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Orientation Day

Due to the pandemic this year, the LSGI Orientation Day for new undergraduate students was held online on 31 Aug 2020. Prof. John Shi, Head and Chair Professor of LSGI, shared that it was a valuable chance to meet all new comers every year in the orientation day. He welcomed our new students and introduced our academic and supporting staff to them. An introduction of department’s academic programmes, state-ofart research laboratories and renowned research performance was included. Followings were introductions by representatives of General University Requirement, Library and Student Affair Office on useful information including subject registration, study requirement, research information, library resources, general information in U-life. The HD and BSc students were also greeted by their Programme Leaders respectively that introduction on respective academic requirement, study tips and academic advisors (for BSc students) was conducted. We also invited student representatives, Isaac Wu from HD, and Christine Suen from BSc to give sharing on their U-life experience. It was a great start to the academic year for our LSGI freshmen.

31 Aug, 2020



PolyU Summer Programme 2020 - LSGI Session

On 31 July 2020, PolyU Summer Programme – LSGI session was successfully held online. Every year, PolyU holds summer programme for secondary school students to provide them a taste of university study in different disciplines, as well as the latest programme information and career prospects. Due to the pandemic this year, the format and content of summer programme changed to online at the same time we can let more students joining our programme.   We are glad that over 100 participants joined us online. The half-day online programme started with talk on “Building the Smart City of Hong Kong and storytelling with maps” by Dr Matthew Pang. Students could understand the latest development of smart city and cutting-edge 3D mapping technologies, and how we contributed. Students were very eager to answer questions in the session.    The second part, “History of Hong Kong Land Boundary System”, was conducted by Dr Yan Waiyeung. It covered the background, Hong Kong’s land history and development of unique land boundary system for nearly 180 years. He also introduced the role of Land Surveying profession in different disputes and cases of land uses.    The last speaker of the day, Ir Dr Wallace Lai, shared the mystery underground as well as a virtual lab tour to Underground Utility Survey Lab of LSGI. Students could witness different utility survey technologies adopted in our scaledown environment in laboratory and how the practical underground utility surveying conducted in the mystery and invisible underground.   Last but not the least, Dr Lai shared the admission information and career prospect of LSGI undergraduate programmes and interviewed a student representative, Jeffrey Ma. Jeffrey shared his exchange experience to Canada and internship experience at Government during his study.   The event received overwhelming responses in both live question session and social media game. Students shared that they can catch a glimpse of various knowledge on LSGI disciplines and its applications through the facebook game after the event. Encouraged by the very positive responses, we will provide talks in monthly basis for outreaching secondary school students as part of our public engagement mission. 

