ME Student Team won the Gold Award of ASM Technology Award 2019
Terrific! The PolyU ME student team won the Gold Award of ASM Technology Award 2019. The team members, CHOW Hung Ming Roy, SHIN Ji Ho and SOMESHWAR Rudra Ajay, supervised by Dr Henry Chu and Dr Curtis Ng, competed with HKU, HKUST, CUHK and City U. The PolyU ME team project “ASME Competition Robot Development & Vision Based Target Alignment” stood out from the rest, triumphed in the competition.
For the sake of promoting technological innovation in Hong Kong, ASM Technology Award proposes to be fertile soil for the growth of potential engineers. Each year, five established local institutions, including The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The City University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and The University of Hong Kong are invited to join the Competition by nominating two outstanding Final Year Projects (FYP) of their undergraduate students with engineering or related background.
This year, 10 nominated FYP teams have made their impressive and fabulous presentations in the finale on 28 June 2019. After a day-long intense competition, the PolyU ME team won the championship.
The project and presentation were judged by technical performance and project quality, creativity, quality & originality, applicability and practicability application of technology, clear communication of key areas, approaches & arguments, clarity and organization of presentation. The panel of judges consisted of senior professionals and experts from ASM, invited academic staff from universities and also industry practitioners.
We are very proud of the outstanding performance by the PolyU ME student team. The team was awarded HK$50,000 as scholarship. And the PolyU Faculty of Engineering, as the institution of the Champion, received a donation of HKD100,000 as an encouragement to the outstanding students of the Faculty.