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Appointment of Head and Associate Heads of Department of Mechanical Engineering

Prof. SU Zhongqing assumes the position of Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering with effect from 1 July 2021. At the same time, Dr ZHANG Peng is appointed as the Associate Head overseeing teaching and learning development of the Department. Dr TANG Hui is the Associate Head in charge of all research matters and serves as Chairman of the Departmental Research Committee (DRC). Message from Head Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME), at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)! As one of the founding departments of PolyU since her establishment in the inception of 1937, ME has been substantially shaped into today’s all-round excellence in teaching, research and community service, thanks to the selfless devotion from generations of students, academics, technical and administrative staff, alumni, friends and partners. Driven by our steadfast mission to train future leaders with creativity, broad vision, global outlook, and professional ethics for industry, academia, government and communities, ME has built a solid foundation for nurturing young engineers and scholars to better the community with their knowledge, dedication and passion. In retrospect … Learn more

1 Jul, 2021

Department and Staff News


ME Student Team won Outstanding Award in ASM Technology Award 2021

The PolyU ME student team won the Outstanding Award in the ASM Technology Award 2021. The team members, KHALID Farhan, SAFIULLAH Saad Bin and TAHIR Abdullah, supervised by Dr An Liang, competed with other local universities by a project “Design and Development of an Electrochemical Flow Cell for Green Ammonia Production from Renewable Energy”. Throughout the implementation of this project, our postdoc fellow Dr Pan Zhefei gave inspiring guidance and zealous support. The project is concerned with the development of an emerging ammonia production technology – electrochemical cells, which can utilize renewable power (from solar or wind energy) to drive the conversion from nitrogen to ammonia under ambient condition, achieving energy, environmental and economic sustainability. By utilizing the flow cell design concept, the results have shown that the flow cell structure dramatically upgraded the ammonia production rate. Hence, this significant advance opens a window of opportunity for breakthroughs in the development of ammonia production technology, making the technology to be closer to reality. The ASM Technology Award is launched by ASM Pacific Technology Limited (ASMPT) in 2015 for final year students in Hong Kong. It promotes technological innovation, and honours the best and brightest students with their outstanding final year projects on technology and innovation.

30 Jun, 2021

Student News

Success in securing GRF 2021 2022

In the 2021/22 results of grants from the Research Grants Council’s General Research Fund (GRF) announced in June 2021, ME’s success rate for the GRF was 36% in 2021/22 exercise.  Eight of our GRF proposals were funded. Congratulations to the following colleagues who were successful in securing a GRF grant in this round. Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Project Title Prof. Cheng Li Prof. Dong Hao Wen (Tianjin University)Prof Wang Yue Sheng (Tianjin University) Nonlinear Guided Wave Manipulation through Topologically Customized Meta-devices for Structural Health Monitoring Applications Dr Chu Henry Kar-hang Prof. Mills James K. (University of Toronto) Design of a parallel continuum robot with vision sensors for force-related task execution Prof. Fu Mingwang Nil Size effect based deformation and fatigue behaviors and performance enhancement of the lattice structures developed by SLM Dr Jiao Zengbao Dr Zheng Guangping Atomic-scale interface structure and plastic deformation mechanisms of ultrastrong and ductile high-entropy alloys with coherent nano-lamellar structures Dr Liu Tuo Dr Zhu Jie Study on waterborne spoof surface acoustic waves Dr Navarro Alarcon David Nil Robot Thermal Servoing: Fundamental Models and Applications Dr Tang Hui Dr Ren Feng (Northwestern Polytechnical University) Active flow control through deep reinforcement learning Dr Zhang Peng Nil A Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Framework for Droplet Collision Modeling in Lagrangian-Eulerian Simulation of Sprays

30 Jun, 2021

Department and Staff News


ME PhD student wins first runner-up in Three Minute Thesis 3MT Competition

PolyU Faculty of Engineering organized the first Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) on 18 June 2021.  Seven affiliated departments nominated seventeen research students participating in it. 3MT® celebrates the exciting research conducted by research postgraduate students.  Developed by the University of Queensland, Australia, the competition cultivates students’ academic presentation and research communication skills, and supports their capacity to effectively explain their research and its significance in three minutes, in a language appropriate to non-specialist audiences.  3MT® is now a globally recognized competition that has been held in over 900 universities across more than 80 countries worldwide.  PolyU is one of the participating universities this year. The Faculty formed a panel of judges by representatives from the seven affiliated departments. The participants each delivered a high-impact brief presentation within 3-minute.  Most of them demonstrated good academic pitching skills. Congratulations to our ME student, ARIF Muhammad Irsalan, for his fabulous presentation winning the 1st runner-up in the competition. ARIF Muhammad Irsalan is currently a PhD student in ME under the supervision of Dr Randolph LEUNG.  “Study of Passive Methods for Airfoil Tonal Noise Reduction using Fluid-Structure Interactions” is his research project.

