Dr XU Wanghuai, currently an RGC Postdoc Fellow working with Professor Wang Zuankai in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has been awarded the 2022 Young Scientist Award in the Engineering Science category by the Hong Kong Institution of Science (HKIS) for his outstanding accomplishments in the fields of energy harvesting.
This prestigious award was established to reward young scientists in Hong Kong who exhibit great promise in their field of study. The award is open to all postgraduate research students who are pursuing an MPhil or PhD degree in any of the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, as well as those who have graduated recently (within 2 years of graduation). Each year, HKIS will confer three winners, which are in the fields of Physical/Mathematical Science, Life Science and Engineering Science, respectively. Dr Xu is the winner in the field of Engineering Science this year. Each award winner will receive a cash prize of $10,000 and a certificate of recognition.
Dr Xu’s research interests involve developing new architecture and mechanism for high-efficiency water energy harvesting and liquid manipulation. His related research results have been recognized by a series of awards, including the Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Outstanding Award (2021), and the Materials Research Society Graduate Student Silver Award (2021).
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