Prof. YU Xiang 余翔
Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Vibro-acoustic modelling; Acoustic metamaterial; Noise and vibration control; Advanced functional material; Lattice structure and porous material; Hearing and auditory perception; Active noise cancellation; Smart actuator; Acoustic black hole
- FG642
- 3400-2557
- lucien.yu@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Short Description
Selected Publications
- Y. Z. Mi, L. Cheng, W. Zhai, X. Yu*, “Broadband low-frequency sound attenuation in duct with embedded periodic sonic black holes”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 117138 (2022)
- Z. D Li, W. Zhai, X. W. Li, X. Yu, Z. Guo, Z. G. Wang*, “Additively manufactured dual-functional metamaterials with customizable mechanical and sound-absorbing properties”, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 864-880 (2022)
- J. W. Chua, X. W. Li, T. Li, B. W. Chua, X. Yu*, W. Zhai*, “Customisable sound absorption properties of functionally graded metallic foams”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 108, 196-207 (2022)
- X. W. Li, X. Yu, W. Zhai*, “Additively manufactured deformation‐recoverable and broadband sound‐absorbing microlattice inspired by the concept of traditional perforated panels”, Advanced Materials 2104552 (2021)
- Y. Z. Mi, X. Yu*, “Isogeometric locally-conformal perfectly matched layer for time-harmonic acoustics”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 377 113693 (2021)
- X. W. Li, X. Yu, J. W. Chua, H. P. Lee, J. Ding, W. Zhai*, “Microlattice metamaterials with simultaneous superior acoustic and mechanical energy absorption”, Small 2100336 (2021)
- Y. Z. Mi, W. Zhai, L. Cheng, C. Y. Xi, X. Yu*, “Wave trapping by acoustic black hole: Simultaneous reduction of sound reflection and transmission”, Applied Physics Letters, 118, 114101 (2021)
- Y. Z. Mi, X. Yu*, “Sound transmission of acoustic metamaterial beams with periodic inertial amplification mechanisms”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 499, 116009 (2021)
- X. Yu, Z. Lu, W. Zhai, “Enhancing the flow resistance and sound absorption of open-cell metallic foams by creating partially-open windows”, Acta Materialia, 206 116666 (2021)
- Y. Z. Mi, X. Yu*, “Isogeometric MITC shell”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 377 113693 (2021)
- G. Fusaro, X. Yu, Z. B. Lu, J. Kang, F. S. Cui, “A Metawindow with optimised acoustic and ventilation performance”, Applied Siences (2021)
- Y. Z. Mi, X. Yu*, “Attenuation of low-frequency sound in U-shaped duct with membrane coupled acoustic resonator: modeling and analysis”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 489, 115679 (2020)
- Y. Z. Mi, Z. B. Lu, X. Yu*, “Acoustic inerter: Ultra-low frequency sound attenuation in a duct”, Journal of Acoustical Society of America-Express Letter, 148, EL27-EL32 (2020)
- G. Fusaro, X. Yu, J. Kang, F. S. Cui, “Development of metacage for noise control and natural ventilation in a window system”, Applied Acoustics, 170, 107510 (2020)
- Z. Lu, X. Yu, S. K. Lau, B. C. Khoo, F. S. Cui, “Membrane-type acoustic metamaterial with eccentric masses for broadband sound isolation”, Applied Acoustics, 157, 107003 (2020)
- X. Yu, “Design and in-situ measurement of the acoustic performance of a metasurface ventilation window”, Applied Acoustics, 152 127-132 (2019)
- X. Yu, Z. Lu, T. Liu, L. Cheng, J. Zhu, F. S. Cui, “Sound transmission through a periodic acoustic metamaterial grating”, Journal of sound and Vibration, 449, 140-156 (2019)
- X. Yu, H. B. Fang, F. S. Cui, L. Cheng, Z. B. Lu, “Origami-inspired foldable sound barrier designs”, Journal of sound and Vibration, 442, 514-526 (2019)