18 Jun, 2021

Student News


ME Retreat in June 2021

The staff retreat of the Department took place on 17 June 2021 at Hotel ICON. It was an unprecedented period to organize the departmental retreat.  Subject to the social distancing measures on COVID-19, the function setting was arranged in accordance with the government policy. The staff participants stayed vigilant and practiced required measures strictly. The retreat kicked off with the Head Prof. SQ Shi’s overview and the latest updates of the Department. In the morning session, the Associate Head Prof. ZQ Su led the Scheme Leader and Programme Leaders by giving a review and an evaluation of teaching and learning. Prof. TL Chan (Scheme Leader of BEng in Mechanical Engineering) updated the admission status of the undergraduate programme. Dr Randolph Leung (Programme Leader of BEng in Product Analysis and Engineering Design) shared the success of the Co-op Scheme. Dr P Zhang (Programme Leader of MSc in Mechanical Engineering) reported the revamp in the specialism of the MSc programme. Prof. Su introduced the new “2 + 2” Undergraduate Degree (Dual Award). This was the very last ME retreat led by Prof. Shi before his retirement in late 2021. Taking the opportunity, colleagues bid farewell to the Head and expressed the greatest gratitude for his dedication and contribution to the department. The Faculty Dean Prof. HC Man presented the plaque for appreciation and honorable retirement to Prof. Shi. The incoming Head Prof. ZQ Su represented all ME colleagues to give out a big thank you card, and the morning session concluded with Prof. Shi’s heartfelt valedictory speech. In the afternoon, Dr Eunice Tam (International Exchange Officer) bought up the observed problems in student exchange participation. The Associate Head Dr H Tang elaborated the 2020 Research Assessment Exercise results, summarized different new research application schemes, and explained the key performance indicators on research aspects. Prof. Shi introduced the Global STEM Professorship Scheme. Besides, the Department will be selecting outstanding ME alumni awardees and hosting the ME 85th Anniversary Alumni Homecoming Day in 2022. Colleagues were called for nomination and participation. At the end of the retreat, Prof. SQ Shi and Prof. ZQ Su led an open forum. Over 30 staff members joined the retreat and found it being insightful and constructive for the year to come. More photos on PHOTO GALLERY

17 Jun, 2021

Department and Staff News


Professor Cheng Li elected into the Canadian Academy of Engineering

Prof. Cheng Li, Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering has been inducted into the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE). The announcement was made by President Yves Beauchamp of the CAE in a virtual ceremony on June 14, 2021. Prof. Cheng is among 50 new Fellows and 2 International Fellows elected into the academy this year. Election to the Canadian Academy of Engineering is one of the highest honours in engineering. Fellows of the CAE are nominated and elected by their peers, in view of their distinguished achievements and career-long service to the engineering profession. Cheng’s CAE citation reads: “Dr Cheng Li is an internationally renowned educator, researcher and engineering practitioner in mechanical engineering. Specialized in sound and vibration, wave manipulation and structural health monitoring, he made significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in these areas. In addition to a large number of high-quality scientific contributions, his research has had a direct impact on solving engineering problems through close collaboration with the industry. Dr Cheng has a prolific record of contributions to scholarly and professional organizations. He holds key leadership positions in learned societies and serves in some top-notch scientific journals in his area of expertise.” The Canadian Academy of Engineering – Media Release: Learn more

14 Jun, 2021

Department and Staff News

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Deepest condolences to our Centenarian Alumnus Mr Cheung Tsang-wai

The Department is sadly to learn that Mr Cheung Tsang-wai (張增衛校友), the oldest alumnus of PolyU, passed away on 12 May 2021 at the age of 100.  We extend our deepest sympathy and condolences on the loss of Mr Cheung. When the University’s predecessor Government Trade School (the School) was founded in 1937, Mr Cheung was among the first cohort of students who enrolled to study mechanical engineering. Eighty years after his graduation, Mr Cheung is still very supportive of his alma mater and loves to participate in events organized by PolyU. Born in 1921, the centenarian, who graduated in December 1940 with a Diploma in Automobile Engineering, still has vivid memories of his student life. “The School was a red-brick three-storey building on Wood Road, Wanchai. Classes for mechanical engineering were held on the ground floor,” he said. Having Mr Cheung among our alumni is a blessing for the Department. He reflects the long history of ME which dates back to the Government Trade School (1937-1947) to provide technical education to youngsters, the Department has gone through different stages of transformation. May his soul rest in peace. We will always remember this wonderful man in our thoughts.  

