Research Outputs (2018 - 2019)

Chapter in an edited book (author)
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
1 |
“Cutting mechanism and surface formation of ultra-precision raster fly cutting”. In Junjie, Zhang, Bing, Guo and Jianguo, Zhang, Eds., Simulation and Experiments of Material-Oriented Ultra-Precision Machining, Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp.103-127 (2019) ISBN 978-981-13-3334-7 (print), 978-981-13-3335-4 (electronic) |
ZHANG, Guoqing and TO, S. |
2 |
“Genetic and Evolutionary Computing: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, December 14-17, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China”. In Jeng-Shyang, Pan, Jerry Chun-Wei, Lin, Bixia, Sui and Shih-Pang, Tseng, Eds., Meteorite Detection and Tracing with Deep Learning on FPGA Platform, Vol. 834, Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp.493-500 (May 2019) ISBN 978-981-13-5840-1 (print), 978-981-13-5841-8 (electronic) |
TSENG, Kuo-Kun, LIN, Jiangrui, SUN, Haichuan, YUNG, K.L. and IP, Wai Hung |
3 |
“The Integration of Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Strategic E-Commerce Retail and Logistics Business-IT Alignment: A Case Study”. In Albert Tavidze, Ed., Progress in Economics Research Vol. 41, Vol. 41, Nova Science Publishers, USA, pp.141-165 (Oct 2018) ISBN 978-1-53614-460-4 (print) |
LEUNG, Ka Ho#, LUK, C.C.#, CHOY, K.L. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
Publication in refereed journal
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
4 |
“3D printed graphene/nickel electrodes for high areal capacitance electrochemical storage”. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 7, No. 8, pp.4055-4062 (Jan 2019) ISSN 2050-7488 (print), 2050-7496 (electronic) (link) |
LI, G, MO, Xiaoyong, LAW, Wing Cheung and CHAN, KC |
5 |
“A B2B flexible pricing decision support system for managing the request for quotation process under e-commerce business environment”. International Journal of Production Research, pp.1-24 (Jan 2019) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
LEUNG, Ka Ho#, LUK, C.C.#, CHOY, K.L., LAM, Hoi Yan and LEE, CKM |
6 |
“A Complete, Continuous, and Minimal Product of Exponentials-Based Model for Five-Axis Machine Tools Calibration With a Single Laser Tracker, an R-Test, or a Double Ball-Bar”. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 4, pp.41010 (Feb 2019) ISSN 1087-1357 (print), 1528-8935 (electronic) |
XU, Peng#, CHEUNG, C.F. and LI, Bing |
7 |
“A Computer Vision-Based Roadside Occupation Surveillance System for Intelligent Transport in Smart Cities”. Sensors, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp.1796 (Apr 2019) ISSN 1424-8220 (electronic) (link) |
HO, George To Sum, TSANG, Yung Po#, WU, Chun Ho, WONG, Wai Hung and CHOY, King Lun |
8 |
“A DEMATEL-based completion method for incomplete pairwise comparison matrix in AHP”. Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 271, No. 2, pp.1045-1066 (Dec 2018) ISSN 0254-5330 (print), 1572-9338 (electronic) (link) |
ZHOU, Xinyi, HU, Yong, DENG, Yong, CHAN, FTS and ISHIZAKA, Alessio |
9 |
“A Family of Heuristic-Based Inequalities for Maximizing Overall Safety Margins in Aircraft Parking Stands Arrangement Problems”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2018, pp.1-16 (Jul 2018) ISSN 1024-123X (print), 1563-5147 (electronic) (link) |
QIN, Yichen#, WANG, Z. X., CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH and QU, T. |
10 |
“A Generalized Input-output-based Digital Sliding-mode Control for Piezoelectric Actuators with Non-minimum Phase Property”. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.773-782 (Mar 2019) ISSN 1598-6446 (print), 2005-4092 (electronic) (link) |
MA, Haifeng, LI, Y.and XIONG, Zhenhua |
11 |
“A Life Cycle Framework of Green IoT-Based Agriculture and Its Finance, Operation, and Management Issues”. IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp.90-96 (Mar 2019) ISSN 0163-6804 (print), 1558-1896 (electronic) (link) |
RUAN, Junhu, WANG, Yuxuan, CHAN, FTS, HU, Xiangpei, ZHAO, Minjuan, ZHU, Fangwei, SHI, Baofeng, SHI, Yan and LIN, Fan |
12 |
“A Novel Approach for Detailed Modeling and Optimization To Improve Energy Saving in Multiple Effect Evaporator Systems”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 58, No. 16, pp.6613-6625 (Apr 2019) ISSN 0888-5885 (print), 1520-5045 (electronic) (link) |
BO, Di, YANG, Kunru, XIE, Qingsong, HE, Chang, ZHANG, Bingjian, CHEN, Qinglin, QI, Zhiwen, REN, Jingzheng and PAN, Ming |
13 |
“A Robust Multilevel Speech Verification With Wavelet Decomposition for Inadequate Training Data Sets of Mobile Device Systems”. IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp.2418-2428 (Dec 2018) ISSN 2169-3536 (electronic) (link) |
TSENG, Kuo-Kun, ZHANG, Yang, YUNG, K.L., IP, Wai Hung, OU, Zhye and NA, Qi |
14 |
“A Robust Production Control Policy for Hedging Against Inventory Inaccuracy in a Multiple-Stage Production System With Time Delay”. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp.474-486 (Aug 2018) ISSN 0018-9391 (print), 1558-0040 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Zheng, CHAN, FTS and LI, Ming |
15 |
“A Smart Bat Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Deployment in 3-D Environment”. IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 22, No. 10, pp.2120-2123 (Oct 2018) ISSN 1089-7798 (print), 2373-7891 (electronic) (link) |
NG, Chun Kit, WU, Chun Ho, IP, Wai Hung and YUNG, K.L. |
16 |
“A conceptual model of knowledge dynamics in the industry 4.0 smart grid scenario”. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, pp.1-15 (Jun 2019) ISSN 1477-8238 (print), 1477-8246 (electronic) (link) |
DRAGICEVIC, Nikolina#, ULLRICH, André, TSUI, E and GRONAU, Norbert |
17 |
“A fleeting glimpse of the dual roles of SiB4 in promoting the hydrogen storage performance of LiBH4”. Dalton Transactions, Vol. 48, pp.1314-1321 (Dec 2018) ISSN 1477-9234 (print) |
CAI, Weitong, YUANZHENG, Yang, PINGJUN, Tao, LIUZHANG, Ouyang, HUI, Wang and YANG, Xu-Sheng |
18 |
“A mathematical model and algorithms for the aircraft hangar maintenance scheduling problem”. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 67, pp.491-509 (Mar 2019) ISSN 0307904X (print) (link) |
QIN, Yichen#, WANG, Z.X., CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH and QU, T. |
19 |
“A multi-group analysis of social media engagement and loyalty constructs between full-service and low-cost carriers in Hong Kong”. Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 73, pp.46-57 (Oct 2018) ISSN 09696997 (print) (link) |
LEE, CKM, NG, Kam Hung#, CHAN, Hing Kai, CHOY, K.L., TAI, Wai Chun and CHOI, Lam Sin# |
20 |
“A multi-objective PSO approach of mining association rules for affective design based on online customer reviews”. Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp.381-403 (Jul 2018) ISSN 0954-4828 (print), 1466-1837 (electronic) (link) |
JIANG, Huimin, KWONG, C.K., PARK, Woo-yong and YU, K.M. |
21 |
“A novel ductile machining model of single-crystal silicon for freeform surfaces with large azimuthal height variation by ultra-precision fly cutting”. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 135, pp.1-11 (Dec 2018) ISSN 08906955 (print) (link) |
SUN, Zhanwen#, TO, S. and ZHANG, Shaojian |
22 |
“A quantum framework for modelling subjectivity in multi-attribute group decision making”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 124, pp.560-572 (Oct 2018) ISSN 03608352 (print) (link) |
HE, Zichang, CHAN, FTS and JIANG, Wen |
23 |
“A secure hash function based on feedback iterative structure”. Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp.281-302 (Mar 2019) ISSN 1751-7575 (print), 1751-7583 (electronic) (link) |
YANG, Yijun, CHEN, Fei, CHEN, Jianyong, ZHANG, Yong and YUNG, K.L. |
24 |
“A self-calibration rotational stitching method for precision measurement of revolving surfaces”. Precision Engineering, Vol. 54, pp.60-69 (Oct 2018) ISSN 01416359 (print) (link) |
LIU, Mingyu, CHEUNG, C.F., FENG, X., WANG, Chunjin and LEACH, R.K. |
25 |
“A system dynamics model for evaluating food waste management in Hong Kong, China”. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp.433-456 (May 2019) ISSN 1438-4957 (print), 1611-8227 (electronic) (link) |
LEE, CKM, NG, Kam Hung#, KWONG, C.K. and TAY, Sze Ting# |
26 |
“A theoretical and experimental study of forced spindle vibration under unbalanced magnetic forces in ultra-precision machining”. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 103, No. 9-12, pp.4689-4694 (2019) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Shaojian, LI, Zhen, XIONG, Zhiwen and TO, S. |
27 |
“A theoretical and experimental study of spindle imbalance induced forced vibration and its effect on surface generation in diamond turning”. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 133, pp.61-71 (Oct 2018) ISSN 08906955 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Shaojian, YU, Jinjie, TO, S. and XIONG, Zhiwen |
28 |
“A web mining-based case adaptation model for quality assurance of pharmaceutical warehouses”. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp.325-348 (2019) ISSN 1367-5567 (print), 1469-848X (electronic) (link) |
TANG, Valerie#, SIU, Kai Yuet Paul Atlas#, CHOY, K.L., HO, G. T. S., LAM, Hoi Yan and TSANG, Yung Po# |
29 |
“AMWRPN: Ambiguity Measure Weighted Risk Priority Number Model for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis”. IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp.27103-27110 (Dec 2018) ISSN 2169-3536 (electronic) (link) |
TANG, Yongchuan, ZHOU, Deyun and CHAN, FTS |
30 |
“Active drag reduction of a high-drag Ahmed body based on steady blowing”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 856, pp.351-396 (Dec 2018) ISSN 0022-1120 (print), 1469-7645 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Bingfu, LIU, K., ZHOU, Y., TO, S. and TU, J. Y. |
31 |
“Adoption of internet-enabled supply chain management systems: Differences between buyer and supplier perspectives”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118, No. 8, pp.1695-1710 (Sep 2018) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
PU, Xiaodie#, CHAN, FTS, TSIGA, Zayyad and NIU, Ben |
32 |
“Advances in ultra-precision machining of micro-structured functional surfaces and their typical applications”. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 142, pp.16-41 (2019) ISSN 08906955 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Shaojian, ZHOU, Yuanping, ZHANG, Haijun, XIONG, Zhiwen and TO, S. |
33 |
“Altering the chemical state of boron towards the facile synthesis of LiBH4 via hydrogenating lithium compound-metal boride mixture”. Renewable Energy, Vol. 134, pp.235-240 (Apr 2019) ISSN 0960-1481 (print) |
