From Land Information Networks to Digital Earth: Evolving Technologies and Changing Expectations

17 Apr 2025
Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Geomatics
10:30 - 11:30
Y304 Map
Prof. David COLEMAN
Mr Jimmy Kwan (852) 2766 4350
Moderator: Prof. Xintao LIU, LSGI
From the late 1960’s, geospatial researchers and professionals have been challenged with defining, creating, managing and enhancing the geospatial infrastructures in support of land administration, facilities and natural resources management, planning, emergency response, and national defence. As a profession, while we have enjoyed many international successes, we have also missed opportunities and learned important lessons at pour own expense. This presentation will describe the development of geospatial information infrastructures since the 1980s. It will focus in particular on how the expectations of this infrastructure have evolved over time — and how that evolution has affected both the nature and demands of our own profession.
Keynote Speaker
Dr. David Coleman, P.Eng., is a retired Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering (GGE) at the University of New Brunswick (UNB). He spent 15 years in the Canadian geomatics industry as a project surveyor and engineer, then as an executive with one of Canada's largest digital mapping firms, and later as a partner in a land information management consulting firm. A past Chair of the GGE Department and also a past Dean of UNB's Faculty of Engineering, David has authored over 150 publications and reports dealing with land information policy development, geomatics operations management, geographic information standards and geospatial data infrastructure. He is currently a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and Engineers Canada.