
Prof. Jay Lee

Ohio Eminent Scholar, L.W. Scott Alter Chair Professor, and Distinguished Univ.
Research Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Cincinnati, USA
Founding director of National ScienceFoundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) on Intelligent Maintenance Systems

Dr. Jay Lee is Ohio Eminent Scholar, L.W. Scott Alter Chair Professor, and Distinguished Univ. Professor at the Univ. of Cincinnati and is founding director of National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) on Intelligent Maintenance Systems (www.imscenter.net) which is a multi-campus NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center which consists of the Univ. of Cincinnati (lead institution), the Univ. of Michigan, Missouri Univ. of S&T, and the Univ. of Texas-Austin. Since its inception in 2001, the Center has been supported by over 85 global companies including P&G, GE Aviation, Eaton, National Instruments, Boeing, Goodyear, Toyota, Caterpillar, Siemens, Chevron, Honeywell, Parker Hannifin, Spirit AeroSystems, Ingersoll Rand, Intel, Applied Materials, Automated Precision Inc (API), Bosch Rexroth (Germany), Alstom (France), Omron (Japan), Nissan (Japan), Tekniker (Spain), FMTC (Belgium), Kistler (Switzerland), Samsung (Korea), Shanghai Electric (China), Baosteel (China), etc. He is one of the pioneers in the field of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) and has mentored his students and won 1st prize of PHM Data Challenges five times since 2008. He also mentored his students and developed a spin-off company Predictronics through NSF ICorps Award in 2012.
He serves as Committee member for White House Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) American Challenge Program in Dec. 3013, a member of Technical Executive committee (TEC) of Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation (DMDI) in Feb. 2014, as well as a member of Leadership Council of MForesight which is a NSF/NIST Newly established manufacturing think tank in Sept. 2015. He also serves as honorary professor and visiting professor for a number of institutions including Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Cranfield Univ. in UK, Lulea Univ. of Technology in Sweden, etc. He also serves as advisor to a number of global organizations, including a member of the Manufacturing Executive Leadership Board of U.S., Scientific Advisory Board of Flanders' MECHATRONICS Technology Centre (FMTC) in Leuven, Belgium, International S&T Committee for Alstom, France, Scientific Committee of SIMTech of Singapore, etc. In addition, he serves as editors and associate editor for a number of journals including IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, Int. Journal on Prognostics & Health Management (IJPHM), Int. Journal on Service Operations and Informatics, etc.
Previously, he served as Director for Product Development and Manufacturing at United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), E. Hartford, CT as well as Program Directors for a number of programs at NSF during 1991-1998, including the Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) Program, the Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRCs) Program, and the Div. of Design, Manufacture, and Industrial Innovation. He also served as an advisory member for a number of institutions including, Johns Hopkins Univ., Cambridge Univ., etc.
He has authored/co-authored numerous highly influential articles and technical papers in the areas of Prognostics and Health Management, E-Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, and Cyber Physical Systems in Manufacturing, etc. He has over 20 patents and trademarks. He is a frequently invited speaker and has delivered over 300 invited speeches worldwide including over 200 keynote and plenary speeches at major international conferences. He is a Fellow of ASME, SME, as well as a founding fellow of International Society of Engineering Asset Management.
He has received a number of awards including the most recent Prognostics Innovation Award at NI Week by National Instruments in 2012 and NSF Alex Schwarzkopf Technological Innovation Prize and MFPT (Machinery Failure Prevention Technology Society) Jack Frarey Award in 2014. In 1994, he received President Clinton’s Appreciation Letter for his participation and contribution to the United States Partnership for Next Generation Vehicle (PNGV) Program. He is also a honorary advisor to the Heifer International-a charity organization working to end hunger and poverty around the world by providing livestock and training to struggling communities.

Prof. W.B. Lee

Chair Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Professor W.B. Lee is the Chair Professor of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has pioneered research and practice of knowledge management in various industrial sectors in Hong Kong which include manufacturing, trading, public utilities and health care, and has conducted research projects in knowledge elicitation and mapping, unstructured information management, and organizational learning and innovation. Professor Lee and his team have launched Asia’s first on-line MSc. Program in Knowledge Management, as well as the Global MAKE (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise) Award in Hong Kong and Mainland China and chair the annual Asian Knowledge Forum. He is currently the chief editor of the Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems (Emerald) and the International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IGI Publishing).

