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 690, pp.120-131 (Apr 2017) ISSN 09215093 (print) |
LU, Xianzheng# and CHAN, LC |
89 |
"Microstructure and compressive properties of silicon carbide reinforced geopolymer". Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 105, pp.93-100 (Nov 2016) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
DU, Fei-Peng, XIE, Sui-Sui, ZHANG, Fang, TANG, C.Y., CHEN, Ling, LAW, Wing Cheung and TSUI, C.P. |
90 |
"Microstructure and tensile behavior of small scale resistance spot welded sandwich bulk metallic glasses". Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 447, pp.300-306 (Sep 2016) ISSN 00223093 (print) (link) |
GUO, S.F., CHAN, KC, ZHU, Z.Q., WU, Z.R., CHEN, W. and SONG, M. |
91 |
"Modelling and prediction of the effect of cutting strategy on surface generation in ultra-precision raster milling". International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 30, No. 9, pp.895-909 (2017) ISSN 0951-192X (print), 1362-3052 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Sujuan, CHEN, Xin, TO, S., CHEN, Xindu, LIU, Qiang and LIU, Jiangwen |
92 |
"Molecular dynamics analysis of the effect of surface flaws of diamond tools on tool wear in nanometric cutting". Computational materials science, Vol. 133, No. June, pp.60-70 (Jun 2017) ISSN 0927-0256 (print) |
FUNG, Kai Yin#, TANG, C.Y. and CHEUNG, C.F. |
93 |
"Multi-objective optimization for sustainable supply chain network design considering multiple distribution channels". Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 65, pp.87-99 (Dec 2016) ISSN 09574174 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Shuzhu#, LEE, CKM, WU, Kan and CHOY, K.L. |
94 |
"NiTi shape memory alloy with enhanced wear performance by laser selective area nitriding for orthopaedic applications". Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 309, pp.1015-1022 (Jan 2017) ISSN 02578972 (print) (link) |
NG, C.H., CHAN, C.W., MAN, H.C., WAUGH, D.G. and LAWRENCE, J. |
95 |
"On-line order batching and sequencing problem with multiple pickers: A hybrid rule-based algorithm". Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 45, pp.271-284 (May 2017) ISSN 0307904X (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Jun, WANG, Xuping, CHAN, Felix TS and RUAN, Junhu |
96 |
"Optimal acquisition and remanufacturing policies for multi-product remanufacturing systems". Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 135, pp.1571-1579 (Nov 2016) ISSN 09596526 (print) (link) |
YANG, Cheng-Hu, LIU, Hai-bo, JI, Ping and MA, Xin# |
97 |
"Optimizing the intermodal transportation of emergency medical supplies using balanced fuzzy clustering". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 54, No. 14, pp.4368-4386 (Jul 2016) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
RUAN, Junhu, WANG, X.P., CHAN, Felix TS and SHI, Y. |
98 |
"Photochemical Copper Coating on 3D Printed Thermoplastics".Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.31188 (Nov 2016) ISSN 2045-2322 (electronic) (link) |
YUNG, K.C.,SUN, Bo, HUANG, Junfeng#, JIN, Yingdi, MENG, Zhengong,CHOY, HS,CAI, ZX,LI, Guijun, HO, Cheuk Lam, YANG, Jinlong and WONG, Wai Yeung |
99 |
"Poly (ionic liquid)-assisted reduction of graphene oxide to achieve high-performance composite electrodes". Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 106, pp.81-87 (Dec 2016) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
HE, Chengen, SUN, Shan, PENG, Haiyan, TSUI, C.P., SHI, Dean, XIE, Xiaolin and YANG, Yingkui |
100 |
"Production control policy for tandem workstations with constant service times and queue time constraints". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 54, No. 21, pp.6302-6316 (Nov 2016) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
WU, Kan, ZHAO, Ning, GAO, Liang and LEE, CKM |
101 |
"Project-based learning of systems engineering V model with the support of 3D printing". Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, pp.1-11 (Jun 2017) ISSN 2205-4952 (print), 1325-4340 (electronic) (e-copy version) |
MO, John P. T. and TANG, YM |
102 |
"Redundantly piezo-actuated XYθ compliant mechanism for nano-positioning featuring simple kinematics, bi-directional motion and enlarged workspace". Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 25, No. 12, pp.125002 (Nov 2016) ISSN 0964-1726 (print), 1361-665X (electronic) (link) |
ZHU, Wu-Le, ZHU, Zhiwei, TO, S., LIU, Qiang, JU, Bing-Feng and ZHOU, Xiaoqin |
103 |
"Relative Age Effect in Mind Games: The Evidence from Elite Chess.". Perceptual & Motor Skills., Vol. 2, No. 122, pp.583-594 (2016) ISSN 00315125 (print) |
