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LSGI Career Talk 2021

Graduates’ careers and development is always one of our biggest concerns as an academic department. LSGI is a unique source of graduates in disciplines of land surveying, geo-information systems and utility surveying. We are always delighted to see increase in employment rate and steady growth on salary of our graduates. In 2019 graduate survey, the average salary of our bachelor’s programme increased by 1.8% to $19,210 per month. To share the latest career opportunities in our disciplines for existing students, the Career Talk 2021 was successfully held on 29 Jan 2021 online by LSGI and LSGI Students’ Society. Due to the epidemic, it’s a pity that our guest speakers cannot come to give face-to-face sharing for our students. 

29 Jan, 2021



LSGI scholar delivers webinars for industry

As part of the deliverables for an ITF project, Ir Dr Wallace Lai of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) gave three webinars recently on underground utility survey standards and specifications for the Hong Kong Council for Certification and Testing (HKCTC), the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS). Attracting nearly 600 attendees online, the webinars promoted better understanding of the six technologies/skills based on LSGI’s standards/specifications and accreditation to be provided by the Hong Kong Accreditation Services (HKAS) under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) in the fourth quarter of 2021. The six standards/specifications include utility locating by electromagnetic induction, ground penetrating radar and laser scanning, as well as utility diagnosis by acoustic methods for leak detection in pressurized water mains, visual inspection and flow survey in gravity drains/sewers. A prime example of knowledge transfer from academia to industry, these standards facilitated procurement and execution in terms of manpower, machine, materials, methods and environment during any type of buried utility survey. 

27 Jan, 2021


Virtual InnoCarnival 2020

Smart mobility research of FCE academics exhibited online

A Virtual InnoCarnival was held from 23 to 31 December 2020 by the Innovation and Technology Commission. On exhibit were some projects related to the theme of smart mobility, a distinctive feature of Hong Kong due to its efficient transport infrastructure. 

1 Jan, 2021



Research Highlight: Smart City Platform 4D comprehensive spatiotemporal data infrastructure

In a smart city, intelligent machines communicate with each other via the Internet of Things (IoT) and their sensors collect data every second.  To facilitate the smooth running of a smart city, such IoT data are geotagged, so that we know where the data are captured. But in a vertical city like Hong Kong, geotagging alone is not enough as there could be tens of floors stacked up at the same spot on a map.  A 3D model, or better still, a 4D model that incorporate 3D geo-information from various sources plus temporal dynamic models would cover more grounds for various smart city applications.   In light of this, Prof. John Shi, Head of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, led a research team to develop the Smart City Platform, a 4D comprehensive spatiotemporal data infrastructure that consolidates spatiotemporal data from various sources under one roof, with a web-based visualisation interface for easy reference.  The team also devised a portable 3D LiDAR system to acquire spatial data of older buildings and established an international standard for underground utility model. Compatible with various data sources A city is a complex cluster of buildings, roads and open spaces, where various activities take place at the same time. Mapping out all these infrastructures and activities are essential to make a city smart.  Although experts have invented systems to collect various data, such as 3D city modelling, building information modelling (BIM) and IoT sensors, these systems run on different platforms collecting data in different formats.  Users have to use different software to retrieve different spatial data, making cross-referencing tedious and difficult. Prof. Shi thus developed the Smart City Platform.   “Our system can read data in various formats, including 3ds, obj, skp, shp and gdb files.  It can also process data from IoT sensors directly without the need of conversion.  All data are consolidated on one platform, and the results are visualised in 3D format accessible to any web browser.  In other words, you don’t need to install any software to read the 3D map and the layers of information embedded therein,” Prof. Shi explained.  The system incorporates indoor, outdoor, above-ground and underground 3D spatial information, plus spatiotemporal dynamic models. 3D LiDAR spatial data Besides consolidating data from various sources, the system developed by Prof. Shi’s team also captures its own raw data with 3D LiDAR. “There are many sources that provide the location and exterior configuration of a building, such as satellite positioning and 3D city modelling.  But when it comes to its interior structure, we have to access its BIM which is rarely available in older buildings.  So, we developed a portable 3D LiDAR spatial data acquisition system to collect their interior spatial data,” Prof. Shi said.  The system is made up of a backpack with a metal frame where laser emitters and sensors are attached.  The operator puts the system on his back and walks around the interior of a building to capture the position and measurement of every dot and line with simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) technology.  The post-processing software then combines the data collected to re-create the interior 3D space automatically.  That means BIM can be built for older buildings for smart city functions to operate seamlessly. Establishing underground utility model standard A smart city not only runs above ground, but also underground – there is a vast network of pipes and cables that carry water, gas and electricity to each building, while removing waste.  Before digging underground, one must accurately locate all utilities. Prof. Shi said, “Each utility company keeps good records of its own pipes or cables underground.  But it may not have access to the records of other utility suppliers.  There wasn’t even an international standard on how to document such underground utility network in the past.  As our data infrastructure also covers underground spatial data, we figured we need to establish such a standard and we have submitted the specifications to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for approval.” Applications The Smart City Platform is versatile and has great potential in various applications.  It is suitable for urban planning, virtual test-bedding and visualisation of proposed developments.  By analysing future urban development on the platform, developers can predict its impact on traffic and environment.  Businesses also benefit from its functions such as spatiotemporal mapping of social media engagement and supply chain logistics management.  Amid COVID-19 pandemic, the system was able to predict the level of risk among various DSE examination centres based on distribution data of confirmed cases so that candidates might take extra precautions if necessary.  The possibilities are endless.  Source: 

