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邱教授於2005年取得香港科技大學生物化學系的學士學位,其後於2009年在香港大學解剖學系取得神經科學博士學位。在加入香港理工大學之前,她在2009年至2012年間獲得香港大學博士後研究基金, 及在2012年至2015年獲得加拿大維多利亞大學(不列顛哥倫比亞省)的博士後研究基金。她對使用不同的疾病動物模型去探討如何促進大腦可塑性的非藥物和藥物治療特別感興趣。她目前的研究領域集中在對學習和記憶非常重要的大腦區域:海馬體。她主力使用疾病動物模, 例如抑鬱症和精神發育遲滯,去研究體育鍛煉引起的海馬體可塑性的基本機制, 並確定其相關的生物標誌物, 從而研究體育鍛煉對人類大腦健康狀況的影響。此外, 她還研究海馬可塑性潛在的認知功能障礙和低智力的治療護理。她的研究工作使用大量的科研技術來評估海馬的結構和功能,例如動物行為分析,電生理,免疫組織染色法和蛋白質印迹法等。


  • Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong


  • 大腦認知功能障礙的非藥物和藥物治療
  • 體育鍛煉引起的大腦可塑性的機制及其生物標誌物

  • Formolo AD, THY Lee, Yau SY. (2019). Increasing adiponergic system activity as a potential treatment for depressive disorder. Molecular Neurobiology
  • Yau SY, Lee THY, Lee WL, Li LCK, Siu PM, Chan CCH. (2019) Effects of maternal exercise on adult hippocampal neurogenesis, temporal order memory and depression-like behaviour in adult female and male offspring. Front. Neurosci.
  • Yau SY, Bettio L, Vetrici M, Truesdell A, Chiu C, Chiu J, Truesdell E, Christie BR. (2018) Chronic minocycline treatment improves hippocampal neuronal structure, NMDA receptor function, and memory processing in Fmr1 knockout mice. Neurobiology of Disease. 2018 Jan 29;113:11-22
  • Wang BL , Li A, Li XM, Ho WLP , Wu DH, Wang XQ, Liu ZH, Wu KKL, Yau SY, Xu AM, Cheng KK. (2018) Activation of hypothalamic RIP-Cre neurons promotes beiging of WAT via sympathetic nervous system. EMBO Report. 2018 Feb 21. pii: e44977
  • Supriya R, Yu AP, Lee PH, Lai CW, Cheng KK, Yau SY, Chan LW, Yung BY, Siu PM. (2018) Yoga training modulates adipokines in adults with high-normal blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Scand J Med Sci Sports. Mar;28(3):1130-1138
  • Yau SY, Bostrom C, Chiu J, Ghilan M, Chiu CY, Hryciw BN, Eadie BD, Christie BR. (2016) Impaired bidirectional NMDA receptor dependent synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus of adult female Fmr1 heterozygous knockout mice. Neurobiology of Disease 19 (96):261-270
  • Bostrom C, Yau SY, Majaess N, Vetrici M, Gil-Mohapel J, Christie BR. (2016) Hippocampal deficits are associated with learning and memory impairment in Fragile X Syndrome. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 68:563-574
  • Yau SY, Li A, Loo R, Ching YP, Christie BR, Lee TMC, Xu AM, So KF. (2014) Physical exercise-induced hippocampal neurogenesis and antidepressant effects are mediated by the adipocyte hormone adiponectin. PNAS. 111 (44): 15810-15815
  • Lee TMC, Wong ML, Lau BMW, Lee JCD, Yau SY, So KF. (2014) Aerobic exercise interacts with neurotrophic factors to predict cognitive functioning in adolescents. Psychoneuroendocrinology 39: 214—224
  • Yau SY, Lau BWM, Tong JB, Wong R, Ching YP, Qiu G, Tang SW, Lee TMC, So KF. (2011) Hippocampal neurogenesis and dendritic plasticity support running-enhanced memory and depression-like behavior in stressed rats. PLosOne 6(9):e24263.