LAW, KRIS M Y and BREZNIK, Kristijan |
104 |
"Reliability of the plastic deformation behavior of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass". Intermetallics, Vol. 74, pp.25-30 (Jul 2016) ISSN 09669795 (print) (link) |
FAN, J.J., YAN, Y.F., CHEN, Shunhua, NG, Chi Ho, WU, Fufa and CHAN, KC |
105 |
"Research on Light Field Imaging Based on Compound Eye Ultra-precision Machining". Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 52, No. 17, pp.50 (Nov 2016) ISSN 0577-6686 (print) (link) |
CHAN, C.Y., LI, L.H., LEE, W.B., YUAN, Wei# and LIU, Yahui |
106 |
"Resource-dependent scheduling with deteriorating jobs and learning effects on unrelated parallel machine". Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp.1993-2000 (Oct 2016) ISSN 0941-0643 (print), 1433-3058 (electronic) (link) |
LU, Yuan-Yuan, JIN, Jian, JI, P. and WANG, Jibo |
107 |
"Revealing homogeneous plastic deformation in dendrite-reinforced Ti-based metallic glass composites under tension". Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, pp.42598 (Feb 2017) ISSN 2045-2322 (electronic) (link) |
WU, Fufa, WEI, J. S., CHAN, KC, CHEN, Shunhua, ZHAO, R. D., ZHANG, G. A. and WU, X. F. |
108 |
"Review of life cycle assessment on consumer electronic products: Developments and the way ahead". Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 46, No. 18, pp.1441-1497 (Sep 2016) ISSN 1064-3389 (print), 1547-6537 (electronic) (link) |
109 |
"Scheduling jobs with controllable processing time, truncated job-dependent learning and deterioration effects". Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.60-60 (2016) ISSN 1547-5816 (print) (link) |
WANG, Jibo, LIU, Mengqi, YIN, Na and JI, Ping |
110 |
"Shape memory effect of thermal-responsive nano-hydroxyapatite reinforced poly-d-l-lactide composites with porous structure". Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 107, pp.67-74 (Dec 2016) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
CHEN, Ling, WANG, Jiaxin#, TANG, C.Y., CHEN, Da Zhu and LAW, Wing Cheung |
111 |
"SiC trench MOSFET with self-biased p-shield for low R ON-SP and low OFF-state oxide field". IET Power Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp.1208-1213 (Apr 2017) ISSN 1755-4535 (print), 1755-4543 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Meng#, WEI, Jin, JIANG, Huaping, CHEN, Kevin and CHENG, CHING-HSIANG |
112 |
"Smooth geometry generation in additive manufacturing file format: problem study and new formulation". Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.34-43 (Jan 2017) ISSN 1355-2546 (print) (link) |
YU, K.M., WANG, Yu and WANG, Charlie C.L. |
113 |
"Spectral analysis of surface roughness and form profile of a machined surface after low pressure lapping". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 230, No. 8, pp.1399-1405 (Aug 2016) ISSN 0954-4054 (print), 2041-2975 (electronic) (link) |
LI, Zhuolin, CHAN, C.Y., LEE, W.B. and FU, Yuegang |
114 |
"Stiffness Modeling and Optimization of a 3-DOF Parallel Robot in a Serial-parallel Polishing Machine". International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.497-507 (Apr 2017) ISSN 2234-7593 (print) |
XU, Peng#, LI, Bing, CHEUNG, C.F. and ZHANG, J.F. |
115 |
"Strategies for evaluating performance of flexibility in product recovery system". International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 54, No. 10, pp.2895-2906 (2016) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
MADAAN, Jitender, CHAN, Felix TS and NIU, Ben |
116 |
"Suppression of nanoindentation-induced phase transformation in crystalline silicon implanted with hydrogen". Electronic Materials Letters, pp.1-5 (Apr 2017) ISSN 1738-8090 (print), 2093-6788 (electronic) (link, pp.1-5) |
JELENKOVIC, Emil and TO, S. |
117 |
"Surface Damage Mechanism of Monocrystalline Si Under Mechanical Loading". Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp.1862-1868 (Mar 2017) ISSN 0361-5235 (print), 1543-186X (electronic) (link) |
ZHAO, Qingliang, ZHANG, Quanli#, TO, S. and GUO, Bing |
118 |
"The Pseudo-Eutectic Microstructure and Enhanced Properties in Laser-Cladded Hypereutectic Ti–20%Si Coatings". Metals, Vol. 7, No. 2 Article no. 33, pp.1-7 (Feb 2017) ISSN 2075-4701 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Hui, ZHANG, Zhonghong and YUE, T.M. |
119 |
"The effect of Cu rejection in laser forming of AlCoCrCuFeNi/Mg composite coating". Materials & Design, Vol. 108, pp.157-167 (Oct 2016) ISSN 02641275 (print) (link) |
MENG, G.H., LIN, X., XIE, H.,YUE, T.M., DING, X., SUN, L. and QI, M. |
120 |
