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Research Postgraduate Studies - PolyU
PolyU Research Postgraduate (RPg) education provides full-time PhD students with a range of admission scholarships during the normal study period, ...
MPhil/PhD in Mechanical Engineering 機械工程學哲學碩士/博士學位課程 | Research Postgraduate Programme
Research Areas: Advanced Materials and Processing, Aerospace Engineering, Clean Energy and Energy Storage, Robotics and Control, Sound and Vibration, ...
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (Programme code: 43601)
2. RATIONALE, AIMS AND INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE PROGRAMME · 4. 2.1 University Overarching Aims of Research Degree Programmes ·· ...
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (Programme code: 43601)
1 On completion of an approved programme of study and research, students must submit a thesis and defend it in an oral examination. 3.3.2 MPhil and PhD theses ...
Cross-Institutional Subject Enrolment Scheme | Department of Mechanical Engineering
Eight local institutions offering research postgraduate programmes have agreed that their research postgraduate students may enrol on postgraduate subjects at ...
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (Programme code: 43601)
2. RATIONALE, AIMS AND INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE PROGRAMME ...5. 2.1 University Overarching Aims of Research Degree Programmes ...
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (Programme code: 43601)
2. RATIONALE, AIMS AND INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE PROGRAMME· 5. 2.1 University Overarching Aims of Research Degree Programmes ·· ...
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (Programme code: 43601)
2. RATIONALE, AIMS AND INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE PROGRAMME· 4. 2.1 University Overarching Aims of Research Degree Programmes ·· ...
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (Programme code: 43601)
2. RATIONALE, AIMS AND INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE PROGRAMME · 4. 2.1 University Overarching Aims of Research Degree Programmes ·· ...
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (Programme code: 43601)
2. RATIONALE, AIMS AND INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE PROGRAMME· 4. 2.1 University Overarching Aims of Research Degree Programmes ·· ...