Congratulations to Prof. Wang Zuankai, Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation) on election as 2023 Fellows of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES), in recognition of his distinguished achievement and commitment to serving society.
Prof. Wang, also Chair Professor of Nature-Inspired Engineering of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is a distinguished academic and expert in nature-inspired engineering and surface science. Prof. Wang has received numerous accolades, including the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship (2023), BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize (2022), Green Tech Award (2021), and Xplorer Prize (2020). His work has also been acknowledged by the Guinness World Records and his innovations have won the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Gold Medal with Congratulations of Jury and Gold Medal, as well as the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2023 (Engineering and Technology).
HKAES is a professional engineering organisation in Hong Kong dedicated to serving Hong Kong, Mainland China and the region, and to establishing Hong Kong as an international leader in the development and application of science, engineering and technology for the benefit of society. HKAES Fellows are from various engineering disciplines and are recognised leaders in their professions with distinguished achievements in engineering sciences and their applications.
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