Emeritus and Adjunct Professors

Prof. Yong-qi CHEN
Emeritus Professor
Research Overview
His research covers a wide spectrum of geomatics: geodesy, engineering surveys, hydrographic surveys, deformation monitoring, GNSS surveys, data processing and analysis, and development of fibre optic sensors for monitoring of structure health and environment.
He published 7 Books and over 400 technical papers.
Education and Academic Qualifications
Professional Qualifications
He actively served the professional/academic communities in various capacities: Honorary Research Fellow at UNB, Canada; Honorary/Advisory Professor in 16 universities and research institutes, China; member of scientific application committee of China ChangE-1 lunar exploration; Vice Chairman/Chairman of Commission 6 of International Federation of Surveyors; editorial Board member for the various journals, like Journal of Geodesy, the GPS solution; RGC Engineering Panel member, etc.
He got various awards/honours, like International scientist exchange award by National Science and Engineering Research Council, Canada; a special award by the State Council of Chinese government in recognition of his significant contribution to Chinese higher education; named as the Father of Modern Deformation Analysis by the Canadian Centre for Geodetic Engineering.
Academic and Professional Experience
He was professor and department chairman in Wuhan Technical University before joining The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Since 1994 he served the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics as Chair Professor and Department Head for 16 years.