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ME students win Best Paper Award in 3rd Asian Pacific Symposium on Technology of Plasticity

A team of a PhD and a MSc (dissertation) students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) won the Best Paper Award at the 13th Asian Workshop on Micro/Nano Forming Technology (2021) and the 3rd Asian Pacific Symposium on Technology of Plasticity (AWMFT & APSTP 2021) held on 3 to 6 Nov 2021 in Shanghai, China. The team members, ZHENG Junyuan (PhD) and HU Dien (MSc dissertation), supervised by Prof. FU Mingwang, presented a paper entitled “Interactive Effect of Grain Size and Grain Orientation on the Micro-scaled Deformation Behaviors of Brass Foil”. The conference was organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and also co-organized by the China Society for Technology of Plasticity, CMES, the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity and the State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration. The event provided a great opportunity and platform to share valuable ideas and communicate with both academic and industrial scientists around the world working on the cutting-edge knowledge and novel technologies of plasticity. 

6 Nov, 2021

Student News


Prof. Wallace Leung's new book on nanofiber filter technologies published by Elsevier

Prof. Wallace Leung has recently written a new book, “Nanofiber filter technologies for filtration of submicron aerosols and nanoaerosols”, published by Elsevier, 2021.   More than 26 cities in the world have high PM2.5 with over 10,000 counts/cubic centimeter. Hong Kong is no exception due to severe pollution from traffic emissions and the transport of pollutants across the border. The aerosols are dominated by submicron aerosol sizes less than one micrometer/micron and nanoaerosols of less than 100 nanometers. Novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 virus) leading to the COVID-19 pandemic that has paralyzed the entire world in magnitude far beyond anyone’s imagination is in the same size category. Unfortunately, failure to recognize one of the modes of transmission by air of the coronavirus and its variants by the health authorities, experts, and the General Public leads to widespread disease and deaths globally during the first half of 2020 and in some cases even as of today. The book provides strong definitive evidence collected worldwide on the air transmission mode of the virus from residence, hospitals to laboratories. The virus is 60-140 nanometers and when attached to a carrier, it can be easily airborne. The book also provides nanofiber technologies on how the airborne virus can be effectively filtered. The book is written in layman’s language in 14 chapters, 533 pages, covering “fundamentals, deeper understanding, technologies, and applications”, with questions and answers at the end of each chapter. It is suitable for 3rd and 4th year undergraduates, or graduate courses, with contents related to pollution control, aerosols, fluid engineering, material sciences and engineering, and health technologies. To date, it is the first and most comprehensive text on air filtration using nanofiber technologies.  Topic Coverage 4 areas are being covered in the book – Fundamentals, Deeper understanding, Technologies and Applications. Nanofiber Filter Technologies for Filtration of Submicron Aerosols and Nanoaerosols – 1st Edition ( Check the book on ELESVIER .telerik-reTable-5 { border-collapse: collapse; border: solid 0px; font-family: Tahoma; } .telerik-reTable-5 tr.telerik-reTableHeaderRow-5 { margin: 10px; padding: 10px; color: #3A4663; text-align: left; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-family: Tahoma; text-transform: capitalize; font-weight: 500; border-spacing: 10px; line-height: 11pt; vertical-align: top; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableHeaderFirstCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; color: #3a4663; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableHeaderLastCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; color: #3a4663; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableHeaderOddCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; color: #3a4663; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableHeaderEvenCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; color: #3a4663; } .telerik-reTable-5 tr.telerik-reTableOddRow-5 { color: #666666; vertical-align: top; font-size: 10pt; } .telerik-reTable-5 tr.telerik-reTableEvenRow-5 { color: #666666; vertical-align: top; font-size: 10pt; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableFirstCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableLastCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableOddCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableEvenCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; } .telerik-reTable-5 tr.telerik-reTableFooterRow-5 { color: #3a4663; font-weight: 500; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Tahoma; line-height: 11pt; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableFooterFirstCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; text-align: left; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableFooterLastCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; text-align: left; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableFooterOddCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; text-align: left; } .telerik-reTable-5 td.telerik-reTableFooterEvenCol-5 { padding: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; text-align: left; }

