Research Outputs (2021 - 2022)

Research book or monograph (author)
Academic research
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
1 |
"Smart Product-Service Systems (1st Edition)". 2021. Elsevier- |
ZHENG, Pai, CHEN, Chun Hsien and WANG, Zuoxu |
2 |
"Wireless Communication Networks Supported by Autonomous UAVs and Mobile Ground Robots". 2022. Elsevier |
HUANG, Hailong, SAVKIN, Andrey V. and HUANG, Chao |
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Academic research
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
3 |
"Design of a CAVE Immersive Visualization System for Teaching and Learning : A Case Study of Air Cargo Logistics". 2021. Creative and Collaborative Learning through Immersion Springer Cham, p. 33-48. (Link) |
CHOY, King Lun Tommy, LAM, H.Y. and LEE, Ka Man |
4 |
"Sustainability Risks of Resource-Exhausted Cities in China: A Principal Component Analysis". 2021. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Risk Assessment and Management, p. 225-249. (Link) |
XIAO, Huijuan#, ZHANG, Long and REN, Jingzheng |
5 |
"Ultra-Precision Diamond Machined Freeform Optical Parts and Structures". 2021. Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Alloys Elsevier, p. 462-477. (Link) |
DU, H. H.#, YIP, W. S., ZHU, Z. W. and TO, S. |
Edited book (editor)
Academic research
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
6 |
"Artificial Intelligence for Smart Photovoltaic Technologies". 2022. AIP Publishing (Link) |
REN, Jingzheng and MAN, Yi |
7 |
"Circular Economy in Low-Carbon Transition". 2022. MDPI (Link) |
MAZZI, Anna and REN, Jingzheng |
8 |
"Methods in Sustainability Science". 2021. Elsevier (Link) |
REN, Jingzheng |
9 |
"Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Risk Assessment and Management". 2021. Springer Cham (Link) |
REN, Jingzheng |
Publication in refereed journal
Academic research
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
10 |
"3D Printing in the Context of Cloud Manufacturing". Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2022 Apr; 74 102256. (Link) |
CUI, Jin, REN, Lei, MAI, Jingeng, ZHENG, Pai and ZHANG, Lin |
11 |
"A Review of Historical Changes of Tropical and Extra-Tropical Cyclones: A Comparative Analysis of the United States, Europe, and Asia". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022 Apr; 19(8). 4499. (Link) |
YIP, Tsz Leung, DULEBENETS, Maxim A., TANG, Yuk Ming and KAWASAKI, Tomoya |
12 |
"A Sensor-Based Robotic Line Scan System with Adaptive ROI for Inspection of Defects over Convex Free-Form Specular Surfaces". IEEE Sensors Journal. 2022 Feb; 22(3): p. 2782 - 2792. (Link) |
HUO, Shengzeng, ZHANG, Bin#, MUDDASSIR, Muhammad, CHIK, David TW and NAVARRO-ALARCON, David |
13 |
"A biocompatible photosensitizer with a high intersystem crossing efficiency for precise two-photon photodynamic therapy". Materials Horizons. 2022 Feb; 9(4): p. 1283-1292. (Link) |
XU, Zhourui, JIANG, Yihang, SHEN, Yuanyuan, TANG, Lele, HU, Zulu, LIN, Guimiao, LAW, Wing Cheung, MA, Mingze, DONG, Biqin, YONG, Ken Tye, XU, Gaixia, TAO, Ye, CHEN, Runfeng and YANG, Chengbin |
14 |
"A blockchain-based system to enhance aircraft parts traceability and trackability for inventory management". Expert Systems with Applications. 2021 Oct; 179 115101. (Link) |
HO, To Sum George, TANG, Yuk Ming, TSANG, Kun Yat, TANG, Valerie and CHAU, Ka Yin |
15 |
"A blockchain-iot platform for the smart pallet pooling management". Sensors. 2021 Sep; 21(18). 6310. (Link) |
WU, Chun Ho, TSANG, Yung Po, LEE, Carman Ka Man and CHING, Wai Ki |
16 |
"A context-aware concept evaluation approach based on user experiences for smart product-service systems design iteration". Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2021 Oct; 50 101394. (Link) |
WANG, Zuoxu, CHEN, Chun Hsien, LI, Xinyu, ZHENG, Pai and KHOO, Li Pheng |
17 |
"A critical analysis of sustainable micro-manufacturing from the perspective of the triple bottom line: A social network analysis". Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2021 Sep; 90 106628. (Link) |
YIP, W. S. and TO, S. |
18 |
"A deep generative approach for crash frequency model with heterogeneous imbalanced data". Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 2022 Jun; 34 100212. (Link) |
DING, Hongliang, LU, Yuhuan, SZE, N. N., CHEN, Tiantian#, GUO, Yanyong and LIN, Qinghai |
19 |
"A deep learning-based two-stage prognostic approach for remaining useful life of rolling bearing". Applied Intelligence. 2021 Aug; 52: p. 5880-5895. (Link) |
CHENG, Yiwei, HU, Kui, WU, Jun, ZHU, Haiping and LEE, Carman K.M. |
20 |
"A digital twin-based multidisciplinary collaborative design approach for complex engineering product development". Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2022 Apr; 52 101635. (Link) |
WU, Youde, ZHOU, Linzhen, ZHENG, Pai, SUN, Yanqing and ZHANG, Kaikai |
21 |
"A graph-based reinforcement learning-enabled approach for adaptive human-robot collaborative assembly operations". Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2022 Apr; 63: p. 491-503. (Link) |
ZHANG, Rong, LV, Jianhao, LI, Jie, BAO, Jinsong, ZHENG, Pai and PENG, Tao |
22 |
"A hypergraph-based approach for context-aware smart product-service system configuration". Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2022 Jan; 163 107816. (Link) |
WANG, Zuoxu, CHEN, Chun Hsien, ZHENG, Pai, LI, Xinyu and SONG, Wenyan |
23 |
"A knowledge augmented deep learning method for vision-based yarn contour detection". Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2022 Apr; 63: p. 317-328. (Link) |
XU, Chuqiao, WANG, Junliang, TAO, Jing, ZHANG, Jie and ZHENG, Pai |
24 |
"A machine learning-based iterative design approach to automate user satisfaction degree prediction in smart product-service system". Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2022 Mar; 165 107939. (Link) |
CONG, Jingchen, ZHENG, Pai, BIAN, Yuan, CHEN, Chun Hsien, LI, Jianmin and LI, Xinyu |
25 |
"A mixed wholesale-option-contract to fix the demand imbalance between substitutable air cargo routes: A cooperative game approach". Expert Systems with Applications. 2021 Nov; 182 115300. (Link) |
SHABAN, I. A.#, CHAN, F. T.S., CHUNG, S. H. and QU, T. |
26 |
"A new high-voltage calcium intercalation host for ultra-stable and high-power calcium rechargeable batteries". Nature Communications. 2021 Dec; 12(1). 3369. (Link) |
XU, Zheng Long, PARK, Jooha, WANG, Jian, MOON, Hyunseok, YOON, Gabin, LIM, Jongwoo, KO, Yoon Joo, CHO, Sung Pyo, LEE, Sang Young and KANG, Kisuk |
27 |
"A new trajectory tracking algorithm for autonomous vehicles based on model predictive control". Sensors. 2021 Nov; 21(21). 7165. (Link) |
HUANG, Zhejun, LI, Huiyun, LI, Wenfei, LIU, Jia, HUANG, Chao, YANG, Zhiheng and FANG, Wenqi |
28 |
"A node2vec-based graph embedding approach for unified assembly process information modeling and workstep execution time prediction". Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2022 Jan; 163 107864. (Link) |
BAO, Qiangwei, ZHAO, Gang, YU, Yong and ZHENG, Pai |
29 |
"A novel atomic movement mechanism of intersection-induced bct-α → bcc-α′ martensitic phase transformation". Scripta Materialia. 2021 Nov; 204 114153. (Link) |
FU, Hui, YUAN, Shuqing#, SUN, Wanting, WAN, Jianquan, CHAN, K. C., ZHU, Jiaming and YANG, Xu Sheng |
30 |
"A novel model to manage air cargo disruptions caused by global catastrophes such as Covid-19". Journal of Air Transport Management. 2021 Aug; 95 102086. (Link) |
SHABAN, Ibrahim Abdelfadeel#, CHAN, F. T.S. and CHUNG, S. H. |
31 |
"A novel two-stage martensitic transformation induced by nanoscale concentration modulation in a TiNb-based shape memory alloy". Computational Materials Science. 2021 Dec; 200 110843. (Link) |
ZHU, Jiaming, ZHANG, Gang, HUANG, He, WANG, Dong, CHEN, Peijian and YANG, Xusheng |
32 |
"A novel variable exponential discrete time sliding mode reaching law". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 2021 Jul; 68(7): p. 2518-2522. 9327492. (Link) |
CHEN, Xigang#, LI, Yangmin, MA, Haifeng, TANG, Hui and XIE, Yanlin# |
33 |
"A resampling approach to disaggregate analysis of bus-involved crashes using panel data with excessive zeros". Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2022 Jan; 164 106496. (Link) |
CHEN, Tiantian#, LU, Yuhuan, FU, Xiaowen, SZE, N. N. and DING, Hongliang |
34 |
"A robust end-to-end deep learning framework for detecting Martian landforms with arbitrary orientations". Knowledge-Based Systems. 2021 Dec; 234 107562. (Link) |
JIANG, Shancheng, WU, Fan, YUNG, K. L., YANG, Yingqiao#, IP, W. H., GAO, Ming and FOSTER, James Abbott |
35 |
"A spring-damping contact force model considering normal friction for impact analysis". Nonlinear Dynamics. 2021 Jul; 105(2): p. 1437-1457. (Link) |
ZHAO, Pengyuan, LIU, Jinguo, LI, Yangmin and WU, Chenchen |
36 |
"A strategy transfer approach for intelligent human-robot collaborative assembly". Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2022 Jun; 168 108047. (Link) |
LV, Qibing, ZHANG, Rong, LIU, Tianyuan, ZHENG, Pai, JIANG, Yanan, LI, Jie, BAO, Jinsong and XIAO, Lei |
37 |
"A study on green supply chain under capital constraint considering time-varying salvage value". International Journal of Production Research. 2021 Oct; 60(1): p. 8-24. (Link) |
WU, Song Man#, CHAN, Felix T.S. and CHUNG, S. H. |
38 |
"A systematic modeling methodology of deep neural network-based structure-property relationship for rapid and reliable prediction on flashpoints". AICHE Journal. 2022 Jan; 68(1). e17402. (Link) |