Prof. Xiaobo WU

Professor of Innovation and Strategic Management
Former Dean, School of Management, Zhejiang University, China
Cheung Kong Chair Professor, Ministry of Education, China

Professor Xiaobo WU is currently serving as director of National Institute for Innovation Management (NIIM), the director of the Zhejiang University-Cambridge University Joint Research Center for Global Manufacturing and Innovation Management and Ruihua Institute for Innovation Management. He also serves as Board member and the vice-president of the Central, East European and Middle Asian Network on Management Development Association (CEEMAN).
After obtaining his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1982, he conducted as an assistant engineer in Energy Conservation Office of Ministry of Forest in Beijing, and Zhejiang Provincial Energy Conservation Center for 4 years. Then he gained the MPhil. in Energy Economics from Zhejiang University in 1989 and obtained the PhD in Management in 1992 from Zhejiang University. Professor WU conducted his postdoctoral research at Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand (1996), had been a visiting scholar of the Institute for Manufacturing and the Judge Institute of Management Studies at Cambridge University, UK (1996-1997), and a Fulbright visiting scholar at Sloan School of Management at MIT, US (2000-2001).
Professor WU joined the Faculty of School of Management at Zhejiang University 1992. His primary research interests center around Managing Technological Innovation, Inclusive Innovation and entrepreneurship, Global Manufacturing and Network-based Competitive Strategy. He has published over 300 academic papers and over 30 books, and serves on the editorial boards of scholarly journals, including IEEE-Transaction on Engineering Management, Asian Journal of Technological Innovation, Journal of Engineering Management and etc.
His service to education communities includes Member of the Assessment Committee of the National Academic Degree Committee, State Council of China; the Supervisory Committee of Management Sciences and Engineering Management Education, the Ministry of Education of China; and the National MBA Education Steering Committee of China. He was also the Smiths Chair Professor of International Management at Leeds University, UK (2013-2016).
Professor WU has been actively involved in management consulting and was the advisor and board member of leading companies including Geely, Siemens China, Hikvision, Hangyang, Hengtong, XIZI UHC and etc. He is the Executive Vice President of International Council for Small Business (ICSB) China, and he had been elected the Senior Vice President of ICSB from 2011 to 2012. He also serves as the president of Zhejiang Provincial Technological Innovation Association and Hangzhou Enterprises Technological Innovation Association.
He has been dedicated in cultivating the Healthy Power who leading the future of China.

Prof. Jin Chen

Professor, School of Economics, and Management, Tsinghua University
Director, Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University

Dr. Jin Chen is a professor of Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy in Tsinghua SEM. He received Ph.D. in Management Engineering in the Department of Management also from Zhejiang University in 1994. Dr. Chen went to MIT Sloan School of Management in 1998 as a visiting scholar. In 2000, he went to SPRU of Sussex University as a visiting fellow. He has been awarded Special Government Allowance from the State Council of China, and the Huo Yingdong Youth Teacher Prize and the Third "Young university teachers award" from the Ministry of Education of China. He awarded the Outstanding Youth Fund in 2002 by National Science Foundation of China. In 2009, he was selected for the China’s National Talents Project. Dr. Chen serves as the chief editor of "Journal of Knowledge Management Studies", "International Journal of Innovation Studies", "Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China" and "Review of Evolutionary Economics and Economics of Innovation", the associate chief editor of "Techonolgical Forecasting and Social Change", "International Journal of Technology Marketing", "Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy" and "Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management" and Executive Associate Editor of "Chinese Journal of Engineering Design" . Dr. Chen also serves as the member of editor committee of "International Journal of Technology Management"(SSCI Journal), "Science: Journal of Zhejiang University"(SCI Journal), "International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management", "International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development" and "Journal of Chinese Culture and Management", and the guest editor of "International Journal of Manpower"(2004).
He has published more than 600 articles on various journals and proceedingsof international conferences, including "Technovation", "R&D Management", "Research Technology Management", "IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management", "International Journal of Technology Management", and Chinese Journals like "Science Research Management", "Studies in Science of Science", "Journal of Dialectics of Nature" etc.