30 Oct, 2021

Department and Staff News


Dr An Liang secures highly competitive national funding in NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme 2021/22

The RGC has recently announced the application results for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Research Grants Council (RGC) Joint Research Scheme in 2021/22 Exercise. A total of 30 research projects out of 256 eligible applications for a total sum of HK$34.75 million in this round of exercise were granted. In this highly competitive research grant, 2 full proposals submitted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) were funded. We are particularly proud that Dr An Liang, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at PolyU, was one of the two awardees. He will receive HK$1.176 million to conduct a joint project entitled “Construction of Bismuth-based Hierarchical Nano/microstructured Electrodes and their Applications in Photoelectrochemical Cells for Solar-driven Ambient Ammonia Production” with Professor Chen Rong at Chongqing University. The NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme aims to promote collaboration between researchers/research teams in Hong Kong and the Mainland on the basis of complementing the existing strengths of both sides. The grant encourages young researchers of similar fields from Hong Kong and the Mainland to foster collaboration through the dissemination of their recent and unpublished research works. In 2020, Dr An was also awarded funding from China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund. He was one of the four young researchers at PolyU who secured this promising award. Under the National Natural Science Foundation of China, China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund has been extended to young scientists in Hong Kong and Macau for applications from eight designated universities since 2019. It aims to support young scientists (under 38 for male and under 40 for female) who have attained outstanding achievements in fundamental research to pursue innovative research in areas of their choice, fostering them to be internationally leading scholars in their respective fields. It is very encouraging to see that young scientist from the Department is acclaimed by the Nation to further develop scientific research in cutting-edge technologies.

29 Oct, 2021

Department and Staff News

Rankings 2022

ME surges in US News Best Global Universities and THE subject rankings

In the latest 2022 Best Global Universities Rankings released by US News on 26 October, PolyU jumped from 170th last year to 124th among the top institutions around the world. According to the rankings, the University is also the fourth best university in Hong Kong and 15th in Asia. We are very pleased to see that PolyU’s Mechanical Engineering subject rose by three places to 12th which was ranked number one in Hong Kong. The US News Best Global Universities Rankings is considered one of the four most prestigious rankings in the world. The universities were ranked based on 13 indicators that measured their academic research performance and their global and regional reputations. Furthermore, in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2022 by Subject published in October 2021, the Department surged from 75th last year to 51st in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. The rankings of THE are based upon five key criteria, including teaching, research, citations, industry income and international outlook. The Department will refer to the rankings and other assessments to strive for improvement and lead ME to a new horizon. Our Performance in Key Rank League Tables

26 Oct, 2021

Department and Staff News


ME Scholars ranked among the World’s Top 2% Scientists by Citation

According to a recent index compiled by Stanford University, 20 academics of PolyU’s Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) have been ranked among the world’s top 2% most-cited scientists in their main disciplines for career-long citation impact. 12 of them are current ME members. Among them, Prof. Chen Guohua has been ranked number 13 most-cited scientist in the world in his respective field. The scholars were named in the “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators” compiled by Stanford University. A research team, led by Professor John Ioannidis, created the database of more than 100,000 top scientists across the world on the basis of standardized citation indicators. They were grouped into 22 subject fields and 176 sub-fields using the indicators. The indicators included information on citations, an individual’s scientific research output, co-authorship and a composite indicator for career-long citation impact up to the end of 2020. The latest dataset is based on the 1 August 2021 snapshot from Scopus. The recognition reflects the significant influence and research excellence of the Department’s scientists, who are committed to furthering their knowledge for the benefit of the world. Congratulations to the following ME scholars who have been ranked among the top 2% of scientists in the world in their respective fields: Dr An Liang Prof. Christopher Chao Yu Hang Prof. Chen Guohua Prof. Cheng Li Prof. Cheung Chun Shun Prof. Fu Mingwang Dr Jing Xingjian Prof. Wallace Leung Woon Fong Dr Liu Yang Prof. Su Zhongqing Dr Yao Haimin Dr Zheng Guangping Prof. Ronald So Ming Cho (Emeritus Professor) Prof. Woo Chung Ho (Emeritus Professor) Prof. Alan Lau Kin Tak (former staff) Prof. Leung Chun Wah (former staff) Prof. Shi Sanqiang (former staff) Prof. Wen Chih-Yung (former staff) Prof. Zhou Limin (former staff) Prof. Zhou Yu (former staff) Data available at Elsevier Published: 20 October 2021 | Version 3 | DOI:10.17632/btchxktzyw.3  