WEN, Huaqiang, SU, Yang, WANG, Zihao, JIN, Saimeng, REN, Jingzheng, SHEN, Weifeng and EDEN, Mario |
39 |
"A systematic review of immersive technology applications for medical practice and education - Trends, application areas, recipients, teaching contents, evaluation methods, and performance". Educational Research Review. 2022 Feb; 35 100429. (Link) |
TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin, KWOK, Alex Pak Ki, ZHU, Tongcun and MA, Xiangdong |
40 |
"A systematic review of product design for space instrument innovation, reliability, and manufacturing". Machines. 2021 Oct; 9(10). 244. (Link) |
YUNG, Kai Leung, TANG, Yuk Ming, IP, Wai Hung and KUO, Wei Ting |
41 |
"A three-dimensional integrated non-linear coordinate control framework for combined yaw-and roll-stability control during tyre blow-out". Sensors. 2021 Dec; 21(24). 8328. |
LI, Boyuan, HUANG, Chao, WU, Yang, ZHANG, Bangji and DU, Haiping |
42 |
"A visual reasoning-based approach for mutual-cognitive human-robot collaboration". CIRP Annals. 2022 Jan; 71(1): p. 377-380. (Link) |
ZHENG, Pai, LI, Shufei#, XIA, Liqiao#, WANG, Lihui and NASSEHI, Aydin |
43 |
"Adaptive Barrier Sliding Mode Control Considering State Dependent Uncertainty". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 2021 Oct; 68(10): p. 3301-3305. (Link) |
LIU, Chao, MA, Haifeng, TIAN, Sukun and LI, Yangmin |
44 |
"Additive manufacturing of TiB2-containing CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy matrix composites with high density and enhanced mechanical properties". Materials Science and Engineering A. 2021 Sep; 825 141871. (Link) |
WANG, Y. L.#, ZHAO, L.#, WAN, D., GUAN, S.# and CHAN, K. C. |
45 |
"Aggregation-Induced Emission Nanoprobes Working in the NIR-II Region: From Material Design to Fluorescence Imaging and Phototherapy". Advanced Optical Materials. 2021 Oct; 9 2100859. (Link) |
XU, Zhourui, JIANG, Yihang, FAN, Miaozhuang, TANG, Shuo, LIU, Maixian, LAW, Wing Cheung, YANG, Chengbin, YING, Ming, MA, Mingze, DONG, Biqin, YONG, Ken Tye and XU, Gaixia |
46 |
"An Evolutionary Algorithm in Static Airport Gate Assignment Problem". Open Transportation Journal. 2022 Apr; 16(1). e187444782203040. (Link) |
CHOW, Y. T., NG, Kam K.H. and KEUNG, K. L.# |
47 |
"An Explainable Laser Welding Defect Recognition Method Based on Multi-Scale Class Activation Mapping". IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2022 Feb; 71 (Link) |
LIU, Tianyuan, ZHENG, Hangbin, BAO, Jinsong, ZHENG, Pai, WANG, Junliang, YANG, Changqi and GU, Jun |
48 |
"An MCMC based Bayesian inference approach to parameter estimation of distributed lag models for forecasting used product returns for remanufacturing". Journal of Remanufacturing. 2021 Oct; 11(3): p. 175-194. (Link) |
GEDA, Mohammed# and KWONG, C. K. |
49 |
"An accurate and interpretable deep learning model for environmental properties prediction using hybrid molecular representations". AICHE Journal. 2022 Jun; 68(6). e17634. (Link) |
ZHANG, Jun, WANG, Qin, SU, Yang, JIN, Saimeng, REN, Jingzheng, EDEN, Mario and SHEN, Weifeng |
50 |
"An elastic demand model for locating electric vehicle charging stations". Networks and Spatial Economics. 2022 Mar; 22(1). (Link) |
OUYANG, Xu#, XU, Min and ZHOU, Bojian |
51 |
"An empirical analysis of intention of use for bike-sharing system in China through machine learning techniques". Enterprise Information Systems. 2021 Jul; 15(6): p. 829-850. (Link) |
ZHOU, Tao, LAW, Kris M.Y. and YUNG, K. L. |
52 |
"An end-to-end bidirectional authentication system for pallet pooling management through blockchain internet of things (BIoT)". Journal of Organizational and End User Computing. 2021 Nov; 33(6): p. 1-25. (Link) |
LONG, Wen, WU, C. H., TSANG, Y. P. and CHEN, Qiyang |
53 |
"An integrated computational strategy for the geometric design and prioritization of wave-plate mist eliminators". Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2022 Feb; 158: p. 674-686. (Link) |
TANG, Ya, XU, Yuting, ZHANG, Bingjian, HE, Chang, CHEN, Qinglin and REN, Jingzheng |
54 |
"An investigation of the cutting strategy for the machining of polar microstructures used in ultra-precision machining optical precision measurement". Micromachines. 2021 Jul; 12(7). 755. (Link) |
ZHAO, Chen Yang, CHEUNG, Chi Fai and FU, Wen Peng |
55 |
"An investigation on energy consumption and part quality of stereolithography apparatus manufactured parts". Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2022 Jan; 28(1): p. 52-67. (Link) |
HUI, Jizhuang, YAN, Zhiqiang, LV, Jingxiang, LIU, Yongsheng, DING, Kai and CHAN, Felix T.S. |
56 |
"An obstacle avoidance algorithm for space hyper-redundant manipulators using combination of RRT and shape control method". Robotica. 2022 Apr; 40(4): p. 1036-1069. (Link) |
ZHANG, Xiaobo, LIU, Jinguo and LI, Yangmin |
57 |
"Analytical modelling of cutting forces in ultra-precision fly grooving considering effects of trans-scale chip thickness variation and material microstructure". International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022 Feb; 118(9-10): p. 3209-3227. (Link) |
SUN, Zhanwen#, TO, Suet, LI, Peizheng, WANG, Sujuan and ZHANG, Tao |
58 |
"Analytical modelling of the trans-scale cutting forces in diamond cutting of polycrystalline metals considering material microstructure and size effect". International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2021 Aug; 204 106575. (Link) |
SUN, Zhanwen, ZHANG, Tao, LI, Peizheng, WANG, Sujuan, TO, Suet and WANG, Hailong |
59 |
"Analyzing Hong Kong's inbound tourism: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic". IATSS Research. 2021 Dec; 45(4): p. 440-450. (Link) |
TSUI, Kan Wai Hong, FU, Xiaowen, CHEN, Tiantian, LEI, Zheng and WU, Hanjun |
60 |
"Analyzing imbalanced online consumer review data in product design using geometric semantic genetic programming". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2021 Oct; 105 104442. (Link) |
CHAN, Kit Yan, KWONG, C. K. and JIANG, Huimin |
61 |
"Application of U-Net with Global Convolution Network Module in Computer-Aided Tongue Diagnosis". Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2021 Nov; 2021 5853128. (Link) |
LI, Meng Yi, ZHU, Ding Ju, XU, Wen, LIN, Yu Jie, YUNG, Kai Leung and IP, Andrew W.H. |
62 |
"Application of phase-field modeling in solid-state phase transformation of steels". Journal of Iron and Steel Research International. 2022 Jun; 29(6): p. 867-880. (Link) |
LV, Shao jie, WANG, Shui ze, WU, Gui lin, GAO, Jun heng, YANG, Xu sheng, WU, Hong hui and MAO, Xin ping |
63 |
"Applications of smart technologies in logistics and transport: A review". Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2021 Sep; 153 102455. (Link) |
CHUNG, Sai Ho |
64 |
"Applied sentiment analysis on a real estate advertisement recommendation model". Enterprise Information Systems. 2022 Feb (Link) |
LIN, Regina Fang Ying, WU, Jiesheng, TSENG, Kuo Kun, TANG, Yuk Ming and LIU, Lu |
65 |
"Architected hierarchical kirigami metallic glass with programmable stretchability". AIP Advances. 2022 Mar; 12(3). 035305. (Link) |
HAN, D. X., CHEN, S. H., ZHAO, L.#, TONG, X. and CHAN, K. C. |
66 |
"Artificial Intelligence in Safety-critical Systems: A Systematic Review". Industrial Management & Data Systems. 2022 Feb; 122(2): p. 442-470. (Link) |
WANG, Yue and CHUNG, Sai Ho |
67 |
"Assessing the role of energy finance, green policies, and investment towards green economic recovery". Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021 Nov (Link) |
LIU, Haiming, TANG, Yuk Ming, IQBAL, Wasim and RAZA, Hassan |
68 |
"Assessment of energy poverty and key influencing factors in N11 countries". Sustainable Production and Consumption. 2022 Mar; 30: p. 1-15. (Link) |
RAO, Fangping, TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin, IQBAL, Wasim and ABBAS, Majed |
69 |
"Atomic-scale dissecting the formation mechanism of gradient nanostructured layer on Mg alloy processed by a novel high-speed machining technique". Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2021 Aug; 82: p. 227-238. (Link) |
FU, Hui, ZHOU, Xiaoye, WU, Bo#, QIAN, Lei# and YANG, Xu Sheng |
70 |
"Augmented Lagrangian coordination for energy-optimal allocation of smart manufacturing services". Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2021 Oct; 71 102161. (Link) |
ZHANG, Geng, WANG, Gang, CHEN, Chun Hsien, CAO, Xiangang, ZHANG, Yingfeng and ZHENG, Pai |
71 |
"Bayesian based lifetime prediction for high-power white LEDs". Expert Systems with Applications. 2021 Dec; 185 115627. (Link) |
IBRAHIM, Mesfin Seid#, JING, Zhou, YUNG, Kam Chuen and FAN, Jiajie |
72 |
"Blockchain-IoT-Driven Nursing Workforce Planning for Effective Long-Term Care Management in Nursing Homes". Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2021 Nov; 2021 9974059. (Link) |
TSANG, Y. P., WU, C. H., LEUNG, Polly P.L.#, IP, W. H. and CHING, W. K. |
73 |
"Business Ethics and Irrationality in SME During COVID-19: Does It Impact on Sustainable Business Resilience?". Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022 Mar; 10 870476. (Link) |
HUANG, Xiang, CHAU, Ka Yin, TANG, Yuk Ming and IQBAL, Wasim |
74 |
"CO2 emission reduction potential in China from combined effects of structural adjustment of economy and efficiency improvement". Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2021 Nov; 174 105760. (Link) |
XIAO, Huijuan#, ZHOU, Ya, ZHANG, Ning, WANG, Daoping, SHAN, Yuli and REN, Jingzheng |
75 |
"COVID-19 Crisis: Exploring Community of Inquiry in Online Learning for Sub-Degree Students". Frontiers in Psychology. 2021 Jul; 12 679197. (Link) |
