PolyU aspires to be an innovative world-class university with a strong sense of social responsibility. To meet the rising demand for innovative talents in emerging technologies, the University has launched various initiatives to drive teaching innovation and has continuously enhanced its programmes to strengthen the local talent pool in multiple areas.


To promote immersive learning experiences, the University has set up the Hybrid Immersive Virtual Environment (HiVE), the first large-scale X-Reality hybrid classroom in Hong Kong, in which the six-sided Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) provides a virtual training environment for students to practise critical hands-on skills in realistic scenarios. Additionally, earlier this year, the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab was launched to provide educators, students and researchers a platform to explore various aspects of collaborative robotics.


Other featured teaching innovation projects include the “Learning Analytics Platform” developed by the Educational Development Centre, as well as the VR learning system “Virtual Hospital” and the “Internationalisation at Home” teaching model pioneered by the School of Nursing. These projects, along with HiVE, have been honoured with widely recognised awards.


In the 2024/25 academic year, PolyU will introduce a new BSc (Hons) Scheme in Food Safety and Technology and a new BSc (Hons) in Urban Informatics and Smart Cities under the BSc (Hons) Scheme in Spatial Data Science and Smart Cities (Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics / Urban Informatics and Smart Cities). Thirteen new taught postgraduate programmes spanning financial technology, medical science and fashion will also be introduced.


On 21 October, PolyU held its Information Day (Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes) on campus, attracting over 30,000 visitors seeking the most up-to-date information about the University’s full-time undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes.


This year, six thematic talks hosted by virtual artificial intelligence staff introducing the multiple admission schemes and taught postgraduate programmes were made available on the Information Day website. On event day, over 200 diverse activities were offered, including thematic talks and programme information seminars, guided tours to laboratories and other facilities, alumni and student sharing and consultation sessions, exhibitions and workshops. These enabled participants to experience the interactive learning environment at PolyU and gain insights to help them in planning their study pathways.