31 Jul, 2020


Achievement Highlight

June 2020   1. Large Equipment Fund for Research The Areas of Excellence Committee of PolyU has approved 3 proposals of FCE colleagues that will be supported by the Large Equipment Fund for Research. Two of the proposals are from LSGI as per below:  PI Project Title Funding Amount (HK$)  Ir Dr Wallace LAI    Multi-channel and Multi-static Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)   $1,954,680  Sr Dr Charles WONG  HySpex’s VNIR-1800 and SWIR-384 Hyperspectral Scanner  $2,558,854   2. LSGI Scholar Receives Leader of the Year Award In recognition of his achievement in lunar topographic mapping and geomorphological analysis for finding the best landing location on the far side of the Moon for the Chinese space mission of Chang’e 4, Prof. Bo Wu of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) was recently honoured by the Sing Tao News Corporation Ltd. with a Leader of the Year Award 2019 in its Education/Professions/ Technology & Innovation category. He shares the award with another recipient, Prof. Kai-leung Yung of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, whose research on a camera pointing system enabled Chang’e-4 to capture stunning panoramic images of the lunar surface. Established since 1994, the award aims to provide role models for a younger generation and inspire the public to strive for the best in the development of Hong Kong.   July 2020   1. Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement 2019/20 Sr Dr Charles Wong of LSGI has won a Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement 2019/20 in Teaching. The individual award comes with a cash prize of HK$10,000 and a teaching grant of HK$100,000, which can be used for staff development, conference attendances, purchase of equipment, recruitment of personnel, etc. that support teaching, research or other academic activities, as the awardee chooses, subject to management guidelines. He will also be honoured with an award certificate at the Faculty Congregation and Prize Presentation Ceremony in October 2020.   2. Highest Funded GRF Project at PolyU led by LSGI Scholar Moreover, Sr Dr Charles Wong has also received the highest funding at PolyU from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council’s General Research Fund (GRF) for both 2018/19 and 2019/20. His project entitled “Development of an integrated model for estimating 3D solar energy potential using GIS, Remote Sensing and Deep Learning techniques” was supported with HK$1,210,980 in 2018/19. He 2/2 followed that with another project entitled “An integrated knowledge-based Remote Sensing and GIS dynamic model for the urban thermal environment” in 2019/20, which was funded with HK$1,581,600, the highest funding from GRF for a project at PolyU in the last round.   3. FCE Dean’s Awards 2020 This year, 11 academics in FCE were chosen for the Dean’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding for their cumulative success in securing external competitive research funding in the last few years. We are pleased that Prof. Xiaoli Ding and Dr Wallace Lai of LSGI were awarded.  Awardee Allocation Date/ Grant Approval Date  Project Title (Funding Scheme)  Prof. Xiaoli Ding 1-Jul-17 1-Jul-18 1-Jul-19 Territory Wide Ground Deformation Monitoring in Hong Kong for Geohazards Studies (RGC General Research Fund) Landslide Monitoring with Intersecting Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar (RGC General Research Fund)  Development of Ground-Based Radar Remote Sensing Techniques for LongTerm Monitoring of Fast Deformation over Extended Areas (RGC General Research Fund)    Ir Dr Wai Lok LAI 1-Jul-15   1-Jul-16   19-Jul-18   1-Jul-19   22-Nov-19 Developing Ground Penetrating Radar as a Spectral Analyzer for In-Situ Evaluation of Construction Material Properties (RGC General Research Fund)  A Study of Water Seepage in Construction Materials with Phase Velocity Dispersion of Wide-Band Ground Penetrating Radar Wave and Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave (SASW) (RGC General Research Fund)  Development of Specifications and Certification Standards for Underground Utility (UU) Survey Based on Nondestructive Testing, Surveying, Imaging and Diagnostic (NDTSID) Approaches (Innovation Technology Fund – GSP) Waveguide Characterization of Shallow Subsurface Damages in Infrastructure Materials by Dispersive Behavior of Ground Penetrating Radar Wave (RGC General Research Fund)  Development of Gas Pipe Diagnostic Technology by Nondestructive Thermographic and Ultrasonic Methods (Innovation Technology Fund – PRP)      Moreover, a 5-member team led by Prof. George Liu of the Department of Land Surveying and GeoInformatics (LSGI) won the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Services for their outreach efforts to increase the number of exchange and/or international students. His team included Prof. John Shi, Head of LSGI, Ir Dr Wallace Lai, Dr Matthew Pang, and Ms Anna Choi. Each of the awardees/ winning team will receive a cash prize of HK$20,000. Award certificates will also be presented to them at the Faculty Congregation and Prize Presentation Ceremony in late October 2020

31 Jul, 2020



理大土地測量及地理資訊學 課程三合一 培育專業人才唯一搖籃

我們於七月接受了明報升學網的訪問,課程主任賴緯樂博士及四年級學生馬斯恆接分享了學 科的學習目的、應用、最新發展以及課程內容學習等。   香港大型基建工程接連不斷,當中土地測量是不可或缺的一環。香港理工大學土地測量及地 理資訊學系是全港唯一提供相關課程的院校,為配合科技發展及行業轉型,課程革新為「土 地測量及地理資訊學(榮譽)理學士學位」課程,全面培養新一代的專業人才。   課程資料 課程名稱及聯招編號︰土地測量及地理資訊學(榮譽)理學士(JS3387) 最低收生要求︰ .中文及英文達 3 級或以上; .數學及通識達 2 級或以上; .第一及第二選修科(包括延伸數學 M1 / M2)達 3 級或以上。 註︰以最佳五科成績計算,2019 年平均為 21.9。   查詢電話︰2766 5968 網址︰

