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LSGI holds smart city competitions for secondary school students

The Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) holds an Innovative for Smart City Competition for senior secondary school students in 2023. A seminar for introduction of smart city development in Hong Kong was held on 17 Dec 2022 (Sat) at PolyU. It is a great honor to invite three representatives from different government departments to share the latest development with the audience. Secondary school teachers and students from different schools joined the seminar and raise their questions on competition.   Topic and speakers of the seminar: Overview of Smart City Blueprint 2.0 by Ms. Cari WU Chief Systems Manager (Smart City), Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, HKSAR Government Smart Mobility Development in Hong Kong by Ir Mr. Clarence CHENG Chief Engineer/Smart Mobility, Transport Department, HKSAR Government 3D Digital Map for Smart City Development by Mr. CHEUNG Wing-kai, Alvin Senior Land Surveyor, Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department, HKSAR Government Towards Future Smart Cities by Professor John Wen-zhong SHI Chair Professor, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, Director, Otto Poon C. F. Smart Cities Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   Group in 3 to 4 students in secondary 3 to 6 with a supervising teacher are welcome to join the competition. The initial topic submission should be submitted by 13th Jan 2023 with topic, category and description. The judging panel will give some comment on students’ submissions by end Feb, students can then further develop their idea and prepare their final submission, a powerpoint file with no more than 10 slides and 5 min supporting video. Finalist teams will be invited to give presentation by Jun 2023. The winning team, including a teaching, can join the smart city study tour to Singapore in 2023. Don’t miss the chance to share your innovative idea.   More details: Innovation for Smart City Competition

19 Dec, 2022



International Graduate Workshop on Geoinformatics 2022

The International Graduate Workshop on Geoinformatics 2022 was successfully held online on December 5-6. IGWG 2022 was hosted by the Department of Land Surveying and Geoinformatics (LSGI), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and co-organized by the Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (IRSGIS), Peking University, and the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Survey, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University. Thanks to the enthusiastic support and active engagement of staff, students and researchers, the number of participants in the VooV meeting and live streaming platform has surpassed 10,000 times. Prof. LIU Zhizhao (Associate Head of LSGI) hosted the opening ceremony of IGWG 2022 and introduced the distinguished participants. Then Prof. CHEN Wu (Head of LSGI) offered the welcome address for the workshop, followed by the guest address delivered by Prof. HUANG Zhou (Vice Director of IRSGIS) and Prof. WU Huayi (Vice Director of LIESMARS). Dr. Bridget Scanlon, a Senior Research Scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, kicked off the workshop with an excellent keynote address. The workshop consisted of seven sessions, and a total of 56 research graduate students did wonderful sharing. Moreover, the research students involved in many in-depth discussions with senior professors and young faculty representatives in geoscience area. There are lots of fruitful interactions with the audience in the Q&A part. During the round table session, outstanding student representatives and excellent young faculty representatives deeply discussed cutting-edge science questions and shared their research experiences. Next, Prof. CHEN Wu delivered a concluding address and presented awards to the outstanding presenters of the workshop at the closing ceremony. Finally, Prof. LIU Zhizhao declared the successful close of IGWG2022 and thanked all the faculty and students for their participation.

12 Dec, 2022


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LSGI funded by ITF for technology promotion on unfolding the lost WWII heritage in HK

How many WWII heritage and brave stories are still hidden and buried in Hong Kong’s forests and natural terrain? Wartime heritages and histories are whittled away elsewhere but innovative geo-spatial and geophysical technologies can unfold and sustain their legacy. Ir Dr. Wallace Lai and Dr. Yan Wai Yeung from LSGI have obtained a $4.75M Innovation Technology Fund (ITF) to develop and promote airborne and terrestrial geo-spatial/geophysical technologies as a means on baseline assessment on wartime archaeology and subsequent historical interpretation. Other team members of the ITF project include historians, archaeologists, forensic anthropologists, geologists, and geomorphologist from Hong Kong Baptist University, The University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The 2-year project "Unfolding the lost WWII heritage: promotion of geo-spatial and geophysical technologies" will start in Jan 2023. It is supported by five Government departments/bureau (AFCD, LandsD, WSD, CEDD and CSTB), and an industrial in-kind sponsor Camptopia, a campsite in Fanling which will provide venue for the Art-Tech exhibition "Lest we forget: The 80th Anniversary of WWII in HK reconstructed by Art-Tech". Through a variety of public engagement activities, we look forward to the development and promotion of the technologies to be blended in an holistic Art-Tech approach for historical interpretation, heritage conservation & tourism, and STEAM education.