WEITONG, Cai, JIANMING, Hou, SHIYONG, Huang, JUNER, Chen, YUANZHENG, Yang, PINGJUN, Tao, LIUZHANG, Ouyang, HUI, Wang and YANG, Xusheng |
34 |
“Alternative-fuel based vehicles for sustainable transportation: A fuzzy group decision supporting framework for sustainability prioritization”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 140, pp.33-43 (Mar 2019) ISSN 00401625 (print) (link) |
LIANG, Hanwei, REN, Jingzheng, LIN, Ruojue# and LIU, Yue |
35 |
“An Empirical Study on Patients' Acceptance and Resistance Towards Electronic Health Record Sharing System: A Case Study of Hong Kong”. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.1-27 (Dec 2018) ISSN 1947-8208 (print), 1947-8216 (electronic) (link) |
KEUNG, Kin Lok#, LEE, CKM, NG, Kam Hung#, LEUNG, Sing Sum and CHOY, K.L. |
36 |
“An Extension to Deng’s Entropy in the Open World Assumption with an Application in Sensor Data Fusion”. Sensors, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp.1902 (2018) ISSN 1424-8220 (print), 1424-8220 (electronic) (link) |
TANG, Yongchuan, ZHOU, Deyun and CHAN, FTS |
37 |
“An Internet of Things (IoT)-based risk monitoring system for managing cold supply chain risks”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118, No. 7, pp.1432-1462 (Aug 2018) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
TSANG, Yung Po#, CHOY, K.L., WU, C.H., HO, G.T.S., LAM, Hoi Yan and KOO, P.S. |
38 |
“An adaptive clinical decision support system for serving the elderly with chronic diseases in healthcare industry”. Expert Systems, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp.1-20 (Apr 2019) ISSN 0266-4720 (print), 1468-0394 (electronic) (link) |
TANG, Valerie#, SIU, Kai Yuet Paul Atlas#, CHOY, K.L., LAM, Hoi Yan, HO, George To Sum, LEE, CKM and TSANG, Yung Po# |
39 |
“An adaptive multi-population differential artificial bee colony algorithm for many-objective service composition in cloud manufacturing”. Information Sciences, Vol. 456, pp.50-82 (Aug 2018) ISSN 00200255 (print) (link) |
ZHOU, Jiajun, YAO, Xifan, LIN, Yingzi, CHAN, FTS and LI, Yun |
40 |
“An analytical force model for ultra-precision diamond sculpturing of micro-grooves with textured surfaces”. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 160, pp.129-139 (2019) ISSN 00207403 (print) (link) |
SUN, Zhanwen#, TO, S. and WANG, Sujuan |
41 |
“An experimental and theoretical analysis of surface generation in the ultra-precision grinding of hard and brittle materials”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 97, No. 5-8, pp.2715-2729 (Jul 2018) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
CHEN, Shanshan, CHEUNG, C.F. and ZHANG, Fei Hu |
42 |
“An extra-baggage service price setting with reference to cargo prices using multi-item newsvendor model”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 128, pp.877-885 (Feb 2019) ISSN 03608352 (print) (link) |
SHABAN, Ibrahim Abdelfadeel Abdelsaboor#, WANG, Z.X., CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH and QU, T. |
43 |
“An individual dependent multi-colony artificial bee colony algorithm”. Information Sciences, Vol. 485, pp.114-140 (Jun 2019) ISSN 00200255 (print) (link) |
ZHOU, Jiajun, YAO, Xifan, CHAN, FTS, LIN, Yingzi, JIN, Hong, GAO, Liang and WANG, Xuping |
44 |
“An intelligent model for assuring food quality in managing a multi-temperature food distribution centre”. Food Control, Vol. 90, pp.81-97 (Aug 2018) ISSN 09567135 (print) (link) |
TSANG, Yung Po#, CHOY, K.L., WU, Chun Ho, HO, G.T.S., LAM, Hoi Yan and TANG, Valerie# |
45 |
“An investigation in the ultra-precision fly cutting of freeform surfaces on brittle materials with high machining efficiency and low tool wear”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 101, No. 5-8, pp.1583-1593 (Apr 2019) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
SUN, Zhanwen#, TO, S. and YU, K.M. |
46 |
“An investigation of resolved shear stress on activation of slip systems during ultraprecision rotary cutting of local anisotropic Ti-6Al-4V alloy: Models and experiments”. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 134, pp.69-78 (Nov 2018) ISSN 08906955 (print) (link) |
ZHAO, Zejia# and TO, S. |
47 |
“An investigation on kinematics and dynamics performance of a novel 3-PRC-compliant parallel micromanipulator”. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp.1-9 (Jul 2018) ISSN 1687-8140 (print), 1687-8140 (electronic) (link) |
LI, Xiang-Chun, LI, Y., DING, Bing-Xiao and XU, Hong-Ye |
48 |
“An outcome-based process optimization model using fuzzy-based association rules”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118, No. 6, pp.1138-1152 (Jul 2018) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
LAU, Henry, LEE, CKM, NAKANDALA, Dilupa and SHUM, Paul |
49 |
“An urban-rural and sex differences in cancer incidence and mortality and the relationship with PM2.5 exposure: An ecological study in the southeastern side of Hu line”. Chemosphere, Vol. 216, pp.766-773 (Feb 2019) ISSN 00456535 (print) (link) |
WANG, Hong, GAO, Zhiqiu, REN, Jingzheng, LIU, Yibo, CHANG, Lisa Tzu-Chi, CHEUNG, Kevin, FENG, Yun and LI, Yubin |
50 |
“Analysis and reduction of wrinkling defects for tube-hydroformingmagnesium alloy components at elevated temperatures”. Materials and Design, Vol. 173, pp.1-10 (Mar 2019) ISSN 0264-1275 (print) |
KONG, Ting Fai, LU, Xianzheng and CHAN, LC |
51 |
“Assembly Line Balancing Based on Beam Ant Colony Optimisation”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2018, pp.1-17 (Oct 2018) ISSN 1024-123X (print), 1563-5147 (electronic) (link) |
HUO, Jiage#, WANG, Zhengxu, CHAN, FTS, LEE, CKM and STRANDHAGEN, Jan Ola |
52 |
“Bagasse Cellulose Grafted with an Amino-Terminated Hyperbranched Polymer for the Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solution”. Polymers, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp.931 (Aug 2018) ISSN 2073-4360 (electronic) (link) |
XIA, Lu, HUANG, Zhonghang, ZHONG, Lei, XIE, Fengwei, TANG, C.Y. and TSUI, C.P. |
53 |
“Boron-Doped Spherical Hollow-Porous Silicon Local Lattice Expansion toward a High-Performance Lithium-Ion-Battery Anode”. Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 58, pp.4592-4599 (Mar 2019) ISSN 0020-1669 (print) |
YONGPENG, Ren, XIANGYANG, Zhou, JINGJING, Tang, JING, Ding, SONG, Chen, JIAMING, Zhang, TINGJIE, Hu, YANG, Xu-Sheng, XINMING, Wang and JUAN, Yang |
54 |
“Brittle coating effects on fatigue cracks behavior in Ti alloys”. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 125, pp.432-439 (Apr 2019) ISSN 0142-1123 (print) |
YANYUN, Bai, YETING, Xi, KEWEI, Gao, HUISHENG, Yang, XIAOLU, Pang, YANG, Xusheng and ALEX A. , Volinsky |
55 |
“CFD modelling of weld pool formation and solidification in a laser micro-welding process”. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 101, pp.58-69 (Feb 2019) ISSN 07351933 (print) (link) |
HOZOORBAKHSH, Asghar, HAMDI, M., SARHAN, Ahmed Aly Diaa Mohammed, ISMAIL, Mohd Idris Shah, TANG, C.Y. and TSUI, C.P. |
56 |
“Comparative optimal design and control of two alternative approaches for separating heterogeneous mixtures isopropyl alcohol-isopropyl acetate-water with four azeotropes”. Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 225, pp.1-17 (2019) ISSN 13835866 (print) (link) |
SHI, Tao, YANG, Ao, JIN, Saimeng, SHEN, Weifeng, WEI, Shun'an and REN, Jingzheng |
57 |
“Comparison of series products from customer online concerns for competitive intelligence”. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.937-952 (Mar 2019) ISSN 1868-5137 (print), 1868-5145 (electronic) (link) |
JIN, Jian, JI, P. and YAN, Sixing |
58 |
“Comprehending products with mixed reality: Geometric relationships and creativity”. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, Vol. 10, pp.1-12 (2018) ISSN 1847-9790 (print), 1847-9790 (electronic) (link) |
TANG, YM, AU, KM and LEUNG, Yohana |
59 |
“Control of shear band dynamics in Cu50Zr50 metallic glass by introducing amorphous-crystalline interfaces”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 770, pp.896-905 (Jan 2019) ISSN 09258388 (print) (link) |
FENG, Shidong, LI, L., CHAN, KC, QI, L., ZHAO, Lei, WANG, L.M. and LIU, R.P. |
60 |
“Control of the ductile and brittle behavior of titanium alloys in diamond cutting by applying a magnetic field”. Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2019) ISSN 2045-2322 (electronic) (link) (on-line publication) |
YIP, Wai Sze and TO, S. |
61 |
“Coordinated Pricing Analysis with the Carbon Tax Scheme in a Supply Chain*: Carbon Tax Scheme in a Supply Chain”. Decision Sciences, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp.863-900 (Dec 2018) ISSN 00117315 (print) (link) |
MA, Xin#, HO, William, JI, P. and TALLURI, Srinivas |
62 |
“Coordinating and pricing decisions in two competitive reverse supply chains with different channel structures”. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 57, No. 9, pp.2601-2625 (May 2019) ISSN 0020-7543 (print), 1366-588X (electronic) (link) |
SADEGHI, Razieh, TALEIZADEH, Ata Allah, CHAN, FTS and HEYDARI, Jafar |
63 |
“Critical Mineral Security in China: An Evaluation Based on Hybrid MCDM Methods”. Sustainability, Vol. 10, No. 11, pp.4114 (Nov 2018) ISSN 2071-1050 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Long, BAI, Wuliyasu, YU, Jing, MA, Linmao, REN, Jingzheng, ZHANG, Weishi and CUI, Yuanzheng |
64 |
“Critical areas of Knowledge Loss when employees leave in the Oil and Gas industry”. Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 7, No. 22, pp.1573-1590 (Sep 2018) ISSN 1367-3270 (print) |
SUMBAL, Muhammad Saleem Ullah Khan#, TSUI, E, CHEONG, ricky and SEE-TO, ERIC W.K. |
65 |
“Cross-trained worker assignment and comparative analysis on throughput of divisional and rotating seru”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118, No. 5, pp.1114-1136 (2018) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
WU, Lang, CHAN, FTS, NIU, Ben and LI, Li |
66 |
“Crystallinity and morphology of barium titanate filled poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites: Crystallinity and morphology of barium titanate filled poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 135, No. 48, pp.46877 (Sep 2018) ISSN 00218995 (print) (link) |
GONG, Xinghou, CHEN, Y., TANG, C.Y., LAW, Wing Cheung, CHEN, Ling, WU, C., HU, T. and TSUI, C.P. |
67 |
“Crystallization behavior of polylactide matrix under the influence of nano-magnetite: Crystallization of Fe3O4/PLA”. Polymer Engineering & Science, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp.608-615 (2018) ISSN 00323888 (print) (link) |
GONG, Xinghou, CHENG, Cheng, TANG, C.Y., LAW, Wing Cheung, LIN, Xueting, CHEN, Yehuang, CHEN, Ling, TSUI, C.P. and RAO, Nanxi |
68 |
“Cutting forces in fast-/slow tool servo diamond turning of micro-structured surfaces”. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 136, pp.62-75 (Jan 2019) ISSN 08906955 (print) (link) |