"The loss-averse newsvendor model with backordering". International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 188, pp.1-10 (Jun 2017) ISSN 09255273 (print) (link) |
XU, Xinsheng, WANG, Hongwei, DANG, Chuangyin and JI, Ping |
121 |
"The role of configurational disorder on plastic and dynamic deformation in Cu64Zr36 metallic glasses: A molecular dynamics analysis". Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, pp.40969 (Jan 2017) ISSN 2045-2322 (electronic) (link) |
FENG, Shidong, CHAN, KC, CHEN, Shunhua, ZHAO, Lei# and LIU, R. P. |
122 |
"Urban sewage sludge, sustainability, and transition for Eco-City: Multi-criteria sustainability assessment of technologies based on best-worst method". Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 116, pp.29-39 (Mar 2017) ISSN 00401625 (print) (link) |
REN, Jingzheng, LIANG, Hanwei and CHAN, Felix TS |
123 |
"What drives success in product innovation? Empirical evidence in high-tech and low-tech manufacturers in China.". International Journal of Technology Management.(2017) ISSN 0267-5730 (print) (Online version) |
LAW, KRIS M Y, IP, W.H. and LAU, A.K W |
124 |
"Workplace context and its effect on individual competencies and performance in work teams". Int. J. of Business Performance Management, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.49-81 (2017) ISSN 1368-4892 (print) |
ROZHKOV, Mikhail#, CHEUNG, C.F. and TSUI, ERIC |
Invited conference paper
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
125 |
"A multisensor on-machine metrology system for in-situ measurement of optical freeform surfaces". The 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture (APCOM2016), Shanghai, China, 30 Oct 2016 - 2 Nov 2016, pp.54-55 (Oct 2016) (Invited Talk) |
126 |
"Make-Buy Sourcing Decisions: Trade-offs in Transaction Costs and Adjustment Costs". Annual Research Meeting (Daviid Eccles School of Business), Utah, USA, 3-6 Feb, 2017 (Feb 2017) (published in e-copy) |
NICEKERSON, Jackson, BEGELOW, Lyda and PARK, Woo-Yong |
127 |
"Material Removal Characteristics and Surface Generation in Computer Controlled Ultra-precision Polishing". 2016 International Conference on Advanced Material Research and Apply (AMRA2016), Guilin, Guangxi, China, 13-14 August 2016, pp.4-4 (Aug 2016) (Keynote Speech with abstract published in programme book) |
128 |
"Non-destructive quality inspection of forged components using X-ray CT". 2017第十一届泛珠三角塑性工程年会暨第七届西南锻压学术论坛, Chongqing, China, 25-28 May 2017, 重慶市鍛壓行業協會, Chongqing, China, pp.143-147 (May 2017) |
CHAN, LC and LU, Xianzheng# |
129 |
"Non-destructive testing for microstructure assessment in applied research and development". In YXLON International GmBH, Ed.,YXLON CT user conference 2016, Hamburg, Germany, 26-27 Oct 2016, YXLON International GmBH (Oct 2016) (e-copy version) |
130 |
"Plasmonic Semiconductor Nanocrystals for Sensing Applications". The 6th Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 2017), Nanjing, China, 23-26, Apr, 2017 (Apr 2017) (e-copy version) |
LAW, Wing Cheung, RAO, Nanxi, XU, Zhourui# and CHEUNG, Tai Lok# |
131 |
"Ultra-precision machining of micro/nanostructures and its applications". 6th International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO 2016), Chongqing, China, 18-22 July 2016 (Jul 2016) (Keynote Speech CD rom version) |
TO, S. |
Refereed conference paper
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
132 |
"Preparation of Thermal-Responsive Polymeric Nanocapsules for Controlled Release of Therapeutics". The 24th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Haikou, Hainan Island, China, 17-23, Jul, 2016 (Jul 2016) (e-copy version) |
XU, Zhourui#, RAO, Nanxi, CHEUNG, Tai Lok#, TANG, C.Y. and LAW, Wing Cheung |
133 |
"A Fuzzy Association Rule Mining Framework for Variables Selection Concerning the Storage Time of Packaged Food". IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems FUZZ-IEEE 2016, Canada, Vancouver, 24-29 July 2016, pp.671-677 (Jul 2016) |
HUI, Yan Yan#, CHOY, K.L., HO, G.T.S. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
134 |
"A Fuzzy-association-rule based Knowledge Management System for Occupational Safety and Health Programs in Cold Storage Facilities". The 8th International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (IKMAP 2016), Kobe, Japan, 23-24 October 2016, pp.194-206 (Oct 2016) |
TSANG, Yung Po#, CHOY, K.L., KOO, P.S., HO, G.T.S., WU, Chun Ho# and LAM, Hoi Yan |
135 |