16 Jul, 2020



LSGI Scholar received the highest amounts of GRF funding within PolyU in two consecutive years

Sr. Dr. Wong Man Sing, Charles of Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) received the highest funding amounts from General Research Fund scheme funded by the Research Grants Council for two consecutive years 2018/19 and 2019/20, within PolyU. The project entitled “Development of an integrated model for estimating 3D solar energy potential using GIS, Remote Sensing and Deep Learning techniques” was supported with HK$1,210,980 in 2018/19. In 2019/20, the project entitled “An integrated knowledge-based Remote Sensing and GIS dynamic model for the urban thermal environment” was funded with HK$1,581,600, this project ranked the 5 th highest of the year in the whole Hong Kong in terms of funding amounts.

7 Jul, 2020

Staff Promotions

We are delighted to share the news that Dr. George Liu and Dr. Bo Wu have been promoted to Professors effective from 1 July 2020. Dr. Liu and Dr. Wu joined LSGI in 2009. Prof. George Zhizhao Liu is an expert in the international GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) community. Over the past decade, the Micro-Laboratory of Atmospheric Research and Geomatics Engineering (Micro-LARGE) under his leadership has focused on the development of innovative algorithms for more precise and reliable GNSS positioning and navigations, tropospheric water vapor observation and modeling using multiple sensors, as well as ionospheric scintillation observation and modeling in the equatorial and low-latitude region. His group is the first to utilize satellite signals from the four GNSS systems to study ionospheric scintillations in the equatorial and low-latitude region. Prof. Liu’s Lab is also collaborating with the Hong Kong Observatory to use his techniques and unique datasets to enhance the reliability of weather forecasting in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. In the global arena, Prof. Liu’s Google scholar citation was ranked as 1st and 6th in the fields of troposphere and water vapor; 53rd, 64th and 65th in the fields of GPS, ionosphere, GNSS, respectively, as of the end of 2019. He was one of the three recipients at PolyU to receive the RGC inaugural Early Career Award in 2012 and was a two-time recipient of the LSGI Departmental Research Excellence Award. Over the past decade, he secured 7 RGC GRF/ECS research grants as the Principal Investigator (PI), including 3 GRF/ECS projects with a full score 5.0. As a PI, Prof. Liu has secured nearly HK$ 10 million in research funding and over HK$ 37 million as PI/Co-PI/Co-I.   Prof. Bo Wu has been appointed one of its associate heads with effect from 1 July 2020. He received his PhD in photogrammetry and remote sensing from Wuhan University in 2006 before working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Ohio State University from 2006 to 2009. He subsequently joined PolyU in July 2009 and became an associate professor in July 2015. His main research areas are photogrammetry and remote sensing, with a focus on planetary remote sensing and science. He worked on NASAfunded projects for Mars and Moon exploration missions at the Ohio State University. Since joining PolyU, he has worked on landing site mapping and analysis for China’s Chang’E-3 and Chang’E-4 lunar missions, contributed to their successful landing on the Moon in 2013 and 2019 respectively.   Publishing over 120 peer-reviewed articles in international journals and conferences, he has secured total funding of over HK$18 million from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), including a RGC Research Impact Fund of HK$6.38 million. His research has been recognized with a number of awards, including the Leader of the Year Award 2019, Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding, the R. Alekseev Award and a Gold Medal from the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, the Talbert Abrams Award from ASPRS, the Duane C. Brown Senior Award for Photogrammetry, etc. He co-chairs working groups of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. He is an associate editor/ editorial board member of three SCI journals.   Congratulations to Prof. Liu and Prof. Wu!

2 Jul, 2020



New Futian institute boosts PolyU’s impact in GBA

PolyU is launching a new research institute in Futian to leverage the opportunities offered by the Greater Bay Area (GBA) development. The PolyU-Shenzhen Technology and Innovation Research Institute (Futian) will run research projects supported by the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone (Pilot Scheme). The Institute will add impetus to the impactful research produced by PolyU.   We are glad to share that the first project under the Pilot Scheme will be led by Prof. John Shi, Head of Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, and will investigate “Theories of GeoArtificial Intelligence and Reliable Spatial Data Analytics”. This project, which benefits from a startup grant and rent-free office from the Futian Government, will contribute to smart city development in Hong Kong and GBA cities, as well as other cities in Mainland China and around the world. 