LAU, Yui Yip, TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin, VYAS, Lina, SANDOVAL-HERNANDEZ, Andres and WONG, Simon |
76 |
"Capacity Planning for an Electric Vehicle Charging Station Considering Fuzzy Quality of Service and Multiple Charging Options". IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2021 Oct; 70(12): p. 12529-12541. (Link) |
ZHAO, Zhonghao#, XU, Min and LEE, Carman |
77 |
"CenterNet-based defect detection for additive manufacturing". Expert Systems with Applications. 2022 Feb; 188 116000. (Link) |
WANG, Ruoxin# and CHEUNG, Chi Fai |
78 |
"Characterization of surface topography variation in the ultra-precision tool servo-based diamond cutting of 3D microstructured surfaces". Micromachines. 2021 Dec; 12(12). 1448. (Link) |
YUAN, Wei# and CHEUNG, Chi Fai |
79 |
"Cognition and emotion in the information systems field: a review of twenty-four years of literature". Enterprise Information Systems. 2021 Oct; 16(6). 1992675. (Link) |
SHIAU, Wen Lung, WANG, Xiaoqun, ZHENG, Fei and TSANG, Yung Po |
80 |
"Combining gradient structure and supersaturated solid solution to achieve superior mechanical properties in WE43 magnesium alloy". Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2022 Feb; 99: p. 223-238. (Link) |
SUN, Wanting, WU, Bo#, FU, Hui, YANG, Xu Sheng, QIAO, Xiaoguang, ZHENG, Mingyi, HE, Yang, LU, Jian and SHI, San Qiang |
81 |
"Combining synergetic effects of gradient nanotwins and nanoprecipitates in heterogeneous bronze alloy". Acta Materialia. 2022 May; 229 117831. (Link) |
SHI, Rongjian, FU, Hui, CHEN, Kaixuan, SUN, Wanting, WANG, Zidong, QIAO, Lijie, YANG, Xu Sheng and PANG, Xiaolu |
82 |
"Comparative analysis of Student's live online learning readiness during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the higher education sector". Computers and Education. 2021 Jul; 168 104211. (Link) |
TANG, Yuk Ming, CHEN, Pen Chung, LAW, Kris M.Y., WU, Chun Ho, LAU, Yui yip, GUAN, Jieqi, HE, Dan and HO, To Sum George |
83 |
"Comparative sustainability efficiency measurement of energy storages under uncertainty: An innovative framework based on interval SBM model". Journal of Energy Storage. 2021 Aug; 40 102808. (Link) |
RUOJUE, Lin#, MAN, Yi, LEE, Carman K.M., JI, Ping and REN, Jingzheng |
84 |
"Comprehensive Assessment of a Coupled LiBr/H2O Absorption Refrigeration/ORC System for Low-Grade Residual Heat Recovery Based on Advanced Exergy and Exergoeconomic Analysis". ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 2022 Apr; 10(18): p. 5825–5837. (Link) |
ZHOU, Tian, LIU, Jiayu, REN, Jingzheng and YANG, Sheng |
85 |
"Conceptual design, modelling and optimization of an integrated system by combining Organic Rankine Cycle and absorption refrigeration cycle for efficient energy recovery". Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2022 Apr; 133 104276. (Link) |
ZHOU, Tian, LIU, Jiayu, REN, Jingzheng and YANG, Sheng |
86 |
"Configuration design and experimental verification of a variable constant-force compliant mechanism". Robotica. 2022 May: p. 1-13. |
DING, Bingxiao, LI, Xuan and LI, Yangmin |
87 |
"Consumer perceptions to support IoT based smart parcel locker logistics in China". Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 2021 Sep; 62 102659. (Link) |
TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin, XU, Duo and LIU, Xiaoyun |
88 |
"Container shipping line port choice patterns in East Asia the effects of port affiliation and spatial dependence". Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2021 Dec; 156 102527. (Link) |
ZHU, Shengda, FU, Xiaowen and BELL, Michael G.H. |
89 |
"Coordinating aircraft maintenance routing and integrated maintenance staffing and rostering: A Stackelberg game theoretical model". International Journal of Production Research. 2022 Jun: p. 1-25. |
ELSAYED ELSAYED ELTOUKHY, Abdelrahman, WANG, Z.X., SHABAN, Ibrahim Abdelfadeel Abdelsaboor and CHAN, Felix T. S. |
90 |
"DCPR-GAN: Dental Crown Prosthesis Restoration Using Two-Stage Generative Adversarial Networks". IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2022 Jan; 26(1): p. 151-160. (Link) |
TIAN, Sukun, WANG, Miaohui , DAI, Ning , MA, Haifeng, LI, Linlin , FIORENZA, Luca, SUN, Yuchun and LI, Yangmin |
91 |
"Data analytics and the P2P cloud: an integrated model for strategy formulation based on customer behaviour". Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2021 Sep; 14(Special Issue): p. 2600–2617. (Link) |
LAM, H. Y., TSANG, Y. P., WU, C. H. and TANG, Valerie |
92 |
"Data-driven order correlation pattern and storage location assignment in robotic mobile fulfillment and process automation system". Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2021 Oct; 50 101369. (Link) |
KEUNG, K. L.#, LEE, C.K.M. and JI, P. |
93 |
"Deciphering the optimal exergy field in closed-wet cooling towers using Bi-level reduced-order models". Energy. 2022 Jan; 238 121766. (Link) |
QU, Jinghui, LI, Mingjian, HE, Chang, ZHANG, Bing Jian, CHEN, Qing Lin and REN, Jingzheng |
94 |
"Deep-Brain Three-Photon Imaging Enabled by Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens with Near-Infrared-III Excitation". ACS Nano. 2022 Apr; 16(4): p. 6712-6724. (Link) |
XU, Zhourui, ZHANG, Zhijun, DENG, Xiangquan, LI, Jiangao, JIANG, Yihang, LAW, Wing Cheung, YANG, Chengbin, ZHANG, Wanjian, CHEN, Xiaolin, WANG, Ke, WANG, Dong and XU, Gaixia |
95 |
"Design and Modeling of a Novel Tripteron-Inspired Triaxial Parallel Compliant Manipulator with Compact Structure". Micromachines. 2022 May; 13(5). 678. (Link) |
XIE, Yanlin#, LI, Yangmin and CHEUNG, Chifai |
96 |
"Design and analysis of new ultra compact decoupled XYZθ stage to achieve large-scale high precision motion". Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2022 Jan; 167 104527. (Link) |
CHEN, Xigang#, LI, Yangmin, XIE, Yanlin# and WANG, Ruobing# |
97 |
"Design and control of a novel electromagnetic actuated 3-DoFs micropositioner". Microsystem Technologies. 2021 Oct; 27(10): p. 3763-3772. (Link) |
XIAO, Xiao, XI, Ruidong, LI, Yangmin, TANG, Yirui, DING, Bingxiao, REN, Hongliang and MENG, Max Q.H. |
98 |
"Design and manufacture of high-performance microbatteries: lithium and beyond". Microstructures. 2022 May; 2(10): p. 1. 2022012. (link) |
CHEN, Feiyang# and XU, Zheng-Long |
99 |
"Design and performance evaluation of multifunctional midsole using functionally gradient wave springs produced using multijet fusion additive manufacturing process". Materials Today Communications. 2022 Jun; 31 103505. (Link) |
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SONG, Wenyan, NIU, Zixuan and ZHENG, Pai |
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"Design for Additive Manufacturing and Investigation of Surface‐Based Lattice Structures for Buckling Properties Using Experimental and Finite Element Methods". Materials. 2022 Jun; 15(11). 4037. (Link) |
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"Design of Hierarchical Porosity Via Manipulating Chemical and Microstructural Complexities in High-Entropy Alloys for Efficient Water Electrolysis". Advanced Science. 2022 Apr; 9(12). 2105808. (Link) |
LI, Rui, LIU, Xiongjun, LIU, Weihong, LI, Zhibin, CHAN, K. C. and LU, Zhaoping |
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"Design of a spatial constant-force end-effector for polishing/deburring operations". International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2021 Oct; 116(11-12): p. 3507-3515. (Link) |
DING, Bingxiao, ZHAO, Jiyu and LI, Yangmin |
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"Design, Dynamic Analysis, and Experimental Evaluation of a Hybrid Parallel–Serial Polishing Machine With Decoupled Motions". Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. 2021 Dec; 13(6). 061008. (Link) |
XU, Peng, CHEUNG, Chi Fai, LI, Bing, WANG, Chunjin and ZHAO, Chenyang |
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LIAO, Shufan, DING, Bingxiao and LI, Yangmin |
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"Design, modeling and testing of a vibration absorption device with energy harvesting based on force amplifier and piezoelectric stack". Energy Conversion and Management. 2022 Mar; 255 115305. (Link) |
CHEN, Xigang# and LI, Yangmin |
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CHEN, Guo Hong, NI, Jie, CHEN, Zhuo, HUANG, Hao, SUN, Yun Lei, IP, Wai Hung and YUNG, Kai Leung |
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"Developing a novel gasification-based sludge-to-methanol utilization process and exergy-economic-environmental (3E) analysis". Energy Conversion and Management. 2022 May; 260 115600. (Link) |
SHI, Tao#, LIU, Yue#, YANG, Ao, SUN, Shirui, SHEN, Weifeng and REN, Jingzheng |
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"Developing a sustainability-oriented multi-criteria game theoretical decision analysis framework: A case study of sludge management". Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022 Jun; 354 131807. |
LIU, Yue# and REN, Jingzheng |
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"Development of poly(vinyl alcohol)/starch/ethyl lauroyl arginate blend films with enhanced antimicrobial and physical properties for active packaging". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021 Dec; 192: p. 389-397. (Link) |
WU, Fuqi, ZHOU, Zeguang, LI, Nannan, CHEN, Yang, ZHONG, Lei, LAW, Wing Cheung and TANG, Chak Yin |
