Computational Aeroacoustics and Flow Physics Laboratory
The Computational Aeroacoustics and Flow Physics (CAFP) Laboratory is a research group under the Consortium for Sound and Vibration Research with a mission to carry out high-quality research and development to meet the industrial, commercial and community needs of Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta. The goal of CAFP Laboratory is to advance the state of the art in high performance simulation of aeroacoustics and flow physics for exploring various phenomena occurring in technology and nature, with a particular emphasis on problems of practical interest to mechanical and aeronautical engineers. Current research focuses include: development of high-resolution numerical scheme for conservation laws, development of numerical scheme based on modeled Boltzmann equations, simulations of compressible flows, simulations of aircraft and high-speed train aeroacoustics, simulations of aeroacoustic-structure interactions, fan noise, and numerical methods.

High-performance computing cluster