ZHU, Zhiwei, TO, S., ZHU, Wu-Le, HUANG, Peng and ZHOU, Xiaoqin |
69 |
“Cutting properties of deposited amorphous silicon in ultra-precision machining”. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp.95013 (2018) ISSN 0960-1317 (print), 1361-6439 (electronic) (link) |
JELENKOVIC, Emil/E., TO, S., CHEN, Ling, XIAO, Gaobo, ZHAO, Zejia# and TANG, C.Y. |
70 |
“Cyber-physical integration for moving digital factories forward towards smart manufacturing: a survey”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 97, No. 1-4, pp.1209-1221 (Jul 2018) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
CHENG, Ying, ZHANG, Yongping, JI, P., XU, Wenjun, ZHOU, Zude and TAO, Fei |
71 |
“Data analytics in managing aircraft routing and maintenance staffing with price competition by a Stackelberg-Nash game model”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 122, pp.143-168 (Feb 2019) ISSN 13665545 (print) (link) |
ELSAYED, ELSAYED ELTOUKHY Abdelrahman#, WANG, Z.X., CHAN, FTS and FU, Xiaowen |
72 |
“Design and Dynamic Modeling of Variable Stiffness Joint Actuator Based on Archimedes Spiral”. IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp.43798-43807 (Aug 2018) ISSN 2169-3536 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Wei, ZHAO, Yanwei and LI, Y. |
73 |
“Design and Implementation of a Two-Wheel and Hopping Robot With a Linkage Mechanism”. IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp.42422-42430 (Jul 2018) ISSN 2169-3536 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Yanheng, ZHANG, Lufeng, WANG, Wei, LI, Y. and ZHANG, Qingwen |
74 |
“Design and analysis of a flexure-based modular precision positioning stage with two different materials”. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.516-529 (Sep 2018) ISSN 1573-6105 (print) (link) |
DING, Bingxiao, LI, Y., XIAO, Xiao and WU, Zhigang |
75 |
“Design and optimization of full decoupled micro/nano-positioning stage based on mathematical calculation”. Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.417-429 (Nov 2018) ISSN 2191-916X (electronic) (link) |
WU, Zhigang, LI, Y. and HU, Min |
76 |
“Determinants of loyalty to public transit: A model integrating Satisfaction-Loyalty Theory and Expectation-Confirmation Theory”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 113, pp.476-490 (Jul 2018) ISSN 09658564 (print) (link) |
FU, Xue-mei, ZHANG, Jiang-hua and CHAN, FTS |
77 |
“Determining the optimal quantity and quality levels of used product returns for remanufacturing under multi-period and uncertain quality of returns”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 94, No. 9-12, pp.4401-4414 (2018) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
AYDIN, Ridvan, KWONG, C.K., GEDA, Mohammed Woyeso# and OKUDAN KREMER, G. E. |
78 |
“Development of Direct-Laser-Printable Light-Powered Nanocomposites”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 11, No. 21, pp.19541-19553 (May 2019) ISSN 1944-8244 (print), 1944-8252 (electronic) (link) |
CHEN, Ling, DONG, Yuqing, TANG, C.Y., ZHONG, Lei, LAW, Wing Cheung, TSUI, C.P., YANG, Yingkui and XIE, Xiaolin |
79 |
“Development of a three-tier assessment model: a case study”. Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp.2216-2229 (Oct 2018) ISSN 1463-5771 (print) (link) |
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“Direct gelcast 3D Printing of Multi-material AlN Interposer and Mo”. Journal of Engineering Research and Application, Vol. 8, No. 9, pp.25-31 (Sep 2018) ISSN 2248-9622 (print) |
KOK, Wai Hoong#, CHEUNG, K.H., YUNG, K.C. and ANG, T.C. |
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“Discrete-Time Sliding-Mode Control With Enhanced Power Reaching Law”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 66, No. 6, pp.4629-4638 (Jun 2019) ISSN 0278-0046 (print), 1557-9948 (electronic) (link) |
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“Distributed energy system for sustainability transition: A comprehensive assessment under uncertainties based on interval multi-criteria decision making method by coupling interval DEMATEL and interval VIKOR”. Energy, Vol. 169, pp.750-761 (Feb 2019) ISSN 03605442 (print) (link) |
WANG, Zhenfeng, XU, Guangyin, WANG, Heng and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Does positive framing matter? An investigation of how framing affects consumers’ willingness to buy green electricity in Denmark”. Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 46, pp.40-47 (Dec 2018) ISSN 22146296 (print) (link) |
YANG, Yingkui, SOLGAARD, Hans Stubbe and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Dynamic controllability investigation of an energy-saving double side-stream ternary extractive distillation process”. Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 225, pp.41-53 (2019) ISSN 13835866 (print) (link) |
YANG, Ao, SHI, Tao, SUN, Shirui, WEI, Shun'an, SHEN, Weifeng and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Dynamic resource allocation for parking lot electric vehicle recharging using heuristic fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm”. Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 71, pp.538-552 (Oct 2018) ISSN 15684946 (print) (link) |
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“Effects of cutting angles on deformation of single crystal silicon in plunge cutting along 〈1 0 0〉 direction”. Materials Letters, Vol. 253, pp.234-237 (2019) ISSN 0167577X (print) (link) |
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“Effects of grains and twins on deformation of commercial pure titanium in ultraprecision diamond turning”. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 271, pp.10-22 (2019) ISSN 09240136 (print) (link) |
ZHAO, Zejia#, TO, S. and WANG, Jingwei |
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“Effects of magnetic field on microstructures and mechanical properties of titanium alloys in ultra-precision diamond turning”. Materials Research Express, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp.56553 (Feb 2019) ISSN 2053-1591 (electronic) (link) |
YIP, Wai Sze and TO, S. |
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“Efficient fabrication of gradient nanostructure layer on surface of commercial pure copper by coupling electric pulse and ultrasonics treatment”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 764, pp.51-61 (Oct 2018) ISSN 09258388 (print) (link) |
JI, Renjie, LIU, Yonghong, TO, S., JIN, Hui, YIP, Wai Sze, YANG, Zelin, ZHENG, Chao and CAI, Baoping |
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“Eigenstrain as a mechanical set-point of cells”. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp.951-959 (Aug 2018) ISSN 1617-7959 (print), 1617-7940 (electronic) (link) |
LIN, Shengmao, LAMPI, Marsha C., REINHART-KING, Cynthia A., TSUI, C.P., WANG, Jian, NELSON, Carl A. and GU, Linxia |
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“Electromechanical Dynamics Model of Ultrasonic Transducer in Ultrasonic Machining Based on Equivalent Circuit Approach”. Sensors, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp.1405 (Mar 2019) ISSN 1424-8220 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Jian-Guo, LONG, Zhi-Li, MA, Wen-Ju, HU, Guang-Hao and LI, Y. |
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“Energy performance contracting, risk factors, and policy implications: Identification and analysis of risks based on the best-worst network method”. Energy, Vol. 170, pp.1-13 (Mar 2019) ISSN 03605442 (print) (link) |
WANG, Zhenfeng, XU, Guangyin, LIN, Ruojue#, WANG, Heng and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Evaluating efficiency of energy conservation measures in energy service companies in China”. Energy Policy, Vol. 122, pp.580-591 (Nov 2018) ISSN 03014215 (print) (link) |
ZHENG, Saina, LAM, Chor Man, HSU, Shu-Chien and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Fabrication, morphology and thermal properties of octadecylamine-grafted graphene oxide-modified phase-change microcapsules for thermal energy storage”. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 157, pp.239-247 (Jan 2019) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
CHEN, Da-Zhu, QIN, Si-Yin, TSUI, C.P., TANG, C.Y., OUYANG, Xing, LIU, Jia-hua, TANG, Jiao-Ning and ZUO, Jian-Dong |
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“Fastening method selection with simultaneous consideration of product assembly and disassembly from a remanufacturing perspective”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 101, No. 5-8, pp.1481-1493 (Apr 2019) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
GEDA, Mohammed Woyeso#, KWONG, C.K. and JIANG, Huimin |
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“Fiducial-aided on-machine positioning method for precision manufacturing of optical freeform surfaces”. Optics Express, Vol. 26, No. 15, pp.18928 (Jul 2018) ISSN 1094-4087 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Chunjin, CHEUNG, C.F., REN, Mingjun and LIU, Mingyu |
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“Flexible fabrication of micro-optics arrays with high-aspect-ratio by an offset-tool-servo diamond machining system”. Optics Express, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp.9631 (Apr 2019) ISSN 1094-4087 (electronic) (link) |
SUN, Zhanwen#, TO, S., ZHANG, Guoqing and ZHANG, Shaojian |
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“Flexible glassy grid structure for rapid degradation of azo dye”. Materials & Design, Vol. 155, pp.346-351 (Oct 2018) ISSN 02641275 (print) (link) |
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“Floating, highly efficient, and scalable graphene membranes for seawater desalination using solar energy”. Green Chemistry, Vol. 20, No. 16, pp.3689-3695 (Jul 2018) ISSN 1463-9262 (print), 1463-9270 (electronic) (link) |
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“Forecasting COD load in municipal sewage based on ARMA and VAR algorithms”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 144, pp.56-64 (May 2019) ISSN 09213449 (print) (link) |
MAN, Yi, HU, Yusha and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Formability and magnetic properties of Dy-Co binary amorphous alloys”. AIP Advances, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp.75215 (Jul 2018) ISSN 2158-3226 (electronic) (link) |
MA, L. Y., TANG, B. Z., CHAN, KC, ZHAO, Lei, TANG, M. B., DING, D. and XIA, Lei |
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“Formation of micro/nano pits with high catalytic activity on Fe80B20 amorphous alloy”. Corrosion Science, Vol. 141, pp.109-116 (Aug 2018) ISSN 0010938X (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Xuhai, ZENG, Y.Q., YIN, L., JIANG, J.Q., PAN, Y., LI, Rui, LIU, L., LI, T. and CHAN, KC |
