We are living in a world of rapid changes. Globalization, economic re-structuring and the rapid development of mainland China have constantly transformed the economic and societal contours of Hong Kong. Obviously, besides academic knowledge, cultivation of 21st century skills such as communication and leadership skills as well as development of personal and social responsibility are of paramount importance to contemporary university students in Hong Kong. To develop students’ academic, personal and interpersonal skills by enhancing their learning experience via a refined curriculum, the four-year undergraduate curriculum was implemented in 2012/13 academic year. It employs an effective integration of face-to-face and online modes, develops interactive pedagogies, adopts appropriate education technologies, makes the best use of contact hours, promotes independent and collaborative learning, fosters students’ confidence, improves their communication skills, and allows space for the acquisition of generic skills and adaptability for the future.
Under the four-year undergraduate curriculum, the General University Requirements (GUR) occupies one-fourth of the credits (30 credits) to be taken by PolyU students. The Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUS) was established to oversee the planning, implementation and evaluation of GUR, through two sub-offices: Office of General University Requirements (OGUR) and Service-Learning and Leadership Office (SLLO). After years of development, OUS plays an active role in planning and administering the GUR, providing undergraduate studies support to staff and students in the area of GUR, monitoring and coordinating the academic advising activities at PolyU, and enhancing students’ understanding on the Nation and Hong Kong. Although GUR is a requirement, it is our sincere wish that students will see GUR as a challenge and an opportunity for growth. We strongly encourage students to develop their interests through GUR, enjoy the learning experience and reflect about the meaning of university education and the public expectation that university students are “intellectuals”.
To strengthen internationalization and engaging the Nation across our undergraduate education, PolyU strives to provide every undergraduate student with an opportunity to take a student mobility programme outside Hong Kong and promotes the non-local learning opportunities of our students. In order to contribute to this strategic initiative, OUS leverages PolyU’s strong presence in mainland China and Taiwan to promote and support Cluster Area Requirement (CAR) subjects.
Through these initiatives, our goal is to nurture PolyU students to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, innovative problem solvers, and socially responsible global citizens.
Prof. Daniel T.L. Shek
Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme)
Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Chair Professor of Applied Social Sciences, APSS
Li and Fung Endowed Professor in Service Leadership Education