"A GAUSSIAN PROCESS BASED DATA MODELLING AND FUSION METHOD FOR MULTISENSOR COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINES". Proceedings of the American Society for Precision Engineering’s 31th Annual Meeting (ASPE2016), Portland, Oregon, USA, 23-28 October 2016, American Society for Precision Engineering, pp.179-183 (Oct 2016) |
LIU, Mingyu#, CHEUNG, C.F. and LI, Ze |
136 |
"A Knowledge-based Decision Support Framework for Wave Put-away Operations of E-commerce and O2O Shipments". International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, Manchester, United Kingdom, 8-11 November 2016, pp.86-91 (Nov 2016) |
LEUNG, Ka Ho#, CHOY, K.L., TAM, Migar M.C., HUI, Yan Yan#, LAM, Hoi Yan and TSANG, Yung Po# |
137 |
"A Machining Process Chain System for Precision Manufacture of Polar Microstructures". Proceedings of ASPEN/ASPE Spring 2017 Topical Meeting Manufacture and Metrology of Structured and Freeform Surfaces for Functional Applications, Hong Kong, 14 March 2017 - 17 March 2017, American Society for Precision Engineering (Mar 2017) (Paper published in USB memory flash.) |
ZHAO, Chenyang#, CHEUNG, C.F., WANG, Shixiang# and LI, Ze |
138 |
"A STUDY OF EXTRAPOLATION OF FREEFORM SURFACES TO IMPROVE THE EDGE EFFECT IN SURFACE FILTERING". Proceedings of ASPEN/ASPE Spring 2017 Topical Meeting Manufacture and Metrology of Structured and Freeform Surfaces for Functional Applications, Hong Kong, 14 March 2017 - 17 March 2017, American Society for Precision Engineering (Mar 2017) (Paper published in USB memory flash.) |
LIU, Mingyu#, CHEUNG, C.F. and YANG, Shuming |
139 |
"A Study of Influence of Machining Parameters on Process Chain in Ultra-precision Raster Milling". Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2016), Macau, China, 15-17 August 2016, International Society of Nanomanufacturing (Aug 2016) (link) (Paper no. 1113, e-copy version) |
ZHAO, Chenyang#, CHEUNG, C.F. and LIU, Mingyu# |
140 |
"A centroid based correlation coefficient of fuzzy numbers". The 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE'17), Rome, Italy, 8-10 June 2017 (Jun 2017) (e-copy version) |
RUAN, Junhu, CHAN, Felix TS, ZHU, F.W., SHI, Y. and WANG, Y.M. |
141 |
"A modified Variable Neighborhood Search for aircraft Landing Problem". 2016 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT), Bangkok, Thailand, September 19, 2016-September 22, 2016, IEEE, pp.127-132 (Sep 2016) ISBN 978-1-5090-1500-9 (electronic) (link) |
NG, Kam Hung# and LEE, CKM |
142 |
"An Intelligent Case-based Knowledge Management System for Quality Improvement in Nursing Homes". The 8th International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (IKMAP 2016), Kobe, Japan, 23 – 24 October 2016, pp.47-56 (Oct 2016) |
CHOY, K.L., SIU, Kai Yuet Paul Atlas#, MA, Ricky, HO, G.T.S., WU, Chun Ho#, LAM, Hoi Yan, TANG, Valerie# and TSANG, Yung Po# |
143 |
"An Intelligent Cloud-Based Customer Relationship Management System to Determine Flexible Pricing for Customer Retention". Proceedings of Portland International Conference for Management of Engineering and Technology, Hawaii, USA, 4-9 September 2016, pp.633-641 (Sep 2016) |
CHENG, Wui Yau Stephen#, CHOY, K.L. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
144 |
"An Intelligent Performance Assessment System for Enhancing the service Quality of home Care Nursing Staff in the Healthcare Industry". Proceedings of Portland International Conference for Management of Engineering and Technology PICMET 2016, USA, Hawaii, 4-9 September 2016, pp.576-584 (Sep 2016) |
TANG, Valerie#, CHOY, K.L., SIU, Kai Yuet Paul Atlas#, LAM, Hoi Yan, HO, G.T.S. and CHENG, Wui Yau Stephen# |
145 |
"An Investigation of surface generation in swing precess bonnet polishing of 3D-structured surfaces possessing high wettability". In D. Billington and D. Phillips, Eds.,Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnol, Hannover, Germany, 29 May 2017 - 2 June 2017, Euspen Society for PRecision Engineering and Nanotechnology, pp.213-214 (May 2017) ISBN 978-0-9957751-0-7 (print) |
CHEUNG, C.F., CAO, Zhongchen and HO, Lai Ting |
146 |
"An IoT-based Occupational Safety Management System in Cold Storage Facilities". International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, Manchester, United Kingdom, 10-11 November 2016, pp.7-13 (Nov 2016) |
TSANG, Yung Po#, CHOY, K.L., POON, Tak Chun#, HO, G.T.S., WU, Chun Ho#, LAM, Hoi Yan, KOO, P.S. and HO, H.Y. |
147 |
"An intelligent medical replenishment system for managing the medical resources in the healthcare industry". IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems FUZZ-IEEE 2016, Canada, Vancouver, 24-29 July 2016, pp.154-161 (Jul 2016) |
TANG, Valerie#, CHENG, Wui Yau Stephen#, CHOY, K.L., SIU, Kai Yuet Paul Atlas#, HO, G.T.S. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
