Call for paper

Topics of the Paper

All topics in KM, Intellectual Capital Management, Innovation Management and Organizational Learning are welcome with particular focus on the followings:

Knowledge Management Intellectual Capital Management
  • Contemporary issues in knowledge management
  • Value creation process
  • Information technology in knowledge creation and dissimilation
  • Integrated reporting
  • Business intelligence
  • Inter-firms study
  • Knowledge elictation and capture
  • Cross-country studies
  • Cloud based knowledge service
  • IC performance and indicators
  • KM and Big Data
  • Financial vs non-financial information
  • KM and AI
  • IC accounting method
  • Open data
  • Risk management
  • KM in SMEs
  • Brand and reputation management
  • Communities of Practice
  • Organizational Learning
  • Knowledge management for sustainable development
  • Orgnaizational behaviour
  • Innovation Management
  • Organizational culture and change
  • Design of innovation spaces
  • Organizational conversation
  • Patent management
  • Inter-organizational learning
  • Creativity management
  • Networked learning
  • Smart cities
  • Future skills of knowledge workers
  • Challenges in knowledge and creative economics
  • Gamification
  • Open innovation
  • Team building
  • Societal innovation
  • Emerging sciences in KM and IM, such as
  • Crowd sourcing
  •     knowledge ergonomics and neuroeconomic
  • Knowledge innovation systems
  • E-learning and MOOC
  • Taxonomies and Ontologies
  • Knowledge Capture of Retiring Staff
  • Product modularization and innovation
  • Organizational Learning for sustainable development
  • Other topics relevant to the theme of the conference but not included in the above list will also be considered.

    All accepted presentations are welcome to submit as full papers to the following journals by the stipulated deadline after the conference.

    Special Issue
  •     VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems (Emerald)

  • Regular Issue
  •     International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IGI Global)
  •     Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management (Emerald)
  •     International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IGI Global)
  • Special Session on your own topic

    You are also welcome to propose special session and form the presentation group (with minimum of 3 papers) on particular topics at the Conference. You will chair this session and your registration fee will be waived.