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“Gaussian Process Based Bayesian Inference System for Intelligent Surface Measurement”. Sensors, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp.4069 (Nov 2018) ISSN 1424-8220 (electronic) (link) |
REN, Ming, CHEUNG, C.F. and XIAO, Gao |
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“Gaussian process machine learning-based surface extrapolation method for improvement of the edge effect in surface filtering”. Measurement, Vol. 137, pp.214-224 (Apr 2019) ISSN 02632241 (print) (link) |
LIU, Mingyu, CHEUNG, C.F., FENG, Xiaobing, HO, Lai Ting and YANG, Shu Ming |
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“Green gelcasting of aluminum nitride using environmental sustainable ovalbumin natural binder”. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp.169-177 (Mar 2019) ISSN 2510-1560 (print), 2510-1579 (electronic) (link) |
KOK, Wai Hoong#, YUNG, K.C. and ANG, Desmond T. C. |
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“Hedging Risks in the Loss-Averse Newsvendor Problem with Backlogging”. Mathematics, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp.429 (May 2019) ISSN 2227-7390 (electronic) (link) |
LIU, Xiaoqing, CHAN, FTS and XU, Xinsheng |
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“Highlighting Regional Energy-Economic-Environmental Benefits of Agricultural Bioresources Utilization: An Integrated Model from Life Cycle Perspective”. Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 13, pp.3743 (2019) ISSN 2071-1050 (electronic) (link) |
SONG, Junnian, PU, Yang, YANG, Wei and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Hydrothermal synthesis of Ag-ZrO 2 /r-GO coating on CoCrMo substrate”. Materials Letters, Vol. 228, pp.314-317 (Oct 2018) ISSN 0167577X (print) (link) |
ZHAO, Lijun, ZAI, Wei, WONG, Man Hon and MAN, H.C. |
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“Impact of supplier development on supplier’s performance”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118, No. 6, pp.1192-1208 (Jul 2018) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
LEE, Bo Shing Alfred, CHAN, FTS and PU, Xiaodie# |
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“Improved Decision Model for Evaluating Risks in Construction Projects”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 145, No. 5, pp.4019024 (May 2019) ISSN 0733-9364 (print), 1943-7862 (electronic) (link) |
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“Improving the wear and corrosion resistance of CoCrMo-UHMWPE articulating surfaces in the presence of an electrolyte”. Applied Surface Science, Vol. 464, pp.404-411 (Jan 2019) ISSN 01694332 (print) (link) |
ZAI, Wei, WONG, Man Hon and MAN, H.C. |
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“In-situ growth of polypyrrole onto bamboo cellulose-derived compressible carbon aerogels for high performance supercapacitors”. Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 301, pp.55-62 (Apr 2019) ISSN 00134686 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Xiaofang, LI, Hong, ZHANG, Wei, HUANG, Zhenjia, TSUI, C.P., LU, Canhui, HE, Chengen and YANG, Yingkui |
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“Industrial wastewater desalination under uncertainty in coal-chemical eco-industrial parks”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 145, pp.370-378 (Jun 2019) ISSN 09213449 (print) (link) |
HUANG, Liu, WANG, Dongliang, HE, Chang, PAN, Ming, ZHANG, Bingjian, CHEN, Qinglin and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Intensification and performance assessment for synthesis of 2-methoxy-2-methyl-heptane through the combined use of different pressure thermally coupled reactive distillation and heat integration technique”. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, Vol. 142, pp.107561 (2019) ISSN 02552701 (print) (link) |
SUN, Shirui, YANG, Ao, CHIEN, I-Lung, SHEN, Weifeng, WEI, Shun’an, REN, Jingzheng and ZHANG, Xiangping |
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“Intensifying the Antimicrobial Activity of Poly[2-( tert -butylamino)ethyl Methacrylate]/Polylactide Composites by Tailoring Their Chemical and Physical Structures”. Molecular Pharmaceutics, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.709-723 (Feb 2019) ISSN 1543-8384 (print), 1543-8392 (electronic) (link) |
CHEN, Chih-Kuang, LEE, Mong-Chuan, LIN, Zheng-Ian, LEE, Chun-An, TUNG, Yu-Chieh, LOU, Ching-Wen, LAW, Wing Cheung, CHEN, Nai-Tzu, LIN, Kun-Yi Andrew and LIN, Jia-Horng |
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“Investigation of energy-saving azeotropic dividing wall column to achieve cleaner production via heat exchanger network and heat pump technique”. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 234, pp.410-422 (2019) ISSN 09596526 (print) (link) |
YANG, Ao, JIN, Saimeng, SHEN, Weifeng, CUI, Peizhe, CHIEN, I-Lung and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Joint optimization using a leader–follower Stackelberg game for coordinated configuration of stochastic operational aircraft maintenance routing and maintenance staffing”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 125, pp.46-68 (Nov 2018) ISSN 03608352 (print) (link) |
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“Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control of a Cable-Driven Hyper-Redundant Manipulator”. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.1693-1704 (Aug 2018) ISSN 1083-4435 (print), 1941-014X (electronic) (link) |
XU, Wenfu, LIU, Tianliang and LI, Y. |
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“Laser polishing of additive manufactured CoCr components for controlling their wettability characteristics”. Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 351, pp.89-98 (Oct 2018) ISSN 02578972 (print) (link) |
YUNG, K.C., WANG, Wenjing, XIAO, Tingyu, CHOY, HS, MO, Xiaoyong, ZHANG, Shaosong and CAI, Z.X. |
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“Laser-Reduced Zeolite Imidazole Framework-67 as Magnetic Absorbents for Oil Separation in Water”. IEEE Magnetics Letters, Vol. 10, pp.1-3 (Jan 2019) ISSN 1949-307X (print), 1949-3088 (electronic) (link) |
HUANG, Junfeng#, YUNG, K.C., LI, G, WEI, Zhuoxun and MENG, Zhengong |
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“Low Frequency Sound Absorption by Optimal Combination Structure of Porous Metal and Microperforated Panel”. Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp.1507 (Apr 2019) ISSN 2076-3417 (electronic) (link) |
SHEN, Xinmin, BAI, Panfeng, YANG, Xiaocui, ZHANG, Xiaonan and TO, S. |
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“Low-temperature fabrication of Ag-doped HA coating on NiTi”. Materials Letters, Vol. 229, pp.229-231 (Oct 2018) ISSN 0167577X (print) (link) |
WONG, Man Hon and MAN, H.C. |
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“Magnetic properties and magnetostriction of a binary Dy 50 Co 50 amorphous alloy”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 493, pp.29-32 (Aug 2018) ISSN 00223093 (print) (link) |
XIA, Lei, CHAN, KC, ZHAO, Lei, DING, D. and TANG, B.Z. |
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“Magnetic properties of SmCo5 alloy fabricated by laser sintering”. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp.11282-11290 (2019) ISSN 0957-4522 (print), 1573-482X (electronic) (link) |
HUANG, JunFeng#, YUNG, K.C. and ANG, Desmond T. C. |
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“Managing hazards of the make-buy decision in the face of radical technological change”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118, No. 7, pp.1345-1364 (Aug 2018) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
PARK, Woo-yong |
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“Metallic Glass Structures for Mechanical-Energy-Dissipation Purpose: A Review”. Metals, Vol. 8, No. 9, pp.689 (Aug 2018) ISSN 2075-4701 (electronic) (link) |
CHEN, S.H., CHENG, H.Y., CHAN, KC and WANG, G. |
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“Meteorological conditions for severe foggy haze episodes over north China in 2016–2017 winter”. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 199, pp.284-298 (Feb 2019) ISSN 13522310 (print) (link) |
LI, Xin, GAO, Zhiqiu, LI, Yubin, GAO, Chloe Y., REN, Jingzheng and ZHANG, Xiaoye |
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“Microstructural effects of Ti6Al4V alloys modified by electropulsing treatment on ultraprecision diamond turning”. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 39, pp.58-68 (Mar 2019) ISSN 15266125 (print) (link) |
ZHAO, Zejia, TO, S., SUN, Zhanwen#, JI, Renjie and YU, K.M. |
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“Modeling and prediction of surface topography with three tool-work vibration components in single-point diamond turning”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 98, No. 5-8, pp.1627-1639 (Sep 2018) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
ZEQIN, Lin, SUJUAN, Wang, XINDU, Chen, TO, S., ZIQIANG, Yin and JUNHUI, Liu |
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“Modeling the effects of airline slot hoarding behavior under the grandfather rights with use-it-or-lose-it rule”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 122, pp.48-61 (Feb 2019) ISSN 13665545 (print) (link) |
SHENG, Dian, LI, Zhi-Chun and FU, Xiaowen |
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“Modulated diamond cutting for the generation of complicated micro/nanofluidic channels”. Precision Engineering, Vol. 56, pp.136-142 (Mar 2019) ISSN 01416359 (print) (link) |
ZHU, Zhiwei, TO, S., TONG, Zhen, ZHUANG, Zhuoxuan# and JIANG, Xiangqian |
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“Multi-Objective Mapping Method for 3D Environmental Sensor Network Deployment”. IEEE Communications Letters, pp.1-1 (May 2019) ISSN 1089-7798 (print), 2373-7891 (electronic) (link) |
TSANG, Yung Po#, CHOY, K.L., WU, Chun Ho and HO, George To Sum |
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MA, Haifeng and LI, Y. |
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“Multi-criteria decision making for the prioritization of energy systems under uncertainties after life cycle sustainability assessment”. Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol. 16, pp.45-57 (Oct 2018) ISSN 23525509 (print) (link) |
REN, Jingzheng |
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“Nanoscale measurement with pattern recognition of an ultra-precision diamond machined polar microstructure”. Precision Engineering, Vol. 56, pp.156-163 (Mar 2019) ISSN 01416359 (print) (link) |
ZHAO, Chenyang#, CHEUNG, C.F. and LIU, Mingyu |
