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LSGI Alumna Wins the Best Researcher Award 2024 at the “International Research Awards on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems”

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Komal Kumari, an alumna of LSGI, has been honoured with the Best Researcher Award 2024 at the “International Research Awards on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems”. This prestigious award recognises the exceptional research accomplishments and contributions of scientists, innovators, and experimenters in the field of Agriculture. Dr. Komal Kumari completed her PhD degree in 2022 under the supervision of Prof. John Wenzhong SHI, Chair Professor of Geographical Information Science and Remote Sensing at LSGI and the Director of the Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Smart Cities Research Institute of PolyU. Her project focuses on agriculture monitoring for sustainable development using remote sensing. It highlights the utilization of high-resolution Sentinel-2 data, along with a combination of various types of secondary data, in a Random Forest (RF) regression model during different phases of the crop growing season. This approach aims to enhance the accuracy of rice yield prediction and advance our understanding of precision agricultural systems. We extend our congratulations to Dr. Komal Kumari on her remarkable achievement!  

1 Mar, 2024


SDG Deanna

LSGI student wins Team Award for Highest International Potential at the SDG Open Hack@Tsinghua University

We are pleased to announce that Miss XU Yi Nam Deanna, a final-year BSc student of LSGI, won the Team Award for Highest International Potential at the SDG Open Hack@Tsinghua University in 2023. The SDG Open Hack is a competition focused on innovative entrepreneurship, organized by the Tsignhua University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Coordination Committee in collaboration with Tsinghua x-lab, iCenter, Center for Global Competence Development, Office of Technology Transfer, and Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School. This competition builds upon the Global Challenge Lab, a 14-day virtual entrepreneurship program held in partnership with Tsinghua University's x-lab in Beijing and the Technical University of Munich. It incorporates the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals and involves various themed hacks. Over 1000 students from 22 top global partner universities are attracted to join, forming teams with diverse academic backgrounds to tackle specific challenges related to UN SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. Deanna and her team focused on Track 2: RESILIENCE, which involved addressing the challenge of enhancing energy system resilience to extreme weather and other disruptions, resulting in winning the team award for Highest International Potential at the SDG Open Hack. We are excited to see more innovative ideas for sustainable development within the higher education community. Congratulations to Deanna and her teammates!

28 Feb, 2024


HKIS Awards

LSGI Students Receive HKIS Outstanding Dissertation Awards 2023

We are pleased to announce that two of our BSc students from LSGI, Miss SIT Fei Ching and Mr MOK Ka Him, have been awarded with the Outstanding Dissertation Awards 2023 by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors for their excellent performance in the final year projects. This prestigious award aims to recognize students who have displayed excellence in their pursuit of knowledge in surveying and the built environment by producing outstanding research work in this field. Miss Sit, under the supervision of Ir Dr Wallace LAI, Associate Head of LSGI, has been awarded the Top Award (Land Surveying) for her project titled 'Discovering and Unfolding WWII Heritages with Geospatial Technologies in the Gin Drinkers Line'. Meanwhile, Mr Mok, under the guidance of Prof. John SHI, Chair Professor of Geographical Information Science and Remote Sensing from LSGI, has received the Merit Award (Land Surveying) for his project titled 'Point Cloud Integration of Backpack laser scanner and UAV photogrammetry'. The award presentation ceremony will be held in the late July 2024. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to two of our BSc students for their remarkable academic achievements!

21 Feb, 2024



PolyU LSGI STEAM Talks for Secondary Schools Students 2024

The Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) is organizing a STEAM Talk Series with the aim of introducing daily life applications and potential developments in Geo-Informatics. The series will cover a wide range of topics, including Land Surveying, Remote Sensing, Global Positioning System (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Geographic Information Science (GIS), and Underground Utilities Imaging and Diagnosis. We are delighted to invite all secondary schools to participate in our STEAM Talk Series in 2024. STEAM Talk Series Topics: Smart City and 3D Mapping in HK (智慧城巿及三維地圖的應用) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Smart City Applications (全球導航衛星系統與智慧城市應用) Unfolding HK Lost WWII Heritage with Geo-spatial Science (尋找隱世二戰遺跡:地理空間科學篇) Problem Solving by Digital Maps and Geographic Information System (GIS) (以數字地圖和地理訊息系統解難) Seeing and Unseen Underground Utilities in 3D (三維地下管線測量) Observing and Measuring the Earth from Space (從太空觀測地球) IoT and Remote Sensing for Tree Monitoring (如何利用IoT及遙感技術監測城市樹木) Date:   Until July 2024 (exact date to be suggested by school) Target audience:   S.2 – S.6 Students (both Art and Science students are welcome) Medium:   Cantonese or English Venue:   Secondary School or PolyU (a lab tour to be arranged at PolyU) Speaker:   Academic Staff from the Department of LSGI Please click here to know more the description for the STEAM talk topics. Interested parties please fill in the online application form to indicate your preference of talk. For any questions, please feel free to contact Ms Stephanie Cheung at 3400 3662 or Please find more about LSGI at our Facebook or Youtube channel.  LSGI Undergraduate Programme in 2024/25 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Spatial Data Science and Smart Cities (JS3130)    