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"Discover the trend and evolution of sustainable manufacturing: a thematic and bibliometric analysis". Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022 Jun; 29(26): p. 38899-38911. (Link) |
YIP, Wai Sze, ZHOU, Hongting and TO, Suet |
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"Disturbance Compensation Based Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control with a Reference Trajectory Generator". International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2021 Dec; 19(12): p. 3862-3868. (Link) |
LIU, Chao, LI, Yangmin, TIAN, Sukun and MA, Haifeng |
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MA, Haifeng, XIONG, Zhenhua, LI, Yangmin and LIU, Zhanqiang |
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"Driving Conflict Resolution of Autonomous Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections: A Differential Game Approach". IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2022 May: p. 1-11. (Link) |
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"Dynamic Pricing for EV Charging Stations: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach". IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2022 Jun; 8(2): p. 2456-2468. (Link) |
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"Edge detection with meta-lens: From one dimension to three dimensions". Nanophotonics. 2021 Oct; 10(14): p. 3709-3715. (Link) |
CHEN, Mu Ku, YAN, Yue, LIU, Xiaoyuan, WU, Yongfeng, ZHANG, Jingcheng, YUAN, Jiaqi, ZHANG, Zhengnan and TSAI, Din Ping |
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"Edge intelligence and agnostic robotic paradigm in resource synchronisation and sharing in flexible robotic and facility control system". Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2022 Apr; 52 101530. (Link) |
KEUNG, K. L.#, CHAN, Y. Y., NG, Kam K.H., MAK, S. L., LI, C. H., QIN, Yichen and YU, C. W. |
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"Effect of Zn on corrosion behaviour of biodegradable Mg-Zn-Mn alloys evaluated by FE prediction and in-vitro testing". Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2021 Jul; 1965(1). 012067. (Link) |
LU, Xianzheng, CHAN, Luen Chow, ZOU, X.J. and LAI, Chi Ping |
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"Effects of microstructures on the material removal energy in ultraprecision machining of Ti6Al4V alloys". Materials Letters. 2021 Oct; 300 130231. (Link) |
ZHAO, Zejia, TO, Suet, ZHUANG, Zhuoxuan# and YIN, Tengfei# |
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"Effects of wheel spindle error motion on surface generation in grinding". International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2022 Mar; 218 107046. (Link) |
YIN, Tengfei#, TO, Suet, DU, Hanheng# and ZHANG, Guoqing |
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WANG, Yong, PENG, Shouguo and XU, Min |
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"Empirical research on the impact of customer integration and information sharing on supply chain performance in community-based homestays in China". Enterprise Information Systems. 2022 Feb: p. 1-26. (Link) |
TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin, IP, Yun Kit and JI, Jiaxin |
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"Energy policy paradox on environmental performance: The moderating role of renewable energy patents". Journal of Environmental Management. 2021 Nov; 297 113230. (Link) |
IQBAL, Wasim, TANG, Yuk Ming, LIJUN, Ma, CHAU, Ka Yin, XUAN, Wang and FATIMA, Arooj |
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"Enhancing de/hydrogenation kinetics properties of the Mg/MgH2 system by adding ANi5 (A = Ce, Nd, Pr, Sm, and Y) alloys via ball milling". Journal of Rare Earths. 2021 Aug; 39(8): p. 1010-1016. (Link) |
LIAO, Wenfang, JIANG, Wenbin, YANG, Xu Sheng, WANG, Hui, OUYANG, Liuzhang and ZHU, Min |
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"Establishing a reliable mechanism model of the digital twin machining system: An adaptive evaluation network approach". Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2022 Jan; 62: p. 390-401. (Link) |
LIU, Shimin, SUN, Yicheng, ZHENG, Pai, LU, Yuqian and BAO, Jinsong |
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"Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties in 2205 duplex stainless steels during additive manufacturing and heat treatment". Materials Science and Engineering A. 2022 Feb; 835 142695. (Link) |
HAGHDADI, Nima, LEDERMUELLER, Carina, CHEN, Hansheng, CHEN, Zibin, LIU, Qian, LI, Xiaopeng, ROHRER, Gregory, LIAO, Xiaozhou, RINGER, Simon and PRIMIG, Sophie |
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"Explainable machine learning in image classification models: An uncertainty quantification perspective". Knowledge-Based Systems. 2022 May; 243 108418. (Link) |
ZHANG, Xiaoge, CHAN, Felix T.S. and MAHADEVAN, Sankaran |
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"Exploiting knowledge graphs in industrial products and services: A survey of key aspects, challenges, and future perspectives". Computers in Industry. 2021 Aug; 129 103449. (Link) |
LI, Xinyu, LYU, Mengtao, WANG, Zuoxu, CHEN, Chun Hsien and ZHENG, Pai |
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DING, Bingxiao, LI, Xuan and LI, Yangmin |
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"Financial Innovation In Digital Payment with WeChat towards Electronic Business Success". Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. 2021 Aug; 16(5): p. 1844-1861. (Link) |
TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin, HONG, Luchen, IP, Yun Kit and YAN, Wan |
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TANG, Xilang, WANG, Xueqi, XIAO, Mingqing, YUNG, Kai Leung and HU, Bin |
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"Hierarchical integrated machine learning model for predicting flight departure delays and duration in series". Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2021 Aug; 129 103225. (Link) |
KHAN, Waqar Ahmed#, MA, Hoi Lam, CHUNG, Sai Ho and WEN, Xin |
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"How government expenditure Mitigates emissions: A step towards sustainable green economy in belt and road initiatives project". Journal of Environmental Management. 2022 Feb; 303 113967. (Link) |
JIN, Yue, TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin and ABBAS, Majed |
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"Hydrogen Ion Implantation Induced Cutting Behavior Variation in Plunge Cutting of the Monocrystalline Silicon". Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2021 Dec; 4(4): p. 209-215. (Link) |
ZHAO, Zejia, JELENKOVIĆ, E. V., XIAO, Gaobo, ZHUANG, Zhuoxuan# and TO, Suet |
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"Identification of Preisach Model Parameters Based on an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Method for Piezoelectric Actuators in Micro-Manufacturing Stages". Micromachines. 2022 May; 13(5). 698. (Link) |
YANG, Lei, DING, Bingxiao, LIAO, Wenhu and LI, Yangmin |
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YIP, W. S. and TO, S. |
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WU, C. H., TANG, Y. M., TSANG, Y. P. and CHAU, K. Y. |
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CHAU, Ka Yin, LAW, Mo Yin Kris and TANG, Yuk Ming |
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ABDEL-AAL, Mohammad A.M., ELTOUKHY, Abdelrahman E.E., NABHAN, Mohammad A. and ALDURGAM, Mohammad M. |
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"Impact of mobile learning in engineering mathematics under 4-year undergraduate curriculum". Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 2022 May: p. 1-17. (Link) |
TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin, LAU, Yui yip and HO, G. T.S. |
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"Improved design of heat-pump extractive distillation based on the process optimization and multi-criteria sustainability analysis". Computers and Chemical Engineering. 2022 Jan; 156 107552. (Link) |
SHI, Tao#, LIU, Yue#, YU, Haoshui, YANG, Ao, SUN, Shirui, SHEN, Weifeng, LEE, Carman K.M. and REN, Jingzheng |
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"Improving fatigue performance of metallic glasses with crystalline metal coating revealed by atomistic simulations". Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2022 Jun; 586 121559. (Link) |
ZHAO, Lei#, OUYANG, Di, WANG, Yilin# and CHAN, Kangcheung |
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"In-situ introducing TiP2 nanocrystals in black phosphorus anode to promote high rate-capacity synergy". Journal of Power Sources. 2021 Jul; 499 229979. (Link) |
ZHOU, Fengchen, YANG, Xu Sheng, LIU, Jiangwen, LIU, Jun, HU, Renzong, OUYANG, Liuzhang and ZHU, Min |
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LIU, Zhen, TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin, CHIEN, Fengsheng, IQBAL, Wasim and SADIQ, Muhammad |
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"Industrial artificial intelligence based energy management system: Integrated framework for electricity load forecasting and fault prediction". Energy. 2022 Apr; 244(Part B): p. 123195. 123195. (Link) |
HU, Yusha, LI, Jigeng, HONG, Mengna, REN, Jingzheng and MAN, Yi |
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"Industrial internet of things-driven storage location assignment and order picking in a resource synchronization and sharing-based robotic mobile fulfillment system". Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2022 Apr; 52 101540. (Link) |