20 Oct, 2021

Department and Staff News

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ME MPhil student received Young Researcher Award in CNERC Annual Technical Symposium 2021

Samantha LEE Hoi Yin, a MPhil student of PolyU Department of Mechanical Engineering, won the Young Researcher Award in the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (CNERC) Annual Technical Symposium 2021 held on 30 September 2021 at PolyU. Samantha presented the research on “Automatic vision-based seam detection and tracking system for robotic welding/sealing planning” at the symposium. The CNERC Annual Technical Symposium 2021 is a technical symposium organized by the CNERC aiming at promoting technological development, sharing and exhibiting the findings and accomplishments among researchers of CNERC projects. Through applied engineering research on steel construction, the CNERC aims to capitalize on huge potentials offered by construction professionals in Hong Kong to further enhance socio-economic development through technological advancement in sustainable infrastructure development. The CNERC receives strong support from the Development Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong SAR and the Construction Industry Council. Samantha is under the supervision of Dr David Navarro-Alarcon in the PolyU Department of Mechanical Engineering. She teamed up with Peng Zhou, Maggie Xu and Victor Wu conducting research in the Robotics and Machine Intelligence Laboratory. Her research interest focuses on computer vision and collaboration in multi-perceptual robots.

30 Sep, 2021

Student News


Warmest welcome to our Fresh Research Students!

In the new academic semester, we are delighted to welcome 28 newly admitted research students to the PolyU Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME). Led by the Department Head Prof. SU Zhongqing, fresh research students attended an online orientation in the morning on 27 Aug 2021. Training our students not just professionals of its field but leaders of the global mindset and forward vision has been the agenda of the department. Dr Tang Hui, Director of Research Committee (DRC) Chairman and Associate Head (Research), introduced the department’s 6 research areas – Advanced Materials and Processing, Aerospace Engineering, Clean Energy and Energy Storage, Robotics and Control, Sound and Vibration, Thermofluids and Combustion. They all focus on challenges faced by our society and globe in the decades to come. Dr David Navarro-Alarcon, Research Student Liaison Officer, is taking care of coordination among all research students in the department. Dr Ma Yuan and Dr Sun Yuxiang, Seminar Coordinators, are inviting guest speakers to broaden students’ exposure to the latest research and technologies. Students were thrilled to learn about the dynamic learning activities – ME Webinar Series, Research Sharing Talks, ME Research Presentation Competition. Finally, Ms Lily Tam, DRC Secretary and Administrative Support Group Leader, delivered a comprehensive introduction of the study programme and pattern, examination and grading, studentships and fellowships, funding and support, etc. The students’ responses were positive and enthusiastic. We can assure them they will have a supportive, knowledge-oriented, interactive approach experience in their studies. 