148 |
"Analytical model with lateral force for conventional CMUT membranes under large deflection using Von Kármán equations". 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Tours, France, September 18, 2016-September 21, 2016, IEEE, pp.1-4 (Sep 2016) ISBN 978-1-4673-9897-8 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Jiujiang, YU, Yuanyu, PUN, Sio Hang, MAK, Peng Un, CHE, U Kin, CHENG, CHING-HSIANG and VAI, Mang I |
149 |
"Breaking the size barrier of capacitive MEMS microphones from critical length scale". 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 18, 2017-June 22, 2017, IEEE, pp.946-949 (Jun 2017) ISBN 978-1-5386-2732-7 (electronic) (link) |
SUI, Wenshu, ZHANG, Weiguan, SONG, Kui, CHENG, CHING-HSIANG and LEE, Yi-Kuen |
150 |
"Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) with graphene membrane". 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Tours, France, September 18, 2016-September 21, 2016, IEEE, pp.1-4 (Sep 2016) ISBN 978-1-4673-9897-8 (electronic) (link) |
CHONG, Po Fat#, SZE, Siu Mui Sissi# and CHENG, CHING-HSIANG |
151 |
"Characteristic of AlN Green Parts by Gelcasting with Egg-protein". 2nd International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science (ICONTES), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28-29 July 2016, pp.168 (Jul 2016) (also in CD Rom format) |
KOK, Wai Hoong#, YUNG, K.C. and ANG, Desmond T.C. |
152 |
"Customer Loyalty Enhancement of Online-to-Offline Marketing in Beauty Industry". 2016 4th International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES), Melbourne, Australia, November 02, 2016-November 03, 2016, IEEE, pp.51-59 (Nov 2016) ISBN 978-1-5090-3790-2 (electronic) (link) |
LEUNG, Po Ling#, WU, C.H., IP, W.H., HO, G.T.S., CHO, V. and KWONG, K.K.Y. |
153 |
"Design of a case-based multi-agent wave picking decision support system for handling e-commerce shipments". Proceedings of Portland International Conference for Management of Engineering and Technology PICMET 2016, USA, Hawaii, 4-9 September 2016, pp.2248-2256 (Sep 2016) |
LEUNG, Ka Ho#, CHOY, K.L., TAM, MC, CHENG, Wui Yau Stephen#, LAM, Hoi Yan, LEE, Jason Chun-ho# and PANG, GKH |
154 |
"Development of a Modified Forecast-Corrected Production-Inventory Control Policy". International Symposium on Engineering and Applied Science, Hawaii, USA, August 9- 11, 2016 (Aug 2016) (e-copy version) |
LI, Nan#, CHAN, Felix TS and CHUNG, SH |
155 |
"Development of an Industrial Internet of Things Suite for Smart Factory towards Re-industrialization in Hong Kong". Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, Manchester, UK, November 10, 2016-November 11, 2016, Atlantis Press, Paris, France (Nov 2016) ISBN 978-94-6252-243-5 (print) (link) (e-copy version) |
ZHANG, Shuzhu# and LEE, CKM |
156 |
"Enhancing the Sourcing Decision in the Face of Technology Shifts: The Case for Knowledge Retention and Technological Experience". Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, Austin, Texas, USA, 19-22 November, 2016, Decision Science Institute (Nov 2016) (published in e-copy and on-line) |
PARK, Woo-Yong and RO, Young |
157 |
"Fabrication of Chitosan/Polymer Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Drug Deliveryby Gelation-Emulsion Method". Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, No. 201Haikou, Hainan Island, China, July 17-23, 2016, pp.201-202 (Jul 2016) |
HUANG, Wenfei#, TSUI, C.P. and TANG, C.Y. |
158 |
"Factors affecting the intention to adopt Apple Pay: An empirical study in China". International Conference on Innovation and Management, Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 7-10, 2017 (Jan 2017) (e-copy version) |
PU, Xiaodie#, CHAN, Felix TS and CHONG, A.Y.L. |
159 |
"Flexible vehicle scheduling for Urban Last Mile Logistics: The emerging technology of Shared Reception Box". 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bali, Indonesia, December 04, 2016-December 07, 2016, IEEE, pp.1913-1917 (Dec 2016) ISBN 978-1-5090-3665-3 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Shuzhu# and LEE, CKM |
160 |
"Fractional order fourier network model for dynamic hysteresis of piezoelectric actuators with quasi-periodic excitations". The 5th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan 2016), Macau, China, 5-17 August, 2016 (Aug 2016) (Paper no. nanoMan 1168. e-copy version) |
ZHU, Zhiwei and TO, S. |
161 |