KEUNG, K. L.#, LEE, C. K.M. and JI, P. |
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"Information-driven Roadmapping for Strategic Planning: A case study in a Logistics Company". International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy. 2021 Oct; 15(4): p. 205-229. (Link) |
CHENG, Mei Na, CHEUNG, Chi Fai and WU, Chung Yan |
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JIANG, Mengnan, WANG, Yang, LIU, Fayu, DU, Hanheng#, LI, Yuchao, ZHANG, Huanhuan, TO, Suet, WANG, Steven, PAN, Chin, YU, Jihong, QUÉRÉ, David and WANG, Zuankai |
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WANG, Zihao, WEN, Huaqiang, SU, Yang, SHEN, Weifeng, REN, Jingzheng, MA, Yingjie and LI, Jie |
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"Investigating the Effect of Design Parameters on the Mechanical Performance of Contact Wave Springs Designed for Additive Manufacturing". 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. 2022 May; 0(0): p. e-copy. (Link) |
HAQ, Muhammad Rizwan ul , NAZIR, Aamer, LIN, Shang Chih and JENG, Jeng Ywan |
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"Investigation of torsional properties of surface- and strut-based lattice structures manufactured using multiJet fusion technology". International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022 Apr; 119(9-10): p. 5929-5945. (Link) |
HAILU, Yeabsra Mekdim, NAZIR, Aamer, HSU, Chi Pin, LIN, Shang Chih and JENG, Jeng Ywan |
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LI, Rui, WANG, Haiyun, HU, Fei, CHAN, K. C., LIU, Xiongjun, LU, Zhaoping, WANG, Jing, LI, Zhibin, ZENG, Longjiao, LI, Yuanyuan, WU, Xiaojun and XIONG, Yujie |
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LI, Chengxi#, ZHOU, Peng, MA, Wanyu, WANG, Hesheng, NAVARRO-ALARCON, David, HUO, Shengzeng and DUAN, Anqing |
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"Kinematic and dynamic modeling and workspace analysis of a suspended cable-driven parallel robot for Schönflies motions". Machines. 2022 Jun; 10(451): p. 1-18. 451. |
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"Laser additive manufacturing of biodegradable Mg-based alloys for biomedical applications: A review". Journal of Magnesium and Alloys. 2022 Apr; 10(4): p. 915-937. (Link) |
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"Laser surface treatment-introduced gradient nanostructured TiZrHfTaNb refractory high-entropy alloy with significantly enhanced wear resistance". Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2022 May; 110: p. 43-56. (Link) |
LUO, Jiasi#, SUN, Wanting, DUAN, Ranxi, YANG, Wenqing#, CHAN, K. C., REN, Fuzeng and YANG, Xu Sheng |
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"Lithiophilic Mo3N2/MoN as multifunctional interlayer for dendrite-free and ultra-stable lithium metal batteries". Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2022 Apr; 612: p. 332-341. (Link) |
ZHANG, Xiaojuan#, CHEN, Yuanfu, SRINIVAS, Katam, YU, Bo, MA, Fei, WANG, Bin, WANG, Xinqiang, HE, Jiarui and XU, Zheng Long |
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"Location and capacity planning for preventive healthcare facilities with congestion effects". Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 2022 (Link) |
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"Machine learning assisted design of FeCoNiCrMn high-entropy alloys with ultra-low hydrogen diffusion coefficients". Acta Materialia. 2022 Feb; 224 117535. (Link) |
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WANG, Chunjin, LOH, Yee Man#, CHEUNG, Chi Fai, WANG, Shixiang, CHEN, Kaiwen, HO, Lai Ting# and CHENG, Eric |
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"Magnetocaloric effect and magnetostriction of a binary Nd50Co50 metallic glass". Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2021 Nov; 571 121076. (Link) |
WANG, Q., TANG, B. Z., CHAN, K. C., TANG, M. B., DING, D. and XIA, L. |
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"Maskless fluid jet polishing of optical structured surfaces". Precision Engineering. 2022 Jan; 73: p. 270-283. (Link) |
WANG, Chunjin, ZHANG, Zili#, CHEUNG, Chi Fai, LUO, Wang, LOH, Yee Man#, LU, Yanjun, KONG, Lingbao and WANG, Shixiang |
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"Material Removal and Surface Integrity Analysis of Ti6Al4V Alloy after Polishing by Flexible Tools with Different Rigidity". Materials. 2022 Mar; 15(5). 1642. (Link) |
KE, Xiaolong, WU, Wei, WANG, Chunjin, YU, Yongheng, ZHONG, Bo, WANG, Zhenzhong, WANG, Tianyi, FU, Jianji and GUO, Jiang |
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ZHAO, Zejia, YIN, Tengfei#, TO, Suet, ZHU, Zhiwei and ZHUANG, Zhuoxuan# |
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"Measuring and improving regional energy security: A methodological framework based on both quantitative and qualitative analysis". Energy. 2021 Jul; 227 120534. (Link) |
ZHANG, Long, BAI, Wuliyasu, XIAO, Huijuan# and REN, Jingzheng |
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"Measuring coupling coordination between urban economic development and air quality based on the Fuzzy BWM and improved CCD model". Sustainable Cities and Society. 2021 Dec; 75 103283. (Link) |
ZHANG, Long, WU, Mengqiu, BAI, Wuliyasu, JIN, Yuanzhi, YU, Mengqin and REN, Jingzheng |
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"Metal organic framework-coated gold nanorod as an on-demand drug delivery platform for chemo-photothermal cancer therapy". Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2021 Dec; 19(1). 219. (Link) |
HUANG, Junfeng, XU, Zhourui, JIANG, Yihang, LAW, Wing cheung, DONG, Biqin, ZENG, Xierong, MA, Mingze, XU, Gaixia, ZOU, Jizhao and YANG, Chengbin |
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"Microstructural evolution and ferroelectricity in HfO2 films". Microstructures. 2022 Feb; 2(2). 2022007. (Link) |
ZHAO, Dou, CHEN, Zibin and LIAO, Xiaozhou |
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"Microstructured surface generation and cutting force prediction of pure titanium TA2". Precision Engineering. 2022 May; 75: p. 101-110. (Link) |
DU, Hanheng#, TO, Suet, YIN, Tengfei# and ZHU, Zhiwei |
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"Modeling the effects of airline and high-speed rail cooperation on multi-airport systems: The implications on congestion, competition and social welfare". Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 2022 Jan; 155: p. 448-478. (Link) |
LI, Zhi Chun, TU, Ningwen, FU, Xiaowen and SHENG, Dian |
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HUSSEIN, Mohamed, ELTOUKHY, Abdelrahman E.E., KARAM, Ahmed, SHABAN, Ibrahim A. and ZAYED, Tarek |
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"Multi-criteria decision analysis of China's energy security from 2008 to 2017 based on Fuzzy BWM-DEA-AR model and Malmquist Productivity Index". Energy. 2021 Aug; 228 120481. (Link) |
HUANG, Beijia, ZHANG, Long, MA, Linmao, BAI, Wuliyasu and REN, Jingzheng |
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"Multi-scale uniform Li regulation triggered by tunable electric field distribution on oxygen-functionalized porous framework for flexible Li-S full batteries". Energy Storage Materials. 2021 Nov; 42: p. 68-77. (Link) |
OUYANG, Yue, ZONG, Wei, WANG, Jing, XU, Zhen, MO, Lulu, LAI, Feili, XU, Zheng Long, MIAO, Yue E. and LIU, Tianxi |
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"Multi-tool optimization for computer controlled optical surfacing". Optics Express. 2022 May; 30(10): p. 16957-16972. (Link) |
KE, Xiaolong, WANG, Tianyi, ZHANG, Zili#, HUANG, Lei, WANG, Chunjin, NEGI, Vipender S., PULLEN, Weslin C., CHOI, Heejoo, KIM, Daewook and IDIR, Mourad |
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LI, Wenfei, LI, Huiyun, HUANG, Chao, XU, Kun, SUN, Tianfu and DU, Haiping |
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ZHANG, Chuang, LI, Yantong, CAO, Junhai and WEN, Xin |
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"On the pitting corrosion of 2205 duplex stainless steel produced by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing in the as-built and post-processed conditions". Materials and Design. 2021 Dec; 212 110260. (Link) |
HAGHDADI, Nima, LALEH, Majid, CHEN, Hansheng, CHEN, Zibin, LEDERMUELLER, Carina, LIAO, Xiaozhou, RINGER, Simon and PRIMIG, Sophie |
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"On the primal and dual formulations of traffic assignment problems with perception stochasticity and demand elasticity". Transportation Letters. 2022 (Link) |
XIE, Chi, WAN, Yanjie, XU, Min, CHEN, Xiqun and WALLER, Travis |
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"One-step fabrication of a laser-induced forward transfer graphene/Cu: X O nanocomposite-based electrocatalyst to promote hydrogen evolution reaction". Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2021 Aug; 9(30): p. 16470-16478. (Link) |
XU, Dan, CHAN, K. C., GUO, Hanjie, ZHONG, Hong and LU, Lin |
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DAI, Sheng, ZHAO, Gang, YU, Yong, ZHENG, Pai, BAO, Qiangwei and WANG, Wei |
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"Optimal E-tailing channel structure and service contracting in the platform era". Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2022 Apr; 160 102614. (Link) |
SIQIN, Tana#, CHOI, Tsan Ming and CHUNG, Sai Ho |
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"Optimal operating strategy of short turning lines for the battery electric bus system". Communications in Transportation Research. 2021 Dec; 1 100023. (Link) |
