Prof. TANG Hui 唐輝
Associate Head (Research) and Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Aerodynamics; Hydrodynamics; Active flow control; Fluid-structure Interaction; Multiphase flow
- FG605
- 2766-7815
- h.tang@polyu.edu.hk
BEng & MEng (Tsinghua); PhD (Manchester)
Short Description
Various PhD/RA openings are available. If interested, please contact Prof. Tang for more information.
Selected Publications
- Ren F, Wang C, Song J, Tang H, 2024, Deep reinforcement learning finds a new strategy for vortex-induced vibration control, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in press
- Zhang B, Guo F, To S, Tang H, 2024, Scaling of drag reduction and logarithmic profile in the turbulent boundary layer over micro-grated superhydrophobic surfaces, Physics of Fluids, 36: 035110
- Wang Z, Wang C, Zhao F, Ren F, Luo X, Tang H, 2024, Fluid-structure interaction in phaco-emulsification based cataract surgery, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 267: 109022
- Bi X, Wang C, Zhu Q, Tang H, 2023, Energy harvesting using an inverted piezohydroelastic flag with resistor-inductor-capacitor circuit, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 975: A49
- Zhao, F., Wang, Z., Bai, H., and Tang, H., 2023, Energy harvesting based on vortex-induced vibration of a wavy cylinder coupled with tuned mass damper, Energy, 282: 128584
- Zeng, L., Zhao, F., Wang, H., Liu, Y., and Tang, H., 2023, Control of flow-induced vibration of a circular cylinder using a splitter plate, Physics of Fluids, 35: 087104
- Zeng, L., Zhao, F., Wang, H., Wang, Z., Yeung, W.K., Liu, Y., and Tang, H., 2023, A bi-directional flow energy harvester, Applied Physics Letters, 122: 153901
- Zhao, F., Jiang, Q., Wang, Z., Mumtaz Qadri, M.N., Li, L., and Tang, H., 2023, Interaction of two fully passive flapping foils arranged in tandem and its influence on flow energy harvesting, Energy, 268: 126714
- Jiang Q, Ren F, Wang C, Wang Z, Kefayati GHR, Kenjeres S, Vafai K, Liu Y, Tang H, 2022, On the magnetic nanoparticle injection strategy for hyperthermia treatment, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 235: 107707
- Gao L, Liu Y, Tang H, Deng W, 2022, Response of ~100 micron water jets to intense nanosecond laser blasts, Physical Review Fluids, 7: 034001
- Wang Z, Wang C, Zhao F, Qi N, Lockington D, Ramaesh K, Stewart PS, Luo X, Tang H, 2022, Simulation of fluid-structure interaction during the phaco-emulsification stage of cataract surgery, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 214: 106931
- Ren F, Wang C, Tang H, 2021, Bluff body uses deep-reinforcement-learning trained active flow control to achieve hydrodynamic stealth, Physics of Fluids, 33: 093602
- Ren F, Rabault J, Tang H, 2021, Applying deep reinforcement learning to active flow control in weakly turbulent conditions, Physics of Fluids, 33: 037121 (ESI highly cited)
- Zhao F, Mumtaz Qadri MN, Wang Z, Tang H, 2021, Flow-energy harvesting using a fully passive flapping foil: A guideline on design and operation, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 197: 106323
- Mumtaz Qadri MN, Zhao F, Tang H, 2020, Fluid-structure interaction of a fully passive flapping foil for flow energy extraction, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 177: 105587
- Ren F, Wang C, Tang H, 2019, Active control of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder using machine learning, Physics of Fluids, 31: 093601
- Ahmad S, Tang H, Yao HM, 2019, Shedding of a condensing droplet from beetle-inspired bumps, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 141: 1087-1096
- Kefayati GHR, Tang H, Chan A, 2018, Immersed boundary-finite difference lattice Boltzmann model through fluid-structure interaction for viscoplastic fluids, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 83: 238-258
- Wang L, Tang H, Wu Y, 2018, On a submerged wave energy converter with snap-through power take-off, Applied Ocean Research, 80: 24-36
- Wang C, Tang H, Yu SCM, Duan F, 2017, Lock-on of vortex shedding to a pair of synthetic jets with phase difference, Physical Review Fluids, 2: 104701
For the full list of publications, please check Prof. Tang’s Google Scholar page