The Awards Presentation Ceremony of “Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Data Forum cum Open Data Challenge 2023” (Open Data Challenge) was held in Shanghai on 14 August. In order to foster the advancement of Innovation and Technology (I&T) in both Hong Kong and Shanghai, this initiative aimed to inspire participants to develop applications utilizing open data. Participating teams had the opportunity to construct their project content based on four themes: Smart Mobility, Smart Living, Smart Environment, and Smart Economy.
We are glad to share that Micro Dimension Technology Limited, directed by Yaxin LI, a LSGI alumni, won the Best Smart Mobility Award in the mentioned competition. Their project "Barometer Assisted Smartphone Localization for Vehicle Navigation in Multilayer Road Networks" (基於智能手機氣壓計對多層路網的道路精準定位) utilizes barometric pressure sensors inside smartphones, combined with open data such as urban 3D models, to reduce positioning errors in navigation systems within multi-level road networks.
Congratulations to our alumni Yaxin LI!