ZHANG, Wenwei, ZHAO, Hui and XU, Min |
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"Organic/Inorganic Self-Assembled Hybrid Nano-Architectures for Cancer Therapy Applications". Macromolecular Bioscience. 2021 Nov 2100349. (Link) |
YANG, Chengbin, LIN, Zheng Ian, CHEN, Jian An, XU, Zhourui, GU, Jiayu, LAW, Wing Cheung, YANG, Jason Hsiao Chun and CHEN, Chih Kuang |
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"Perceptions and Challenges of Engineering and Science Transfer Students From Community College to University in a Chinese Educational Context". Frontiers in Psychology. 2022 Jan; 12 797888. (Link) |
LAU, Yui Yip, TANG, Yuk Ming, YIU, Nicole S.N., HO, Ceci Sze Wing, KWOK, Wilson Yeung Yuk and CHEUNG, Kin |
196 |
"Photo- and pH-responsive drug delivery nanocomposite based on o-nitrobenzyl functionalized upconversion nanoparticles". Polymer. 2021 Aug; 229 123961. (Link) |
WANG, Xiaotao, YANG, Yebin, LIU, Chuang, GUO, Huiling, CHEN, Zhuofan, XIA, Junyong, LIAO, Yonggui, TANG, Chak Yin and LAW, Wing Cheung |
197 |
"Photoredox Catalysis for the Fabrication of Water-Repellent Surfaces with Application for Oil/Water Separation". Langmuir. 2021 Oct; 37(39): p. 11592-11602. (Link) |
XIAO, Yelan, CHENG, Shun Cheung, FENG, Yongyi, SHI, Zhen, HUANG, Zhenjia#, TSUI, Gary, ARAVA, Clement Manohar, ROY, Vellaisamy A.L. and KO, Chi Chiu |
198 |
"Platform operations in the Industry 4.0 era: Recent advances and 3As framework". IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2022 Mar: p. 1-18. (Link) |
SIQIN, Tana#, CHOI, Tsan Ming, CHUNG, Sai Ho and WEN, Xin |
199 |
"Post disaster adaptation management in airport: A coordination of runway and hangar resources for relief cargo transports". Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2021 Oct; 50 101403. (Link) |
QIN, Yichen, NG, Kam K.H., HU, Hongtao, CHAN, Felix T.S. and XIAO, Shichang |
200 |
"Potential reductions in global gas flaring for determining the optimal sizing of gas-to-wire (GTW) process: An inverse DEA approach". Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2021 Sep; 93 103995. (Link) |
ORISAREMI, Kelvin K.#, CHAN, Felix T.S. and CHUNG, Nick S.H. |
201 |
"Promoting employee health in smart office: A survey". Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2022 Jan; 51 101518. (Link) |
ZHANG, Xiangying, ZHENG, Pai, PENG, Tao, HE, Qiqi, LEE, C.K.M. and TANG, Renzhong |
202 |
"Promoting green transportation under the belt and Road Initiative: Locating charging stations considering electric vehicle users’ travel behavior". Transport Policy. 2022 Feb; 116: p. 58-80. (Link) |
OUYANG, Xu# and XU, Min |
203 |
"Qualitative mapping of barriers to the renewables’ development against energy literacy dimensions: A case study of Pakistan". Energy Reports. 2022 Jun; 8: p. 332-337. (Link) |
MEHMOOD, Aamir#, LIN, Ruojue#, ZHANG, Long, LEE, Ka Man and REN, Jingzheng |
204 |
"Recent Developments on Relaxor-PbTiO3 Ferroelectric Crystals". Crystals. 2022 Jan; 12(1). 56. (Link) |
BAASANDORJ, Lkhagvasuren and CHEN, Zibin |
205 |
"Recent contributions to supply chain finance: towards a theoretical and practical research agenda". International Journal of Production Research. 2021 Aug; 60(2): p. 493-516. (Link) |
HUANG, Chaorui#, CHAN, Felix T.S. and CHUNG, S. H. |
206 |
"Regulating Li uniform deposition by lithiophilic interlayer as Li-ion redistributor for highly stable lithium metal batteries". Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022 May; 436 134945. (Link) |
ZHANG, Xiaojuan#, CHEN, Yuanfu, MA, Fei, CHEN, Xin, WANG, Bin, WU, Qi, ZHANG, Ziheng, LIU, Dawei, ZHANG, Wanli, HE, Jiarui and XU, Zheng Long |
207 |
"Risk quantification in cold chain management: a federated learning-enabled multi-criteria decision-making methodology". Industrial Management and Data Systems. 2021 Jul; 121(7): p. 1684-1703. (Link) |
LAU, Henry, TSANG, Yung Po, NAKANDALA, Dilupa and LEE, Carman K.M. |
208 |
"Role of solar-based renewable energy in mitigating CO2 emissions:Evidence from quantile-on-quantile estimation". Renewable Energy. 2022 Jan; 182: p. 216-226. (Link) |
YU, Jinna, TANG, Yuk Ming, CHAU, Ka Yin, NAZAR, Raima, ALI, Sajid and IQBAL, Wasim |
209 |
"SLC-GAN: An automated myocardial infarction detection model based on generative adversarial networks and convolutional neural networks with single-lead electrocardiogram synthesis". Information Sciences. 2022 Apr; 589: p. 738-750. (Link) |
LI, Wenqiang#, TANG, Yuk Ming, YU, Kai Ming and TO, Suet |
210 |
"Saturated adaptive barrier sliding mode control with state-dependent uncertainty limit". IET Control Theory and Applications. 2021 Sep; 15(13): p. 1762-1768. (Link) |
MA, Haifeng, LIU, Weixiang, LI, Yangmin, LIU, Zhanqiang and TIAN, Sukun |
211 |
"Seaport adaptation to climate change disasters: Subsidy policy vs. adaptation sharing under minimum requirement". Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2021 Nov; 155 102488. (Link) |
ZHENG, Shiyuan, FU, Xiaowen, WANG, Kun and LI, Hongchang |
212 |
"Seeking survivals under COVID-19: The WhatsApp platform's shopping service operations". Decision Sciences. 2021 Nov (Link) |
XU, Xiaoyan#, SIQIN, Tana#, CHUNG, Sai Ho and CHOI, Tsan Ming |
213 |
"Selecting change image for efficient change detection". IET Signal Processing. 2022 May; 16(3): p. 327-339. (Link) |
HUANG, Rui, WANG, Ruofei, ZHANG, Yuxiang, XING, Yan, FAN, Wei and YUNG, Kai Leung |
214 |
"Selective Laser Melting of Pure Ag and 925Ag Alloy and Their Thermal Conductivity". Crystals. 2022 Apr; 12(4). 480. (Link) |
WANG, Di, WEI, Yang, WEI, Xiongmian, KHANLARI, Khashayar, WANG, Zhi, FENG, Yongwei and YANG, Xusheng |
215 |
"Self-Design Fun: Should 3D Printing Be Employed in Mass Customization Operations?". European Journal of Operational Research. 2022 Jun; 299(3): p. 883-897. (Link) |
GUO, Shu, CHOI, Tsan Ming and CHUNG, Sai Ho |
216 |
"Service-oriented industrial internet of things gateway for cloud manufacturing". Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2022 Feb; 73 102217. (Link) |
LIU, Chao, SU, Ziwei, XU, Xun and LU, Yuqian |
217 |
"Severe plastic deformation-produced gradient nanostructured copper with a strengthening-softening transition". Materials Science and Engineering A. 2021 Jul; 819 141495. (Link) |
WU, Bo#, FU, Hui, ZHOU, Xiaoye, QIAN, Lei#, LUO, Jiasi#, ZHU, Jiaming, LEE, Wing Bun and YANG, Xu Sheng |
218 |
"Simulation-optimization for the planning of off-site construction projects: A comparative study of recent swarm intelligence metaheuristics". Sustainability (Switzerland). 2021 Dec; 13(24). 13551. (Link) |
HUSSEIN, Mohamed, ELTOUKHY, Abdelrahman E.E., DARKO, Amos and ELTAWIL, Amr |
219 |
"Spatial-temporal energy poverty analysis of China from subnational perspective". Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022 Mar; 341 130907. (Link) |
LU, Shengfang#, REN, Jingzheng, LEE, Ka Man and ZHANG, Long |
220 |
"Stochastic optimization-based approach for simultaneous process design and HEN synthesis of tightly-coupled RO-ORC-HI systems under seasonal uncertainty". Chemical Engineering Science. 2021 Dec; 246 116961. (Link) |
CHEN, Zhichao, LU, Zhibin, ZHANG, Bingjian, CHEN, Qinglin, HE, Chang, YU, Haoshui and REN, Jingzheng |
221 |
"Strategic planning of inland river ports under different market structures: Coordinated vs. independent operating regime". Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2021 Dec; 156 102547. (Link) |
LI, Zhi Chun, WANG, Mei Ru and FU, Xiaowen |
222 |
"Subsidy or minimum requirement? Regulation of port adaptation investment under disaster ambiguity". Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 2021 Aug; 150: p. 457-481. (Link) |
ZHENG, Shiyuan, WANG, Kun, LI, Zhi Chun, FU, Xiaowen and CHAN, Felix T.S. |
223 |
"Supplying masks to combat respiratory diseases: safety index, welfare and government involvement". International Journal of Production Research. 2021 Jul |
SHEN, Bin, LIU, Yang, QUAN, Vincent and WEN, Xin |
224 |
"Sustainability prioritization of energy systems under hybrid information and missing information based on the improved grey relational analysis". Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2021 Oct; 47 101543. (Link) |
LIN, Ruojue#, REN, Jingzheng, LIU, Yue#, LEE, Carman K.M., JI, Ping, ZHANG, Long and MAN, Yi |
225 |
"Sustainable Logistics Planning in Modular Integrated Construction Using Multimethod Simulation and Taguchi Approach". Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2022 Jun; 148(6). 04022022. (Link) |
HUSSEIN, Mohamed, DARKO, Amos, ELTOUKHY, Abdelrahman E.E. and ZAYED, Tarek |
226 |
"Sustainable design and multi-objective optimization of eco-efficient extractive distillation with single and double entrainer(s) for separating the ternary azeotropic mixture tetrahydrofuran/ethanol/methanol". Separation and Purification Technology. 2022 Mar; 285 120413. |
YANG, Ao, WANG, Wenhe, SUN, Shirui, SHI, Tao#, REN, Jingzheng, BAI, Meangna and SHEN, Weifeng |
227 |
"Sustainable–responsive winner determination for transportation service procurement auctions under accidental disruptions". Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021 Oct; 320 128833. (Link) |
QIAN, Xiaohu, YIN, Mingqiang, CHAN, Felix T.S., ZHANG, Jiahua and HUANG, Min |
228 |
"Synergistic CO2 reduction effects in Chinese urban agglomerations:Perspectives from social network analysis". Science of the Total Environment. 2021 Dec; 798 149352. (Link) |
SHEN, Wenrui, LIANG, Hanwei, DONG, Liang, REN, Jingzheng and WANG, Guojie |
