James Hsioung Lee Product Testing and Analysis Centre
This Centre aims at providing a universal platform to underpin University’s teaching and industrial-based activities that are used to promote product testing and analysis (PTA) technology for product and engineering design and development. In this Centre, it equips many up-to-date product testing facilities (destructive and non-destructive) such as MTS tensile, compressive and torsion testing machines, for both static and dynamic strength measurements, infrared camera and ultrasound detectors. A temperature controlled chamber is also installed in one of these machines to provide a complete mechanical property measurement of structural materials at different temperature ranges. A free fall (drop test) machine is also placed inside the Centre for investigating impact properties of products. A new product analysis room is also built to conduct virtual testings of products in the upstream product design process. Unlike other laboratories and centres in the University, this Centre will be run proactively, in which it would participate in local and international events by providing technical and knowledge supports. Moreover, the Centre has also organized training courses in PTA to the students and industrialists annually.