"Frequency Rank Order Statistic with Unknown Neural Network for ECG Identification System". 2016 4th International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES), Melbourne, Australia, November 02, 2016-November 03, 2016, IEEE, pp.160-167 (Nov 2016) ISBN 978-1-5090-3790-2 (electronic) (link) |
TSENG, Kuo-Kun, LEE, Dachao, HURST, William, LIN, Fang-Yin and IP, W.H. |
162 |
"Fullerene-Carbon Nanotube Hybrid based Composites as Energy Materials". Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, No. 571Haikou, Hainan Island, China, July 17-23, 2016, pp.571-572 (Jul 2016) |
XIAO, Yelan, TSUI, C.P., HUANG, Wenfei#, TANG, C.Y. and VENSA, Miskovic-Stankovic |
163 |
"Green Supply Chain Management in China Construction Industry: The Mediating Role of Management Perceived Pressures". The 2016 Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (APCEAS), Tokyo, Japan, August 25-27, 2016 (Aug 2016) (e-copy version) |
PU, Xiaodie#, CHAN, Felix TS, HAN, F. and CHONG, A.Y.L. |
164 |
"Impacts of Industry 4.0 on assembly line balancing". International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation 2017 (ICATI2017), Samui, Thailand, 25-28 June 2017 (Jun 2017) (e-copy version) |
165 |
"Knowledge Loss Assessment for Departing Employees: An Exploratory Study in Hong Kong, Knowledge Loss Assessment for Departing Employees: An Exploratory Study in Hong Kong". 19th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Zurich, 14-15th January 2017 (Jan 2017) (CD rom version) |
SUMBAL, Muhammad Saleem Ullah Khan#, TSUI, ERIC, CHEONG, Ricky and SEE-TO, ERIC W.K. |
166 |
"MIP models for the hangar space utilization problem with safety consideration". The 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE'17), Rome, Italy, 8-10 June 2017 (Jun 2017) (e-copy version) |
QIN, Y.C., CHAN, Felix TS, CHUNG, SH, QU, T., WANG, X.P. and RUAN, Junhu |
167 |
"Makespan minimization in aircraft landing problem under congested traffic situation using modified artificial bee colony algorithm". 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bali, Indonesia, December 04, 2016-December 07, 2016, IEEE, pp.750-754 (Dec 2016) ISBN 978-1-5090-3665-3 (electronic) (link) |
NG, Kam Hung# and LEE, CKM |
168 |
"Modeling surface generation in ultra-precision grinding based on the surface topography of grinding wheel". In D. Billington and D. Phillips, Eds., Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Hannover Gernany, 29 May 2017 - 2 June 2017, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, pp.281-282 (May 2017) ISBN 978-0-9957751-0-7 (print) |
ZHAO, Chenyang#, CHEUNG, C.F., CHEN, Shanshan# and CAO, Zhongchen |
169 |
"Multi-mode twin-high-frequency tool-tip vibration in ultra-precision diamond machining". The 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture (APCOM2016), Shanghai, China, 30 October -2 November 2016 (Oct 2016) (e-copy version) |
ZHANG, Shaojian and TO, S. |
170 |
"Multi-sensor CMM measurement of freeform objects with sharp features". Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2016), Macau, 15-17 August 2016, International Journal for Nanomanufacturing (Aug 2016) (link) (Paper no. 1170, e-copy version) |
LIU, Mingyu#, CHEUNG, C.F. and ZHAO, Chenyang# |
171 |
"Multiscale Analysis of Deformation in Metal Damage Prediction". The 23rd International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 3-9 Jan 2017, NEAT PRESS, Maryland, USA, pp.61-63 (Jan 2017) ISBN 978-0-9911654-6-9 (print) |
LU, Xianzheng# and CHAN, LC |
172 |
"Optimization analysis of the material removal in fluid jet polishing". Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2016), Macau, China, 15-17 August 2016, International Society for Nanomanufacturing (Aug 2016) (link) (Paper No.: 1158, e-copy version) |
CAO, Zhongchen, CHEUNG, C.F. and HO, Lai Ting |
173 |
"Project Based Learning of Systems Engineering V Model with the Support of 3D Printing". the 27th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2016, Coffs Harbour, Australia, 4-7 December 2016, pp.1-8 (Dec 2016) ISBN 978-0-9941520-4-6 (electronic) (e-copy version) |
MO, John PT and TANG, YM |
174 |
"Research on effect factors evaluation of internet of things (IOT) adoption in Chinese agricultural supply chain". 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bali, Indonesia, December 04, 2016-December 07, 2016, IEEE, pp.612-615 (Dec 2016) ISBN 978-1-5090-3665-3 (electronic) (link) |
LIN, Danping, LEE, CKM and LIN, Kangwei |
175 |
"Robust positioning for measurement of freeform surfaces". Proceedings of ASPEN/ASPE Spring 2017 Topical Meeting Manufacture and Metrology of Structured and Freeform Surfaces for Functional Applications, Hong Kong, 14-17 March 2017, American Society for Precision Engineering (Mar 2017) (Paper published in USB memory flash.) |