1 Dec, 2020

Prof Wu Chen

Research Highlight: Seamless Urban Navigation System - An accurate and reliable positioning solution with real-time response

What images does the term “smart city” conjure up?  Self-driving vehicles?  Drones for monitoring traffic and construction sites?  Yes, they certainly are indispensable components of a smart city.  However, before they are made possible, there is one issue that needs to be tackled first – a high-precision and reliable positioning and navigation system.  Most of us are familiar with Global Positioning System (GPS) that guides us to our destination.  But in densely built-up areas like Central or Mongkok in Hong Kong, the accuracy of GPS may drop to more than a hundred metres because satellite signals are blocked or bounced off the walls of tall buildings, taking you to a whole block away from your destination.  Of course, it’s not the end of the world for a pedestrian to walk a block or so further.  But many smart city applications need a positioning system a lot more precise than that – for a self-driving car to stay on its lane, it must run within a range of say, 10 to 20 cm; for a drone to fly between densely packed buildings safely, it needs positioning accuracy say, around 30 cm.  That’s why Prof. Wu Chen of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics led a research team to develop a seamless urban navigation system, tailor-made to overcome the difficulties of satellite positioning in urban centres packed with skyscrapers.  The accuracy can be within 10 m with smartphones and up to 10 cm when specialised receivers are used.  A powerful cloud server ensures positioning is updated in real time, supporting various smart city functions.  

1 Nov, 2020



Result of LSGI Outstanding Alumni Award 2020

We are pleased to announce the result of LSGI Outstanding Alumni Award 2020 as below:  Sr Tsui Hoi Yuen, Paul graduated from the Higher Diploma in Land Surveying programme with Distinction in 1990 and is the first Master of Philosophy (MPhil) graduate of the Department in 1994 with research area in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Sr Tsui is currently Managing Director of Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri being the world leader of GIS and mapping software. Prior to joining Esri, he worked in Ordnance Survey, the world renowned national mapping agency of the United Kingdom. As an active alumnus, Sr Tsui has served as President of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics Alumni Association since 2008. He also served as Member of the Board of Directors of the Federation of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alumni Associations from 2011-19. Currently, Sr Tsui is Member of the Advisory Committee of the Department. Sr Tsui actively participates in volunteer services in the industry and education sector. He was appointed as the Sector Specialist in the Information and Communications Technology Sector by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications from 2006- 12. He also served as Chairman of the Department of Geography Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Baptist University from 2013-17. Sr Tsui is current Member of Advisory Committees of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management of The Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Applied and Human-Centred Computing Programme of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. He also served as Vice Chairman of Land Surveying Division of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors since 2018. In the academic research aspect, Sr Tsui has participated in many GIS research projects on spatial data modeling and spatial analysis. He won the 1998 Best Paper Award held by the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Science (CPGIS). Congratulations to Sr Tsui!

1 Nov, 2020



PolyU Education Info Day 2020

The PolyU Education Info Day 2020 was held online on 10 October 2020. To provide students with the most up-to-date information about its full-time undergraduate and higher diploma programmes, two sessions of online seminars, video shows, sharing sessions and consultations with LSGI academics and alumni were arranged on the day to help prospective students plan for their further studies at LSGI. Our BSc programme leader, Ir Dr Wallace Lai, introduced LSGI undergraduate programmes and facilitated the graduate sharing session. Amongst JUPAS applicants admitted to LSGI in 2020, the average score for the Best 5 DSE subjects of BSc(Hons) in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics is 22.7 while the Chinese + English languages + Best 3 DSE subjects of HD in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics is 16.4. We are glad to have two LSGI graduates, Ms Lai Mei Yee and Mr Yu Yip Sheung, back giving sharings on their study experience and career development in private sector and the Government. We were happy to answer students’ questions on programmes via the online platform. It was a fruitful sharing for all concerned. 

