Bingchen Zhou, a PolyU ME PhD student, won the Young Research Award in the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (CNERC) Annual Technical Symposium 2020 held on 12 June 2020 at PolyU. She presented her research on “Effects of Cu on the nanostructure and mechanical properties of high strength steels” at the symposium.
The CNERC Annual Technical Symposium 2020 is a technical symposium organized by the CNERC aiming at promoting technological development, sharing and exhibiting the findings and accomplishments among researchers of CNERC projects. Through applied engineering research on steel construction, the CNERC aims to capitalize on huge potentials offered by construction professionals in Hong Kong to further enhance socio-economic development through technological advancement in sustainable infrastructure development. The CNERC receives strong support from the Development Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong SAR and also from the Construction Industry Council.
Bingchen Zhou is under the supervision of Dr Zengbao Jiao in the ME department. Her research interest focuses on the development and characterization of advanced high-strength steels strengthened by nanoscale co-precipitates.
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