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“Novel Optimization Approach in Ultrasonic Machining: Unilateral Compensation for Resonant Vibration in Primary Side”. IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp.34131-34140 (Jan 2019) ISSN 2169-3536 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Jianguo, LONG, Zhili, WANG, Can, REN, Feng and LI, Y. |
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“OPTIMIZATION OF TERMINAL SERVICEABILITY BASED ON CHAOTIC GA-BASED METHOD”. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp.62-82 (Jan 2019) ISSN 01279084 (print) (link) |
WU, C.H., LEUNG, Po Ling#, DONG, N., HO, G.T.S., KWONG, C.K. and IP, Wai Hung |
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“On Smoothing l1Exact Penalty Function for Constrained Optimization Problems”. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp.1-18 (Jan 2019) ISSN 0163-0563 (print), 1532-2467 (electronic) (link) |
XU, Xinsheng, DANG, Chuangyin, CHAN, FTS and WANG, Yongli |
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“On the variation of the mechanical energy accumulation rates during the flow serrations of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 508, pp.1-6 (Mar 2019) ISSN 00223093 (print) (link) |
CHENG, H.Y., CHEN, S.H., QIN, Y.Q., FENG, Shidong, CHAN, KC and WU, Y.C. |
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“One-step generation of hybrid micro-optics with high-frequency diffractive structures on infrared materials by ultra-precision side milling”. Optics Express, Vol. 26, No. 21, pp.28161-28177 (Oct 2018) ISSN 1094-4087 (electronic) (link) |
SUN, Zhanwen#, TO, S. and YU, K.M. |
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“Optimal Design and Effective Control of Triple-Column Extractive Distillation for Separating Ethyl Acetate/Ethanol/Water with Multiazeotrope”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 58, No. 17, pp.7265-7283 (Apr 2019) ISSN 0888-5885 (print), 1520-5045 (electronic) (link) |
YANG, Ao, ZOU, Hechen, CHIEN, I-Lung, WANG, Dan, WEI, Shun’an, REN, Jingzheng and SHEN, Weifeng |
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“Optimal Energy-Delay in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks with Interference Channels”. Sensors, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp.785 (Feb 2019) ISSN 1424-8220 (electronic) (link) |
JIAO, Dongbin, KE, Liangjun, LIU, Shengbo and CHAN, FTS |
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“Optimal Option Purchasing Decisions for the Risk-Averse Retailer with Shortage Cost”. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 36, No. 02, pp.1940005 (Apr 2019) ISSN 0217-5959 (print), 1793-7019 (electronic) (link) |
XU, Xin-Sheng and CHAN, FTS |
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“Optimal design and experimental validation of sound absorbing multilayer microperforated panel with constraint conditions”. Applied Acoustics, Vol. 146, pp.334-344 (Mar 2019) ISSN 0003682X (print) (link) |
YANG, Xiaocui, BAI, Panfeng, SHEN, Xinmin, TO, S., CHEN, Liang, ZHANG, Xiaonan and YIN, Qin |
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“Optimization of geometric parameters of the standardized multilayer microperforated panel with finite dimension”. Noise Control Engineering Journal, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp.197-209 (May 2019) ISSN 0736-2501 (print) (link) |
YANG, Xiaocui, CHEN, Liang, SHEN, Xinmin, BAI, Panfeng, TO, S., ZHANG, Xiaonan and LI, Zhizhong |
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“Order timing and tax planning when selling to a rival in a low-tax emerging market”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 123, pp.165-179 (Mar 2019) ISSN 13665545 (print) (link) |
NIU, Baozhuang, XU, Jingwen, LEE, CKM and CHEN, Lei |
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“Outsource to an OEM or an ODM? Profitability and Sustainability Analysis of a Fashion Supply Chain”. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp.399-416 (Aug 2018) ISSN 1004-3756 (print), 1861-9576 (electronic) (link) |
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“Pleasure or profit? Surveying the purchasing intentions of potential electric vehicle adopters in China”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 124, pp.69-81 (Jun 2019) ISSN 09658564 (print) (link) |
SOVACOOL, Benjamin K., ABRAHAMSE, Wokje, ZHANG, Long and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Portfolio procurement policies for budget-constrained supply chains with option contracts and external financing”. Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.1105-1122 (Jul 2018) ISSN 1553-166X (print) (link) |
HU, Benyong, CHEN, Xu, CHAN, FTS and MENG, Chao |
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“Predicting the consumer's purchase intention of durable goods: An attribute-level analysis”. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 94, pp.408-419 (Jan 2019) ISSN 01482963 (print) (link) |
BAG, Sujoy, TIWARI, Manoj Kumar and CHAN, FTS |
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“Procurement risk management under uncertainty: a review”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118, No. 7, pp.1547-1574 (Aug 2018) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
HONG, Zhen, LEE, CKM and ZHANG, Linda |
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“Programmable super elastic kirigami metallic glasses”. Materials & Design, Vol. 169, pp.107687 (May 2019) ISSN 02641275 (print) (link) |
CHEN, Shunhua, CHAN, KC, HAN, Dongxue, ZHAO, Lei and WU, F.F. |
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“Re-Planning the Intermodal Transportation of Emergency Medical Supplies with Updated Transfer Centers”. Sustainability, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp.2827 (Aug 2018) ISSN 2071-1050 (electronic) (link) |
RUAN, Junhu, CHAN, FTS and ZHAO, Xiaofeng |
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“Readiness Analysis of Open Innovation - A Self-assessment Method”. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.16-44 (Oct 2018) ISSN 1947-8208 (print), 1947-8216 (electronic) (link) |
CHENG, Mei Na, CHEUNG, C.F., TSUI, E and WAN, Kit Ling# |
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“Real time traffic delay optimization using shadowed type-2 fuzzy rule base”. Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 74, pp.226-241 (Jan 2019) ISSN 15684946 (print) (link) |
CHATTERJEE, Kajal, DE, Arkajyoti and CHAN, FTS |
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“Recent developments of hydrogen production from sewage sludge by biological and thermochemical process”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 44, No. 36, pp.19676-19697 (Jun 2019) ISSN 03603199 (print) (link) |
LIU, Yue, LIN, Ruojue#, MAN, Yi and REN, Jingzheng |
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“Reduction of tool tip vibration in single-point diamond turning using an eddy current damping effect”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 103, No. 5-8, pp.1799-1809 (2019) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
YIP, Wai Sze and TO, S. |
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“Rejuvenation by weakening the medium range order in Zr46Cu46Al8 metallic glass with pressure preloading: A molecular dynamics simulation study”. Materials & Design, Vol. 158, pp.248-255 (Nov 2018) ISSN 02641275 (print) (link) |
FENG, Shidong, CHAN, KC, ZHAO, Lei, PAN, S.P., QI, L., WANG, L.M. and LIU, R.P. |
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“Return and refund policy for product and core service bundling in the dual-channel supply chain”. International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.223-247 (2018) ISSN 09696016 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Zichen, LUO, Xinggang, KWONG, C.K., TANG, Jiafu and YU, Yang |
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“Revealing the nexus among energy-economy system with Haken model: Evidence from China's Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region”. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 228, pp.319-330 (2019) ISSN 09596526 (print) (link) |
ZHONG, Weichen, SONG, Junnian, REN, Jingzheng, YANG, Wei and WANG, Shuo |
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“Review on Recent Advances in Information Mining From Big Consumer Opinion Data for Product Design”. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp.10801 (2018) ISSN 1530-9827 (print) (link) |
JIN, Jian, LIU, Ying, JI, P. and KWONG, C.K. |
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“Role of Si in the Surface Damage Mechanism of RB-SiC/Si Under Mechanical Loading”. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.254-262 (Jan 2019) ISSN 1059-9495 (print), 1544-1024 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Quanli, ZHANG, Zhen, SU, Honghua, ZHAO, Qingliang and TO, S. |
163 |
“Sandwich nanoporous framework decorated with vertical CuO nanowire arrays for electrochemical glucose sensing”. Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 299, pp.470-478 (Mar 2019) ISSN 00134686 (print) (link) |
LI, Rui, LIU, Xiongjun, WANG, Hui, WU, Yuan, CHAN, KC and LU, Zhaoping |
164 |
“Scalable sonochemical synthesis of petal-like MnO2/graphene hierarchical composites for high-performance supercapacitors”. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 161, pp.37-43 (Mar 2019) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
QIU, Shengqiang, LI, Ran, HUANG, Zhiyong, HUANG, Zhenjia, TSUI, C.P., HE, Chengen, HAN, Xiaoyan and YANG, Yingkui |
165 |
“Scheduling jobs with resource-dependent ready times and processing times depending on their starting times and positions”. The Computer Journal, Vol. 61, No. 9, pp.1323-1328 (Dec 2018) ISSN 0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic) (link) |
JIN, Jian and JI, P. |
166 |
“Selecting sustainable energy conversion technologies for agricultural residues: A fuzzy AHP-VIKOR based prioritization from life cycle perspective”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 142, pp.78-87 (Mar 2019) ISSN 09213449 (print) (link) |
WANG, Bo, SONG, Junnian, REN, Jingzheng, LI, Kexin, DUAN, Haiyan and WANG, Xian’en |
167 |
“Serrated Chips Formation in Micro Orthogonal Cutting of Ti6Al4V Alloys with Equiaxial and Martensitic Microstructures”. Micromachines, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.197 (Mar 2019) ISSN 2072-666X (electronic) (link) |
ZHAO, Zejia#, TO, S. and ZHUANG, Zhuoxuan# |
168 |
“Short term electric load forecasting model and its verification for process industrial enterprises based on hybrid GA-PSO-BPNN algorithm—A case study of papermaking process”. Energy, Vol. 170, pp.1215-1227 (Mar 2019) ISSN 03605442 (print) (link) |
HU, Yusha, LI, Jigeng, HONG, Mengna, REN, Jingzheng, LIN, Ruojue#, LIU, Yue, LIU, Mengru and MAN, Yi |