31 Jan, 2024



LSGI MSc Student Wins HKIBIM Silver Award

Mr CHAN Ka Kit Zeno, a student from MSc in Urban Informatics and Smart Cities (Class of 2024), with his team has won the Silver Award in the category of “BIM Project - Private Development” in The Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling (HKIBIM) Award 2023. The award presentation was successfully held on 26 Jan 2024. Under supervision of Sr Dr Lawrence Lau, Lecturer of LSGI, Zeno selected a topic on using Building Information Modelling (BIM) with Augmented reality (AR) to facilitate building services engineering work for his MSc project. Zeno carried out the MSc project investigations with his full-time work in constructing the Chill Residence in Yau Tong. He completed the MSc project and obtained an excellent grade for the subject. Zeno applied for the HKIBIM award with his MSc project work related to the Hybrid Model on BIM and Point Cloud, AR Inspection, and Digital Twins technologies. The HKIBIM Award is one of the most prestigious awards in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction sectors. It aims to acknowledge and recognize the outstanding achievement of Organisations, Projects, Teams and Individuals who actively use Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology. BIM has transformed the construction industry by allowing for more efficient and effective planning, design, construction, and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure. BIMers are key players in this process, leveraging their specialized skills and expertise in BIM software and technology to create and manage digital models of construction projects. Themed “Building Better with BIMers”, this award highlights the important role of BIMers and the use of BIM with other recognitions and serves as a platform to showcase BIMers’ capabilities and excellent work. Inspiring more individuals to pursue careers in this dynamic field and continue to drive innovation and build a better Hong Kong.  More details can be found on the HKIBIM website and in the award booklet. Congratulations to Zeno!

29 Jan, 2024



Secondary School participates the Project “Unfolding the Lost WWII Heritage: Promotion of Geo-spatial and Geophysical Technologies”

To honor the upcoming 80th anniversary of World War II in 2025, the project titled "Unfolding the Lost WWII Heritage: Promotion of Geo-spatial and Geophysical Technologies” was held on 6-7 January at the Camptopia campsite in Sheung Shui. The project aims to raise public awareness of historical interpretation, heritage conservation, and STEAM education through integrated art-tech exhibitions. Led by Ir Dr Wallace Lai, Associate Head of LSGI, a group of 26 dedicated teachers and S.4/S.5 students studying Geography from St. Stephen's College (SSC) actively participated in this project. SSC was selected as the starting point due to its historical significance as the last stronghold during the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941. The school endured the most hardships during the battle, including a massacre, and throughout the subsequent 3-year and 8-month occupation period as an internment/POW camp. This public engagement event at Camptopia consisted of two key components: An immersive art-tech exhibition showcased in a 4D CAVE allowed participants to step back in time and experience the war zone firsthand. This interactive exhibition combined art and technology, providing a deeper understanding of WWII.  A two-day STEAM workshop focused on geo-spatial technologies and archaeological excavation techniques. Participants learned how to locate and scan artifacts from Hong Kong's WWII period and ancient times. Through hands-on activities, attendees gained insights into historical preservation and the use of advanced technologies to uncover hidden treasures. This project not only served as an educational platform but also as a reminder of the importance of preserving our collective memory. By integrating art, technology, and historical interpretation, the project aims to ensure that the legacy of World War II remains vivid in the hearts and minds of future generations. We extend our gratitude to the ITF/General Support Program for their generous funding and the support from various organisations. For more details about the project and its supporters, please visit the project's website.

9 Jan, 2024



Two LSGI Scholars Grant RGC Research Fund 2023/24

We are delighted to announce that LSGI's scientific research capabilities have been duly recognized! Two projects led by LSGI scholars have been awarded funding from the Research Grant Council (RGC) Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) and Research Impact Fund (RIF) respectively in the 2023/2024 exercise. These two projects have received a total funding amount of HK$10.9 million. The primary goal of these funding is to act as a catalyst, motivating researchers to apply their studies towards the betterment of society. By supporting impactful and translational research projects, these funds encourage collaboration among academia, government, the business sector, industries, and research institutes. The funded CRF project, is led by Prof. Jianli CHEN, a professor in LSGI, with title "Multi-sensor monitoring, geophysical interpretation, and prediction of sea level rise in Hong Kong". This project aims to study the geophysical factors that contribute to sea level rise and develop a monitoring system to track sea level changes in different coastal areas of Hong Kong. Based on the research findings, the project aims to provide recommendations for coastal management and infrastructure planning to reduce the impact of rising sea levels. The funded RIF project, is led by Dr. Xintao LIU, an associate professor in LSGI, with title "An AI-enabled Geospatial Platform for Smart Facility Management and Smart Mobility of People with Disabilities". This project aims to introduce a dedicated smart mobility solution that will enhance the travel experience for people with disabilities and the elderly. By leveraging artificial intelligence and geospatial technologies, the project seeks to improve accessibility and inclusivity in transportation systems. The recognition of these two projects in the RGC research fund highlights LSGI's commitment to advancing geo-informatics technology and addressing societal concerns. We are pleased to witness our scholars translating scientific findings into tangible real-world applications, thereby providing impactful solutions that benefit society. Congratulations to Prof. Chen and Dr. Liu on these well-deserved recognitions!