25 May, 2021

Department and Staff News


PolyU ME Research Outputs 90% rated as World Leading & Internationally Excellent in Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020

The University Grants Committee (UGC) announced the results of Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 on 24 May 2021, which cover the research performance of 8 UGC-funded universities from 1 Oct 2013 to 30 Sept 2019. The research performance of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has been assessed using international benchmarks based on the research output (70%), impact (15%) and environment (15%). The Unit of Assessment (UoA) consisting of PolyU ME, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Institute of Textiles and Clothing has achieved overall 41% in world leading standard (4*), the 3rd among all universities in the same UoA. More specifically, the research outputs by 26 staff members in PolyU ME have been rated 43% as world leading (4*) and 47% as internationally excellent (3*) in terms of originality, significance and rigour, more than doubled in the 4*+3* rating from RAE 2014 results. We are very pleased with this year’s RAE results that PolyU ME research outputs achieved 90% in the top-notch ratings of 4* and 3*.  In particular, the sector average of the world leading standard (4*) among UoA 14 research outputs is 29% while ME achieved 43%. These results highlight the excellence and continuous improvement of our world leading research. PolyU ME will continue to conduct research that leads to original, significant and rigorous research outputs, as well as far-reaching and significant impact to the society. Details of the RAE 2020 results can be found here

24 May, 2021

Department and Staff News


ME researcher received the Acta Materialia & Scripta Materialia Outstanding Reviewer Award 2020

Dr Zengbao Jiao, Assistant Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been named a recipient of the Outstanding Reviewer Award 2020 by the journals of Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia. This award recognizes the excellence of his contributions as a reviewer for the two journals. The Acta Journals annually choose a list of reviewers who have contributed the most significant reviews. Dr Jiao was one of the three recipients in Hong Kong of the 2021 Outstanding Reviewer awards for excellence in reviewing in 2020. Acta Materialia is one of the premier journals in materials science with an impact factor of 7.656 and a ranking of 1/79 in the field “metallurgy and metallurgical engineering” in 2019 JCR Science Edition. This journal was established in 1953 as Acta Metallurgica and renamed to Acta Metallurgica et Materialia in 1990, before obtaining its current name in 1996. It provides a forum for publishing papers and overviews that advance the in-depth understanding of the relationship between the processing, the structure and the properties of inorganic materials. Scripta Materialia is a LETTERS journal of Acta Materialia, providing a forum for the rapid publication of short communications on the relationship between the structure and the properties of inorganic materials. Elsevier: Learn more Materialstoday: Learn more

15 Apr, 2021

Department and Staff News


ME researchers demonstrated non-Hermiticity induced acoustic higher-order topology in Nature Communications

Mechanical behaviors are traditionally investigated with closed Hermitian systems. However, the Non-Hermiticity, such as the energy loss or gain, is everywhere when we study an open system that has energy exchange with the environment. In acoustic systems, the loss of sound energy to other types is generally treated as write-off. But if such loss or gain components can be intentionally designed and arranged, we may be able to turn waste into treasure, and realize non-conventional sound modulation such as topological sound energy and information guiding or localization. Recently, research team led by Dr Jie ZHU, Associate Professor of the PolyU Department of Mechanical Engineering, collaborate with Dr Baile ZHANG’s team from Nanyang Technological University, to bring non-Hermiticity design together with topological insulator in acoustic system. They present the first experimental demonstration of a non-Hermitian route to higher-order topology in an acoustic crystal. Specifically, a two-dimensional acoustic coupled resonator lattice that is incorporated with deliberately introduced losses has been designed and constructed. Through direct acoustic measurements, the sound energy is highly localized in the corners and edges of the topological insulator structure at specific frequencies, which are hallmark features of the higher-order topology. This finding points to a fundamentally new direction beyond the framework of conventional topological physics and offers the possibilities for actively steerable topological wave manipulations. It may help the development of new acoustic sensor, detecting network and system. This work has been recently published in Nature Communications [“Non-Hermitian route to higher-order topology in an acoustic crystal”,]. Dr He GAO, current PolyU ME Research Associate, also a PolyU ME PhD graduate, is the first author.

25 Mar, 2021

Department and Staff News

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