169 |
“Steady tool wear and its influence on tool geometry in ultra-precision fly cutting of CuZn30”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 101, No. 9-12, pp.2653-2662 (Apr 2019) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
ZHANG, Guoqing, TO, S., WU, Xiaoyu and LOU, Yan |
170 |
“Study of Numerical Simulation during ECAP Processing of Can Based on Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics”. Complexity, Vol. 2019, pp.1-16 (May 2019) ISSN 1076-2787 (print), 1099-0526 (electronic) (link) |
NIU, Xiaofeng, WANG, Chenchen, CHAN, KC, WANG, Han and FENG, Shidong |
171 |
“Study on Influence of Ultrasonic Vibration on the Ultra-Precision Turning of Ti6Al4V Alloy Based on Simulation and Experiment”. IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp.33640-33651 (2019) ISSN 2169-3536 (electronic) (link) |
HU, Keman, LO, Sio-Long, WU, Hongbing and TO, S. |
172 |
“Sulfur in Mesoporous Tungsten Nitride Foam Blocks: A Rational Lithium Polysulfide Confinement Experimental Design Strategy Augmented by Theoretical Predictions”. ACS applied materials & interfaces, Vol. 11, pp.20013-20021 (May 2019) ISSN 1944-8244 (print) |
ZHEN-DONG, Huang, YANWU, Fang, MINGTONG, Yang, JIKE, Yang, YIZHOU, Wang, ZHEN, Wu, QINGCHUAN, Du, TITUS, Masese, RUIQING, Liu, YANG, Xusheng, CHENHUI, Qian, SHAOWEI, Jin and YANWEN, Ma |
173 |
“Sustainable Ultra-Precision Machining of Titanium Alloy Using Intermittent Cutting”. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, pp.1-13 (Feb 2019) ISSN 2288-6206 (print), 2198-0810 (electronic) (link) |
YIP, Wai Sze and TO, S. |
174 |
“Sustainable desalination process selection: Decision support framework under hybrid information”. Desalination, Vol. 465, pp.44-57 (2019) ISSN 00119164 (print) (link) |
WANG, Zhenfeng, WANG, Yanjin, XU, Guangyin and REN, Jingzheng |
175 |
“Swarm intelligence approaches in supply chain management: potentials, challenges and future research directions”. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp.107-123 (2019) ISSN 1359-8546 (print) (link) |
SONI, Gunjan, JAIN, Vipul, CHAN, FTS, NIU, Ben and PRAKASH, Surya |
176 |
“Synthesis and characterisation of floatable magnesium alloy syntactic foams with hybridised cell morphology”. Materials & Design, Vol. 160, pp.591-600 (Dec 2018) ISSN 02641275 (print) (link) |
AKINWEKOMI, Akeem Damilola#, TANG, C.Y., TSUI, C.P., LAW, Wing Cheung, CHEN, Ling, YANG, Xu-Sheng and HAMDI, Mohd |
177 |
“Synthesis of Yolk–Shell Polymeric Nanocapsules Encapsulated with Monodispersed Upconversion Nanoparticle for Dual-Responsive Controlled Drug Release”. Macromolecules, Vol. 51, No. 24, pp.10074-10082 (Dec 2018) ISSN 0024-9297 (print), 1520-5835 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Xiaotao, LIU, Xiaoping, WANG, Li, TANG, C.Y., LAW, Wing Cheung, ZHANG, Gaowen, LIAO, Yonggui, LIU, Chuang and LIU, Zuifang |
178 |
“Synthesis of deformable hydrogel composites based on Janus bilayer multi-walled carbon nanotubes/host-guest complex structure”. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 164, pp.121-128 (May 2019) ISSN 13598368 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Yunfei, DU, Fei-Peng, CHEN, Ling, LAW, Wing Cheung and TANG, C.Y. |
179 |
“System dynamics models for the simulation of sustainable urban development: A review and analysis and the stakeholder perspective”. Kybernetes(Jun 2019) ISSN 0368-492X (print) (link) (On-line publication) |
PEJIC BACH, Mirjana, TUSTANOVSKI, Emil, IP, Wai Hung, YUNG, K.L. and ROBLEK, Vasja |
180 |
“The impacts of time segment modeling in berth allocation and quay crane assignment on terminal efficiency”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 119, No. 5, pp.968-992 (Jun 2019) ISSN 0263-5577 (print) (link) |
MA, Hoi-Lam, WANG, Zhengxu, CHUNG, SH and CHAN, FTS |
181 |
“Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Tool Tip Vibration in Single Point Diamond Turning of Titanium Alloys”. Micromachines, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp.231 (Mar 2019) ISSN 2072-666X (electronic) (link) |
YIP, Wai Sze and TO, S. |
182 |
“Theoretical and experimental investigation of the effect of the machining process chain on surface generation in ultra-precision fly cutting”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 99, No. 9-12, pp.2819-2831 (Dec 2018) ISSN 0268-3768 (print), 1433-3015 (electronic) (link) |
ZHAO, Chenyang and CHEUNG, C.F. |
183 |
“Thermal and Photo Dual-Responsive Core–Shell Polymeric Nanocarriers with Encapsulation of Upconversion Nanoparticles for Controlled Anticancer Drug Release”. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 123, No. 16, pp.10658-10665 (Apr 2019) ISSN 1932-7447 (print), 1932-7455 (electronic) (link) |
WANG, Xiaotao, LIU, Chuang, LI, Zhenhua, TANG, C.Y., LAW, Wing Cheung, GONG, Xinghou, LIU, Zuifang, LIAO, Yonggui, ZHANG, Gaowen, LONG, Shijun and CHEN, Ling |
184 |
“Three-dimensional modelling and simulation of vibration marks on surface generation in ultra-precision grinding”. Precision Engineering, Vol. 53, pp.221-235 (Jul 2018) ISSN 01416359 (print) (link) |
CHEN, Shanshan, CHEUNG, C.F., ZHANG, Feihu and ZHAO, Chenyang# |
185 |
“Tool interference at workpiece centre in single-point diamond turning”. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 151, pp.1-12 (Feb 2019) ISSN 00207403 (print) (link) |
ZHANG, Guoqing, DAI, Yuqi, TO, S., WU, Xiaoyu and LOU, Yan |
186 |
“Towards atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing”. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.12001 (Apr 2019) ISSN 2631-7990 (electronic) (link) |
FANG, Fengzhou, ZHANG, Nan, GUO, Dongming, EHMANN, Kornel, CHEUNG, C.F., LIU, Kui and YAMAMURA, Kazuya |
187 |
“Training a Hidden Markov Model-Based Knowledge Model for Autonomous Manufacturing Resources Allocation in Smart Shop Floors”. IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp.47366-47378 (Apr 2019) ISSN 2169-3536 (electronic) (link) |
DING, Kai, ZHANG, Xudong, CHAN, FTS, CHAN, Ching-Yuen and WANG, Chuang |
188 |
“Tunable tensile ductility of metallic glasses with partially rejuvenated amorphous structures”. Acta Materialia, Vol. 169, pp.122-134 (May 2019) ISSN 13596454 (print) (link) |
ZHAO, Lei, CHAN, KC, CHEN, S.H., FENG, Shidong, HAN, Dongxue and WANG, G. |
189 |
“Tuned diamond turning of micro-structured surfaces on brittle materials for the improvement of machining efficiency”. CIRP Annals, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp.559-562 (2019) ISSN 00078506 (print) (link) |
ZHU, Zhiwei, TONG, Zhen, TO, S. and JIANG, Xiangqian |
190 |
“Understanding the effect of cloud computing on organizational agility: An empirical examination”. International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 43, pp.98-111 (Dec 2018) ISSN 02684012 (print) (link) |
LIU, Sen, CHAN, FTS, YANG, Junai and NIU, Ben |
191 |
“Upstream-Downstream Joint Carbon Reduction Strategies Based on Low-Carbon Promotion”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp.1351 (2018) ISSN 1660-4601 (electronic) (link) |
XIA, Xiqiang, RUAN, Junhu, JUAN, Zhiru, SHI, Yan, WANG, Xuping and CHAN, FTS |
192 |
“Using fuzzy-based association rule mining to improve production systems for chemical product development”. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp.446 (May 2019) ISSN 1746-6474 (print), 1746-6482 (electronic) (link) |
LEE, Kar Hang Carmen, LUK, Ching Chug#, CHOY, K.L., LAM, Hoi Yan, LEE, CKM, TSANG, Yung Po# and HO, G.T.S. |
193 |
“Using multi‐criteria analysis to prioritize renewable energy home heating technologies”. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 29, pp.36-43 (Oct 2018) ISSN 22131388 (print) (link) |
YANG, Yingkui, REN, Jingzheng, SOLGAARD, Hans Stubbe, XU, Di and NGUYEN, Thong Tien |
194 |
“Wearable Fluid Capture Devices for Electrochemical Sensing of Sweat”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp.238-243 (Jan 2019) ISSN 1944-8244 (print), 1944-8252 (electronic) (link) |
LI, G,MO, Xiaoyong, LAW, Wing Cheung and CHAN, KC |
195 |
“When and how to shift gears: Dynamic trade-offs among adjustment, opportunity, and transaction costs in response to an innovation shock”. Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp.377-407 (Jan 2019) ISSN 01432095 (print) (link) |
BIGELOW, Lyda, NICKERSON, Jackson A. and PARK, Woo-yong |
196 |
“eTPM: A Trusted Cloud Platform Enclave TPM Scheme Based on Intel SGX Technology”. Sensors, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp.3807 (Nov 2018) ISSN 1424-8220 (electronic) (link) |
SUN, Haonan, HE, Rongyu, ZHANG, Yong, WANG, Ruiyun, IP, Wai Hung and YUNG, K.L. |
Invited conference paper
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author |
197 |
“Optimal Prices of Centralized Dual-Channel Supply Chain with Overconfident Consumers”. The 12th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM 2018), Qing Dao, 12-15 Jul 2018 (Jul 2018) (No page number. The link is only conference link(link)but not proceeding.) |
LIU, Chengli# and LEE, CKM |
198 |
“Optimization and coordination of hangar maintenance resources in serving maintenance demands from airlines in MRO industry”. International Workshop on Transport Modelling, Auckland, New Zealand, 8-11 Jan 2019 (Jan 2019) (This is a keynote presentation. Only the paper was presented, but no full paper print out copy.) |
199 |
“Optimizing the aircraft hangar maintenance planning and maintenance resources utilization under MRO outsourcing mode”. The 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2019), Tokyo, Japan, 12-15 April, 2019, pp.12 (Apr 2019) |
CHAN, FTS and QIN, Yichen# |
200 |
“Optimizing the aircraft hangar maintenance planning under MRO outsourcing mode, “. The 2ndInternational Workshop for Young Transportation Scholars, Shanghai, China, 17-19 June 2019 (Jun 2019) (This is a keynote presentation. Only the paper was presented, but no full paper print out copy.) |
Refereed conference paper
Academic research: refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
201 |
“A Cloud-Based Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Procurement Process in Facility Management”. 2018 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Honolulu, HI, August 19, 2018-August 23, 2018, IEEE, pp.1-8 (Aug 2018) ISBN 978-1-890843-37-3 (electronic) (link) |
PUN, K.P.#, CHOY, K.L. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
202 |
“A Mixed Methods Approach to Getting Insights from the First-ever edX MOOC “Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business”“. HKAECT, Hong Kong, 25-27th July 2019 (Jul 2018) (link) (No page number as it was a presentation.) |
KAM, Roy and TSUI, E |
203 |