229 |
"Target localization optimization of a superstructure triple-column extractive distillation with four-parallel evaporator organic Rankine cycles system based on advanced exergy analysis". Separation and Purification Technology. 2021 Oct; 272 118894. (Link) |
YUAN, Binhan, YANG, Zhenning, YANG, Ao, TAO, Jiqiang, REN, Jingzheng, WEI, Shun'an and SHEN, Weifeng |
230 |
"The Crack Propagation Trend Analysis in Ceramic Rolling Element Bearing considering Initial Crack Angle and Contact Load Effect". Shock and Vibration. 2021 Jul; 2021 5559296. (Link) |
YUAN, Zhe, WANG, Bohan, LIU, Chao, WANG, Zhan, ZHANG, Xiaochen and ZHANG, Yu |
231 |
"The Spatial neural network model with disruptive technology for property appraisal in real estate industry". Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2021 Dec; 173 121067. (Link) |
LIN, Regina Fang Ying, OU, Chiye, TSENG, Kuo Kun, BOWEN, Deng, YUNG, K. L. and IP, W. H. |
232 |
"The dynamic hydrogen production yield forecasting model based on the improved discrete grey method". International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2022 May; 47(42): p. 18251-18260. (Link) |
HU, Yusha, LI, Jigeng, MAN, Yi and REN, Jingzheng |
233 |
"The effect of functional gradient material distribution and patterning on torsional properties of lattice structures manufactured using multijet fusion technology". Materials. 2021 Nov; 14(21). 6521. (Link) |
HAILU, Yeabsra Mekdim, NAZIR, Aamer, LIN, Shang Chih and JENG, Jeng Ywan |
234 |
"The impact of buyback support on financing strategies for a capital-constrained supplier". International Journal of Production Economics. 2022 Jun; 248 108457. (Link) |
WU, Song Man, CHAN, Felix T.S. and CHUNG, S. H. |
235 |
"Thematic analysis of sustainable ultra-precision machining by using text mining and unsupervised learning method". Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2022 Jan; 62: p. 218-233. (Link) |
ZHOU, Hongting, YIP, Wai Sze, REN, Jingzheng and TO, Suet |
236 |
"Theoretical and experimental investigation of the tool indentation effect in ultra-precision toolservo- based diamond cutting of optical microstructured surfaces". Optics Express. 2021 Nov; 29(24): p. 39284-39303. (Link) |
237 |
"Theoretical and experimental investigations of magnetic field assisted ultra-precision machining of titanium alloys". Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2022 Feb; 300 117429. (Link) |
KHALIL, Ahmed K.#, YIP, W. S. and TO, S. |
238 |
"Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analyses of a vehicular fuel cell power system with waste heat recovery for cabin heating and reactants preheating". Energy. 2022 May; 247 123465. (Link) |
LI, Longquan, LIU, Zhiqiang, DENG, Chengwei, XIE, Nan, REN, Jingzheng, SUN, Yi, XIAO, Zhenyu, LEI, Kun and YANG, Sheng |
239 |
"Titanium oxide nanowire clots with two-phase composition as multi-effect sulfur reservoirs for lithium-sulfur batteries". Scripta Materialia. 2021 Sep; 202 113989. (Link) |
CAI, Yuqing, YAN, Zhongyuan, SHI, Shumin, ZHANG, Lida, ZHANG, Ting, YANG, Mingtong, BAI, Ling, FU, Hui, YANG, Xu Sheng, LI, Ziquan and HUANG, Zhen Dong |
240 |
"Toward a resilient supply chain model: critical role of knowledge management and dynamic capabilities". Industrial Management and Data Systems. 2022 May; 122(5): p. 1153-1182. (Link) |
IRFAN, Irfan, SUMBAL, Muhammad Saleem Ullah Khan, KHURSHID, Faisal and CHAN, Felix T.S. |
241 |
"Toward human-centric smart manufacturing: A human-cyber-physical systems (HCPS) perspective". Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2022 Apr; 63: p. 471-490. (Link) |
WANG, Baicun, ZHENG, Pai, YIN, Yue#, SHIH, Albert and WANG, Lihui |
242 |
"Towards Self-X cognitive manufacturing network: An industrial knowledge graph-based multi-agent reinforcement learning approach". Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2021 Oct; 61: p. 16-26. (Link) |
ZHENG, Pai, XIA, Liqiao#, LI, Chengxi#, LI, Xinyu and LIU, Bufan |
243 |
"Towards a consistent methodology for testing the electromechanical performance of strip polymer composite actuators". Polymer Testing. 2022 Feb; 106 107463. (Link) |
DONG, Yuqing#, YEUNG, Ka Wai#, LAW, Wing Cheung, TSUI, Gary Chi Pong, XIE, Xiaolin and TANG, Chak Yin |
244 |
"Towards proactive human–robot collaboration: A foreseeable cognitive manufacturing paradigm". Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2021 Jul; 60: p. 547-552. (Link) |
LI, Shufei#, WANG, Ruobing#, ZHENG, Pai and WANG, Lihui |
245 |
"Towards sustainable separation of the ternary azeotropic mixture based on the intensified reactive-extractive distillation configurations and multi-objective particle swarm optimization". Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022 Jan; 332 130116. (Link) |
YANG, Ao, SU, Yang, SUN, Shirui, SHEN, Weifeng, BAI, Mengna and REN, Jingzheng |
246 |
"Transfer Learning-enabled Action Recognition for Human-robot Collaborative Assembly". Procedia CIRP. 2021 Sep 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Ssystems, CMS 2021.; 104: p. 1795-1800. (Link) |
LI, Shufei#, FAN, Junming#, ZHENG, Pai and WANG, Lihui |
247 |
"Triaxial Fast Tool Servo Using Hybrid Electromagnetic-Piezoelectric Actuation for Diamond Turning". IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2022 Feb; 69(2). 1728-1738. (Link) |
ZHU, Zi Hui, CHEN, Li, NIU, Yuhan, PU, Xiaonan, HUANG, Peng, TO, Suet, ZHU, Limin and ZHU, Zhiwei |
248 |
"Tribological properties of high-entropy alloys:A review". International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. 2022 Mar; 29(3): p. 389-403.(Link) |
CHENG, Zhuo, WANG, Shuize, WU, Guilin, GAO, Junheng, YANG, Xusheng and WU, Honghui |
249 |
"Trinomial tree based option pricing model in supply chain financing". Annals of Operations Research. 2021 Nov: p. 1-17. (Link) |
HUO, Yunzhang, LEE, Carman K.M. and SHUZHU, Zhang |
250 |
"Truck routing problem considering platooning and drivers’ breaks". International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering. 2022 ; 16(6): p. 38-42. |
YAN, Xiaoyuan# and XU, Min |
251 |
"Two-tier price membership mechanism design based on user profiles". Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2022 Mar; 52 101130. (Link) |
HU, Li, ZHANG, Yajie, CHUNG, Sai Ho and WANG, Lei |
252 |
"Ultrastable and High Energy Calcium Rechargeable Batteries Enabled by Calcium Intercalation in a NASICON Cathode". Small. 2022 Feb; 18(14). 2107853. (Link) |
CHEN, Chunhong, SHI, Fangyi, ZHANG, Shishi, SU, Yaqiong and XU, Zheng Long |
253 |
"Universal dwell time optimization for deterministic optics fabrication". Optics Express. 2021 Nov; 29(23): p. 38737-38757. (Link) |
WANG, Tianyi, HUANG, Lei, VESCOVI, Matthew, KUHNE, Dennis, ZHU, Yi, NEGI, Vipender S., ZHANG, Zili#, WANG, Chunjin, KE, Xiaolong, CHOI, Heejoo, PULLEN, Weslin C., KIM, Daewook, KEMAO, Qian, NAKHODA, Kashmira, BOUET, Nathalie and IDIR, Mourad |
254 |
"Unlocking the power of big data analytics in new product development: An intelligent product design framework in the furniture industry". Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2022 Jan; 62: p. 777-791. (Link) |
TSANG, Y. P., WU, C. H., LIN, Kuo Yi, TSE, Y. K., HO, G. T.S. and LEE, C.K.M. |
255 |
"Vision-based holistic scene understanding towards proactive human–robot collaboration". Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2022 Jun; 75 102304. (Link) |
FAN, Junming#, ZHENG, Pai and LI, Shufei# |
256 |
"Weighted triplet loss based on deep neural networks for loop closure detection in VSLAM". Computer Communications. 2022 Mar; 186: p. 153-165. (Link) |
DONG, Na, QIN, Minghui, CHANG, Jianfang, WU, C. H., IP, W. H. and YUNG, K. L. |
257 |
"Work Engagement Recognition in Smart Office". Procedia Computer Science. 2022 Mar; 200: p. 451-460. (Link) |
MA, Congcong, LEE, Ka Man, DU, Juan, LI, Qimeng and GRAVINA, Raffaele |
258 |
"Workflow performance prediction based on graph structure aware deep attention neural network". Journal of Industrial Information Integration. 2022 May; 27 100337. (Link) |
YU, Jixiang, GAO, Ming, LI, Yuchan, ZHANG, Zehui, IP, Wai Hung and YUNG, Kai Leung |
Refereed conference paper
Academic research
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
259 |
"3D Super-resolution Optical Imaging Using Deep Image Prior". 2021 Aug 2021 International Conference of Optical Imaging and Measurement, ICOIM 2021. 2021 International Conference of Optical Imaging and Measurement, ICOIM 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: p. 5-8. (Link) |
WANG, Ruoxin# and CHEUNG, Chi Fai |
260 |
"A High-Resolution Network-Based Approach for 6D Pose Estimation of Industrial Parts". 2021 Aug 17th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2021. 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2021 IEEE Computer Society: p. 1452-1457. (Link) |
FAN, Junming#, LI, Shufei#, ZHENG, Pai and LEE, Carman K.M. |
261 |
"A Machine Learning Predictive Model for Shipment Delay and Demand Forecasting for Warehouses and Sales Data". 2021 Dec 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2021. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: p. 1010-1014. (Link) |
KEUNG, K. L.#, LEE, C. K.M. and YIU, Y. H.# |
262 |
"A Supply Chain System with Capital Constraints Considering Various Salvage Values". 2021 Aug 4th European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM 2021. Proceedings - 4th European Rome Conference 2021 IEOM Society: p. 413-420. |
WU, Song Man, CHAN, Felix T.S. and CHUNG, S. H. |
263 |
