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Double-fulfilment of DSR and CAR subjects (Admitted in 2021/22 or before)

The following are the list of double-fulfilment subjects of DSR and CAR.  This means completing a DSR subject (except remedial subjects) with double-fulfilment meets the Cluster-Area Requirements, thus, you do not have to take a CAR subject which the DSR has already been fulfilled. However, you must take (an) extra subject(s) to make up the credit requirements.  Please refer to your Programme Requirement Document for details as individual programmes may have specific requirement(s) on the extra subject(s) to make up the credit requirements.


List of double-fulfilment of DSR and CAR subjects:

DSR Subject

CAR Equivalent Subject

Cluster Area Subject Title
Subject code on or before 2021/22

Subject code w.e.f. 2022/23

APSS111 APSS1A07 APSS1A07 A Introduction to Psychology
APSS112 APSS1A08 APSS1A08 A Introduction to Sociology
APSS114 * APSS1A09 APSS1A09 A Introduction to Anthropology
ITC1001D ITC1A01 ITC1A01 A Introduction to Thinking Styles
AF1605 AF1B02 AF1BN02 B/N Introduction to Economics
APSS1130 APSS1B31 APSS1BN31 B/N Introduction to Politics
LGT2106 LGT2B02 LGT2BN02 B/N Principles of Operations Management
MM2711 MM2B05 MM2BN05 B/N Introduction to Marketing
ABCT1101 ABCT1D04 ABCT1D04 D Introductory Life Science
ABCT1301 ABCT1D01 ABCT1D01 D Chemistry and Modern Living
ABCT1302 * ABCT1D02 * ABCT1D02 * D Chemistry and Sustainable Development
ABCT1314 # ABCT1D14 # ABCT1D14 # D Chemistry and Sustainable Development
ABCT1303 ABCT1D03 ABCT1D03 D Biotechnology and Human Health
AP10001 AP1D05 AP1D05 D Introduction to Physics
BME11101 BME1D01 BME1D01 D Bionic Human and the Future of Being Human
CHC134 N/A CHC1M39 M Science and Civilisation in Pre-modern China
CHC134P N/A CHC1M39P M Science and Civilisation in Pre-modern China

* Ceased to be offered

# Revised subject with no English Reading/ Writing element

In case of any discrepancies between the GUR Subjects Database and the eStudent, those in the eStudent shall prevail.