Prof. MA Yuan 馬源
Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Haptics, human-machine mechanical interface, sensors and actuators for wearable electronics, tribology, cross-scale and multi-physics modeling, application of artificial intelligence
- FG604
- 2766-7823
- y.ma@polyu.edu.hk
BEng & MEng (Tsinghua); PhD (UC Berkeley)
Short Description
Prof. Ma’s research interest includes micro/nano scale mechanical and tribological behavior of human-machine interfaces, haptics metamaterials development, wearable devices with piezoelectret materials, and application of artificial intelligence in human-machine interactions. He is specifically interested in developing advanced human-machine mechanical interfaces that enable high-efficiency, broadband, and reliable human-machine communications, with emphasis on studying the multi-physics interactions in touch interface, modeling non-linearity and tribology of skin, developing next-generation tactile surface and haptic actuator, and application of artificial intelligence (AI).
Selected Publications
- Li, X.†, Ma, Y.† ✉︎, Choi, C., Ma, X., Chartterjee, S., Hipwell, M.✉︎, “Nanotexture Shape and Surface Energy Impact on Electroadhesive Human-Machine Interface Performance”. Advanced materials 2021,33(31). DOI: doi.org/10.1002/adma.202008337, cover: https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202170240
- Ma,X. † , Ma, Y. †, Cunha, P., Liu, Q., Kudtarkar, K., Xu, D., Wang, J. Liu, M., Hipwell M.C., Lan, S✉︎. “A universal deep learning strategy for designing high-quality-factor photonic resonances”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.03001. arxiv.org/abs/2105.03001
- Boonpuek, P.†, Ma, Y.†, Li, X., Choi, C., Hipwell, M., Felts, J. ✉︎, “Evaluation of the Electrowetting Effect on the Interfacial Mechanics Between Human Corneocytes and Nano-Asperities”. Langmiur 2021, 37 (14). DOI: doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c03170
- Choi, C.†, Ma, Y.† ✉︎, Li, X.†, Hipwell, M.✉︎, “Fingerpad topography beyond fingerprints: Understanding the Heterogeneity Effect of Finger Topography for Human-Machine Interface Modeling”. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c15827
- Ma, Y. † ✉︎, Ghafari, A. †, Wu, Y., Bogy, D. ✉︎, “A Study of the Nanoscale Heat Transfer in the HDD Head–Disk Interface Based on a Static Touchdown Experiment”. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2020, 56 (3), 1-7. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2019.2960262
- Li, X.†, Choi, C.†, Ma, Y.† ✉︎, Boonpuek, P., Felts, J., Mullenbach, J., Shultz, C., Colgate, J., Hipwell, M. ✉︎, “Electrowetting: a consideration in electroadhesion”. IEEE transactions on haptics 2020, 13 (3). DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2020.2979439
- Cheng, Q., Sakhalkar, S., Ghafari, A., Ma, Y., Bogy, D.✉︎, “Dependence of nanoscale heat transfer across a closing gap on the substrate material and ambient humidity”. Applied Physics Letters 2020, 116 (21), 213102. DOI: 10.1063/5.0010286
- Zhong, J. † ✉︎, Ma, Y.†, Song, Y., Zhong, Q., Chu, Y., Karakurt, I., Bogy, D. B., Lin, L.✉︎, “A Flexible Piezoelectret Actuator/Sensor Patch for Mechanical Human–Machine Interfaces”. ACS nano 2019, 13 (6), 7107-7116. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b02437 Media Coverage by EENews, Sohu, Electronic Products and UCB College of Engineering News
- Sakhalkar, S., Cheng, Q., Ghafari, A., Ma, Y., Bogy, D.✉︎, “Numerical and experimental investigation of heat transfer across a nanoscale gap between a magnetic recording head and various media”. Applied Physics Letters 2019, 115 (22), 223102. DOI: 10.1063/1.5119721
- Chu, Y., Zhong, J.✉︎, Liu, H., Ma, Y., Liu, N., Song, Y., Liang, J., Shao, Z., Sun, Y., Dong, Y., “Human pulse diagnosis for medical assessments using a wearable piezoelectret sensing system”. Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28 (40), 1803413. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201803413
- Ma, Y., Ghafari, A., Budaev, B. V., Bogy, D. ✉︎, “Measurement and simulation of nanoscale gap heat transfer using a read/write head with a contact sensor”. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2016, 53 (2), 1-5. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2016.2604209
- Ma, Y., Ghafari, A., Budaev, B., Bogy, D. ✉︎, “Controlled heat flux measurement across a closing nanoscale gap and its comparison to theory”. Applied Physics Letters 2016, 108 (21), 213105. DOI: 10.1063/1.4952449
- Ma, Y. ✉︎, Xue, S., Peng, J.-P., Bogy, D., “Study of Head-Disk Interface Characterization Using Touchdown Sensor and Electromagnetic Signal in Hard Disk Drives”. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2015, 51 (11), 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2015.2434371
- Zhao, J., Zeng, P. ✉︎, Lei, L., Ma, Y., “Initial guess by improved population-based intelligent algorithms for large inter-frame deformation measurement using digital image correlation”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2012, 50 (3), 473-490. DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2011.10.005
- Ma, Y., Deng, D., Li, G., Li, Z., Shi, J., and Suo. S., “A kind of tunnel-dilatation rescue machine”: No.201110031767 (Chinese Patent of Invention: Authorized)