Prof. Maurizio Massaro

Aggregate Professor, Udine University

Maurizio Massaro, is an aggregate professor at Udine University. He has been a visiting Professor at Florida Gulf Coast University and Leicester University. He enjoys several contacts and research partnerships with universities in the USA, continental Europe, UK, Asia and Australia. Maurizio has been Emerald Literati Award for Excellence as Highly Commended paper in the Journal of Knowledge Management. Additionally, his last book: "sustainable development in the developing world" got the endorsement of ambassador Andrew Young who wrote the "to the reader" section and Prof. Hafiz Mirza Chief, Investment Issues Research Section, UNCTAD, who wrote the "forward" section. The book was presented at a Vernissage held at UNO headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland). Maurizio’s research interests include innovation, knowledge management, intellectual capital, sustainability, and research methods. Maurizio has several publications on these topics, and some of them are among the most cited of the years for the journals where they were published. Maurizio is an active part of the scientific community as contributor reviewer and speaker at conferences and workshops. Before joining academia, Maurizio was founder and CEO of multiple consultancy firms. He has also served as a research center Vice President in the field of metal analysis.

Prof. Alain Chong

Dean, Graduate School, University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Alain is the Dean of Graduate School and Professor in Information Systems at University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Prior to joining University of Nottingham, Alain has worked as a software engineer, postdoctoral fellow and Associate Professor in Computer Science in the U.K., Hong Kong and Malaysia.
Alain was the recipient of the Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian award from Junior Chamber International in 2012. Elsevier named him as one of the most cited scholars in China in 2015, 2016, 2017. He has published more than 100 articles in various leading journals and conference proceedings, and has secured more than RMB 2 million fundings from various funding agencies such as the NSFC, Hong Kong GRF, Royal Society in the U.K, and Malaysian Fundamental Research Grant Scheme. Alain is also a Ningbo 3315 Foreign Talent Recipient, and is serving as an adjunct professor at Zhejiang Univeristy of Finance and Economics. His current research interests are in the area of e-business, Blockchain applications, and big data analytics.
Alain is currently the co-editor in chief of Industrial Management & Data Systems, Associate Editor of Information & Management and Senior Editor of Decision Support Systems.

Prof. Madjid Fathi

Professor & Director, University of Siegen, Germany

Madjid Fathi is a professor and Head of KBS & KM (Knowledge Based System & Knowledge Management) institute at the EECS Department at the University of Siegen, Germany. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Ph.D. degree (Dr.-Ing.) both from the University of Dortmund, Germany, in 1986 and 1991, respectively. Accordingly he obtained Habilitation degree (Post-Doctorate) at the University of Ilmenau, Germany, in 1998. Before he got the Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Siegen he was visiting scholar at Florida State university and from 2003 at LMM (Lab for Micromechanics- Prof. Garmestani) Georgia Institute of Technology. Since 2004, he is in Siegen. He was Visiting Scholar with Professor Zadeh father of Fuzzy Logic at U.C. Berkeley dept. of EECS joined the BISC (Berkeley Initiative of Soft Computing) from Sep/2012 to Sept/2013. As head of KBS lead a large of different academic team of researchers and educators which has, thus far, resulted in over 60 theses His research interests are focused on Knowledge Based System(KBS), knowledge management and their applications in medicine and engineering, knowledge transfer, organizational learning, and knowledge discovery from text (KDT).
He is the editor of "Integration of Practice-Oriented Knowledge Technology" (2013) and "Integrated Systems, Design and Technology" (2011) published by Springer, as well as two text and five edited books. He, with his students, has published with more than 270 publications including 30 Journal publications, and obtained four paper awards. He got the European Award Cute-prize 2015. He is a senior member of IEEE as well as member of editorial board of five respective journals. He is the founder of Alzheimer Knowledge Platform www.Alwip.de.

Prof. Qishi Wu

New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Director of the Center for Big Data at NJIT

Qishi Wu is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the Director of the Center for Big Data at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). He joined NJIT in fall 2015 from the University of Memphis, where he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science. His research interests include big data, high-performance networking, parallel and distributed computing, sensor networks, scientific visualization, and cyber security. His research in networking develops fast and reliable data transfer solutions to help users in a wide spectrum of scientific domains move big data over long distances for collaborative data analytics. His research in computing develops high-performance workflow solutions to manage the execution of and optimize the performance of large-scale scientific workflows in heterogeneous computing environments. Dr. Wu’s work has been supported by various funding agencies, including the U.S. National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, Office of Naval Research, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he is a research staff and works on a number of high-performance networking projects and big-data computational science projects. He has published over 220 research articles in highly reputed conference proceedings, journals, and books, and won best paper awards at many conferences.

