Organized and hosted by ME Department, the 8th East Asia Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Workshop (EAMAEW-2018) was very successfully held in PolyU, 1-3 December 2018.
EAMAEW-2018 was the eighth one in this annual workshop series. Four top-notch universities in the East Asia region, i.e., Hokkaido University, Korea University, National Cheng Kung University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, are the main participating universities. This workshop series has created a platform not only for academics from these four universities to exchange ideas and views in the broad area of mechanical and aerospace engineering, but also for research students to mingle together and exchange their learning and research experiences. EAMAEW-2018 has extended the success that has been well maintained by previous workshops in Seoul (2011 & 2015), Tainan (2012 & 2016), Sapporo (2013 & 2017) and Hong Kong (2014).
Approximately 100 participants participated in EAMAEW-2018, delivering about 70 oral presentations in 9 structured sessions covering three broad fields, i.e., materials & solid mechanics, thermofluids & combustion, as well as control, acoustics & dynamics. In addition, two senior/junior professors from each of the four universities were invited to deliver keynote lectures. Meanwhile, discussions were made among the participating departments on continuing the facilitating of student exchange programs. All these have made EAMAEW-2018 one of the events in this series history, with the largest number of submissions and the most attendees.
EAMAEW-2018 was also highlighted with elaborately designed social activities reflecting the unique culture of Hong Kong. These activities include Cantonese-style Banquet Dinner, Excursion Trip and some others in which participants mingled together and had a lot of fun.
The Organizing Committee, chaired by ME Head Prof. San-Qiang Shi, consisted of 8 staff and 13 research students who had fully committed themselves to preparation of this event. It was the aspirations, hard work, and devoted efforts from this group of staff and students that have made EAMAEW-2018 another successful event in this workshop series.
The next EAMAEW will be hosted by Korea University in Seoul in 2019.
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