WANG, Shixiang#, CHEUNG, C.F., REN, Mingjun#, LIU, Mingyu# and ZHAO, Chenyang# |
176 |
"Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) as a vehicle for supporting service learning". The 2nd International Conference on Service-Learning 2016, Hong Kong, 1-2 December, 2016 (Dec 2016) (e-copy version) |
TANG, C.Y., TANG, YM, HO, G.T.S., TSUI, C.P.,LO, Dennis KC and LAW, W.-C. |
177 |
"Study of cutting mechanism in Micro-milling of Titanium Alloy". The 14th Conference on Machining & Technology, Shenzhen, 10-11 Jun 2017, pp.32-33 (Jun 2017) (Chinese) |
SUN, Zhanwen# and TO, S. |
178 |
"Surface topography characteristics in ultra-precision grinding". The 5th International Conference in Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2016), Macau, China, 15-17 August 2016 (Aug 2016) (Paper no. nanoMan 1013 e-copy version) |
ZHANG, Shaojian and TO, S. |
179 |
"The Influence of Supply Chain Relationships on the Adoption of Open Standards Inter-organizational information Systems: A conceptual Framework". International Conference on Internet Studies (NETs 2016), Osaka International House Foundation, Osaka, Japan, July 22-24, 2016 (Jul 2016) (e-copy version) |
PU, Xiaodie#, CHAN, Felix TS and CHONG, A.Y.L. |
180 |
"The loss-averse newsvendor solutions via Conditional Value-at-Risk measure". The 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Rabat, Morocco, April 11 – 14, 2017 (Apr 2017) (e-copy version) |
CHAN, Felix TS, XU, X., WANG, X.P. and RUAN, Junhu |
181 |
"To Make or Buy? Knowledge Retention, Technological Experience, and Sourcing Decision". Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, 5-9 August, 2016, Academy of Management Association (Aug 2016) (published in e-copy and on-line (CD Rom also)) |
PARK, Woo-Yong and RO, Young |
182 |
"Using controllable electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) as high-capacitance electrode material for supercapacitors". International Conference on Battery and Fuel Cell Technology, Dubai, UAE, 8-9 December 2016, pp.50 (2016) (ISSN: 2090-4541link) |
BI, Ran#, YANG, Qin# and YUNG, K.C. |
183 |
"Vendor Consolidation for a Small Appliance Company". International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, Manchester, United Kingdom, 10-11 November 2016, pp.75-80 (Nov 2016) |
YUEN, Fred C.C., CHOY, K.L. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
Computer software or system
Contract Research
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
184 |
LEE, CKM, HO, G.T.S., TAN, Burly K., LEE, Y.H. and NG, Chun Kit# |
Consulting or contract research report
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
185 |
"Development of optical lenses for telescope projectors, Quotation no: Pt16-0036". 8pp (Dec 2016) (Ptec ref no. P16-0228, Company name: Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing Ltd) |
TO, S. and 王, 文奎 |
186 |
"开发自由曲面光学零件精密加工技术研究, Agreement no. 201612199". 10pp (Dec 2016) (Ptec ref no. P16-0238, Company name: 西安应用光学研究所.) |
王, 文奎 and TO, S. |
Licensing agreements
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
187 |
"Autostereoscopic In-situ Three-Dimensional Measurement System". PlusD Technology Limited (Jan 2017) |
LI, Da#, CHEUNG, C.F., REN, Mingjun#, LEE, W.B. and TO, S. |
188 |
"Ceramic Interposers for Enhanced Heat Dissipation of 3D Integrated Circuit". Electro Precision Technology Sdn. Bhd. (Mar 2017) |
KOK, Wai Hoong# |
189 |
"Pokeguide". Pokeguide Limited (Oct 2016) |
HUI, Andre# |
190 |
"Self-Cleaning Multifunctional Materials for Producing Super Hydrophobic Coating". Simnovate Technology (HK) Company Limited (Jan 2017) |
TSUI, C.P., HUANG, Wenfei#, WANG, Guocheng, XIAO, Yelan and TO, S. |
Patents granted
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
191 |
"Optical lens and lighting device". USA - US 9557099 (Jan 2017) |
WANG, Bo, TO, Suet, CHEUNG, Ka Chun and WANG, Wen kui |
192 |
"一种LED阵列的排布方法及排布在PCB板上的LED阵列". PRC - ZL201210382253.0 (Aug 2016) |
容, 锦泉, 林, 海明 and 蔡, 恒生 |
193 |
"透镜及发光装置". PRC - ZL201310050243.1 (Jan 2017) |
杜, 雪, 王, 波, 张, 家儁, 李, 荣彬, 李, 敏行, 王, 文奎, 黄, 卓明, 郑, 伯龙, 郑, 小虎, 寇, 晓君, 李, 力行 and 何, 熙 |
194 |
"透镜及发光装置". PRC - ZL201310484769.0 (Jun 2017) |
杜, 雪, 王, 波, 张, 家儁 and 王, 文奎 |
Journal editor
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
195 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management (Jul 2016) |
CHAN, Felix TS |
196 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Network and Mobile Technologies (IJNMT). (Jul 2016) |
CHAN, Felix TS |
197 |
Associate Editor. The Open Economics and Management Journal (Jul 2016) |