- H. B. Fang, X. Yu, L. Cheng, “Reconfigurable origami silencers for tunable and programmable sound attenuation”, Smart Materials and Structures, 27, 095007, (2018)
- M. Mirshekarloo, C. Y. Tan, X. Yu, L. Zhang, S. T. Chen, K. Yao, F. S. Cui, S. M. Pandit, S. H. Chong, S. T. Tan, “Transparent piezoelectric film speakers for windows with active noise mitigation function”, Applied acoustics, 137 90-97 (2018)
- X. Yu, Q. D. Zhang, J. Kang, F. S. Cui, “Predicting integrated thermal and acoustic performance in naturally ventilated high-rise buildings using CFD and FEM simulation”, Building Simulation: an International Journal, 11 507-518 (2018)
- W. Zhai, X. Yu, X. Song, Y. L. Ang, F. S. Cui, H. P. Lee, T. Li, “Microstructure-based experimental and numerical investigations on the sound absorption property of open-cell metallic foams processed by a controllable template replication technique”, Materials and Design, 137 108-116 (2017)
- X. Yu, Z. B. Lu, L. Cheng, F. S. Cui, “On the sound insulation of acoustic metasurface using a sub-structuring approach”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 401 190-203 (2017)
- X. Yu, S. K. Lau, L. Cheng, F. S. Cui, “A numerical investigation on the sound insulation of ventilation windows”, Applied acoustics, 117 113-121 (2017)
- X. Yu, Z. B. Lu, L. Cheng, F. S. Cui, “Tunable acoustic metamaterial with an array of resonators actuated by dielectric elastomer”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 12 37-40, (2017)
- X. Yu, Z. B. Lu, L. Cheng, F. S. Cui, “Vibroacoustic modeling of an acoustic resonator tuned by dielectric elastomer membrane with voltage control”, Journal of Sound and Vibration 387 114-126 (2017)
- X. Yu, Y. H. Tong, J. Pan, H. M. Sun, Li Cheng, “On the retrofitted design of a truck muffler with cascaded sub-chambers”, Noise Control Engineering Journal. 64, 602-607 (2016)
- X. Yu, F. S. Cui, L. Cheng, “On the acoustic analysis and optimization of ducted ventilation systems using a sub-structuring approach”, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 139, 279-289 (2016)
- X. Yu, Y. H. Tong, J. Pan, Li Cheng, “Sub-chamber optimization for silencer design”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 351 57-67 (2015)
- X. Yu, L. Cheng, X. Y. You, “Hybrid silencers with micro-perforated panels and internal partitions”, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 137 951-962 (2015)
- X. Yu, L. Cheng, “Duct noise attenuation using reactive silencer with various internal configurations”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 335, 229-244 (2015)
- X. Yu, L. Cheng, J. L. Guyader, “Modeling vibroacoustic systems involving cascade open cavities and micro-perforated panels”, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 136, 659-670 (2014)
- X. Yu, L. Cheng, J. L. Guyader, “On the modeling of sound transmission through a mixed separation of flexible structure with an aperture”, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 135, 2785-2796 (2014)
Selected Research and Industry Projects
- PI, “Fast simulation of HRTF with anthropometric variations”
- PI, “Origami-inspired acoustic device design and characterization”
- PI, “Design of lightweight acoustic absorption panels based on aluminum micro-perforated materials”
- PI, “Acoustic modelling and design of lightweight honeycomb wall panel systems”
- PI, “Sound channel optimization modeling for hearing aids”
- Co-PI, “Sonic black holes in a perforated boundary-modulated retarding structure”
- Co-PI, “Machine learning based ear picture analysis and HRTF prediction”
- Co-PI, “Active and passive noise control in a business class cabin”
- Co-PI, “Novel sound-absorbing metallic foams with heterogeneous structure via template replication processing”