10 Jun, 2020



LSGI scholar wins Leader of the Year Award 2019

Two PolyU scholars have recently won a Sing Tao News Corporation Limited Leader of the Year Award 2019 in the Education/Professions/Technology and Innovation category. They are Dr Wu Bo, Associate Professor of Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics and Prof. Yung Kai-leung, Chair Professor and Associate Head of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.   They are honoured for their outstanding achievements in assisting with Chang’e-4, China’s lunar exploration programme. Over the years, Dr Wu Bo’s team have been working hard developing a lunar topographic mapping and geomorphological analysis technique for finding the best location for the spacecraft’s landing on the far side of the Moon.   China’s Chang’e-4 lunar probe performed the very first soft landing on the far side of the Moon on 3 January 2019. This historic event, the Nation’s second lunar landing and a milestone in its pioneering lunar exploration programme, was greatly aided by interdisciplinary effort from researchers at PolyU. PolyU is the only university in Hong Kong that has contributed to the Chang’e-4 space mission. Both scholars encouraged young people with an interest in scientific research to explore the universe, thus potentially helping to reveal not only the secrets of the origins of humanity but also the earth’s future.   The Leader of the Year Award has been organized by Sing Tao News Corporation Limited every year since 1994. The awards pay homage to distinguished individuals who make an exceptional contribution to Hong Kong and who serve as role models for the next generation. Distinguished Leaders of the Year in five categories (Commerce & Industry/Finance; Community/Public Affairs/Environment & Conservation; Education/Professions/Technology & Innovation; Sports/Culture/Performing Arts; Young Entrepreneur) were honoured this year, which marks the 26th anniversary of the Award. Source: More information:

8 Jun, 2020


LSGI researchers advance navigation research and contribute to the combat of COVID-19

Prof. Wu CHEN of Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) and his research team initiated a joint Innovation and Technology Fund project with the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research Centre (LSCM) of Innovation and Technology Commission to use Smart Lamp post for mobile phone navigation in dense urban environments where GPS is not working. This project is adopted by Hong Kong SAR government as part of government Smart Lamppost project. In this project, LSGI researchers developed a multiple Bluetooth based device with various ranges for location and direction determination.   Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, LSCM then transferred the technology to the home quarantine monitoring electronic devices for the Centre for Health Protection of HKSAR Government. The operational range of this device is ideal for home quarantine monitoring purpose. The first batch of the devices was retrieved from LSGI’s Navigation Laboratory. Our research technology is successfully transferred to different applications for the society and contributes to the combat of the coronavirus

3 Jun, 2020


JUPAS Consultation Day - LSGI Admission Talk

On 30 May 2020, PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day was successfully held online.   In view of the current COVID-19 pandemic, PolyU has, for the first time, introduced the online Consultation Day so as to ensure a safe environment for our JUPAS applicants, whilst at the same time providing them access to the latest information and resources that are essential to their applications. During the Consultation Day, Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) applicants could obtain the latest update on PolyU’s programmes. This was useful for secondary six students when re-evaluating programme choices they have made and amending any choices, before the release of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) results.   Joining other sister departments, LSGI organised online information seminar and Q&A session for its undergraduate programme in parallel sessions with other FCE programmes. On behalf of LSGI, Ir Dr Wallace Lai, Associate Professor and Programme Leader of LSGI bachelor programme, gave the presentation on LSGI disciplines, admission information, and career prospect. There were over 45 participants joined our admission talk and Q&A session. Students could have an ample opportunity to understand the entrance requirements, curricula and programme features, and student life of their preferred programmes.   A Year 4 student representative, Jeffrey Ma also gave a sharing on his study at LSGI, including his exchange experience to Canada and internship at the Government. The event received positive responses in question and answer session. We look forward to more sharing on LSGI discipline and progammes to outreach secondary school students as part of our public engagement mission.

30 May, 2020

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