“INSPIRE” Annual Gathering connects mentors and students
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The university-wide “INSPIRE” Mentorship Programme, launched in 2020, aims to enrich students’ experience and enhance their personal, academic, and professional development through providing an extensive network of role models and prominent leaders from the PolyU community.
To express its gratitude to the mentors of the Programme, the University held the Annual Gathering in January 2023, bringing together more than 250 mentors and mentees to celebrate their mentoring journeys.
The theme of this year’s gathering was ‘Celebration for Futurists’. Mr Vincent Tam, Head of Talent Management at the Hong Kong Productivity Council, and Mr Vincent Wu, People Partner – Hong Kong, Macau and Indonesia at Marsh, shared their insights on future talent trends, and advised students on how to equip themselves to enter the workforce.
“INSPIRE” promotes the holistic development of students

Since its launch in 2020, the “INSPIRE” Mentorship Programme has gained huge support from over 270 local and international leaders and role models, including PolyU Council and Court members, University Fellows, outstanding alumni and Polypreneurs, who have served as mentors to offer insightful guidance to more than 1,140 student mentees with diverse cultural backgrounds and from all faculties and schools. An array of mentoring events are held through the programme, including face-to-face and online meetings, company visits, workshops, themed talks, and sharing sessions.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students of any discipline are eligible to become “INSPIRE” mentees. Through the Programme, they are able to:
explore personal, academic, and professional development areas, as well as untapped potential
make valuable contacts and expand their personal network
keep abreast of changing business and operational practices and workplace culture
seek constructive feedback for self-improvement.