8 Dec, 2022



Advanced Urban Remote Sensing Workshop Successfully Held

From Dec 3rd to 4th, 2022, an international conference, Advanced Urban Remote Sensing Workshop (AURSW), was successfully held at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). The workshop was co-chaired by Professor Peng GONG, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) of HKU, and Professor Qihao WENG, Chair Professor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). The workshop demonstrated the state of the art of urban remote sensing techniques, methods, applications, and its implication for sustainable development. Ir Professor Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU, Chair Professor of Thermal and Environmental Engineering, and Director of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT), attended the workshop and gave an opening speech on behalf of PolyU. As conference co-chair, Prof. Weng Qihao, a Chair Professor of Geomatics and Artificial Intelligence at Dept of LSGI, and Director of JC STEM Lab of Earth Observations at PolyU was invited to give a keynote lecture on “Three Decades of Urban Remote Sensing in Perspective”. Prof. Weng also introduced to the audience the newly founded IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Hong Kong Chapter, in which he serves as the Chair. Researchers and students from PolyU, HKU, CUHK, CityU, HKBU and HKUST and other organizations have joined this chapter. The workshop was conducted in a hybrid mode. It consists of one and a half day’s workshop and a half-day field trip. Nearly 30 LSGI academic staff, research staff, and students participated in the workshop actively. Prof. Wu Chen (Head of LSGI), Prof. Xiaoli Ding (Director of Research Institute of Land and Space), and Prof. John WZ Shi (Director of Smart Cities Research Institute) attended the workshop. Prof. Xiaoli Zhu, Associate Professor, gave a talk on Remote sensing image fusion for urban environment monitoring. Member of JC STEM Lab of Earth Observations, Dr. Cheolhee Yoo (Research Assistant Professor), gave a talk titled Industrial and Non-Industrial Urban Land Expansion: An examination of the complex relationship between economic growth and carbon emissions. PhD student Jiafei Xu talked on Enhanced all-weather precipitable water vapor retrieval from MODIS near infrared bands based on machine learning. The workshop attracted top urban remote sensing experts from USA, Europe, and China, and brought together researchers from academic institutions and end users from the industry for a comprehensive discussion on the newest research in the field of remote sensing after the three years of the pandemic. Young researchers and students were involved in many in-depth discussions with senior researchers in the urban remote sensing field.

5 Dec, 2022


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PolyU and Hong Kong Space Museum collaborate on “Moon | Mars VR” interactive exhibit, simulating a spacewalking journey for visitors

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has collaborated with the Hong Kong Space Museum to showcase an interactive exhibit “Moon | Mars VR”, starting today for one year. The virtual reality exhibit, powered by PolyU’s cutting-edge technology that assists the Nation’s space missions, allows the public to experience spacewalking and explore the landing sites of Chang’e-4 and Tianwen-1 spacecrafts on the Moon and Mars. The launch ceremony was held today at the Museum. The VR exhibit makes use of data provided by the relevant space agencies of China and the PolyU research team led by Professor WU Bo, Fiona Cheung Professor in Spatial Science, Associate Director of Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations and Associate Head of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, to create a virtual reality environment of the landing sites on the Moon and Mars, allowing visitors to virtually experience spacewalking on the two celestial bodies. Invited by the China National Space Administration, this VR system was also recently showcased at the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition held at Zhuhai and enthusiastically received by audience. The launch ceremony today was officiated by Prof. Wu Bo and the Curator of the Hong Kong Space Museum Mr Timothy HO Man Hung. Prof. Wu is the developer of the innovative 3D topographic mapping and intelligent geomorphological analysis techniques which contributed to landing site mapping and selection for China’s Chang’e-3, Chang’e-4, and Chang’e-5 lunar missions, as well as the Tianwen-1 mission to Mars. Tying in with the theme of the exhibit, Prof. Wu was also invited to deliver a public lecture titled “Space Exploration: A Journey to the Heavenly Questions”, discussing recent space missions by China and other countries exploring the Moon and Mars, and introducing the application of topographic mapping, remote sensing, artificial intelligence and other technologies in support of these space exploration missions. Prof. Wu also discussed the prospects for further space exploration and education with the audience. Prof. Wu said, “As the only Hong Kong institution contributing to the Nation’s astronautical projects, PolyU has been deeply involved in China’s lunar and Mars missions. We are pleased to collaborate with the Hong Kong Space Museum in showcasing this exhibit, inviting the public to experience some of the scientific research achievements of PolyU and the Nations’ space exploration accomplishments over the years. Looking forward, it is hoped that more events and exhibitions with a focus on space technology can be held to promote greater awareness and interest among the public and young people.” To further contribute to the development of China's aerospace technology, PolyU has established the “Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations”, and also signed a cooperation agreement with the Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology in China to establish the “Joint Research Centre of Advanced Aerospace Propulsion Technology”. The University fully supports the selection of payload specialists in Hong Kong for China’s manned space programme, and previously held a seminar on campus to encourage outstanding young scholars to apply. PolyU will continue to realise our vision to benefit the Nation and Hong Kong by nurturing talents and pursuing cutting-edge scientific research. The “Moon | Mars VR” exhibit is jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and PolyU, and jointly organised by the Hong Kong Space Museum and the Planetary Remote Sensing Laboratory of PolyU’s Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations, and supported by the China National Space Administration’s Information Office. For more information, please visit the museum website at: .   Related media coverages: 太空館VR展 體驗探月登火星 (3 Dec 2022 Oriental Daily) 太空館推虛擬實境互動展品 10元門票體驗穿梭月球火星 展期一年 (3 Dec 2022 CableTV)

