Research Seminar: Mapping under LLM: Two Hierarchical Solutions

15 Mar 2024
Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics
11:00 - 12:00
Z414 Map
Prof. Tinghua AI
Ms Stephanie Cheung (852) 3400 3662
Cartography includes tasks of map making and map applications. Both have deep associations with Artificial Intelligence either in judgement decision or generation decision (AIGC). The Large Language Model, as a powerful deep learning technology, has driven the development of cartography in multiple impacts. Based on some practical works, this presentation will discuss the question LLM+Mapping from two hierarchical perspectives. One is using matured LLM tool, such as ChatGPT, builds extended mapping technology. The geo-text process supported by ChatGPT is inserted into mapping system to conduct mapping task understanding, text data extraction and annotation matching. Some intelligent map generation based on text automatic understanding has been realized by experiments. The second is developing some generation tool using map data and AIGC model, including by GAN to generate hill-shading map transferring cartographer’s experience, by GCN model to conduct map pattern recognition, and others. Two hierarchical solutions play different roles in settling question LLM+Mapping to drive cartography development.
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Tinghua AI
Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University
Tinghua AI is now a professor in Cartography and GIS at Wuhan University. His research interests include map generalization, application of AI in cartography and spatial data visualization. His special focus is on the combination of geometric construction model and deep learning network to examine questions such as map cognition and scale transformation. He has published more than 100 papers in cartography and GIS domain. He used to lead a team developing a generalization system DoMap which was widely applied in map production in China, including the large engineering project the update of 1:50,000 map from 1:10,000 map by generalization and the land-use data generalization.