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Expense Payment System

The Expense Payment System (EPS) is a one-stop platform for the submission, approval and progress tracking of all expense claims, such as:

  • Direct Purchase & Direct Payment
  • Departmental Retreat
  • Official Meal and Working Meal
  • Team-building Social Function

EPS has been launched for pilot use at selected units since December 2021 and it is planned to be launched to all departments / units by the end of March 2022. Along the full launch, it will also be enabled in the PolyU Staff Mobile App* to provide easy access.

*To install the PolyU Staff Mobile App, click here


003-EPS-01_2nd rev


Major Features

  • Mobile capture of receipt image
    Attaching the receipt has never been so easy. Just use your mobile to fill in the claim information and use the mobile camera to capture the receipt image directly and submit all information in one go.



  • Online submission and approval with transparency
    Gone the day of paper circulation among claimants, endorsers, approvers and the Finance Office. Using EPS, everyone has transparency on status of claims with system reminders for pending action.



  • Delegation for input and approval
    Claiming party can seek other’s assistance to input the claim on his/her behalf while doing the submission upon confirmation. As an approver, he/she may also assign a delegate to approve expense claims on his/her behalf as well.



  • Fund checking and commitment
    Fund checking and commitment is carried out to secure funding. Approver will be alerted when the charging account is lack of funding for the amount claimed.

  • Exchange rate conversion
    No hassles on the foreign currency payments. The system applies the exchange rate conversion automatically based on the receipt date.




  • Timely reimbursement
    Once an expense claim is approved on the system, it goes to the FO process queue instantly. With built-in validation in the prior processes, the payment process can be completed in a more efficient manner.


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