Academic Staff

Sr Prof. Charles Man Sing WONG
Assoc. Dean(CE), Assoc. DoRISUD & Professor
BSc, MPhil, PhD, Fulbright, MHKInstES, MRICS, MHKIS
- ZN616
- +852 3400 8959
- Personal Website
Prof. Wong received his PhD in Remote Sensing and GIS in 2009, MPhil in Remote Sensing and GIS in 2005 and BSc in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics in 2003 from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2005, he joined LSGI as part-time Research Fellow, then stepped up to be Senior Research Fellow in 2011, Assistant Professor in 2012, Associate Professor in 2018, and Professor in 2021. He was a Fulbright scholar at the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center of the University of Maryland, College Park from 2006 to 2007. At present he is the official site manager for two AERONET stations in Hong Kong.
Prof. Wong has established a strong connection in his research areas and is leading a number of projects on the use of Remote Sensing in Urban Heat Island Effect, Vegetation and Ecosystems, Aerosol Retrieval, Water Quality Monitoring; GIS in Smart City Tree Management; and iBeacon technology for engaging Learning experiences. He received the numerous awards, including International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (Geneva Inventions Expo) Gold Medal 2021, and 2021 Smart 50 (Smart Cities Connect).
Research Overview
Use of Remote Sensing to study Urban Heat Island Effect, Urban Environmental Quality, Landslides, Vegetation and Ecosystems, Spectral Mixture Analysis, Aerosol Retrieval, Water Vapour Retrieval and Solar Energy Potential. Application of Geographical Information Systems to analyse Wind Ventilation Corridors, Wall-Effect Buildings, Spatial Inequity and Public Health. Sensor development and analysis for Smart City Tree Management and Micro-Environmental Monitoring. Use of iBeacon technology in Teaching and Learning.
Education and Academic Qualifications
2005 Master of Philosophy in Remote Sensing and GIS, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2003 Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University