10 Oct, 2020



2020 Excellent Young Scientists Fund

The Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) is pleased to have an academic, Dr Xiaolin Zhu, benefiting from the China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2020, which was established by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) to encourage local young scientists to pursue excellence in basic research and research in cutting-edge technologies. Dr Zhu will receive RMB1.2 million over a period of three years to support his research on “Remote Sensing: Time Series Image Processing”. There were three more academics from PolyU also received the funding this year. Since its launch in 2019, 25 young scientists (males under 38 and females under 40 years old) from Hong Kong and Macau have been supported by the Excellent Young Scientists Fund each year. Dr Zhu joined LSGI in July 2016 as assistant professor, who received their PhD degrees in 2014, from the Ohio State University in the US. In this funded project, Dr Zhu has developed a series of advanced technologies for processing satellite images, which improve the ability and accuracy of time-series remote sensing for monitoring land surface changes. This project will further develop the framework and model for multi-dimensional data fusion, a technology needed for integrating data from multiple satellites in the near future. It is encouraging to see that more young scientists from the university are supported by the Nation to further develop their research. China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund not only reflects the Nation’s substantial support to Hong Kong’s scientific research, but also encourages local young scientists to pursue excellence in basic research and research in cutting-edge technologies. Other funded projects and scientists can be founded here

22 Sep, 2020



Webinar on Technologies in Tree Monitoring

On 11 September 2020, Sr Dr. Charles Wong of the Department of Land Surveying and GeoInformatics (LSGI) has been invited by the Tree Management Office, Development Bureau, HKSAR to give a presentation on topic “Application of Remote Sensing Technologies in Tree Monitoring” in “Seminar on Use of Technology in Tree Management”

11 Sep, 2020

Job Market Interview

JobMarket Interview

Ir Dr Wallace Lai, Associate Professor, LSGI is interviewed by JobMarket for the latest development on the land surveying industry 增職位育專才 未來發展看俏 測量業「疫」市熾熱 本港疫情爆發至今約九個月,一度令建築工程暫緩或延遲展開,為建築測量及工料測量帶來 輕微影響,但有業界坦言自 6 月起經濟逐漸復甦,生意開始回升。市民在抗疫日子更注重大 廈設施管理及環境衞生,物業設施管理測量的需求有增無減;業界更提議政府建立「互動地 圖儀表板」,讓公眾掌握疫情最新情況。開辦課程的院校表示今屆畢業生就業情況理想,近 年政府不同部門亦增加全職職位及實習機會,反映行業對人才持續有需求。有業界表示,觀 乎宏觀社會對測量專業的需求,看好行業未來發展。    課程涉獵三大範疇 為期六周全職實習 為配合科技發展及行業轉型,理大土地測量及地理資訊學系開辦四年制「土地測量及地理資 訊學(榮譽)理學士學位」課程。該學系副教授賴緯樂表示,課程約有七十名學生,由高級 文憑升讀的佔其中二十至三十名。「有學生今年 6 月獲得三份工作邀請,並於 8 月中旬上 班,就業情況非常理想。」他續稱,學生可加入政府部門或私人公司工作,「今年政府共聘 用了二十五名見習測量師,薪酬約二萬一千元;私人土地測量公司提供月薪約一萬九千元, 如要到地盤工作月薪更達二萬元。」為讓學生累積實際工作經驗,學系要求他們三年級到政 府部門、建築公司或工程顧問機構,甚至遠赴海外公司進行為期六星期、二十二天全職工作 的實習。    學生在一、二年級會吸取基礎知識,包括語文、數理及行業相關的基礎技巧;三、四年級便 會從「土地測量」、「地理資訊科技」和「管 設施測繪與管理」三個專業範疇深入學習。 學生從「土地測量」學習地形、地籍、工程及水文等測量科技;通過「地理資訊科技」,了 解如何運用三維建模(3D model)、航拍機、遙感技術及衞星定位等科技作表達及分析。另 外,在「管綫設施測繪與管理」部分,學生可掌握管道的結構和分布,了解鋪設在地底的各 種管道,測繪管道的分布及其狀態、路面及地底的情況。 賴緯樂表示,土地測量與地理資訊系統息息相關,除了因應疫情推出的「互動地圖儀表板」 外,日常如物流配送及電子路綫圖均需要土地測量師記錄地形,並透過地理資訊系統收集數 據。

4 Sep, 2020

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