CHAN, Felix TS |
198 |
Associate Editor. Advances in Mechanical Engineering (2016) |
LI, Yangmin |
199 |
Associate Editor. Electronic Commerce Research (2016) |
200 |
Associate Editor. IEEE Access (2016) |
LI, Yangmin |
201 |
Associate Editor. IEEE Transaction on Automation Science Engineering (T-ASE) (2016) |
LI, Yangmin |
202 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS) (2016) |
LI, Yangmin |
203 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Engineering Business Management (2016) |
HO, G.T.S. |
204 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, Sage Publications Ltd. (Jun 2017) |
205 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (2016) |
YUNG, K.C. |
206 |
Associate Editor. Journal of Robotics (2016) |
LI, Yangmin |
207 |
Associate Editor. Mechatronics (2016) |
LI, Yangmin |
208 |
Associate Editor. Regional Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SCI journal) (2016) |
TO, S. |
209 |
Associate Editor. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (2016) |
210 |
Editor. Cyber physical systems in service industry: models, design and cases, No. 4, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.646-647 (May 2017) |
LEE, CKM, LEE, W.B. and LEE, Jay |
211 |
Editor. Annual Journal of Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong) (2016) |
TANG, C.Y. |
212 |
Editor. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (CJME- Both Chinese Edition and English Edition) (2016) |
LI, Yangmin |
213 |
Editor. Editor-in-Chief, Enterprise Information Systems (Taylor & Francis, SCI-indexed) (2016) |
IP, W.H. |
214 |
Editor. Founding Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Engineering Business Management (SAGE Publishing, ESCI and SCOPUS indexed) (2016) |
IP, W.H. |
215 |
Editor. Guest Editor, The International Journal of Advaned Manufacturing Technology - Special Issue on Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (2016) |
TO, S. |
216 |
Editor. Guest Edtior of special issue "Ultra-precision Machining Technology - Manufacture and Metrology of Structured and Freeform Surfaces for Functional Applications ", Micromachines (2016) |
217 |
Editor. HKIE Transactions (2016) |
218 |
Editor. Industrial Engineering Research: An International Journal of IE Theory and Application (2016) |
TANG, C.Y. |
219 |
Editor. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) (2016) |
LEE, W.B. |
220 |
Editor. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems (2016) |
LEE, W.B. |
221 |
Editor. Regional Editor, Journal of Knowledge Management (2016) |
222 |
Editor. Surface and Coatings Technology (2016) |
MAN, H.C. |
223 |
Editor. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2016) |
LEE, W.B. |
Postgraduate research theses
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
224 |
"An Analysis of Post-adoption Usage of Personal Learning Systems". (Apr 2017) |
TSUI, Lai Na Miriam# |
225 |
"An Exploratory Study on Knowledge Quality through the Peer Review Process for Research Publications". (Sep 2016) |
226 |
"An Integrated Adaptive Machining Process for the Repair of Aeronautical Components". (Oct 2016) |
XIN, Ying# |
227 |
"Carbon Based Composites for Supercapacitor Electrodes". (Sep 2016) |
YANG, Qin# |
228 |
"Design Research on Anecdote-based Knowledge Elicitation for Organization Development". (Sep 2016) |
YIP, Yuen Tung# |
229 |
"Development of a RFID-Cloud-based Location Assignment and Tracking System for the Packaged Food Industry". (May 2017) |
HUI, Yan Yan# |
230 |
"Game Theory Analysis of Green Procurement in Sustainable Supply Chain Management". (Dec 2016) |
MA, Xin# |
231 |
"Modeling Green Logistics Activities for Sustainable Development Using Swarm Intelligence". (Nov 2016) |
ZHANG, Shuzhu# |
232 |
"Modeling and Analysis of Biomimetic Structures with Self-cleaning Properties Fabricated by Ultra-precision Machining". (Sep 2016) |
CHENG, Cheung Tong# |
233 |
"Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Spindle Dynamic Errors and Surface Generation in Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning". (Sep 2016) |
HUANG, Peng# |
234 |
"Modelling and Optimization of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Networks Considering Product Recovery". (Nov 2016) |
CHEN, Yongtong# |
235 |
"Multi-frequency Analysis for High Frequency Trading". (Jun 2017) |
LIU, Hongguang# |
236 |
"Rapid Microwave Sintering of Titanium Composites for Enhanced Bioactivity". (Mar 2017) |
CHOY, Man Tik Dickson# |
237 |
"Surface Generation and Damage Mechanism in Ultra-precision Grinding of Brittle Materials". (Sep 2016) |
ZHANG, Quanli# |