“A NOVEL POSITIONING MEASUREMENT METHOD USING POLAR MICROSTRUCTURE”. Proceedings of the American Society for Precision Engineering’s 33rd Annual Meeting (ASPE2018), Vol. 70, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 4-9 November 2018, pp.221-224 (Nov 2018) |
ZHAO, Chenyang and CHEUNG, C.F. |
204 |
“A Price setting for An Extra-Baggage Service as A Function of Freight Price”. The Fourth International Conference on Science, Engineering & Environment (SEE2018), Nagoya, Japan, 12-14 November, 2018, pp.684-689 (Nov 2018) |
SHABAN, Ibrahim Abdelfadeel Abdelsaboor#, CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH and QU, t. |
205 |
“A branch-and-cut algorithm framework for the integrated aircraft hangar maintenance scheduling and staffing problem”. Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Systems - ICISS 2019, Tokyo, Japan, March 16, 2019-March 19, 2019, ACM Press, New York, New York, USA, pp.200-203 (Mar 2019) ISBN 9781450361033 (print) (link) |
QIN, Yichen#, CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH, QU, t., QIN, Yichen, CHAN, Felix T. S., CHUNG, S. H. and QU, T. |
206 |
“A cable-driven redundant spatial manipulator with improved stiffness and load capacity”. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain, 1-5 October, 2018, IEEE, pp.6628-6633 (Oct 2018) |
LIU, Tianliang, MU, Zonggao, WANG, Haomiao, XU, Wenfu and LI, Y. |
207 |
“A study of optimized tool path for uniform scallop-height in ultraprecision grinding of freeform surfaces”. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on nanoManufacturing (nanoMan2018), London, UK, 4-6 July 2018 (Jul 2018) (electronic version (8-1) by memory flash) |
CHEN, Shanshan, CHEUNG, C.F., ZHANG, Feihu and LIU, Mingyu |
208 |
“An Intelligent Service Planning System for Effective Home Care Service Scheduling”. 2018 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Honolulu, HI, August 19, 2018-August 23, 2018, IEEE, pp.1-6 (Aug 2018) ISBN 978-1-890843-37-3 (electronic) (link) |
SIU, Kai Yuet Paul Atlas#, CHOY, K.L. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
209 |
“An Investigation of Factors Affecting Surface Generation in Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Diamond Cutting of Hard-brittle Materials”. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Bilbao, Spain, 3-7 June 2019, pp.488-451 (Jun 2019) (link) |
CHEUNG, C.F., WANG, Chunjin, CHEN, Jiangbo, ROBERTSON, David, BULLA, Benjamin and HO, Lai Ting |
210 |
“An alternative path modelling method for air traffic flow problem in near terminal control area”. The 2nd international conference on intelligent autonomous systems (ICoIAS’ 2019), Singapore, 28 Feb- 2 March 2019, pp.171-174 (Mar 2019) |
NG, Kam Hung#, LEE, CKM and CHAN, FTS |
211 |
“An intelligent order allocation system for effective order fulfilment under changing customer demand”. MATEC Web of Conferences (Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence Conference 2018 (EAAIC 2018), Sabah, Malaysia, 3 – 5 December 2018 (Dec 2018) (10.1051/matecconf/201925502002) (Web Link -link) |
LEUNG, Ka Ho#, CHOY, K.L. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
212 |
“Appointment Scheduling Optimization for Specialist Outpatient Services”. The 2nd IEOM European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, No. ID164, Paris, 26-27 Jul 2018 (Jul 2018) ISBN 978-1-5323-5945-3 (electronic) (link) |
LEE, CKM, NG, Kam Hung# and CHENG, Man Chun# |
213 |
“Complementarities Between Vertical Integration and Differentiation- A Case of Automobile Industry”. The 30th Annual Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Washington, DC, USA, 2-6 May 2019 (May 2019) (Only presentation during the conference. No page number.) |
214 |
“Compressed annealing based algorithm for operational aircraft maintenance routing problem with the consideration of working hours of maintenance stations”. Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (GCEAS), Tokyo, Japan, July 10-12, 2018, pp.278-291 (Jul 2018) |
215 |
“Cutting force modelling of ultra-precision flycutting of groove”. In Yongjian, Wan, Mingbo, Pu, Xiangang, Luo, Xiong, Li, Bin, Fan and William T., Plummer, Eds., 9th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies, Chengdu, China, June 26, 2018-June 29, 2018, SPIE, pp.116 (Jul 2018) ISBN 9781510623187 (print), 9781510623194 (electronic) |
TO, S. and ZHANG, Guoqing |
216 |
“Design and analysis of a new type of spatial flexible micromanipulation platform”. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), Changsha, China, 4-8 July, 2018, IEEE, pp.199-204 (Jul 2018) |
ZHAO, Jie, LI, Y. and XU, Hong-ye |
217 |
“Design of Elderly Behaviour Analytics Model in the Healthcare Industry in Hong Kong”. MATEC Web of Conferences (Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence Conference 2018 (EAAIC 2018), Sabah, Malaysia, 3 – 5 December 2018 (Dec 2018) (10.1051/matecconf/201925504005) (Web Link -link) |
SIU, Kai Yuet Paul Atlas#, CHOY, K.L. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
218 |
“Design of a Fuzzy Quality Evaluation and Control System with Internet of Things (IoT) for Streamlining Inbound Process in the Manufacturing Industry”. Proceedings on the International Conference on Internet Computing (ICOMP), Las Vega, USA, 30 Jul-2 Aug 2018, pp.69-75 (Jul 2018) ISBN 1-60132-482-0 (print) |
YUEN, Joseph Shun Ming #, CHOY, K.L., LAM, Hoi Yan and TSANG, Yung Po# |
219 |
“Design of an Enhanced Logistics Service Provider Selection Model for e-Commerce Application”. 2018 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Honolulu, HI, August 19, 2018-August 23, 2018, IEEE, pp.1-7 (Aug 2018) ISBN 978-1-890843-37-3 (electronic) (link) |
LUK, C.C.#, CHOY, K.L. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
220 |
“Design of an Intelligent Customer Identification Model in e-Commerce Logistics Industry”. MATEC Web of Conferences (Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence Conference 2018 (EAAIC 2018), Sabah, Malaysia, 3 – 5 December 2018 (Dec 2018) (10.1051/matecconf/201925504003) (Web Link -link) |
LUK, C.C.#,CHOY, K.L. and LAM, Hoi Yan |
221 |
“Dynamic semi-mixed mode runway configuration planning and runway scheduling”. International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, 2-5 December 2018 (Dec 2018) (link, pp.512-523) |
NG, Kam Hung#, LEE, CKM, CHAN, FTS and ZHANG, s.z. |
222 |
“Forecasting of Used Product Returns for Remanufacturing”. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Bangkok, 12-14 Dec. 2018 (2018) (link, pp.889-893) |
GEDA, Mohammed Woyeso# and KWONG, C.K. |
223 |
“High Dynamic Control of a Flexure Fast Tool Servo Using On-line Sequential Extreme Learning Machine”. 2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Auckland, July 09, 2018-July 12, 2018, IEEE, pp.604-609 (Jul 2018) ISBN 978-1-5386-1854-7 (electronic) (link) |
WU, Zelong, TANG, Hui, CHEN, Xin, GAO, Jian, HE, Yunbo, XU, Ying, CHEN, Xun, TO, S., LI, Y. and CUI, Chengqiang |
224 |
“Hybridizing Ant Colony Optimization by Beam Search for the Assembly Line Balancing Problem”. World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering, No. ICMIE 102Madrid, Spain, Aug. 16-18, 2018, Avestia Publishing (Aug 2018) (link, pp.1-9) (The 7th International Conference on Mechanics and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE'18)) |
HUO, Jiage#, CHAN, FTS, LEE, CKM, STRANDHAGEN, j.o., NIU, Ben, HUO, Jiage, CHAN, Felix T.S., LEE, Carman K. M., STRANDHAGEN, Jan Ola and NIU, Ben |
225 |
“Integrated maintenance scheduling and staff scheduling for an aircraft hangar maintenance problem”. he Fourth International Conference on Science, Engineering & Environment (SEE2018), Nagoya, Japan., 12-14 November, 2018, pp.725-730 (Nov 2018) |
QIN, Yichen#, CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH, NIU, Ben and QU, t. |
226 |
“Integrating Blockchain for Improving Data Sharing in Implant Surgery”. Proceedings of ISER International Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 4-5, August, pp.27-31 (Aug 2018) |
TANG, YM, HO, G.T.S. and WU, CH |
227 |
“Intellectual capital and organizational performance in Chinese firms: An empirical study”. International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Matera, Italy, 5-7th June 2019, pp.1880-1891 (Jun 2019) |
KIANTO, Aino, LIU, Gang# and TSUI, E |
228 |
“Intelligent Decision Support System for Supplier Management in Small Appliance Manufacturing Company”. Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2018), Bali, Indonesia, 8-11 July 2018, pp.165-172 (Jul 2018) (link) |
YUEN, Che Chuen# and CHOY, K.L. |
229 |
“Inventory model with the consideration of pricing, product substitution and value deterioration”. International Conference of Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2018), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 26-30 August 2018 (Aug 2018) (link, pp.450-456) |
CHAN, FTS, RUAN, j.h., TAI, a.h., CHUNG, SH and ELSAYED, ELSAYED ELTOUKHY Abdelrahman# |
230 |
“Lumen Maintenance Lifetime Prediction for Phosphor-converted White LEDs with a Wiener Process based Model”. 2018 20th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging (EMAP), Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong, December 17, 2018-December 20, 2018, IEEE, pp.1-4 (Dec 2018) ISBN 978-1-5386-5642-6 (electronic) (link) |
IBRAHIM, Mesfin Seid#, YUNG, K.C. and FAN, Jiajie# |
231 |
“Multi-jet micro-machining of freeform and structured surfaces”. Proceedings of the 14th China-Japan International Conference on Ultra-precision Machining Processes (CJUMP2018), Harbin, China, 13-15 September 2018 (Sep 2018) (electronic version by memory flash) |
WANG, Chunjin, CHEUNG, C.F., HO, Lai Ting and LEE, W.B. |
232 |
“Multi-objective Ant Colony Optimization for Production Line Balance and Dynamic Complexity”. 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis (ICCCBDA), Chengdu, China, April 12, 2019-April 15, 2019, IEEE, pp.284-289 (Apr 2019) ISBN 978-1-7281-1409-5 (print), 978-1-7281-1410-1 (electronic) (link) |
WAH LAW, Edward Ko and YUNG, K.C. |
233 |
“Operational Aircraft Routing Problem: Some Insights in the Capacitated Maintenance Resources”. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bangkok, December 16, 2018-December 19, 2018, IEEE, pp.401-405 (Dec 2018) ISBN 978-1-5386-6786-6 (electronic) (link) |
ZHONG, m., CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH, ZHONG, Miner, CHAN, Felix T.S. and CHUNG, S.H. |
234 |
“PLASMONIC RESONANT ENERGY TRANSFER-PROMOTED HIGH HEAT GENERATION OF GOLD NANOROD/COPPER SULFIDE CORE/SHELL NANOSTRUCTURE FOR NIR-INDUCED PHOTOTHERMAL THERAPY”. The 26th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, Paris, France, 15-21 July 2018 (Jul 2018) (This conference did not provide hard copy of proceedings and online archive. So there will be no page number nor URL.) |
XU, Zhourui#, RAO, Nanxi, LAW, Wing Cheung and TANG, C.Y. |
235 |
