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LSGI scholar provides Mars landing site mapping and evaluation

Two research teams at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) contributed to the Nation’s first Mars exploration project Tianwen-1. By harnessing their extensive experience in the field of aerospace science and technology, as well as their commitment to research excellence, PolyU researchers played a vital role in the Tianwen-1 mission, in collaboration with the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST). Professor WU Bo helped identify possible landing regions with advanced topographic mapping and geomorphological analysis technologies. Professor YUNG Kai-leung developed a sophisticated space instrument, the “Mars Landing Surveillance Camera (Mars Camera)”, for capturing images of the surroundings of the Red Planet and monitoring the status of the Zhurong Mars rover. 

21 May, 2021


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Press sharing on LSGI smart cities related research

On 26 April, a press conference was conducted at PolyU by Prof. John Shi, Chair Professor of LSGI and Director of Smart Cities Research Institute to share a number of cutting-edge patented technologies and research by his research group. These projects help address various societal issues, including the revitalisation of old buildings, slope safety, prevention and control of the COVID19 pandemic, and the construction of spatial data infrastructure, hoping to provide comprehensive solutions for smart city development in Hong Kong and the Nation.

27 Apr, 2021



LSGI project received Silver Medal in Geneva Inventions Expo 2021

A press conference on awarded projects at this year’s Special Edition 2021 Invention Geneva Evaluation Days - Virtual Event was held at office of Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) on 22 April. The Silver Medal project “Seamless Navigation in Urban Environment” led by Prof. Wu Chen, Head of LSGI, was introduced in the event.

23 Apr, 2021



LSGI Scholars Publish the Book Urban Informatics

The new book entitled Urban Informatics has been edited by Prof. Wenzhong Shi (Chair Professor of LSGI), Prof. Michael Goodchild (University of California, Santa Barbara), Prof. Michael Batty (University College London), Prof. Mei-Po Kwan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Dr. Anshu Zhang (Research Assistant Professor of LSGI), was published on 8 April 2021. This is open access and a milestone book which systematically introduces the principles of emerging urban informatics and its wide applications in enabling cities to function more efficiently and equitably, to become ‘smart’ and ‘sustainable’.

12 Apr, 2021


LSGI scholars ranked as the world’s top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University

We are glad to share that four academic staff from LSGI are listed among the top 2 % scientists in the world according to a report by Stanford University in early 2021. The listed LSGI scholars are: Prof. John Shi, Chair Professor of LSGI and Director of SCRI, Prof. Zhilin Li, Adjunct Professor of LSGI, Dr. Xiaolin Zhu, Assistant Professor of LSGI, and Dr. Peng Jia, Assistant Professor of LSGI.   

7 Apr, 2021



25th & 26th Congregations

The 26th Congregation and the 25th Congregation Make-up sessions were held for the Faculty of Construction and Environment online on 27 March 2021, celebrating the accomplishments of our graduates. Prof. Xiangdong Li, Dean of FCE, presided over the congregation and gave an encouraging address to the graduating classes. In the face of the pandemic, our graduates had to overcome various difficulties in pursuing their studies. Their determination and hard work have culminated in a degree/ diploma, which will set them apart for the rest of their lives. May they fully live up to the university’s motto of “to learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind” and remain in touch with their alma mater for many years to come.

28 Mar, 2021



Sharing on HKIS PASS Conference

On 27 March 2021, Prof. Wu CHEN, Head of Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) was invited to give a talk on “Smart City Talent” in the webinar of HKIS PASS Conference: Evolving Professional Surveying Services in Smart City. Moderating the session was Sr Dr Charles Wong, Associate Head (Academic) and Associate Professor of LSGI. 

27 Mar, 2021



LSGI scholars excel at Geneva Inventions Expo

In a special virtual edition of the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, the Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days were held from 10 to 14 March 2021. Gold Medals have been awarded to Prof. John Wenzhong Shi and Dr Charles Man-sing Wong of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) for their smart city platform and smart monitoring system for urban tree management respectively. Project “Seamless Navigation in Urban Environment” led by Prof. Wu Chen, Head of LSGI, and funded by Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM), received the Silver Medal. They were among the seven PolyU awardees and projects honoured at the virtual event.   

23 Mar, 2021



Non-destructive diagnostics for underground utilities

We all take it for granted. We turn on the tap and expect clean water to come out. We flip a light switch and expect the bulb to glow. It all happens as a matter of course and few of us ever wonder how water, electricity, gas and broadband internet are made available to our home. Our city is built upon an intricate network of utility pipes and cables underground. Their proper maintenance and timely repair in case of failure are vital to, not only our comfort, but also our life. However, as such network is buried underground, it’s not always easy to locate where exactly the problem lies, leading to delays and futile efforts.  In this regard, Ir Dr Wallace Wai-lok Lai, Associate Professor of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics and the department’s BSc programme leader, works with a research team to envision the unseeable, garnering expertise in 3D mapping and surveying of subterranean utilities network. Not only do they contribute in locating leaks, bursts or voids with various cutting-edge technologies, but they also developed industry standards, criteria for screening service providers, and an accreditation system for related practitioners.  

26 Feb, 2021


LSGI scholar Dr. George Liu invited to serve as Associate Editor-in-Chief for the “Journal of Global Positioning Systems”

Recently Dr. George Liu of LSGI was invited to serve as Associate Editor-in-Chief for the “Journal of Global Positioning Systems.” The “Journal of Global Positioning Systems (JGPS)”, founded in 2002, is the only official journal published by the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Positioning Systems (CPGPS). The journal publishes high quality papers in all the aspects of research and applications of Global Positioning System (GPS) / Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and all the submissions have to undergo a highly selective reviewing process. Currently it publishes two issues annually. 

31 Jan, 2021


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