Prof. To Chi-ho, Head of the School of Optometry, and Mr Ling Kar-kan, Director of the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, PolyU, were presented an InnoStars Award at a ceremony held on 29 July 2022 and organised by Our Hong Kong Foundation. 
After 20 years of researching into short-sightedness and overcoming countless difficulties, Prof. To had invented two spectacle lens which earned him international awards for effectively slowing down the progression rate of myopia among school children by 60%. Prof. To firmly believes that, as long as his research produces new knowledge that improves the well-being of humankind, he will carry on regardless of others’ scepticism.
Mr Ling, who has devoted himself to social innovation, believes that the most important element for social innovation is empathy - to profoundly understand the pain and needs of those you serve. Mr Ling has led his team to launch the PolyU Jockey Club “Operation SoInno” that has developed ingenious solutions to address different social issues such as transitional housing and ageing trends in both Hong Kong’s population and buildings.  


Launched in 2018, the InnoStars Award aims to recognise Hong Kong leaders who innovate their way to excellence in science and technology, business models, social innovation, or culture and creativity by pushing beyond traditional boundaries and bringing innovative products and services to the Mainland and overseas. The Award serves to inspire creativity and innovation, promote entrepreneurship, foster economic diversification and showcase Hong Kong people’s innovative talent.