"A high-fidelity digital twin approach for the optimisation of fluid jet polishing process". 2022 May Procedia CIRP; 107: p. 101-106. (Link) |
LIU, Chao, WANG, CHUNJIN, ZHANG, Zili#, LYU, Ping and CHEUNG, Chi Fai |
264 |
"Autostereoscopic Measurement System for Rapid 3D Inspection of Wire Bonding". 2021 Aug 2021 International Conference of Optical Imaging and Measurement, ICOIM 2021. 2021 International Conference of Optical Imaging and Measurement, ICOIM 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: p. 145-148. (Link) |
GAO, Sanshan#, CHEUNG, Chi Fai and LI, Da# |
265 |
"Dynamic analysis of customer needs using opinion mining and fuzzy time series approaches". 2021 Jul 2021 IEEE CIS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ 2021. IEEE CIS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2021, FUZZ 2021 - Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: p. 1-6. (Link) |
JIANG, Huimin, SABETZADEH, Farzad and KWONG, C. K. |
266 |
"Exploration of the digital innovation process in the smart product-service system". 2021 Nov 41st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, CIE 2021, Held as Part of the ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC-CIE 2021. 41st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) DETC2021-70848, V002T02A058. (Link) |
SAYMEH, Haneen A.F., ZHANG, Xiangying, PENG, Tao, TANG, Renzhong, WANG, Zuoxu and ZHENG, Pai |
267 |
"Financial Assistance in a Capital-Constrained Cellphone Supply Chain". 2022 Feb 18th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, PLM 2021. Product Lifecycle Management. Green and Blue Technologies to Support Smart and Sustainable Organizations Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH: p. 74-83. (Link) |
WU, Song Man, CHAN, Felix T.S. and CHUNG, S. H. |
268 |
"Hand Gesture Recognition with Augmented Reality and Leap Motion Controller". 2021 Dec 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2021. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: p. 1015-1019. (Link) |
HUO, Jiage, KEUNG, K. L.#, LEE, C. K.M. and NG, H. Y. |
269 |
"Predicting the material removal rate in chemical mechanical planarization process: A hypergraph neural network-based approach". 2021 Nov 41st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, CIE 2021, Held as Part of the ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC-CIE 2021. 41st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) DETC2021-68250, V002T02A057. (Link) |
XIA, Liqiao#, ZHENG, Pai and LIU, Chao |
Licensing agreements
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
270 |
"Low-Pressure Lapping Technology for Precision Mould of Aspheric and Freeform Optical Lens (Licensing Agreement No.: LA21-362)". 2021 Dec |
LEE, Wing Bun, LI, Lihua and YU, Ning Hui |
271 |
"Low-pressure lapping technology for Precision Mould of Aspheric and Freeform Optical Lens (SLA21-003)". 2021 Dec |
LEE, Wing Bun, LI, Lihua and YU, Ning Hui |
Patents granted
Academic research
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
272 |
"“一種激光拋光方法” (Laser polishing of additive manufactured metal components for controlling their surface characteristics)". 2021 Sep; Hong Kong - Patent No. CN109759711B |
YUNG, Kam Chuen, CHOY, Hang Shan, MO, Xiaoyong, ZHANG, S.S., XIAO, Tingyu and WANG, Wenjing |
273 |
"一种用于批量化抛光工件的设备". 2021 Aug; China - Patent No. ZL201910168056.0 |
WANG, Chunjin, CHEUNG, Chi Fai and HO, Lai Ting |
274 |
"材料去除方法、控制系统、流体喷射抛光系统及存储介质". 2021 Oct; China - Patent No. ZL201810300885.5 |
CHEUNG, Chi Fai, WANG, Chunjin, LIU, Mingyu# and HO, Lai Ting |
Journal editor
Other Outputs
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author(s) |
275 |
"Associate editor". Advances in Airlines Economics (Journal). 2017 Oct-2021 Dec |
FU, Xiaowen |
276 |
"Associate editor". Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition) (Journal). Since 2016 |
TO, Suet |
277 |
"Associate editor". IEEE Access (Journal). Since 2016 Jan |
LI, Yangmin |
278 |
"Associate editor". IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing (Journal). 2020 Dec-2023 Dec |
ZHENG, Pai |
279 |
"Associate editor". Industrial Management and Data Systems (Journal). Since 2020 May |
LEE, Ka Man |
280 |
"Associate editor". International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (Journal). Since 2008 Jun |
LI, Yangmin |
281 |
"Associate editor". International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management (Journal). Since 2016 Sep |
CHAN, Tung Sun |
282 |
"Associate editor". Journal of Cleaner Production (Journal). 2022 Apr-2023 Mar |
ZHENG, Pai |
283 |
"Associate editor". Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Journal). 2022 Jan-2025 Dec |
ZHENG, Pai |
284 |
"Associate editor". Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development (Journal). Since 2016 Jan |
REN, Jingzheng |
285 |
"Associate editor". Mechatronics (Journal). Since 2016 Jan |
LI, Yangmin |
286 |
"Associate editor". Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications (Journal). Since 2017 Oct |
CHAN, Tung Sun |
287 |
"Associate editor". Precision Engineering (Journal). 2019 Feb-2022 Feb |
CHEUNG, Chi Fai |
288 |
"Editor in chief". Environment, Development and Sustainability (Journal). Since 2021 Jan |
REN, Jingzheng |
289 |
"Editor in chief". Journal of Robotics (Journal). Since 2019 Dec |
LI, Yangmin |
290 |
"Editor in chief". Transportation Management (Journal). Since 2018 Feb |
CHAN, Tung Sun |
291 |
"Editor". Industrial Ecology and Environmental Management (Journal). Since 2020 Jul |
REN, Jingzheng |
292 |
"Editor". Frontier in Sustainability (Journal). Since 2020 Jan |
REN, Jingzheng |
293 |
"Editor". Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management (Journal). Since 2019 Dec |
REN, Jingzheng |
294 |
"Editor". Journal of Renewable Energy Research (JRER) (Journal). Since 2019 Dec |
REN, Jingzheng |
295 |
"Editor". Material Design & Processing Communications (Journal). Since 2019 Jan |
CHAN, Kang Cheung |
296 |
"Editor". Microstructures (Journal). 2021 Mar-2025 Feb |
CHEN, Zibin |
297 |
"Editor". Surface and Coatings Technology (Journal). 2019 -2022 |
MAN, Hau Chung |
298 |
"Editor". Sustainable Production and Consumption (Journal). Since 2018 Jan |
REN, Jingzheng |
299 |
"Editor". Transport Policy (Journal). 2016 Sep-2022 Dec |
FU, Xiaowen |
300 |
"Guest editor". Annals of Operations Research (Journal). 2021 Dec-2022 Aug |
WEN, Xin |
301 |
"Guest editor". Crystals (Journal). 2021 Sep-2022 Mar |
YANG, Xusheng |
302 |
"Guest editor". Energies (Journal). 2021 Jun-2021 Dec |
SUN, LuDOU, YiREN, Jingzheng |
303 |
"Guest editor". Environment, Development and Sustainability (Journal). 2021 Apr-2021 Oct |
REN, Jingzheng |
304 |
"Guest editor". Frontier in Sustainability (Journal). 2022 Jan-2022 Mar |
REN, JingzhengHE, ChangSHEN, Weifeng |
305 |
"Guest editor". International Journal of Production Research (Journal). 2021 May-2021 Dec |
ZHENG, Pai, XU, Xun and WANG, Lihui |
306 |
"Guest editor". Journal of Air Transport Management (Journal). 2021 Oct-2022 Aug |
WEN, Xin |
307 |
"Guest editor". Micromachines (Journal). 2021 Jan-2021 Dec |
WANG, Chunjin |
308 |
"Guest editor". Micromachines (Journal). 2021 Jan-2021 Jul |
CHEUNG, Chi Fai |
309 |
"Guest editor". Molecules (Journal). 2021 Oct-2022 May |
XU, Zhenglong |
310 |
"Guest editor". Sustainability (Journal). 2020 Oct-2021 Dec |
REN, Jingzheng |
311 |
"Guest editor". Sustainability (Switzerland) (Journal). 2021 Jan-2022 Jan |
HENS, Luc, NGUYEN, An Thinh , HA, Pham Thi Thu and REN, Jingzheng |
312 |
"Guest editor". Sustainability (Switzerland) (Journal). 2021 May-2021 Dec |
ZHANG, LongYANG, YingkuiREN, JingzhengDONG, Lichun |
313 |
"Guest editor". Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (Journal). 2021 Jan-2021 Oct |
WEN, Xin |
314 |
"Section editor". Micromachines (Journal). 2021 Jan-2022 Dec |
WANG, Chunjin |
315 |
"Special topic editor". Materials (Journal). 2021 Jan-2022 May |
CHEN, Zibin |
316 |
"Special topic editor". Sustainability (Switzerland) (Journal). 2022 Feb-2023 Jan |
MANZARDO, Alessandro, REN, Jingzheng and FEDELE, Andrea |
Postgraduate research theses
Academic research: not refereed
Serial No. |
Title/Brief Description |
Author |
317 |
"A Novel Drive-through Vehicle Profiling System". Since 2022 Apr |
LI , Shek Ping# |
318 |
"Enhancement of the Integrity of Hypoeutectic Aluminium Castings by High Frequency Induction". Since 2021 Sep |
CHAN , Cho Yee# |
319 |
"Integrated Product Design with Consideration of Remanufactured Products and Return Uncertainties". Since 2021 Nov |
GEDA , Mohammed Woyeso# |
320 |
"Investigation on Superhydrophobic Micro/nano-structured Surfaces Fabricated by Ultraprecision Machining and Hydrothermal Synthesis for Self-cleaning and Corrosion Resistance". Since 2022 Feb |
FU , Yexiang# |
321 |
"Life Cycle Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Sustainability Prioritization under Multiple Conditions". Since 2021 Aug |
LIN , Ruojue# |
322 |
"Managing Corporate Financial Risks with Finance Instruments in Supply Chains". Since 2021 Sep |
WU , Songman# |
323 |
"Supporting New Product Development Using Customers’ Online Data and Computational Intelligence Methods". Since 2022 Feb |
YAKUBU , Hanan# |
324 |
"The Adoption of Open Innovation as a Form of Management Innovation and Its Impact on Individuals". Since 2021 Nov |
RAHIMLI , Narmina# |
325 |
"Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Tool Indentation Effect on Ultra-precision Tool Servo Diamond Cutting of Three-Dimensional Microstructured Surfaces". Since 2022 May |
YUAN , Wei# |