More than 60 students and faculty members from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and the Department of Computing spent two weeks in Rwanda this summer, installing about 400 solar power systems for seven rural villages as part of PolyU’s Service-Learning programme - “Habitat Green in East Africa” - which is organised by the University’s Service-Learning and Leadership Office.


Through collaboration between students and local residents, they successfully designed and developed green energy solutions for about 400 families in seven remote villages.


Combining community service with academic study and reflection, service-learning has been a signature component of PolyU's undergraduate curriculum since 2012. Through the programme, PolyU creates positive societal impact on the lives of the may beneficiaries through translational research, and nurtures socially responsible students who live out the PolyU motto: "To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind".


Mr Wang Xuekun, the Ambassador-designate of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Rwanda, said that, in building bonds between peoples, the Service-Learning programme demonstrated the spirit of Belt and Road.


To learn more about their stories, please read the following media reports:

Ta Kung Pao:;
Wen Wei Po:
Dot Dot News:;