Technical Seminar on "Digitalization and Quality Management"
November 28, 2020
Online and CF401 for webinar recording
The IET Hong Kong – Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Section (MIES)
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong Society of Quality (HKSQ)
MILES Alumni Association Limited, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Quality management is the act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to ensure that an organization, product or service is consistently delivering value to customers. It consists of establishing and implementing the processes of quality planning, quality control and assurance, as well as quality improvement. Quality management helps companies to achieve sustainable performance excellence. Digitalization brings new challenges and opportunities to quality management. This seminar has invited experts to share their professional knowledge in digitalization and quality management with applications.

Opening ceremony of the IET-PolyU Mentorship programme 2020
November 13, 2020
Online and FJ404 for zoom recording
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
PolyU-IET Mentorship Programme 2020/21 was organized by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). The commencement of the programme was held through Zoom on 13 November 2020. Total of 10 mentors who have over 10 years of working experience from a wide range of discipline and 38 students have joined the event. The mentorship programme aims to provide students with access to an experienced professional who can provide practical advice and guidance on students' readiness to enter the workplace. Under the programme, students can widen their exposure to different career paths and options. It facilitates students’ personal and professional development.

CA Paper Award Competition 2019/20 – Postgraduate level
October 24, 2020
James Chiu Room – 9/F
HKIE Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division
The Institute of Measurement and Control, Hong Kong Section
To promote the Control, Automation & Instrumentation technologies and to encourage young/ potential engineers and technologists presenting their innovative ideas; congratulations to Dr. Huo Yunzhang and Mr. Tong Chi Fung won the Champion at this competition. The awarded paper is titled as "Trust Model with Risk Perception towards Industrial Collaborative Robot in Smart Manufacturing" which is supervised by Dr. Carman Lee.

Technical Seminar on "Digital Transformation for Smart Manufacturer and Logistics Service Provider"
August 01, 2020
The IET Hong Kong – Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Section (MIES)
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MILES Alumni Association Limited, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
In recent year, Network capabilities of 5G accelerate the implementation of Industry 4.0, IoT, machine learning and data analytics which urge the changes in industries. Both manufacturer and logistics service provider are facing fierce competitions and challenges. With rapid technology development, industries move forward to the era of digital transformation and makes revolution in product and process innovation. Digital transformation could provide more data-based insights and help optimize the operation and collaboration across departments with better customer experience. To share the professional knowledge and inspire transformation in industries, this seminar has invited experts to share their successful stories in both manufacturing and logistics industry using different technologies and concepts such as Digital twins, Cyber Physical System and Data Analytics etc.