Development of a Monitoring System for Power Cable Tunnels with Optic Fiber Sensors

21 Mar 2023
Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI) and Alumni Association (LSGIAA)
18:30 - 20:00
HJ304 Map
Prof. Yong-Qi Chen
Ms Anna Choi 3400 8158
All are welcome. Deadline for registration: 19 March 2023 (For campus access registration)
The presentation gives a short discussion on the features of a power cable tunnel compared with traffic tunnels, the difficulties with the existing monitoring techniques, fiber optic sensors, and the system development for a real project.
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Chen first joined the University in January 1994 as Head of Department of LSGI, and Chair Professor of Land Surveying. He had been both Chair Professor and Department Head for fourteen years until June 2008. With him at the helm, LSGI achieved exponential growth to become a leading academic department in the field of geomatics. Prof. Chen’s eminence is built on his expertise in a wide range of research subjects. These include deformation surveys, satellite positioning and navigation, survey data processing and analysis, applications of high-resolution satellite images, intelligent transport information systems (ITS), hydrographic surveying, and lunar mapping. He has to his name seven books and over 350 academic papers. One of his landmark works, Analysis of Deformation Measurements, has been regarded as a “bible” in the field, while another one, Engineering Surveying, is widely used as a standard textbook in Chinese universities. In his dedication to research, Prof. Chen never tires of initiating and heading new programmes such as the areas of ITS and lunar mapping. Prof. Chen was invited to be a member of the Expert Committee for Scientific Applications of the Chang’E-1 Mission. LSGI was one of a few geomatics departments in the world to have direct access to the lunar mapping data collected by the Chang’E mission. Prof. Chen’s accomplishments have been internationally held in high esteem. He was elected the Engineering Survey Commission Vice-Chairman (1991-1994), and Chairman (1994-1998) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG). He is the editor of a number of academic journals. He has also been elected as fellow of local, national and international professional bodies in the field. In 2003, he was named the “father of modern deformation analysis” by the Canadian Center for Geodetic Engineering. The innumerable awards he received over the years included one from the State Council of China for his contributions to Chinese higher education. He currently serves as Honorary/Advisory Professors of many universities and research institutes.