3 Dec, 2022



LSGI PhD Student Achieves Excellence in 2022 Young Scientist Award

LSGI PhD student Ms QING Yamin (3rd year), under supervision of Dr WANG Shuo, achieved excellence in the prestigious 2022 Young Scientist Award in Physical/ Mathematical Science (YS Award) with HK$5,000 cash prize, conferred by the Hong Kong Institution of Science in Dec 2022. The Hong Kong Institution of Science (HKIS) was established in 1992 to foster the development of science in Hong Kong and to facilitate the development of links with scientific communities in the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and overseas. The YS Awards are annually open to all postgraduate research students in any of the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. Award selection is based on evidence of research excellence in science or technology and the potential to become a good scientist or engineer. A winner and an honorable mention are selected in each of the following fields: i) Physical/Mathematical science; ii) Life science; and iii) Engineering science. The awards are highly competitive this year and many of shortlisted candidates have published Nature/Science papers as the first author. Congratulations to Ms Qing!

3 Dec, 2022


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LSGI scholar interviewed by Ming Pao JUMP

Ir Dr Wallace Lai, Associate Head (Teaching) and Associate Professor of LSGI, was interviewed by Ming Pao JUMP in Nov 2022 for the state-of-the-art technologies and geospatial applications in the land surveying industry. Dr Lai shares examples of the latest development of Geo-spatial technology integrated with application of Land Surveying, e.g. COVID-19 dashboard, mobile navigation and real time tracking of transportation, etc. Indeed, the "Master of Science in Geomatics (GIS/Surveying)" offered by LSGI equips students with the theoretical understanding and applications including  constructing 3D model, satellite navigation, UAV photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial data visualization and modeling.  Full version of Interview can be found here.

2 Dec, 2022



LSGI students actively participated in investment competitions and made a mark

LSGI students participated in the 7th Joint University Investment Game (“JUIG”) 2022 organized by Chief Securities between 3 October and 31 October, 2022. Roman Tin Chi Wong, a 3rd year BSc student of LSGI, received the Warrants Cup Champion and ranked 5th in terms of the top 100 performance with HK$5,000 cash prize. Wood Chun Hei Tam, also a 3rd year LSGI BSc student, received an overall ranking of 59 under the top 100 performance. The JUIG was launched in the form of online investment since 2016. Through the game, students from colleges and universities in different regions can learn and apply their investment strategies in virtual but “real” investment environment. JPMorgan Chase, CSOP Asset Management, ViewTrade, Hong Kong Economic Times and ETNet are the main sponsors of this year. The past JUIGs have attracted more than 7,000 participants from 14 universities and colleges and have received continuous support from many institutions and product issuers, including but not limited to: Hong Kong Stock Exchange, BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs, Nikko Asset Management, Mirae Asset Global Investment, Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, CPA Australia, Hang Seng Indexes Limited etc. Competition website: Overall ranking:   Indeed, both Roman and Wood, together with another two BSc students, Hugo Kwok Wai Kwan and Patrick Ka Lok Chan, participated in the Yahoo Finance Youth Program 2021 and 2022, and the team received second runner-up with HK$5,000 cash prize and fifteen in overall ranking, respectively. Every year, the Yahoo Finance Youth Program provides platforms and opportunities for young investors to understand the operation of financial market and develop their investment skills via the virtual investment programme. The top three teams with greatest net income during the investment period will receive award and prize. Website:

1 Dec, 2022



28th Congregation - LSGI session

On 16 Nov 2022, the 28th Congregation for Faculty of Construction and Environment – LSGI session was conducted at the Jockey Club Auditorium in hybrid mode. We are glad to invite Mr Kelvin Lo JP, Director of Water Supplies Department, HKSAR Government, as the Guest of Honour to the congregation and share the memorable moment with our graduates. This year, we have 99, 4, 60 and 41 graduates from master’s degree, postgraduate diploma, bachelor’s degree and higher diploma respectively. Ms Mao Hoi Ching Jacqueline, graduate of Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics gave the valedictory speech to give the heartfelt thanks to all support and care during the study on behalf of the graduates. Congratulations to the Class of 2022!

17 Nov, 2022


221107 most-cited scientists

LSGI Scholars ranked among world's top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University

Two Chair Professors from LSGI, Prof. John Wenzhong SHI and Prof. Qihao WENG, were ranked as the world’s top 2% most-cited scientists in the field of Geological and Geomatics Engineering according to the 2022 release by Stanford University. The database categorized scientists into 22 subject fields and 176 sub-fields. It has taken their research publications into consideration, including information on citations, individual’s scientific research output, co-authorship and a composite indicator for career-long citation impact up to the end of 2021. Congratulations to Prof. Shi and Prof. Weng!

7 Nov, 2022


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