General University Requirements (GUR) Subjects
Engineering and Environmental Management
Subject Code: ME1D01
This subject aims to provide:
- An understanding of the global environmental problems caused by human activities
- Fundamental concepts of air, noise, water, solid waste and nuclear pollution: their nature, generation and impact on the environment
- Current engineering technologies applied to tackle these environmental problems
- Fundamental concept of environmental management
This subject also provides an opportunity to fulfill English Reading and English Writing requirements.
Products and Materials in Modern Society
Subject Code: ME1D02
This subject aims to provide an introduction to materials’ needs in modern society, covering aspects of:
- History of materials application
- Fundamental theory and concepts
- Classifications and properties
- Sustainability in materials technology and green product development
- Integration of advanced materials in modern society
- Future trends in materials technology
This subject also provides an opportunity to fulfill English Reading and English Writing requirements.