“Regulation of Cell Alignment through Micro-nano pattern Fabricated by Two-Photon Nano-lithography”. In David Hui, Ed., 26thAnnual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Paris, France, 15-21 July 18 (Jul 2018) (e-copy (only received the PDF file of the paper from the conference organizer.)) |
HUANG, Wenfei, TSUI, C.P., HUANG, Zhenjia, TANG, C.Y., CHEN, Ling and YEUNG, Ka Wai# |
236 |
“Relationship Between Knowledge Search Portfolio and New Knowledge Development: The Moderating Role of Firms’ R&D Structure”. The British Academy of Management (BAM) 2018 Conference and the Doctoral Symposium, Bristol Business School, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, UK, 3-6 September 2018 (Sep 2018) (Only presentation during the conference. No page number.) |
237 |
“Simulation-based Multiple Automated Guided Vehicles Considering Charging and Collision-free Requirements in Automatic Warehouse”. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bangkok, December 16, 2018-December 19, 2018, IEEE, pp.1376-1380 (Dec 2018) ISBN 978-1-5386-6786-6 (electronic) (link) |
LEE, CKM, KEUNG, K. L., NG, Kam Hung# and LAI, Daniel C. P. |
238 |
“Smart City Application and Analysis: Real-time Urban Drainage Monitoring by IoT Sensors: A Case Study of Hong Kong”.2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bangkok, December 16, 2018-December 19, 2018, IEEE, pp.521-525 (Dec 2018) ISBN 978-1-5386-6786-6 (electronic) (link) |
KEUNG, Kin Lok#,LEE, CKM, NG, Kam Hung# and YEUNG, Chun Kit# |
239 |
“Study of a fiducial-aided data fusion method for the measurement of multiscale complex surfaces”.Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on nanoManufacturing (nanoMan2018), London, UK, 4-6 July 2018 (Jul 2018) (electronic version (7-2) by memory flash) |
WANG, Shixiang#,CHEUNG, C.F. and LIU, Mingyu |
240 |
“Surface Model Extraction from Indentation Curves of Hyperelastic Simulation for Abnormality Detection”. 2019 International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), Atlanta, GA, USA, April 03, 2019-April 05, 2019, IEEE, pp.1-7 (Apr 2019) ISBN 978-1-5386-7825-1 (electronic) (link) |
YANG, Yingqiao#, YUNG, K.L., HUNG, Tin Wai Robert, FOSTER, James Abbott and YU, K.M. |
241 |
“Theoretical Formulation and Demand Parameters Optimization for a Proposed Extra-Baggage Service”. World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering, Madrid, Spain, Aug. 16-18, 2018, Avestia Publishing (Aug 2018) (link) (The 7th International Conference on Mechanics and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE'18)) |
SHABAN, Ibrahim Abdelfadeel Abdelsaboor#, CHAN, FTS, CHUNG, SH, QU, t., NIU, Ben, SHABAN, I. A., CHAN, F. T. S., CHAN, F. T. S., QU, T. and NIU, B. |
242 |
“X-ray CT assisted damage identification in warm forging”. In Ken-ichiro Mori, Yohei Abe, Tomoyoshi Maeno, Ed., Procedia Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Metal Forming, Vol. 15, Toyohashi, Japan, 16-19 Sept 2018, pp.535-541 (Aug 2018) (ISSN: 2351-9789) |
LU, Xianzheng and CHAN, LC |
Other conference paper
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author |
243 |
“Can Mixed Reality (MR) Make a Difference in Service Learning?”. Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Service-Learning, Hong Kong, 10-12 January 2019, pp.269-276 (Jan 2019) |
TANG, YM, TANG, C.Y., WONG, Ernest, LEUNG, Yohana, TSUI, C.P., LAW, W.C., CHENG, Karen and CHEUNG, Edward |
244 |
“Effect of electropulsing treatment on machinability of Ti-6Al-4V alloys in ultra-precision diamond turning”. 6th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2018), Brunel University London, UK, 2018, July 4-6 (2018) (There is no page no. or URL link for it. There is only a section number (2-4).) |
ZHAO, Zejia#, TO, S. and YIP, Wai Sze |
245 |
“Engineering Education with Mixed Reality (MR)”. 4th Annual International Conference on Engineering Education & Teaching, Athens, Greece, 3-6 June, 2019, pp.32-33 (Jun 2019) |
TANG, YM, HO, G.T.S. and WU, CH |
Licensing agreements
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author |
246 |
“Pokeguide”. Pokeguide Ltd (Jan 2019) |
HUI, Andre# |
Patents granted
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author |
247 |
“LED automotive tail lamp set”. USA - US10132463 (Nov 2018) |
CHEUNG, Chi Fai, TO, Sandy, LEE, Wing Bun, JIANG, Jin Bo and WANG, BO |
248 |
“一种共形电路及其制备方法”. PRC - ZL201510760302.3 (Jun 2019) |
容,锦泉, 徐,涛 and 蔡,恒生 |
249 |
“一种在位测量方法”. PRC - ZL201610044554.0 (Jun 2019) |
刘, 明宇#, 张,志辉, 赖,锦棠 and 何,丽婷 |
250 |
“一种抛光模具微结构表面的抛光头以及抛光装置”. PRC - ZL201820354031.0 (Dec 2018) |
李,莉华, 李, 榮彬, 陈,增源 and 余, 宁辉# |
251 |
“一種刀具磨損監測方法及系統”. PRC - ZL201510105515.2 (Feb 2019) |
陳,增源, 李, 榮彬, 李,莉華 and 王, 孝忠# |
252 |
“一種碳納米管增強泡沫鋁基複合材料的製備方法”. PRC - ZL201610058351.7 (Oct 2018) |
鄧,澤賢, 陳,玲, 陳,鏡昌, 余, 大民 and 羅,永祥 |
253 |
LEE, Ka Man, TAN, Burly K. and LEE, Yat Hei |
254 |
“機床主軸中軸線位置獲取裝置及獲取方法”. PRC - ZL201510811019.9 (Aug 2018) |
陳,增源, 李, 榮彬, 李,莉華 and 袁, 偉# |
255 |
“超疏水二氧化硅粒子及超疏水涂层的制备方法”. PRC - ZL201510661330.X (Jun 2019) |
崔,智邦, 王,国成, 黄, 文飞#, 肖,叶兰 and 杜,雪 |
Journal editor
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author |
256 |
Associate Editor. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences(2018) |
LI, Y. |
257 |
Associate Editor. Book Series (Emerald), “Advances in Airlines Economics”.(2018) |
FU, Xiaowen |
258 |
Associate Editor. Environment, Development and Sustainability(2018) |
REN, Jingzheng |
259 |
Associate Editor. IEEE Access, IEEE (2018) |
LI, Y. |
260 |
Associate Editor. IEEE Transaction on Automation Science Engineering, IEEE (2018) |
LI, Y. |
261 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, Springer SBM (2018) |
LI, Y. |
262 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (2018) |
YUNG, K.C. |
263 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management (2018) |
264 |
Associate Editor. International Journal of Network and Mobile Technologies (2018) |
265 |
Associate Editor. Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development (2018) |
REN, Jingzheng |
266 |
Associate Editor. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2018) |
REN, Jingzheng |
267 |
Associate Editor. Journal of Robotics, Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2018) |
LI, Y. |
268 |
Associate Editor. Mechatronics, Elsevier (2018) |
LI, Y. |
269 |
Associate Editor. Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications. (2018) |
270 |
Associate Editor. Nanomanufacturing and Nanometrology (2018) |
271 |
Associate Editor. Precision Engineering(2018) |
272 |
Associate Editor. The Open Economics and Management Journal (2018) |
273 |
Associate Editor. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (2018) |
274 |
Editor. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (2018) |
275 |
Editor. Guest Editor of Special Issue, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2018) |
REN, Jingzheng |
276 |
Editor. Guest Editor of Special Issue, Sustainability (2018) |
REN, Jingzheng |
277 |
Editor. Guest Editor of Special Issue, The Scientific World Journal (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (2018) |
278 |
Editor. Guest Editor, Transportation Research Part E - Logistics and Transportation Review (2018) |
279 |
Editor. HKIE Transactions (2018) |
280 |
Editor. Regional Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SCI journal) (2018) |
TO, S. |
281 |
Editor. Regional Editor, Journal of Knowledge Management (2018) |
282 |
Editor. Subject Editor, Material Design & Processing Communications (since 1 Jan 2019) (2019) |
283 |
Editor. Surface and Coatings Technology (2018) |
MAN, H.C. |
284 |
Editor. Sustainable Production and Consumption (2018) |
REN, Jingzheng |
285 |
Editor. Transport Policy (2018) |
FU, Xiaowen |
Other Outputs
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author |
286 |
“Metal Foil Container”. Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong (May 2019) (HK Short-term Patent (HK1252600)) |
TIN LOI, Lui and CHAN, LC |
287 |
“Managing Knowledge for Decision Support using Computational Organizational Narrative Generation”. The 8th International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge, and Management (ICIKM 2019) (Jun 2019) (Keynote Speech: 24-26 June 2019, Da Nang, Vietnam) |
288 |
“Ultra-precision Polishing Technology and Its Applications”. China International Optoelectronic Conference (CIOEC) - 2018 China Optical Intelligent Manufacturing 2025 (Sep 2018) (Invited Talk: 5-7 September 2018, Shenzhen, China) |
Postgraduate research theses
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author |
289 |
“A Study of Natural Language Processing Technologies from the Four-Level Perspective with Special Focus in Web-Text Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling”. (Feb 2019) |
YANG, Yang# |
290 |
“An Autostereoscopic Three-dimensional (3D) Metrology System for On-machine Measurement of Micro-Structured Surfaces”. (Feb 2019) |
LI, Da# |
291 |
“Design and Optimization of RFID-enabled Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Monitoring System for Biological and Pharmaceutical Products Storage”. (Sep 2018) |
NG, Chun Kit# |
292 |
“Development of a Serial-Parallel Machine for Precision Polishing of Freeform Surfaces”. (Jun 2019) |
XU, Peng# |
293 |
“Development of a Unified Open E-Logistics Standards Diffusion Model for Manufacturing Supply Chain Integrations”. (Feb 2019) |
PU, Xiaodie# |
294 |
“Development of an Ultra-Precision Diamond-Machined Polar Microstructure for Computer Vision-Based Precision Positioning and Nanoscale Measurement”. (Feb 2019) |
ZHAO, Chenyang# |
295 |
“High Intensity Ultrasonication-assisted Pickering Emulsions for the Fabrication of Monodisperse Composite Nanoparticles”. (Sep 2018) |
WANG, Jiaxin# |
296 |
“Item Similarity Computation for a Content-based Recommender System through Advanced Text Mining Techniques”. (Sep 2018) |
DENG, Yanheng# |
297 |
“Magneto-caloric Effect of Fe-based Metallic Glasses at Room Temperature”. (Nov 2018) |
GUO, Daoqin# |
298 |
“Micromechanics-based Multiscale Modelling for Damage Prediction in Forging Biocompatible Alloys”. (Sep 2018) |
LU, Xianzheng# |
299 |
“Modelling and Experimental Investigation on the Ductile Machining Mechanism in Ultra-Precision Fly Cutting of Brittle Materials for Functional Surface”. (Jun 2019) |
SUN, Zhanwen# |
300 |
“Modelling and Simulation of Nano-surface Generation in Ultra-Precision Grinding”. (Sep 2018) |
CHEN, Shanshan# |
301 |
“Modelling of Environmental and Social Life Cycle Assessment for Enhancing Eco-System Quality and Human Well-being”. (Feb 2019) |
302 |
“Optimizing Aircraft Routing of Airline and Maintenance Staffing of Maintenance Providers using Game Theoretic Model”. (Dec 2018) |
303 |
“Study of Behavioral Operations in a Dual-Channel Supply Chain”. (Dec 2018) |
LIU, Chengli# |