8 Jan, 2024


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The LSGI Student and Graduates Win Awards in AI x HK OpenCup 2023

We are proud to announce that a team of students and graduates from LSGI at PolyU was achieved the second runner-up and the Best Social Impact Award in AI x HK OpenCup 2023. This competition, organized by the Hong Kong Baptist University, encourages up-and-coming young talents to ideate innovative AI solutions for sustainable development in Hong Kong, with a focus on creating positive social impact and promoting sustainability within the community. The LSGI team, named “Forestree”, included Mr. CHAN Tze Chung, Mr. LAM Yik, and Mr. YU Kai Him Otto. Otto is currently an undergraduate student in LSGI, while the other two are graduates of our Higher Diploma programme. They are currently working on developing solutions to enhance urban forestry development using LiDAR, photogrammetry, and remote sensing techniques. In the contest, the team developed an AI-based tool for diagnosing tree defects, following the standards set by the Tree Management Office. This tool provides a user-friendly platform for the public to engage in tree management. For example, individuals can simply capture photos of damaged trees using their mobile devices and upload them to the system. By utilizing the database developed by the team, the system can analyze the tree photos and identify various tree problems, such as structural defects and management issues. This AI product, designed in accordance with local standards, is expected to enhance citizen engagement, improve the efficiency of tree management, and reduce the risk of tree collapse. To gain a better understanding of the team’s product, please watch the demonstration video here. Congratulations to the “Forestree” team on their achievements in AI x HK OpenCup 2023 !

29 Dec, 2023


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LSGI Scholar Wins Award at the International Graduate Workshop on Geoinformatics (IGWG) 2023

Dr. Dabin XUE, a Postdoctoral Fellow of LSGI at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), recently received an Excellent Presentation Award at the International Graduate Workshop on Geoinformatics (IGWG) held in Wuhan, Mainland China from 17th to 19th December 2023. Dr. Xue is a Postdoc at the Micro-Laboratory of Atmospheric Research and Geomatics Engineering (Micro-LARGE) under the supervision of Prof. George LIU, Associate Head (Partnership) & Professor of LSGI. Dr. Xue completed a PhD degree earlier in 2023 from the Micro-LARGE, with joint supervision by Prof. Jian YANG at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, Mainland China. The awarded presentation, titled "Space weather effects on aviation operation and related air traffic management solutions for mitigating these effects," provided a comprehensive overview of the impact of space weather on aviation operations. The presentation covered topics such as high-frequency communication blackouts, GNSS-based navigation and surveillance failures, and increased cosmic radiation. Additionally, Dr. Xue proposed solution methods to mitigate the effects of space weather on air transportation from an air traffic management perspective. Some of the presentation findings were based on the paper "Examining the economic costs of the 2003 Halloween storm effects on the Northern Hemisphere aviation using flight data in 2019," which was published in Space Weather in 2023. The paper has been selected as a Research Highlight in the Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. The annual IGWG event, jointly organized by the Wuhan University, Peking University, and PolyU, aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences and research among postgraduates and early career scholars in the field of geo-informatics. The workshop provides participants with an opportunity to broaden their knowledge and establish meaningful connections with fellow researchers.

27 Dec, 2023



LSGI PhD Student Wins the First Place Award in United Nations-affiliated Big Data Hackathon Competition

We are delighted to announce that Mr. Songyang LI, a PhD student from the Remote Sensing Laboratory of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), won the First Place Award with his team at the UN Datathon China Division from 3rd to 6th November 2023. As a yearly global competition hosted by the United Nations Statistics Division, UN Datathon organized its first-ever China Division at the United Nations Global Platform for Big Data China Hub (UNBDC) in Hangzhou, Mainland China this year, which attracted nearly 100 teams from China's top universities, research institutions, and companies. Being the only finalist team from Hong Kong, Sustainable Roaming, consisting Mr. Li and his teammates from PolyU AMA and HKU, stood out from the top 12 teams in the final round with their project “China-Africa Cooperation: Shared Prosperity for Sustainable Development”. In an intense 3-day period, the team applied geospatial techniques and machine learning approaches to multi-source satellite datasets and World Bank open-access data to evaluate the impact and contribution of China-Africa cooperation projects to the sustainable development of African countries over the past two decades, particularly in the areas of socio-economic development, urbanization, food production, health care, and education. An online platform was built to illustrate the project distribution, progress, outcomes, and assessment results. The project exhibited great potential in offering technical support and decision-making recommendations for future Sino-foreign cooperation under the South-South cooperation framework and the Belt and Road Initiative. Congratulations to Songyang and his team on their achievements in the United Nations-affiliated Big Data Hackathon Competition!

20 Dec, 2023


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