Micro- and Nano-mechanics Laboratory
- Hysitron low-load nanoindentation system (load resolution ~ 1 micro Newton, displacement resolution ~ 1 nm and data acquisition system ~ 10,000 data points per second, and the maximum load applied ~ 7 mN). The low-load nanoindentation system enables mechanical characterization of thin films, biological materials and nanomaterials in a quasi-static and dynamic mode with a temperature control (-50 deg C to + 500 deg C).
- Hysitron high-load nanoindentation system (load resolution ~ 100 micro Newton, displacement resolution ~ 1 nm and data acquisition system ~ 100 data points per second, and the maximum load applied ~ 7 N). The high-load nanoindentation systems enables mechanical characterization of soft and hard materials in a quasi-static mode.
- Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment (SMAT) system with shots activated in the ultrasonic frequency range. The SMAT system enables surface treatment of bulk metallic samples from the generation of residual stress towards surface nanocrystallization.
- Micro-hardness tester by Future-Tech.
- X-Ray Diffractometer equipped with area detector by Bruker for phase identification, residual stress measurement and texture analysis.