Prof. Eric Tsui

Professor and Director, Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Eric Tsui had spent 16 years in industry with Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) in Australia taking on various capacities including Chief Research Officer and Innovation Manager. During this period, he has made significant contributions to the company’s expert systems products, applied research and innovation programmes.
He joined PolyU in 2005. His speciality areas are Knowledge technologies including Search Engines, Portals, Personal Knowledge Management, Personal Learning Environments, and Knowledge Cloud services.
Professor Tsui is also an honorary advisor of KM to three Hong Kong government departments. In the past decade, he has supervised or involved in more than 200 KM projects in Hong Kong, Asia and Australia.
In 2014 and 2018, he twice received the Global Knowledge Management Leadership Award. With a strong passion in Teaching and Learning, he has also received many awards in his career. He is a KM/CoP honorary advisor to three departments in the HKSARG.
Since August 2015, he has designed and launched two MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) -"Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business" and "Industry 4.0: How to revolutionalise your business?" on the MIT edX platform. Together, they have attracted more than 77,000 enrolments and one of them is rated as Top 7 Business MOOCs worldwide (Source: Canadian Business, April, 2018).

Dr. Vishnupriya Sengupta

Director, PwC India

Dr. Vishnupriya Sengupta leads both the Knowledge Management and Internal Communications work streams for PwC India’s Advisory line of service, the largest practice within the PwC India firm. With business transformation at the core, strategising and managing change, driving collaboration, efficiency and productivity have been integral to these dual functions.
As Advisory India knowledge leader, Dr. Sengupta has contributed towards developing, consolidating and integrating the firm’s core intellectual capital with its business strategies. Her areas of expertise include: knowledge strategy development; creating and leading knowledge management initiatives; managing intellectual capital portfolios; and creating a culture for organisational knowledge sharing and collaboration.
As communications leader, disseminating knowledge to initiate change aligned to the firm’s vision and enable profitable growth has been her primary area of responsibility. On a secondment in Germany in a cross-border communications role, she handled multiple stakeholders in five European countries.
Research being her forte, as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Milan, Italy, Dr Sengupta has worked on borders and identities. As a corporate professional, she has delved into transactional and transformational knowledge, the impact of knowledge management in global enterprises, and the use and abuse of messaging tools.
Dr. Sengupta has travelled widely the world over on work and to deliver talks at international seminars held in the US, UK, Spain, Italy, Poland and India. Several of her papers have been published in academic journals and business publications both in India and abroad. She won the Recognise 2016 PwC award in recognition of her individual contribution to the firm’s brand image, and an award from PwC Global for securing the second position in a Global Contest organised by PwC Global and CNBC.

Dr. Xia Zhang

SVP, CTO & CKO of Neusoft Corporation

Dr. Xia Zhang is senior vice president, chief technology officer and chief knowledge officer at Neusoft responsible for corporate R&D management, technology development and knowledge management . She is director of State Key Laboratory of Software Architecture (Neusoft Corporation).
Dr.Zhang's experience covers her long-term dedication in the research, development and industrialization of software technology and products. Under her leadership, OpenBASE Database Management System, UniEAP business foundation platform for enterprise applications, Mobile Internet middleware solutions, Knowledge management and Human capital management solutions, XiKang health management cloud services,SaCa cloud application platform, Smart connected automotive digital platform, as well as RealSight big data advanced analytics application platform were developed. She initiated the innovation, technology development and knowledge management program at Neusoft, enabling continuous improvement of the competitiveness of products and technologies. The outcomes of forward-looking R&D initiatives became the major forces for the company's business growth and transformation. In 2012, the company acquired the Asia MAKE (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise) award.
Joining Neusoft in 1993, Dr. Zhang held several positions, including Director of Database System Department, Director of Software Product Division, Neu-Alpine Software Co., Ltd., Director of Software R&D Center, Neusoft Group, and President of Neusoft Middleware Technologies Company, VP & CKO of Neusoft Group. She also serves as a professor, doctoral advisor of Northeastern University.
Dr. Zhang received her doctorate degree in computer applications from Northeastern University in 1994.