27 Aug, 2021

Department and Staff News

with a receiver of outstanding paper award

International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, Vibration, & Control

The International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, Vibration and Control (ICANDVC-2021) was initiated by the PolyU Department of Mechanical Engineering last year and successfully held in Zhuhai Charming Holiday Hotel during 23-25 Aug 2021.  The conference name abbreviation ICANDVC implies “I See AND We See” which is in line with its objective. Through exchange and collaboration, we advanced the interdisciplinary R&D in applied nonlinear dynamics, applied vibration analysis and design, and applied control theory and methods across the globe. This is also the very core R&D activity of the research group – Nonlinear Dynamics, Vibration and Control led by Dr Jing Xingjian. Amid the pandemic period, we however received some 200 paper submissions and over 150 registrations for the conference. Among the submissions, 88 papers were selected to publish in a Springer proceedings book “Advances in Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, Vibration and Control-2021” which was edited by Dr Jing and the other Co-chairs from Shanghai University and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. We had 10 invited sessions and 12 in-parallel sessions at the conference. There were 3 online and 3 onsite plenary speeches and 9 session keynotes covering all three main themes in nonlinear dynamics, vibration and control. Besides the on-site participants, we had more than 150 attendees from the Chinese mainland, Australia, the United Kingdom, Hongkong and other places via our synchronized online platform. As a conclusion of the conference, we had 12 best presentation paper awards based on onsite marking by Session Chairs from 12 parallel sessions, 7 best paper awards and several outstanding paper awards for recognizing the great efforts and engagements of the conference attendees.

25 Aug, 2021

Department and Staff News

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ME MPhil students win 2nd Runner-up at IET Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition 2021

A team of 2 MPhil students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) won the 2nd Runner-up (Postgraduate Section) for their outstanding performance at the Young Professionals Exhibition and Competition held on 1 Aug 2021. The team members, Daniel Kwong Tak Chun and Tommy Tsoi Man Ho, supervised by Dr Tracy Choy Yat Sze, competed with other local universities by a project “A Method for Online Auditory Assessment and Therapy on Pattern Recognition under COVID-19 Pandemic”. The project was concerned with designing a remote acoustic control method for health services through online conferencing software. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our society in various ways. Healthcare services with a face-to-face setting are urged to search for a new delivery mode in order to ensure the safety of clients and providers. When using various video conferencing software, we often encounter different sound responses and limitations. Users' computers also have various sound performances. These restrictions greatly affect the accuracy and reliability of the health assessment or therapy. In this project, a low-cost processor was used to design the platform such that service providers could remotely play the desired audio files on the client's side without suffering from the loss of sound in terms of frequency range and loudness due to the video-conferencing software. Experimental results showed that this remote control of audio playback could be realized with a low-cost processor called microcontroller unit (MCU) based on pattern recognition on client incoming audio frequency and it was able to deliver the audio files accurately in terms of frequency and amplitude. The Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition (YPEC) is an annual event organized by the Younger Members Section of the Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong (IET Hong Kong). The YPEC acts as a dynamic platform for prospective or young engineers to exhibit their engineering projects with presentations and exhibitions. The YPEC 2021 themed “Transformer” aimed for bringing in new ideas to foster the transformation into a brand-new era.

1 Aug, 2021

Student News


ME Staff Appointed New Associate Editor of Prestigious IEEE Journal

Dr Yuxiang Sun, Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been appointed as a new Associate Editor by the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). The first appointment term is three years and can be renewed on July 31, 2024. The editorial board of this journal is composed of world-renowned scholars in the robotics research community. Published by IEEE, RA-L is a leading international journal dedicated to reporting significant theoretical findings and application case studies in areas of robotics and automation. It provides a timely and concise account of innovative research ideas and application results. RA-L publishes papers on all aspects of robotics, featuring interdisciplinary research from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, control systems, artificial intelligence, computer science, and other fields. Since the establishment of this illustrious journal in 2015, RA-L has quickly secured its prestige, recognition, and reputation in the robotics community, playing an indispensable and vital role in the development and dissemination of original research work in the allied fields of robotics and automation. RA-L is also the only internationally established letter type of journal which covers the entire research field of robotics. Dr Sun has been working in the area of robotics and artificial intelligence over the years. His research group in PolyU has been dedicated to autonomous driving, which is an emerging direction that has attracted increasing attention from both academia and industry.

14 Jul, 2021

Department and Staff News

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