Dr. Qinghai Wu

Founder & CEO of SunXZ Network Ltd.

Dr. Qinghai Wu is founder & CEO of SunXZ Network Ltd., member of China National Standardization Technical Committee of Knowledge Management, and deputy editor in chief of "Knowledge Management Forum" magazine. He has long been engaged in research, counselling and field work in the areas of enterprise management and Information Technology, such as Knowledge Management and Innovation, Sustainable City Assessment and Development, Enterprise Business and Application Architecture, Business Process Improvement and IT application, etc.
Dr. Wu, once served as CKO of COFCO Nutrition and Health Research Institute and Senior Key Experts of Siemens China. Led by Dr. Wu, Siemens China successfully won 2011 & 2012 China MAKE (Most Admire Knowledge Enterprise) Award and Asian MAKE Award. In 2015, COFCO Nutrition and Health Research Institute won 2015 China MAKE Award, Asian MAKE Award and Global IOU MAKE Award.

Dr. Lihua Xiao

Vice President of Alibaba Group, CEO Assistant

Dr. Lihua Xiao, the Vice President of Alibaba Group, CEO Assistant, PhD of management in Chinese Academy of Sciences, Top Ten CIO Leaders in China Informatization. He currently serves as Vice President of Alibaba Group and CEO Assistant. Previously, he was Vice President of Xtep Group, General Manager of Xtep E-Commerce, COO, CIO, Supply Chain Director, ZARA Project Director, Executive Vice President, CTO & Deputy CIO of Youngor Group Information Center, Member of the Expert Committee of Beijing Information Industry Association, and the star of China Blogger. China Management Communication Network and China Manufacturing Information Portal, and other contributing writer, a number of companies engaged in external management consulting and information construction consultants. PhD of management in Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2005 China Manufacturing Informatization Outstanding CIO, IT168 Informatization Expert Committee, Chinese CIO Private Alliance Council Member, Blog Star of Blog China, China Management Communication Network & China Manufacturing Informatization Portal, and many other contributing writer A number of corporate management consultants and information construction consultants; won many national, provincial and municipal awards

Dr. Jinghua Xia

Vice President of Shenzhen Landray Software Co.,Ltd, Dean of Landray Research Institute

The main advocates and promoters of knowledge management in China, China's national standards for knowledge management are mainly involved in the formulation.Has a long track record of research, consulting and training in enterprise management and informatization, with extensive knowledge and experience in knowledge management, process management, IT planning, and innovative application of AI. His research and practical experience have been formed into dozens of theoretical articles and published in national core journals. As a special contributor, there are many special articles published in well-known media such as "21st Century Business Herald" and "China Europe Business Review". He is the author of "knowledge management", "knowledge survival - knowledge management methodology", "leading enterprise informatization CIO work handbook", "creating intelligent work" and other monographs.
Familiar with the latest concepts and methods of knowledge management in the world. He has conducted trainings in knowledge management, process management, IT and portal planning for many companies, and has been invited to participate in various high-level forums and summits to deliver keynote speeches. He provides training, consulting and counseling for knowledge management, knowledge organization change, knowledge transfer and other fields for hundreds of companies. It is an EMBA/MBA/CIO class at Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Tongji University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and other universities. Special lecturer.
  As a major expert, actively promote the selection of MAKE CHINA (China's most respected knowledge organization), and provide MAKE benchmark training and counseling to many domestic famous enterprises.

Yonghua Jin

General Manager of Shanghai Megalink Software Technology Co.,Ltd.
Vice chairman of China Technical Communication Alliance

An expert of enterprise informationization with over 17 years of software development and project implementation experience, has worked for PTC as a client Director in Global Service department. And good business performance in business development and project management. Meanwhile, a broad and deep understanding of the business areas, such as automotive, motorcycle, heavy machinery, electronic high-tech, retail, publishing and other industries. In addition having profound theoretical knowledge and rich practical experiences in the product lifecycle management (PLM), service lifecycle management (SLM), product compliance management, IoT and other fields. A profound understanding of technology transfer and structured information technology, as well as promote the founding of the China Technology Transfer Alliance and the post of vice chairman to lead the development of enterprise technical information management from unstructured to structured, so that improves enterprise technical information management level of the compliance, consistency and easiness.
